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Messages - Wild Card Guy

Quote from: ziznak on June 30, 2012, 12:23:32 PM
I'm currently downloading that latest LMH installment and know for a fact that hearing her talk about phallic symbols in ancient rock formations will surely make me laugh... Mankind's longtime fascination with genitals is in general just hilarious to me regardless of who talks about it actually.  LMH won some obscure beauty contest back in the day did she not??  I've seen some older pics of her and in her day she wasn't exactly an eyesore....

found this pic on of all places coastgab

She looks like a cross between Donna Reed and Dawn Wells (Mary Ann on "Gilligan's Island").
Quote from: expat on June 27, 2012, 07:40:57 AM
The killer there was "The Accutron went nuts for 12 hours non-stop" during the solstice. He seemed to think "solstice" = "galactic alignment" -- some fucking scientist.

We've been pressing him for some baseline readings and perhaps we've now got them. The Inaccutron is "nuts" all the time and any readings taken during eclipses and transits are as useless as a pork chop in a synagogue.

I just loved it how Hoagland's thick bullshit was pouring out of his mouth like the chocolate shake machine at McDonald's, and it was so obvious that Snoory didn't have one fucking clue as to what Hoagland was talking about...then again, neither did I.
Quote from: MV on June 27, 2012, 09:46:17 AM

typical leftist bullshit.  the people who say one's sexuality should not be an issue are the same people who INCESSANTLY make it an issue!!  FUCK i hate leftists!!!!!!!

I clearly see where you're coming from, but I'm on the fence with this. My wife and I have a few fantastic gay and lesbian friends, and we wouldn't trade places with them, what with the hateful bullshit they put up with from "society". On one level, it's good that he's getting a message out, yet...so fucking hypocritical when the archaic "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is still an issue with far too many.
Quote from: Jasmine on June 27, 2012, 07:45:20 AM
By the by, did anyone else catch George's wacko "news item" on a recent show (I forget which one exactly; at this point, all his shows are morphing into one fucktarded blur for me). Anyway, he mentions a domestic situation where the boyfriend and the girlfriend are having an argument...the boyfriend grabs their pet parrot and is about to throw said parrot at the girlfriend,in a fit of rage, then hurls the parrot to the floor, killing it. WTF??  In Noory's sociopath head, THIS is a viable news item to read on the air? Like we all needed to know this?

Children and animals...Noory wants their population downsized to 500,000,000...give or take a few toddlers and cocker spaniels.

Uh huh. I too had a total WTF moment when Snoory spewed this sick NON news item out of his hair-lipped mouth. The man is seriously, seriously fucked in the head. His mouth should be neutered.

I also recall him self-glossing (what else is new?) a few shows ago about how he's always approached in airports by multitudes of people who all are just DYING to know his take on conspiracies. Delusions of famewhore; Snoory honestly thinks that he's a bona fide big time celebrity and that his face is known to Americans, one and all.

Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 19, 2012, 05:07:13 PM

George's approach is to read the news, introduce the topic, then sit back and hope the guest will carry the show.

Huh? I've never once heard Noory sit there and shut the fuck up during one of his "interviews".

Quote from: Lovely Bones on June 19, 2012, 09:53:41 AM
Worst example in my memory banks: Snoory begins an interview with a guest he had met personally through his constant conference hopping.  Snoory knew the guest had tried to commit suicide in the interim between last seeing said guest and having him on the show for this appearance. 

Suicide attempt had nothing to do with the night's topic, IIRC, yet ever-sensitive Snoory raises this event on-air for discussion before the night's festivities begin. 

And he not only raises the suicide attempt, but pushes the guest for all the gory details associated with it, asking multiple times for the guest to describe what it was like to be "found" by rescuers after the failed attempt.

Finally, in exasperation, the guest repeats for the umpteenth time, "I WAS UNCONSCIOUS, GEORGE. I DON'T REMEMBER BEING RESCUED."

That is how sensitive an interviewer Snoory is.  Bless his cold little heart.

Ah! I remember this one, too...very well. My blood pressure increased each time Noory asked yet another shit-headed stupid and insensitive question. I was praying the guest would finally tell Noory to fuck off, but there's that damn seven second delay, which ruins the fun for all of us here in the outer limits.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Suggestion for Listeners
June 13, 2012, 10:42:27 AM
Quote from: Zircon on June 12, 2012, 08:54:26 AM
Since I see nothing but whining post after post about the Coast to Coast hosts - try this. Stop listening if it is so painful.

