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Messages - anagrammy

Quote from: Mister Coincidence on August 01, 2011, 02:33:54 PM
I would LOVE to see one of those letters.

Going by memory here--I think aldousburbank got one and posted about it here, last February-ish.  Try searching for the word "denigrate" here on CoastGab and good luck!

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Rachel Maddow
August 01, 2011, 06:06:18 PM
Quote from: Frys Girl on August 01, 2011, 11:36:05 AM
Yea, because Fox News hardliners definitely tune into Stewart and care what he has to say. Fox is banking on the fear and stupidity of the people. It's wholly unethical, but it's a classic business model. George Noory makes a living on it. Obama deserves any of the hate coming his way. What an absolute failure he is. When your potential opponents are Michelle Bachmann and Donald Trump (Slogan "There's hell toupee!"), it's proof that you've failed. Same goes for the GOP. This country is in so much shit.

FRY'S GIRL^^^^^^^ Truer words never spoken.  Only one thing good has come out of this:  people are ALL disgusted, regardless of party affiliation.  We the people have HAD it with the people we thought could run our country.  If any of us performed as badly, our asses would be FIRED!

Quote from: Frys Girl on August 01, 2011, 05:22:23 PM

Oh my gosh Art! He said Tommy wears a garter belt to keep his socks up at 7:31.

I TOLD YOU!  BFF, Noory and Tommy.  When Noory talked to anybody at the conference, Tommy would come over... like, ah, a jealous boyfriend.

Thanks for the kind words, boys.  My observations on IQ and curiosity are recollections of my own childhood and teaching my own nine children to read as preschoolers.  I just love seeing how their little brains worked to figure things out. 

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Rachel Maddow
August 01, 2011, 11:18:15 AM
I don't know how anybody could take Fox News seriously after Jon Stewart took them to the woodshed with his list of 38 recent lies broadcast as "facts" by Fox News, all of them within the previous three months. 

Premiere sent some emails to Noory complainers that they should not denigrate the show just because their favorite host left (Art).
If that's true, then wouldn't the other hosts be getting the same reaction?

Quote from: Scully on July 31, 2011, 11:09:30 PM

Wanderer, is that you???  :P

ROFLMAO.  Good one!

Archive of Old Threads / Re: Mormons
July 31, 2011, 11:10:22 PM
Quote from: The General on July 30, 2011, 08:32:23 AM
I read that at the time, actually.  It's been 6 months.

But anyway, no, not really.  If you read Ana and I's volleys, especially on the first 2 pages, my responses  stand on their own merit.  I can sum up my whole point by saying this: Trying to discredit Mormonism by using sources that the Mormons themselves denounce is unnecessary when the texts and practices that they ACTUALLY DO FOLLOW and declare to be from God are batshit enough to use against them.  Citing apocryphal and unofficial Mormon sources only makes you look ill versed on the subject and discredits your entire argument.

I'm also being misquoted: I never said that the Doctrine and Covenants is not considered an official source, I said that the Journal of Discourses is not official, and therefore shouldn't be used to try to debunk Mormonism. 

What blows me away is this- Anagrammy and I are both ex-mormons that think Mormonism is a lie and a scam, and you would think that we could agree on the facts.  Apparently not.  Anyway, it became tedious trying to read 1000 word 'copy and pasted' posts.

General, I consider you a friend and we resolved our differences long ago.  Don't know why Mike brought this up now- it's an oldie and I don't hold the same view now as I did then.  I'm actually going to be in Utah in October and would love to get together for a drink.  Here at the religion of George Noory Sucks, there are many denominations but we all believe in one savior, Art Bell.  I await his (Fourth?) Coming...

Archive of Old Threads / Re: Mormons
July 31, 2011, 10:56:58 PM
Quote from: Morgus on July 31, 2011, 08:41:44 PM
is there truth to the reports of them wearing "magic" undergarments?
Howard Stern has asked about that on his show.

