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Messages - ksm32

I subscribed to the channel for a while and enjoyed it just that long. A.. while.  For some reason the way he opens ALL his ups by a quick chair raise and goofy half-grin drives me nuts. And he ruins everything at the end of each video with explanations that completely leave you gutted about something you wanted to believe was true as weird shit to think about. And he's smug about it too.

Fuckin' Hecklefish. Cute for like 4 seconds.

oh well
Costco sells a Kirkland Irish Whiskey that I believe is made by Red Breast. It's very good. Like.. really damn good for the price to quantity ratio. Most recently I purchased 4 bottles. All four of them are spoiled. Sour. Like Irish whiskey with a finish of red-wine-vinegar.
Costco doesn't accept returns on tobacco and BOOOOZE, so I find myself shit out of luck while being overstocked with bad juice. Now I'm spooked. It's like enjoying nicely prepared eggs when all the sudden you get the unwelcome crunch of eggshell in your mouth. There is nothing I can do about this. I just have these bottles of jailhouse whiskey.

fuck sakes

That Lou Diamond Phillips has an odd shaped head. Pretty sure that worked against him.
This place is just as lively as EllGab. Come see me.

In Colorado it seems like beautiful women are spat out of a membrane somewhere. The tight tops, yoga pants, and long usually blond hair is just off the hook. Damn friendly too. One might say that they're also rather.. "rambunctious"
All my single malt seems to be disappearing.
Paranormal - Conspiracy - UFOs - Etc. / Re: UFOs
August 07, 2022, 09:26:55 PM
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on August 07, 2022, 09:17:58 PMHey! Good to see you back here. Say hi to Starr Mountain for me.
Thanks, and I will do so.

PS By the time it gets to her it might be a "says hello" rather than "says hi"  ;D
Paranormal - Conspiracy - UFOs - Etc. / Re: UFOs
August 07, 2022, 09:05:20 PM
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on July 30, 2022, 04:15:31 PM
I just don't believe they're benevolent. Maybe some are "warm and fuzzy" but.. meh. 

Hey board administrator! Can we please get my IP right? I'm in fucking Denver! Good Lord.
Random Topics / Re: Tootsie's cat Thread
February 20, 2021, 04:04:37 PM
Huh  A cat thread.

I have to tidy up and organize my work bench today.
Been enjoying a mini series called The Queens Gambit - Chess related of course and very, very good.
Strip loins tonight.  -Blackened-
Wife wants new floors in her office. My solution; YOU HAVE AN OFFICE - AT WORK! GO THERE! And your office floors are just fine.
New neighbor is apparently a real 'Lawn Guy'.. we'll see in a few short months who's who.
Quote from: AZZERAE on February 19, 2021, 11:50:11 AM
You need to eat more, and cut down on the tabacco.
That would be good.

Quote from: K_Dubb on February 19, 2021, 11:45:53 AM
That is so sweet of you 💗

..  :-\  Just pointing a few things out, doesn't make me "sweet"..



Quote from: K_Dubb on February 19, 2021, 01:05:36 AM
Thank you!  Legs are the only way I can get them all the way up for now, but I am trying to cut them out.  Once I hit failure with the 45s, should I continue to put them halfway up, or switch to the 30s for the rest?

The goal is nice neat spherical shoulders that look good in a tank top instead of these bony things I have.
Bud, if you're having to use your legs in order to complete the movement, the 45's are still too heavy.   Also.. without proper form you're risking injury (pinched nerves in back) sort of thing - IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT? STOP MAKING ME YELL!   Go back to the 30's (which may be too light) or pick up some 35's and 40's that allow you to use proper form. 30 to 45 is a helluva jump. Do the math.

With proper form and appropriate weight you'll achieve your goal(s) much sooner than you will pissing around making it up as you go..
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Kingdom of Nye With Heather Wade
February 19, 2021, 12:52:21 AM
Quote from: Silphion on February 19, 2021, 12:23:01 AM

The instant chili maker is the best.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Kingdom of Nye With Heather Wade
February 19, 2021, 12:48:20 AM
Last time I heard her she was talking about possibly losing a foot! Is that still on the table?  I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Unless they're mean n' stuff, maybe :-\
Quote from: K_Dubb on February 18, 2021, 11:00:42 PM
If you can only do one of these (I don't know what they're called) with your new 45-lb. dumbbells every other day or so, with a little boost from your legs, is there more value in switching back to the 30-pounders where I get bored or in sticking with the 45s for the repeats but just not getting them all the way up, but trying to?  I don't feel like I'm in danger of dropping them on my foot any more.

Military Press. With dumbbell's instead of a barbell.

Stop using your legs and power them only with your (in this case) shoulders for the most part.
Are you looking to build mass? What exactly is the goal here?
If you're handling the 45's with relative ease for ten or more reps than you need more weight.
Use the 30's for something else.
Random Topics / Re: VAXXED!!!! Who will it be?
February 18, 2021, 01:04:51 PM
Quote from: paladin1991 on December 17, 2020, 09:36:46 PM
!Who will be the first BallGagger to be VAXXED?