I can't believe some people here simply don't get it. Allow me. there are people here, such as myself, who actually enjoy the freaking train wreck that Noory's show is. We actually get a laugh or two from his inept hosting skills, and as well from many of his certifiably psychotic guests.

For some of us, C2C is like an Ed Wood film - you know it's absolute shit, yet so bad it is in a class all of its own, and makes for compelling listening on a certain level and with a certain mind-set.
Quote from: MV on June 08, 2012, 10:10:00 AM

with this statement, i have to disagree.  i've been around.  i think some countries are better or worse than others.

True enough - I've been around, too. I think what I was trying to get across was that the inhabitants of the world's countries are on par with one another.
Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
June 08, 2012, 09:47:26 AM
Quote from: McPhallus on June 07, 2012, 05:16:39 PM
Bob Welch, former Fleetwood Mac singer/guitarist and solo artist, dead at 66 of an apparent suicide.

Bummer.  Shooting yourself in the chest is a shitty way to go.


Loved and love Fleetwood Mac. Sad news.

Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
June 08, 2012, 09:40:32 AM
Add me to the list of those who thought Ray Bradbury had already passed away. "Fahrenheit 451" is one of my favorite books - the man really had a prophetic grasp of the future - read the book and then lift your nose from its pages and take a good and hard look around you.

“With school turning out more runners, jumpers, racers, tinkerers, grabbers, snatchers, fliers, and swimmers instead of examiners, critics, knowers, and imaginative creators, the word 'intellectual,' of course, became the swear word it deserved to be.” - Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

“The books are to remind us what asses and fool we are. They're Caeser's praetorian guard, whispering as the parade roars down the avenue, "Remember, Caeser, thou art mortal." Most of us can't rush around, talking to everyone, know all the cities of the world, we haven't time, money or that many friends. The things you're looking for, Montag, are in the world, but the only way the average chap will ever see ninety-nine per cent of them is in a book. Don't ask for guarantees. And don't look to be saved in any one thing, person, machine, or library. Do your own bit of saving, and if you drown, at least die knowing you were headed for shore.” - Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

I also loved the 1966 film version directed by François Truffaut and starring Julie Christie.

Ah, the endless and futile debate re Jews, Palestinians, Israel and Arab nations. Round and round and round we all go, and where it stops, nobody knows. Each group has incurred untold damage unto themselves, and will continue to do so. Bullshit politicians will get up on their soap boxes and proclaim with bluster and pride that their respective people are in the right, and that "peace talks" and "negotiations" will, if not bring peace between the warring factions, will "hopefully" result in a less violent relationship. We've heard this all before, as have the many generations before us, and so to will the many generations that come after us. Nothing, nothing will ever be even remotely resolved until the world wakes up and realizes that organized religious cults have been the bane of our Earthly existence. We're all human beings at the end of the day - no one race or country better or worse than the other.

I strongly suspect that in the case of the tiresome feud between the Israelis and the Palestinians there are countless numbers in each group who have long given up the hope that logic and reason will prevail. These rational humans have transcended their cultural identities and yearn to reach out to the other group and create a relationship based on respect. Sadly, the political talking heads want none of that...it's not good for business.

I watch and read news reports on the Middle East (and indeed the rest of our stupid, weary world) with a tired yet bemused smile; coiffed and controlled media talking heads reporting on the politically corrupt talking heads who speak for the multitude of confused talking heads...and all the heads bobble from side to side and forwards and backwards. Everyone argues and rants and attacks...and all the while the ominous elephant in the room dumps another load onto the floor of this planet.


Random Topics / Re: Nigerian Scams
June 04, 2012, 10:49:23 AM
Quote from: Sardondi on June 04, 2012, 09:04:27 AM

Which reminds me of a PBS "Antiques Roadshow" I saw recently where a woman saw a "Faberge egg" online, for which she paid something like $8,500. She brought it in to be checked by the experts, fully expecting to be told she had snagged a bargain on one of the Czarist treasures that, if they were ever sold, would get $millions$. The expert was very kind and fibbed that it was worth what she paid for it, because, as he literally explained, that was what she proved it was worth when she paid that much for it. He didn't say what a non-moron would have paid for it or how much she might get if she sold it. .