Absolutely true.  Only after Mormons have qualified to go to the Temple (don't masturbate, pay 10% and PAY UP IF YOU ARE BEHIND, don't drink/smoke/coffee, attend 3 hour church meeting, work free for the church, are faithful or celibate, and don't speak out against the Mormon church) 

The magic underwear is called "garments" and they carry buttonholes over the nipples, navel and one knee.  These are symbols representing the same things Masons believe in.  Masons actually used to cut these symbols through the fabric into the flesh, leaving scars for reminders of oaths.  Joseph Smith "imported" the Masonic temple ceremony for the purpose of making the ladies he was poking swear they wouldn't tell or they would allow themselves to be killed.  Emma, Joseph's wife, objected to having her chest carved and designed the garments with symbolic red thread to represent the blood of the cuts.  The red became white overtime and the long union suit evolved with changing fashion to be the hideous creations they are today - tops and bottoms of nylon or cotton, like boxers and t shirts.  They insure modesty because they must be covered at all times.

At first they had no super powers, but then as a matter of Mormon folklore, like every religion has, there began to circulate rumors that the garment had saved so-and-so from getting burned because the flames stopped where his garments started.  OR, my personal favorite, the body found floating in the ocean had been eaten by sharks, except where the garments were.  Today even the average Mormon can give you a garment urban legend off the top of his head.  The general authorities of the church tell them as inspirational stories from the pulpit. 

Taking advanced courses in Utah in Folklore of Religion at Utah State, I learned additional super powers that were believed by some members:  that if you had sex without taking off the sacred underwear, your child would be more spiritual, maybe even a prophet.  OR, Joseph Smith was killed because he was not wearing his garments the day he was shot--they would have stopped the bullets.

I personally dated a man in Utah, a high school principal, and took him with my family on a rockhunting camping trip.  After refusing to help put up the tent, he refused to take off his garments to bathe or change them the whole four days.  He ended up having the tent to himself and the kids and I slept outside.  My teenagers were in hysterics laughing at this superstitious nonsense, which he explained, "There are wild animals out there and for all we know, my garments are protecting us all."

Quote from: Morgus on July 31, 2011, 08:43:49 PM
Noory has been taking more Fridays off lately, he must be spreading out his yearly vacation days so he doesn't have to worry about being gone for a whole week.
At least we get more Noory-free 3day weekends like this weekend.

I think he was kicked off Friday nights because he is obviously and laughably inept at dealing with callers.  Somebody at Premiere finally had their head in their hands listening to the fumble-a-thon and said, "that's it, we gotta pull the plug."  Besides, if they start the Noory-free weekend sooner, it would help the ratings.

What was the "it" that Art Bell said George Noory got?  Any ideas?

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Coast
July 31, 2011, 04:05:36 PM
Quote from: b_dubb on July 31, 2011, 11:49:13 AM
will this be a creamy, mayonaise based slaw?  or a vinegar type slaw?  just wondering

It depends on whether the virtual ribs have a sweet barbecue rub or not.  OH WHO KNOWS?  LOL!

Archive of Old Threads / Re: Mormons
July 31, 2011, 04:03:50 PM
Good catch, General.

A lot of underappreciated Mormon women get off on posing as a fuckety-fuck-fuck male.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 31, 2011, 04:01:02 PM
Awesome, Art- but why is Hale-Bopp in there?

Quote from: Frys Girl on July 31, 2011, 03:56:54 PM
The altnerative fuel in question here has got to be like baby rabbits or something. Noory looks like hell. He looks like someone who was in a FEMA concentration camp for the last 70 years. When I saw him in Video Chat, I was scared. He might be a subject of his own show one day. "Special Line: Diagnose Noory!"

I'll play - Turmeric Poisoning

Talk about horror.  Someone, somewhere rejected other Holloween outfit ideas in FAVOR of the diaper and giant pacifier.  I fear for Western Civilization.

Quote from: Gassy Man on July 31, 2011, 02:10:43 PM
Very well done -- your posts are amusing.

Thanks, Gassy.  I think you absolutely should host Coast.  Noory is obviously out of gas.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 31, 2011, 02:17:09 PM
Quote from: Art on July 31, 2011, 02:14:33 AM
^  You're absolutely right.  July 1.

We need an official timeline.

I'm retired.  Before I retired, I tried to retire.  Retirement is like sex--failed attempts don't count.  I could care less whether Art's "retired" every other day since the end of the Korean War.  What I care about is that he's there live when I turn on the radio dial.  'Cause if I hear Art's voice, I will get up and make tea.  If I hear Noory's voice, I download an audio book.

