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Messages - rvxtm

Technology / Re: Firefub Development Thread
April 22, 2018, 11:59:30 PM
I still think the current version of Firefub is far more powerful than facebook.
Any plans to develop a new OS around it ?
Hey guys and girls, is there a way to get notifications when the show is live?
Hehe, nice podcast to listen while going asleep, makes you dream funky stuff
Radio and Podcasts / Re: The Spec Sheet
July 21, 2015, 01:52:21 PM
Quote from: wr250 on July 21, 2015, 06:44:48 AM
windows 10 users will be forced to accept updates from microsoft.

i think this is mainly a attempt to curb piracy. the microsoft "am i genuine?" check will always be labeled a "high priority security update" even though it does nothing to enhance the security of the end user.
while mostly i am ok with updating windows with the latest security fixes, we should not be forced to do so.
i suppose microsoft has adopted the "people volunteer better if forced to" approach.

I think this will be only for the non - pro versions of windows from my understanding, but still, the damn thing is free....they are saying it's only free if you have a 7/8 license, but i bet there will be ways to tinker around with that and still get w10 free.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 21, 2015, 01:41:26 PM
Glad to have Art back in business again, even if the show is at an "ungodly hour" in my region..as Art said it, there is always the subscription backlogs.
Also best wishes for the bellgab team, amazing what this forum tuned up to be in a few years :D
On the OS topic, my major cry with win10 is the crappy way MS feeds me bloatware without my approval.
Basically i need to remove the Ethernet plug or skip the connect to WiFi if i want to have my install clean.
With win10, you do not have the option to disable the "auto install devices and updates" in the first stat OOBE, this leads my computer to auto download all the 3d vision crap from nvidia package (months old version that is), some funky razer mouse drivers that i do not need, also on my laptop it starts grabbing old graphics drivers for the intel igpu.
On windows 8 you had the option do un-tick the box in the start wizard and that would let you manually install latest versions of drivers with features you actually need.

Oh well, it still feels too metro-ish to fall in love with, time will tell...
You got me at the fapping part of the show  ;D ;D
Technology / Re: Windows 8 Sucks
February 28, 2013, 08:01:43 AM
Quote from: MV on November 20, 2012, 07:51:11 PM

... i just found that after windows updates requiring a restart, if you shut the machine down completely and then power it up, you'll find windows still wants you to do a fucking restart.  ok, so a full power down wasn't good enough?  really?  this is the first version of windows in which i've seen that.  just another example of windows getting in my way rather than allowing me to get work done.

Yeah, that is thanks to the new shutdown that uses hybernate to turn on faster (closing programs and saving the system state in a hibernation file on the hdd that is opened at startup to load faster), and updates need restart for a "full boot"
Again , microsoft uses old tech with new brand.
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