I mean, how can she? How is it possible? To have thought that such a treasure would be online and remain available for her to snap up for a pittance - the mind boggles.

I'm confused here. Are you talking about Faberge perfume? Or perhaps Shelley Fabares from the old sitcom "Coach"?
Quote from: IvannZ on June 04, 2012, 05:00:05 AM
If you have not heard the show George did last night called Prophecy of the Popes then do yourself a favor and try to download a copy. It was absolutely one of the best topics and shows George has ever done. The validity of the subject matter makes this topic have a lot of credibility. And George as usual did an excellent job in the interview. It gives you alot to think about, yes it was that thought provoking a show last night. I think Coast fans around the world would not be dissappointed.

HI, TOM! Wow! What an honor to have an honest to goodness Coast to Coast PRODUCER come on this forum! We know it couldn't be George; words such as "validity" and "credibility" are not in his range.

Oh, and by the way, Tom, it's "a lot", not "alot", and it's "disappointed", not "dissappointed". How refreshing it is to see that illiteracy and Coast are consistent.
Quote from: stevesh on June 01, 2012, 03:42:13 PM
Response, after < 3 hours:

Thanks for the name Steve….

Btw  get a life

I'm beginning to wonder if Noory is autistic ...

That juvenile reply doesn't surprise me in the least. I've sent a couple of emails to Noory, Tom, and Lisa, and Noory replied to one of them exactly the same way. His reply and mind-set go way beyond the fact that they couldn't care less about C2C content, and use it as a commercial cash cow. It also implies and confirms (as if we needed confirmation) that Noory is so fucking ass hat stupid that he truly has no idea of how deplorable his hosting performance is. He's a man with whom one cannot even entertain the notion of conversing with on an intellectual level that is higher than fourth or fifth grade - hence his immature response.

His two asshole shit bag producers, Tom and Lisa, are without a doubt extreme low end of the spectrum "professionals" who couldn't give a rat's ass about the show's content or quality as long as the ad and endorsement revenues are sustained.

Noory, you're a fucking fuck-headed imbecile. You lucked into a job that you are in no way qualified to do, and you really have NO idea as to how much you are reviled and despised - coast to coast. Tom and Lisa keep on coaching those callers (including hired actors) to praise you and your show - and you have fallen for the bullshit for years.
Quote from: Frys Girl on May 31, 2012, 08:34:28 AM
George Noory with that ptolemy: I heard him ask "What's stopping fusion from taking over as energy?"

Noory: "Patoulmaay, I just gotta ask ya this. Were...were you named after the famous river in Washington?"
Quote from: Sardondi on May 30, 2012, 08:02:51 PM
It's George's idea of important cinema verite', a true story ripped straight from today's headlines. He's almost certain that it was members of either The Lizzies or the Baseball Furies who came very close to almost thinking about attempting to plan to conspire to kidnap him in Mexico.

When George Noory came on the air
Lizzie Borden took an axe
And gave her radio forty whacks
When she again heard his voice with the rising sun
She gave her computer forty-one

Quote from: rangers1919 on May 29, 2012, 09:26:26 PM
I haven't seen this on here anywhere, but a guest--Marrs I think--said something like he knows it has been a tough year for George, and that he is going through a lot work-wise deciding if he wants to continue when his contract is up soon. Hopefully Noory has been telling others that he might not continue on C2C when his contract ends.

I don't believe it for a second, but plleeeeaaaasssseee let it be true.

If I'm not mistaken, I believe that guest was "psychic" Joseph Jacobs...the man who, when provided with callers' dates of birth, asks them - a few seconds later - how old they are? And of course, Snoory has to, once again, remind the audience his father passed away. Don't get me wrong - it's hard to lose one's parent - but Snoory is a narcissist to the extreme, and uses any incident or tragedy to focus the light on himself. 

As for Jacobs, what a crock of shit he is. Generic "readings" of callers. I just rolled my eyes when the one male caller told Jacobs he was considering surgery due to his serious weight problem, and Jacobs replied, "I feel that this year you need to focus on health issues." Noory's response: "Wow."

Jacobs also throws out the most innocuous "predictions", such as, "George, I feel that November of this year there will be transportation problems in the U.S." George never ONCE asked Jacobs to elaborate on that or ANY of the lame ass crap that spewed out of his mouth.