It's that simple.

Quote from: DanDan on July 31, 2011, 01:51:30 PM
Walk down the streets of New York. Look around and see all of those people. Now realize how many fucks you do not give for any of them, and how many fucks they don't give for you.

We live in a fuckless giving world, my friends. Fucks are only given if something deviant occurs that fucks up our day. Fuck neighbors, fuck bosses, fuck the internet, and, in the good words of an American soldier, "FUCK THE FUCKING FUCKERS."

I'm going to go the fuck to sleep now, and no fucks will be given. At. Fucking. Fuck. Fishmonkeyfuck. Fucking. All. Have a swell night, motherfuckers.

See what happens when you grow up being told you can never say the word that rhymes with Duck?  And the word "friggin'" is used instead? 


Quote from: BobGrau on June 01, 2011, 10:10:52 AM
"....I think it's a cycle" has always been my favourite :)

I'm fairly new here, so forgive me if I'm out of line saying this (I'm saying it anyway)

'pranking' noory is beneath you.
If someone could get on the show and address the issue of his incompetence, how much better it was under art etc. etc. great, I'd cheer them on all the way. But to draw up battleplans for calling in and yelling 'you suck' is not only pointless, but counterproductive - it puts you and anyone connected with this forum firmly in the 'haters' camp, rather than the 'constructive criticism' category.
Just sayin...

PS I do enjoy a bit of childish name-calling from time to time, that's why I have a YouTube channel  :P

Bob, Bob, nothing is beneath us.  We are the haters, the bottom-crawlers, the infidel apostates of Coast.  Haven't you seen the pages on pages of adolescent photoshoppery?  We are the people creeping through the radio dial when normal people are asleep.

Archive of Old Threads / Re: Mormons
July 31, 2011, 02:04:56 PM
When you get a little older, having to lie makes a difference.  Like having to not tell people the whole truth about Mormon theology when you are a missionary.  Like realizing you are taking perfectly happy people and teaching them to fear that they will not be "with" their families in eternity unless they pay your church 10% of their income.  And then sticking your hand out for one bean out of the ten that they have for dinner.

Don't miss Raptor Jesus' book coming out this year about his life and mission.  You should read some of his posts on www.exmormon.org.  He has invented a whole higher level of swearing "ha fucking ha" and you two would totally hit it off.  Wait til you read about the guys who have to get a doctor's prescription to masturbate. HooooWEEEE!  No, not a cult.

Just wait til you have to lie to your own children. Believe me, personal integrity matters.


Quote from: Minni on June 14, 2011, 02:51:24 PM
Actually, by the time Noory's time arrived, I had long given up on trying to get thru because during Bell's era, I tried many times to get through but the lines were constantly busy.

I read some of the above posts re: cultural IQ, and as a newcomer, I now realize this forum is beyond my league.

For example:
Say someone has Alzheimers - would you consider him/her lacking in cultural IQ?
I consider dementia as one's potential/capacity cut off for reasons beyond control.

Similarly, some people's experiences (whether by dint of birth within xxx society, or limiting environment, or whatever) has, for reasons beyond his/her control, a limited repertoire. But there are many of you out there who just don't get it, simply cuz you've not experienced it.

Minni, your post introduces a good question, is there a difference between cultural IQ and cultural literacy, as in "The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy."  I say yes, because cultural IQ would suggest innate ability to notice cultural morays, gestures, in-jokes, etc.  Cultural literacy would just be the exposure you gained in whatever culture it is. 

I would consider myself culturally literate in America but not in any other country.  Even if the language were translated, I would not get their jokes.  If you said to me, "It was a Beijing weather forecast," I would understand immediately that this meant someone was implying they could control the weather because the stakes were high on getting you to come.  That's an American in-joke but only for those who follow the news and remember the Olympics.   If you were in China, however, even if translated, a Chinese person would not necessarily get the meaning the same way an American would.  They might think it was a compliment.

My conclusion about George is that he's not demented, but ill-informed.  He does not have the wide body of deep knowledge a person his age should have about American life.  He didn't consume newspapers his whole life, is not well-read, never makes a reference to how an existential question was treated in classic literature or ancient Greece,  and specifically offers no information or insight that would lead you to believe his story of personal interest in the paranormal/astronomy, especially at such an early age.  This type of interest produces a curious person, maybe scientist, an investigator, an astronomer, even an English major for someone who plans to write about the paranormal.  It does not produce a dentist. 

