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Messages - henge0stone

Quote from: trostol on October 28, 2015, 12:02:31 AM
maybe i need to start drinking nightly..cause this woman is awful

I think so called Witches are just fucking boring people with rituals that aren't any more interesting than Catholic mass. Paglini was overrated beyond belief. All she had going for her was a creepy voice and bullshit candles she sold.
Quote from: Zenman on October 27, 2015, 11:58:02 PM
Good Wormholing, henge.   :D

Thanks! Wish she had more details about the family or what the curse was. Probably just a story she heard from somewhere.
Art read my message about Cromwell! She didn't have much more to say about it though.
I'm starting to like the historic curses she is throwing out there. She should talk more about those.
Apparently she talked about the Bell Witch, wish she would talk about that. That's more interesting than all this Wicca bs.
Listened to a bit of this trainwreck. It was a pile of UMMMM followed by Neil saying its bad when the police use too much force, no shit. Didn't even hear leo, did he get kicked off his own show?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Bye Art Bell! Good luck!
October 27, 2015, 08:05:54 AM
Quote from: TomKat on October 27, 2015, 05:58:29 AM
I will go back to Coast, which does a much better job of finding interesting topics and guests. If Art wants to save his show, he would be advised to peruse past Coast guests, but instead he labours under the illusion that other people are copying HIM! What's to copy?

Is this Dave or Noory? Are you really trying to say that C2C didn't copy Art? He built the show and everything that it is came from Art, so to suggest that they aren't copying the format he created is absurd.

I'm sure people really want 'past coast guests' on like Dames who was wrong 100% of the times. Or that retarded numbers lady. Or that fraud Sean David Morton. 
I like when Art took another shot at Dames, "I KNOW some some remote viewers are fakes" or something like that.
RCH thinks he has listeners outside of the US?
I kinda enjoyed the madness. I liked when he tripped over Art's logic.
Quote from: SciFiAuthor on October 27, 2015, 12:47:57 AM
I know he was sick, but Art should have kept Shostak on as long as he could.

Yeah I think he owes Seth a show. Last show with him was a debacle.
'Hey art here's a better guest idea' - caller
genetic matrix and molecules in the DNA? Worst Ghost guest ever.
Quote from: norland2424 on October 27, 2015, 12:18:49 AM
ghost rape on tape? wtf :o :o :o :o :o

He has ghost rape on tape and he brought photos of orbs/dust?
Never heard a ghost hunter so bad at telling ghost stories. He would rather talk about contacting stars with physics and other crazy theories with no evidence. 
Quote from: Weirdoradio on October 27, 2015, 12:08:34 AM
This dude has made dozens of untested/borderline insane comments that could be construed as predictions in this show alone.

thats what guests do on Art's show. I don't agree with him and think he's nuts but comparing him to Dames is a stretch. Dames wasn't banned because he was crazy he was banned because he was proved wrong time and time again while saying he had 99 % accuracy.
Quote from: Weirdoradio on October 27, 2015, 12:05:44 AM
Well yes. Practically speaking Art is still waiting for that gold.

My point is that this dude is advocating for the use of psychics to find new civilizations. Just as crazy/weird as other statements made when it comes to remote viewing.

Well the guest hasn't made dozens and dozens of failed predictions, so until you do that I think it should be fair game.
So the guy has EVPs and evidence but brought virtually nothing for this interview?  ::)
Quote from: chandlerkaiden on October 26, 2015, 11:57:23 PM
Sending psychics to an alien sun?  Just give me some good ghost stories, goddammit.  It's Halloween week.

seriously. He started to tell some then went off on another tangent.
the guest needs to talk about stuff that happened during investigations instead of completely unfounded ideas about the universe. Stick to, I investigated this house and this happened, not what you think the universe is all about.
Quote from: Bounder on October 26, 2015, 11:23:22 PM
Bad video cameras = rods.

Bad cameras = orbs.

yeah, I thought this guy was an investigator not a crazy physic that sees shit. 
how can you know this?
Anyone who can not answer that straight out you gotta wonder about.
Quote from: Spinner on October 26, 2015, 10:23:39 PM

That may be because it wasn't the SETI Institute or he himself who made the discovery.  ::)

He's probably pessimistic beyond belief from finding nothing for so long.
The fact that Seth hasn't completely disregarded this story means its not over yet.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Howard Stern
October 26, 2015, 06:13:50 PM
Quote from: Eddie Coyle on October 26, 2015, 03:27:22 PM
   "Why does Artie hate me, Robin?" (Actually, fatso still kisses his ass here)

If Howard has to ask that then he clearly was not listening to what Artie said.
Quote from: The Coincidence Kid on October 26, 2015, 09:05:26 AM
Yes, they're retroactive test shows. It didn't say that on the website until the end of their first nightmarish week.

lol thats true. When they were shit they suddenly became test shows.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Podcast Not Included
October 26, 2015, 04:28:56 PM
Quote from: jazmunda on October 26, 2015, 07:09:49 AM
Do you have a 'case of the Mondays'? Not anymore. We decided to start a new show called "Podcast Not Included." The first episode will air tonight: Monday Oct. 26th at 5pm PST / 8pm EST

With hosts; BDubb, Eddie Dean, Jazmunda, and PonyBoySunset.

The plan is for this to become a regularly scheduled Monday evening gathering, but that all depends on you, the listener.

If you like the first show and want more, let us know.  For now, all we ask is that you tune in tonight, join us in the chat room if you are feeling saucy, and forget about your troubles for awhile.

We  know what you are saying, "What the internet really needs is yet another podcast." Well, that's true, there are thousands of podcasts out there, but none of them have an Australian lunatic, a Lesbian writer and part-time vampire & not 1 but 2 sexually ambiguous white guys hosting the show.

We plan to discuss many things on the show, especially our favorite topics, which brought us together: MitD/Art Bell, the paranormal & the strange and unusual. We also plan to discuss many other topics such as: pop culture, entertainment, films, music & whatever else crosses our sick minds. Oh and poop stories. There will be poop stories.

Topics on tap for tonight's show:
Ghosts/ Ghost stories/ Halloween
Stupid things we have done
Halloween pranks gone wrong
And anything else that YOU, the listener, has on your mind.
We might even open the phone lines for a 'I hate Mondays' complaint line.

That's right, if you don't like our topics, you can call and completely derail the show. Not only is this recommended but it's highly encouraged! In fact, we'd be disappointed if you didn't! 
As show prep goes, like wearing pants, it is completely optional for this new podcast.

Don't let Mondays get you down, we are here to help, sans pants, reason & on occasion, humility.

Keep an eye on this thread for Live Stream address for the show. We will post that information later today.

Please join us for the first episode of * PodCast Not Included  - LIVE tonight @ 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern

Where to Listen:


502-445-3050 or skype us PodCastNotIncluded

Twitter -   @PodNotIncluded

Sounds cool, I was going to say I missed the old gabcast team but I guess I won't anymore! Where is Onan though?
Quote from: Papa Lazarou on October 25, 2015, 07:09:26 PM
Damn, you're absolutely right. I got the episode mixed with Ian Punnett's 9/11 debate show, which aired in 2010.

The best part about Art's debunking 9/11 show was that people were bitching about him not having a debate and Art rightly pointed out that George had Jones and plenty of guests on with no one debating their 9/11 conspiracy bullshit. Instead of catering to the insane portion of the audience Art brought sanity to C2C...at least for a little while.
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