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Messages - noorysmoustache

"The shroud of urine"  :o
Damn, I've missed this site  ;D

Hope everyone is well.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Noory's Sound FX
March 18, 2012, 07:29:13 AM
Fuck, I'm so irritated by this.

"Don't I sound like a crackling phone?"

No George, you sound like a fucking cunt.*

*I might apologise for my tasteless swearing later.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Noory's Sound FX
March 18, 2012, 07:20:22 AM
Quote from: misssirveaux on March 13, 2012, 07:28:06 PM
Okay.  Here's the link.  Go to about 26:39 to hear the woman caller who sounds a bit Sylvia Browne-ish.  George does his sound effects for her, and this call also includes the story about the ghost mother that confused George.  Enjoy it and all its Nooriness.

9.3.2012 - 3/4 - Weird Missouri

What an utter chunt. That was completely irrelevant to anything about C2C, self-absorbed, cringeworthy and ultimately 'kin stupid.

What's more, I'd normally feel embarrassed if I'd heard someone do this, convinced there is something mentally wrong with that person. As it's Noory, I feel nothing but anger.
My ears, my ears, stop it, stop it now!

Wasn't Linda Moulton-Howe looking into strange sounds t'other night? Just sayin'
Forgive me but I'm a bit behind this week. It's strange, sometimes I feel I've had enough of Snoory and his crap but I still find myself tuning in sometimes, curious about what's be served up.

So, to my non-amazement, he serves up another turgid offering of Tumeric and Broccoli as cancer solutions, whilst also delivering some classic Noorisms like hypothesizing the more stem cells you give someone, the better chance they'll get better. Sure George, just ram the patient full of stem cells and all will be ok.

My favourite conversational piece is this part, though;

(on Auto-immune diseases and treatment)

Noory: And what do you mean by auto-immune diseases, just so people understand?
Wilde: These are diseases that affect the immune system and in that category you would immediately think of...
Noory (interrupting): AIDs, right?
Wilde: No, not AIDs...
Noory (surprised): No?
Wilde: No, not in this regard...
Noory (disappointed): Oh, alright.
Wilde: ...but you would think of it as an auto-immune deficient disease... you would think of Chrone's disease, er, Lupus, er, scleroderma, you would think of diabetes one, you would think of rheumatoid arthritis.
Noory (interjecting, again, with a disappointed tone): Uh, why can't you throw AIDs in there?
Wilde: Er, you can.
Noory: Alright.
Wilde: Go ahead..
Noory (now happy): Ok, it's in there.
Wilde: You've got my permission... (nervous laughter).

Jesus wept, George.

Action starts at around 17:30:

C2CAM - 2011.11.15 - Dulce Base - Regenerative Medicine
Radio and Podcasts / Re: John B. Wells
November 17, 2011, 02:21:51 PM
I couldn't stand Wells' voice at first, I really couldn't. Then again, I felt the same with Ian and Knapp at first, too.

Now I think he's the closest imitation there is to Art. It's not perfect, hell know, but there are certain attributes and characteristics that they share. That said, mentioning God a lot is a bit irritating.

I thought the WWII Secrets show was good, though.
...and an alternate history show every Friday.

Just need to find the time to set everything up now...  :o
Just caught up with it now. That was awesome, truly awesome. Even George seemed a little put out by it all, almost as if he liked "crazy", but not this crazy.

Basiago has long-been a favourite of mine, and that's exactly why. Can't wait for his next appearance. He's been upsetting other Coast guests too, which is amusing. Whoever described him as highly-functioning delusional is spot on.
Holy buttmunch, I was thinking that exact same thing a while back. When the roles were reversed and Noory was being interviewed, he actually seemed quite articulate - there was no semblance of the C2C Snoory... so why the regular underperformances on C2C?
Quote from: Paper*Boy on November 06, 2011, 03:32:01 PM


Excellent point. It is. I'm now at a stage where if Ian was talking about vanilla ice cream for four hours I'd rather listen to that.

Anyway, more topics I want cover, as a reminder;

Strangest/Incredible Stories of World War II
UK Urban Legends
Time Travel Special
Bizarre/Future Technology
Cryogenics/Preserving Life/Vanilla Sky
"The Butterfly Effect"
Greek Mythology
American Civil War - Untold Stories
What if demand outstrips supply?
Things you'd like to do/see before you die (Callers "Bucket List")
Natural Born Leaders
The Psyche of Adolf Hitler
Deja Vu
Weird Countries/Weird Laws
African Americans of World War II/Soldiers of the British Empire
Life... Outside of Earth
What would you do if...
Andrew D. Basiago is one of the few guests worth listening to anymore, lMO. Sure, he's crazier than a shadowrat on LSD but he spins an articulate, interesting yarn. And he doesn't let George talk much.
Quote from: SomeVelvetMorning on October 31, 2011, 12:15:54 AM
Let us know if you get your show on the net and where we can listen.  As far as subjects, someone has already mentioned Cryptozoology.  This iste mentions several of the cases that we have heard discussed on C2C:  http://www.cryptozoology.com/articles/articles.php.  Loren Coleman is usually the gueat expert: http://www.lorencoleman.com/ and he covers things like the Loch Ness creature and the balck panthers that are seen in the UK.
Brad Steiger, the famous author, covers practically all aspects of the Paranormal and I always like to hear him: http://www.bradandsherry.com/
Good luck with everything and if possible, keep us up to date!