As for Snoory's "work-wise deciding", the man doesn't allot even three seconds to thinking about his job. Once on the air, it's obvious the Detroit Lobotomobile (loved that, by the way) just sits there, googling around whilst asking his cue card questions.
Quote from: Usagi on May 29, 2012, 10:12:29 PM
This thread sure as hell went downhill... fast.  Yick.  It's enough to make me want to listen to Noory in order to post something about, I don't know... how he sucks.  It used to be hundreds of solid pages that I would have been proud for a PremRad executive to stumble upon.  Recently... not so much.

[Edit:  I shouldn't be so negative.  It'll turn back around... eventually. :) ]

I wouldn't say it went downhill at all. It was an interesting topic of discussion. As for the PremRad execs, well, this particular thread is well over 450 pages, and if they haven't clued in about Noory yet, then it's obvious they're apathetic to our delightful hate/hate relationship we have with the man.

Besides, perhaps the people here at times need to take a break from the perpetual Noory hate-on every now and then and simply have a good old fashioned coffee klatch.

The CoastGabbers meet to delve into the pain of love and sex. Life is a bitch. Discuss.  ;)

Quote from: 11angeleyes11 on May 29, 2012, 05:26:18 PM
I just skimmed the thread earlier, but have now gone back and reread it.  Yes, it does read like Dr. Phil with just a touch of Oprah.  I like your quotes.  I agree with the quote Women often enter a relationship with a man with the hope he will change.  I was bad on that one, but I realized that was a problem and just when I entered by current relationship was watchful.  Now, I hope my fiance' never changes.  Of course all men or women change over time, but I did not enter and stay in the relationship with that anticipation.  It must work, we became engaged yesterday.

Congratulations! All I can tell you is that my beautiful wife of ten years is my lover and my true friend. We make each other laugh each day, and if there are any codependency issues that arise, we take them to the mat and wrestle them. Above all, communicate! Oh, and we both expect each other to change with the times...change is good if both are on-board with it. One more thing...continue to date your husband after the marriage. I'm serious. Date at least once a week or twice per month. Romance each other long after the vows.

Best of luck!
Quote from: Harmness on May 29, 2012, 06:08:49 PM
The "if you don't like Obama, it must be because he's black" strawman is every bit as tiring as wasting time over the birth certificate shit.

Quote from: Ben Shockley on May 29, 2012, 04:19:45 PM
I have one big reminder for all you "birthers."   In a few months, President Obama's first term will be complete; a done deal; in the record books.

There is ZERO that you can do about it.
Though you folks tread a fine and very putrid line.

Why don't you just get over it??   You got a half-Black President; you're likely to have a female one soon enough; maybe even a *Jew* pretty soon; hell -- one day, even an atheist and EVEN -- gasp!! a gay/lesbian person!!  I guess y'all will either find a way to nuke the planet or suicide yourselves before suffering any of those "indignities," though.

Personally, I don't really care one way or the other if he was born in Kenya or not. I truly don't care, but as I said, my gut tells me he was, and it has absolutely nothing to do with his being half Black. I cannot speak for others, but I am certainly not a racist, a bigot, a homophobe, a chauvinist, etc. I'm a very liberally minded individual.
Quote from: Camazotz Automat on May 29, 2012, 04:22:30 PM
It's invasive.  It's glutting up the internet.  It's pointless.  Time stealing.  All the things being pointed out in this discussion. 

I would be a liar if I said I had no narcissitic aspects, but many of these entities on fb made me look like Mother Fucking Teresa.

We all have narcissistic tendencies, to be sure, but...Facebook...wowza.

Fuckbook is a classic case of "But enough about me! Let's talk about you. What do you think of me?"
I've paid attention to this debate (not this forum) for a while now, and putting rationale aside, my gut instinct tells me Obama was indeed born in Kenya and his true father is the man that Corsi claims.

Alejandro, thanks for those uploaded interviews.
Wow, this thread has morphed into Dr. Phil...but an interesting topic, it is.

There are so many layers and sub-layers to both people and relationships that this could be discussed until the cows come home.