What VAXX did you get?  Where did you get it?  (Don't doxx yourself though.)  Give us any side effects.
I isn't broke so I ain't fixin' me.

It's the long term side effects that I'm interested in. Perhaps if it kills off a bunch I won't have to see the victims who drive and wear their masks - WHILE ALONE!.  Those are the pointing and laughing portions of my drive even though I actually feel sorry for them.
Quote from: Jackstar on February 17, 2021, 01:30:30 AM
Quagga Mort.
Yogurt. Tilt. Please play again.

Quote from: Silphion on February 17, 2021, 01:34:01 AM
When I hear KSM, I think quokka.
Sure you do ;)
Random Topics / Re: VAXXED!!!! Who will it be?
February 17, 2021, 01:23:25 AM
Quote from: Tootsie on February 17, 2021, 12:43:09 AM

Good. Had enough.

if not

There are several other far less messy ways to go about it.  Annnnd according to the dipsy chick who read my tarot in 99 I still have a second wife to devour before dying alone in self assigned solitude.  Alas, I am far too happy with my current participant to just suddenly decide to occupy a different, separate, squeezebox just to fit the Bill Charles timeline.
Quote from: Silphion on February 16, 2021, 12:12:07 AM
Chris Kilham on Dr. Oz in 2012 was my introduction to Tibetan Yoga.

The Five Rites of Rejuvenation seem to be derived from Yantra Yoga - IMO.
Ok. Good enough.  I believe you.

Quote from: Jackstar on February 16, 2021, 01:48:58 AM
I think that you and I would be well served to talk again sometime. Can you teach me how to do an online rave?
I agree.
What's all the rave about.

Remember when/how you brought up Chess Boxing as a sport? I thought it was a brilliant submission. It deserves Olympic level attention.
Quote from: Silphion on February 15, 2021, 06:44:57 AM
<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/202766382" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Yantra Yoga | Perfect Rhythm of Breathing from Peter Ehrenberger on Vimeo.</p>

PFFFFFFFF Hahahaha  Like you do anything of the sort.  Closest thing you get to yoga is the farts.
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on February 13, 2021, 03:00:59 PM
They all left and went to Ellgab.

+1  ;D

Quote from: AZZERAE on February 13, 2021, 03:05:34 PM
Yeah, I'm nice to hug. But I'm still a fat sack of shit, at the end of the day.

Turn that frown upside down.  :)
Quote from: K_Dubb on February 12, 2021, 12:34:07 AM
It was very wounding!  I have struggled with body image ever since I was a kid, scrawny, awkward, terrible posture, always picked last, so pale you can see blue veins everywhere, just to be confident enough to walk around without a shirt when I finally got my act together and got a little sun was a major victory.  Tigery Lily's cruelty -- can you imagine telling someone the sight of their body makes you sick? -- brought it all rushing back and I cried and didn't bake any more cookies for a very very long time.  They are very wicked people over there!
Well, KD, for what it's worth - I like you.   And yes she can be quite cruel.  :-\
Here's thing.

Even if I were to come back here and be exclusive and loyal to BG you fuckers would continue to rake me over the coals at every turn. Like a hazing that never ends. b ;)

Not that it wouldn't be fun..
Quote from: Silphion on February 12, 2021, 12:32:02 AM
Thank you.

That is the admission I wanted confirmed.

You can go back home now and play fetch the stick with your Master.

That was a guess. Not an admission.
Quote from: AZZERAE on February 12, 2021, 12:27:18 AM
Oh fuck off.

Your accent came out well there.  ;D
Quote from: Silphion on February 12, 2021, 12:22:23 AM
I was banned for not being enough of an asshole.
That's BART posting as you, you fuckstick.
Quote from: K_Dubb on February 12, 2021, 12:15:10 AM
They didn't ban me, just told me to put a shirt on  :-\
TigerLily told you to put a shirt on as apparently she was eating her lunch. That's what I remember.  You're both lefties so I'm sure she would've shared her sammich.
Quote from: Silphion on February 12, 2021, 12:02:52 AM
Allow me back into your little parlour game on EllGab,
without repercussions or further abuse and discrimination,
and I might reconsider reason for any hostilities.
*grooaaann*  It's not my board! If you're banned then that is out of my control. Fuck sakes ::)

Whatever. Continue the hostilities. Carry on.. it's actually kinda cute.  Truthfully, now, your little tidbits, your worded gibby gabbies are what's kept me coming back for three days.  ;)

Funny stuff

BTW I didn't burn my taint and there is no scar to speak of. Anywhere. But it was dicey.. for awhile..  :o
Quote from: Silphion on February 11, 2021, 08:45:52 PM
Blame 𝐊𝐒𝐌.

He has a way of pulling strings, manipulating threads and playing with words being a big Poopy-Pants!
Playing with words? NEVER!   Hehehe  I actually like you. There's really no reason for all the hostility. Seriously - C'mon, give us a hug :)  You know you wanna...  We could talk about the P90 soap-bars in my Gold-Top  :)   They buzz like Ell' but sound sooo sweet.

Life is too short for fussing and fighting, my..  you know.
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