High IQ people are curious.  You know how I know George is not a curious person (hence a low IQ person)?  He does not know the next logical question when conversing with an interesting guess.  Meaning he has never followed an internal line of inquiry to a satisfactory conclusion.  And, sorry, "There are no coincidences" and "everything happens for a reason" are not satisfactory conclusions to the rational mind.

Lack of intellectual gifts is overcome every day by people with talent.  Talent and perseverance, in my opinion, outrun basic high IQ every day in front of our eyes.  We see it especially in politicians.  Many if not most high IQ people are not good with communication or working with other people.  They are socially challenged. 

So you end up with a conclusion that being a good host is like preparing Indian cuisine--it's a rare blend of spices and if one is missing, or there's too much of another, it bombs.  It's fun to conjecture, and it's anybody's guess, but we here at CoastGab all agree on one thing:

Art had the IT factor and George Noory sucks.


PS.  No, you fit just fine.  This forum is just a bunch of looney and semi-looney insomniac smart-alecks who can't let go.  We make each other laugh, that's all.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Ian Punnett
July 31, 2011, 10:18:02 AM
Hey, Ian!  Why don't you interview Alvin Toffler, the author of Future Shock?  He's 82 and Wikipedia says two of his predictions for the future have yet to come true:  the paperless office and human cloning.  Meaning the rest have pretty much happened--

I would kill to hear his comments on America today with our future as a tick on the rump of China.

Written in the seventies, Future Shock provided a calculated and prescient peek into the future based on Toffler's theories of the societies in "waves".  I think of his projection of overload whenever I go to the grocery store and experience too many choices.  Accenture, the management consultancy firm, has dubbed him the third most influential voice among business leaders, after Bill Gates and Peter Drucker. He has also been described in the Financial Times as the “world’s most famous futurologist.” People’s Daily classes him among the 50 foreigners that shaped modern China. 

Quote from: Titanic on July 31, 2011, 12:09:33 AM
Well, fine Ag, but why are you up so late?  You wouldn't be listening to C2C would you?  You have grandchildren to tend to in the morning, so it's lights out for you, young'un.

Ha!  I just hate to call it a day, Titanic, what can I say?  After raising bajillion kids as a single mom, I did housework and ey'thing else while they slept. So that's why I needed Coast to distract me from my to-do list into the world of UFOs, crypto, time-travel, etc.  Those habits die hard.  Right now I am unloading a storage cube that I've had for thirty years, so while I sort I need entertainment.  After a number of bouts of yelling at the radio, "MF, you IDIOT!" at the hosting of Noory, or pleading with god for a decent guest/caller, I gave up.  I seldom listen now.

Last night I picked a sci-fi bonbon out of the treasure trove of Arthur C. Clarke books which I downloaded for absolutely free from demonoid. I'm in the middle of Moondust and my mind looks like a baby who found the cake-making drawer and has sprinkles everywhere!


PS.  If you ever feel sorry for yourself (ie, no husband, no Art, favorite show ruined), try this:  I imagine I am ninety years old and blowing out the candles on my birthday cake.  I wish I was back in time to 2011 when I was healthy, could see, could eat anything I wanted, drove a sportscar and could walk without a walker, and grandkids screamed with joy when I walked in the door.  OMG!  I got my wish--that's TODAY!
Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
July 31, 2011, 09:43:02 AM
Premiere might be testing the waters.  They've got to be hanging by a thread of drool from Rush Limbaugh's lips.  They can't sell the show anywhere in the U.S. without a bundle. The obvious thing to do, which I suggested, would be to give the audience more staggered hosts, less Noory and more anyone else.

Please, god, Knapp is our favorite so maybe this is a portent, an omen from the dire apocalyptic vision of George Noory himself, in which the world ends because he is no longer the self-congratulatory heir of the show that Art and Ramona built, upon which he has careened into complete irrelevance.

The other day I merely READ the description of some other paranormal shows and...what a difference!  Here is a suggestion for some shows that would actually interest the paranormal crowd instead of How to Avoid Ingrown Toenails. 