Hey SomeVelvetMorning

Thanks very much for the kind words, it's something I hope to have up and running before the non-event of 21st December 2012 and I'll be returning periodically as I think of possible topics and shows. Which reminds me, here's another one to chew over;


And after hearing that George prematurely cut off Robert Freeman t'other night when he was on talking about Japanese Cryptozoology, I'm adding him to that shortlist as well.

The other thing about cryptzoology (thanks for the links and recommendations, btw) is that whilst I know literally next-to-nothing about it the subject, it's something I'm interested in. Despite having little knowledge on it, I'm pretty confident that I'm not going to need any prompt cards and still find some pretty engaging questions to ask, unlike someone in particular on C2C. That said, I'm certainly not going to skim any prep that needs to be done.

I have to say, I'm part-tempted to interview some of the forum users on here... This has to be one of the most amusing, intelligent forums around. If ever I'm having a bad day at work, a quick glimpse of this place soon raises a smile. And for that, I doff my tweed hat to you all!

Anyway, once again, thanks also for the links to Brad Stieger's site. I have, at some point in the past, actually caught a little of their shows however it was such a long time ago, I cannot recall any real details. I'll give it another whirl though, defo - especially seeing as C2C is almost intolerable now...
Noory hosting = Audio AIDs :(
Judy Wood was the worst kind of boring for me; not only was she incredibly drab (yet by listening to her waffle, it felt like someone was pushing forks into your ears), but she was always right. The sort of person whom, as a kid, can't have had many friends. Whenever anyone offered friendship, she was the type who'd immediately put them off with her know-it-all correctional attitude.

Basically, to her, everything is a dick measurement contest - and she wins every time, of course.

She screams low self-esteem.
Just so I don't forget people's suggestions and my own, I'm bumping this thread after being recommended "Count St. Germain" as a conversational topic for any future show. :)
I'm sure most of us realised that the game was well and truly up as soon as Snoory started mouth-farting over the mic but if you ever needed cast-iron, visual proof of how far C2C has moved away from it's roots and alienated a huge fanbase, the last thirty shows just about sums it up;


Lyme Disease? Comics? Bible this, Jesus that... come on, seriously...

...and of course, as noted by many others, the quality of the callers declined a long time ago, it's now evident that even the guests are lacking in real quality, too. Many just appear to be opportunistic net scammers, NWO doom mongerers or bible-bashers - where have all the Budd Hopkins-like (RIP) guests gone? One's that can, at the very least, wrestle the show from George's oily grasp and provide some entertainment?

Gah, it really is that bad, isn't it?

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Well, this is where George is...
September 24, 2011, 05:04:16 PM
Anyone for a new hoodie?

"His silent gaze brings us a gift"

Does it, really? No, it doesn't... so stop being such a cunt and find a real profession.

Yikes... is this really how far C2C has fallen?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Well, this is where George is...
September 24, 2011, 01:32:08 PM
Quote from: morphiaflow on September 24, 2011, 01:06:27 PM
So, this week on Coast, we had climate/peak oil denial, aliens-are-really-demons, and capped the week off with creationist right winger John B. Wells guest hosting while Noory was at a cheesy new age convention. If any single week has typified everything that's wrong with Coast now, and how far it's fallen from the standard that Art set, it's this one.

This,  x100,000,000
Radio and Podcasts / Well, this is where George is...
September 23, 2011, 03:53:59 PM

Apart from Dolan, Haramein and Bill Ryan, it's like a who's-who of shitheads.

I've never seen such a large congregation of clusterfucks brought together like this :o

It's going to be hard to squeeze in so many sensitive, self-indulged shysters into one place, surely?

And I'm not surprised one of the biggest morons in the world truthers movement is hosting...

Mind Power Burt Goldman Coast to Coast am 09:04:2011

Oh my God, I just listened to this. Burt was articulate, Noory not so. In fact, this is probably once of the most mistake-strewn Noorisodes I've ever heard. It's painfully cringeworthy, frustrating and amusing. All at the same time, of course.