All I can say is that this old quote perhaps says, not all, but a lot:

Men enter a relationship with a woman with the hope that she will never change.
Women enter a relationship with a man with the hope that he will change.
Both are inevitably disappointed.
Quote from: Jasmine on May 29, 2012, 01:51:29 PM
I was one step ahead of ya, Buckaroo. Oh, you men! You always feel the need to dominate and control a woman and how she expresses herself, eh?  ::)

Quote from: Zircon on May 29, 2012, 03:33:06 PM
Apparently your experiences with men are limited to the needy types. You recall that old saying that went something like, "you will find it if you look for it"? All you've done is verify that basic truth. Perhaps if you look for a man who is mature you might find you are the one drawn to him as a woman, whether she is into motherhood or not, has a genetic wiring to be attracted to males who will be intelligent, protective, kind and loving and a provider. Not all women so I'm not making the same type of blanket statement it appears you made.

Uh, Dude, I truly think she was jesting when she made that statement. Chill.  ;)
Quote from: ziznak on May 29, 2012, 03:26:14 PM
Even a moron like him would have that schtik memorized by now... he's been saying it almost every night for years now!  hope you didnt throw down too much cash on that bet.

Yikes. I bet two months mortgage payment on my house...the missus aint gonna be happy if we're shackin' up at Motel 6.
A friend and I have a friendly debate going in regards to Noory's intro blurb:

"From the city of angels off the Pacific Ocean. Good morning, good evening, wherever you may be, across the nation, around the world. I'm George Noory. Welcome to America's most listened-to late night talk show, Coast to Coast AM."

My pal says Georgie knows this by heart. I say he has to read it off a cue card taped to his computer screen.

Who knows?
Quote from: M. Knight on May 29, 2012, 02:58:17 PM

Good for you.  Terrible waste of time and energy.  It is designed for a 14 year old girl's maturity level.  Get off FB and go have a cold beer with a real friend.

Quote from: ziznak on May 29, 2012, 03:02:05 PM
I'm anti FB and suspended my account about 9 months ago...  I don't mind sharing things about my life but I don't exactly want the cliff's notes edition out there online.

I agree. I initially joined Fakebook about two years ago in order to coverse with friends who reside across the country and overseas. It was good, at first. Then numerous things happened which made me go sour on it, such as FB practically obliterating any "privacy" (oxymoron for the internet) applications; friends who seemed to only be able to communicate with me in one or two sentences, including computer abbreviations. If I sent them a lengthy private message on FB, or a lengthy email - no response. But if I posted a superficial one sentence blurb on their FB pages, then they would come back asap with an equally superficial response.

Plus, I was getting sick and tired of the "look at me!" attitude which seems to prevail on FB - dozens (and in some cases, literally hundreds of photos posted of themselves) and all of  their BS "who gives a shit news" focused on them. Indeed, the maturity level  seems to stagnate at 13 years old - with kids and adults alike. In my opinion, the vast majority of FB users are either complete narcissists or people with very low self esteem (658 "friends"). I deleted my account a few months later. Good riddance.
Quote from: McPhallus on May 28, 2012, 04:01:21 PM
There seems to be a strong link between insanity and sexual liberation. 

Agreed. Also a link between sanity and personal salvation. We lose our senses in order to come to them.

Quote from: Sardondi on May 28, 2012, 03:20:04 PM
Looks like a lot of people have experience with relationships with crazy/scary people. As did I in my wastrel days. And the question arises: why would anyone stay for a minute when the craziness peaks its little head around the corner for the first time?

If I may, I believe we subconsciously draw these "dark" ones into our lives in order to meet our other selves; the part of us that each of us possesses, yet suppresses in order to walk amongst our fellow humans; ones we deem to be "normal" and whom we strive to mirror. But there is no "normal", or, as Huxley once wrote, "there is no there there."

“Almost all the people who’ve had the most effect on me I seem to have met by chance, yet looking back it seems as though I couldn’t but have met them.”
― W. Somerset Maugham, The Razor's Edge
Quote from: Camazotz Automat on May 28, 2012, 01:02:13 PM
Impressive, but I understood your magnified concern. After all, you/we are dealing with someone using a moniker representative of a cold, invasive, psychopathic, artificial intelligence that does everything within its means to control humans and its environment.


Quote from: Camazotz Automat on May 28, 2012, 01:02:13 PM
It's not that I am trying to rekindle a fear, rather, just watch yourself around the pod bay doors. That's all I'm saying. OK? All of us in the forum are mindful of the doors. We just don't talk about it. In public. Much.

Always carry a space hammer.


The lobotomobile will be by shortly...need a lift? I'll be sure to have the shuttlecraft ready and on standby, McCoy, but do tell...can the psychopath bake a cherry pie?
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