Latest technology applied to moon mysteries. 
Disappeared UFO evidence- what ever happened to ?
European Nuclear Waste- Where Is It Going?
Update on Mystery Missle off California Coast
Why Are No Young People in UFO Research?
Earth's Future With Shortage of Women

Quote from: Titanic on July 30, 2011, 11:57:22 PM
Hi Anagrammy,  I have enjoyed your posts as a lurker and now that I am out of the shadows, may I compliment you on your cogent style? I thank you for posting Art's message and hope that better things may be in the future.  Osiris to Horus to Art Bell! Keep hope alive.

Glad to have you here, Titanic, and thanks for the kind words.

Post often, we're your peeps!

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Coast
July 30, 2011, 11:53:03 PM
Quote from: Area51 on July 30, 2011, 09:51:26 PM
It might take a while to settle in if you are getting your broadcast equipment set up :o )

I am also thinking of his non-compete agreement as being a reason he has had to be circumspect and take some time.    The timing appears right for Art to be moving, setting up equipment and negotiating something new with his network of friends and supporters now that some time has passed since his departure from Premiere. 

AND I think we here at CoastGab can pat ourselves on the back for keeping this thread going and providing steady and constant negative feedback about the quality of the show.  I can't help but feel that any assessment of Art's regarding his viability as a host would have to include us "haters" because, as we all know, there's no C2C-related forum anywhere near CoastGab in terms of participation.

People come here to lurk and see what's what and they stay because it's a congenial bunch here and there's no clique and not too many rules.  It's friendly to newcomers while at the same time calling it as we see it.

I'm very excited about Art coming back to the U. S. and hope someday we will have that party in Pahrump called Where In The World Is Art Bell?  I'm bringing cole slaw.....

Welcome back, Art!

Quote from: Titanic on July 30, 2011, 11:16:09 PM
I remember in the late nineties(?) when he had his son's problems on his mind he was on again/ off again the show.  I agree with you that he just lost his focus at some point.  Such is life.  It was a beautiful window of time but Camelot is an illusion.  We won't see him or his like back again.  I don't know what the answer is.  It may be time to let the past go and keep agitating for a replacement to this piece of shit Noory.  Those of us who remember how good it can be are the best qualified for this. Rock on.

I GOT NEWS FOR YOU FROM ART:  This was on Facebook this afternoon:
Art Bell Hi all,
Please excuse the lack of posting but we have days full of trying to restore the house here in Pahrump to livable condition. There is so much to do and only so many hours in the day. There are things going on in the background that I will talk about at the proper time. The move was a big one and we need time to adjust. For now, thank you all for your friendship.Art says "things are going on in the background that I will talk about at the proper time."  Art is no longer communicating with fans through Fantastic Forum, he's using his FB page and this is the latest.  He's got something in the works, so don't give up hope!

Quote from: Paper*Boy on July 30, 2011, 10:56:29 PM

Yes, plenty of shoutouts.  Poor George.  The times he's talked about 'haters'.  The time he said his detractors live in mud huts and steal electricity from their neighbors (that was actually fairly inspired).  His 'unemployed with nothing to do all day' type comments.  He warns his computer challenged listeners not 'tuh buh-leeve ever-thing out there un thuh innernet'.

Recently he apparently said he 'no longer' reads it.  There's a shout out, an admission that he eagerly pores through it.

Let me guess what George's day is like.  Watching movie trailers.  Looking for morbid stories.  Catching up on celebrity gossip.  A couple useless staff meetings.  Making the rounds up to the exec offices for a kiss up.  Hanging around the kitchen hoping his female colleagues from the other side of the building come in.  Bothering people, hovering, talking about lunch, then dinner, going out to eat with Tommy, filling everyone in afterward.  Reading email is out.  Show prep is out.  No paper work.  George and his ego have plenty of time left over to google himself, read online comments responding to articles when he's been interviewed, comments posted about his books at Amazon, at at websites like this one. 

He can't help but give shoutouts.  Hi George.  You suck.

Naw. Amazon would be on the list of "haters" he doesn't read.  Have you SEEN the reviews of "Worker in the Light"?  Scorched my retinas.
No, our big flaw is we haven't got anything positive to say.  Yes I do.  I never smell him fart.

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