If anyone has a spare few minutes, I highly recommend it. Mispronounciations, stupid comments and remarks, dumb questions and retorts, repetition of questions, ill-timed laughter and my favourite Nooryism on there;

Guest: "I can give you the greatest weight control with two words"
Noory: "Slow.... down... eating"
Guest "Eat Less"
Noory: "Eat less, that's right"

I also LOVE how he doesn't understand empathy, either  ;D The guest is well-spoken and for an 84 year old, it's amazing he still has all his faculties. However, he's a massive bullshitter and ties himself in knots with his contradictions (amusing also, but not half as much as George).

Once again, I'd highly recommend this to anyone who hasn't heard it. It's comedy gold.
Quote from: Avi on September 15, 2011, 10:25:01 AM
Or, he'd just say he couldn't perform when "negative vibes" were affecting him. Of course, his great magical powers explain why he's writing books for a fly-by-night publisher and appearing on C2C. You know, if I had great magical powers at my disposal, that's what I'd do! Even more peculiar, this magician claimed to work the dreaded (ha!) "left-hand path." While I was primed for all manner of grisly gore, this worker in the dark was about as milque-toasty as one could possibly be. C'mon, Ozzy bit the head off a fake bat and peed on the Alamo! This guy's story was about as interesting as the stories of all the other "I'm a super-powered magus in touch with the other worlds!" bores. Yawn. Put up or shut up.

Haha, so true. I love how some of these guests seem to have all these life-altering, significant powers and will tell anyone who'd listen how talented they are - yet no-one apart from a few unsubstantiated, batshit-insane friends or confidantes can confirm that it's true.

The other line that is also favourably peddled is the "Oh, I'm not special - anyone can do this" by terminally quadra-spazzed guests. And I'm sure you can DEFINITELY master the talent - if you "buy my books, DVD's and the arse-flavoured potato chips that accompany them..."
Quote from: Joseph on January 11, 2011, 03:59:52 AM
As a new member of this message board, I feel this is a good place to start. I wasn't privy to Coast in its hay-day and I was only suckered into listening to George through night shift boredom. But what struck me was it's potential to be a really great show. It lacked realism most of the time and the religious freaks do little to add to any conversation, but somewhere down in the deep dark pit there was a glimmer of something bigger. After three years, I'm close to giving up hope. But my curiosity is peaked by the level of conversation happening on this page. Albeit juvenile, from what I've glanced at times, it still seems a more constructive source for discussing curious things that most medias find taboo or ridiculous.

George is a fine host from a network perspective. He panders to his often mentally ill guests and sells the product effectively. He is your friend. Buy Gold. But I do long for an experienced journalist with real questions for real researchers.

Wow, great post and I know exactly what you're saying. Welcome :)
I'm actually very non-plussed with the crap they've got listed for the forthcoming week, aside from tonight of course. Totally uninspiring.
Quote from: McPhallus on September 10, 2011, 12:00:39 PM
Was that the midget who smoked like a maniac and hung out in the woods?

Gotta admit, the guy knows how to tell an interesting story.

Hahaha, yes, that's the one! Brilliant!
Quote from: pabigfoot on September 10, 2011, 07:13:01 AM
   May I respectively disagree with my Coastgab friends about Whitley. I try to never miss him on coast and I have read a number of his books including Warday, Majestic, Communion, and Transformation. Yes, things get a little *far out* in some cases, but the UFO topic is just that; In some cases-as I believe Whit constantly intimates-we, as humans, cannot grasp that which we have no reference point. BTW, I always wanted to see a feature-length movie done with Warday. Warday is a great novel showing what the U.S. would be like after a limited nuclear exchange. Good day to all !

I do admit, I still feel compelled to listen to hear him when he's on. He's interesting and articulate at the very least, but he does like himself a *bit* too much for me...
Radio and Podcasts / Re: George is heating up....
September 10, 2011, 09:02:18 AM
Quote from: morphiaflow on September 08, 2011, 01:53:39 AM
I've caught snippets of a few Noory episodes recently. I won't say he's "getting better" because I think he's hopelessly...hopeless. However, I WILL say that I think Noory is making an effort to up his game, be a bit more on it and less, well, Nooryish. I'm not saying he's succeeding. But I think he knows something's up, something we don't know yet, and he's trying to bolster himself and his status/position/job in some sort of pre-emptive fashion. So the upshot might be that we'll be getting Noory "at his best" rather than Noory "at his worst". Which, granted, aren't that far apart. And it probably won't last long anyway. But I've definitely heard a difference, however minimal, and that's what I think the cause is.

Well, that's interesting as recently that's what I've been feeling too. He does seem to have upped his efforts, that's for sure. The spectre of Art Bell hanging over him?
Oh my, yes. Always fall to sleep listening to C2C. That said, it's not always Bell I fall to sleep with on... I daren't try Noory though, I fear I'd slip into a coma...  :o
Like George, upon discovering C2C, I actually enjoyed Whitley... until I realised that he also likes the smell of his own bullshit.

My particular favourite story is that of the small being that followed him around after his abduction experience... anyone heard that?  ;D
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