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Messages - Zetaspeak

Quote from: Gyoza Girl on December 07, 2017, 10:11:02 PM
I get John Curtis mixed up with Jerome Corsi, but there's probably no meaningful difference between the two. They both seem to be relentless cheerleaders for Donald Trump. As such, they reflect perfectly George Noory's point of view. And George obviously has a POV, despite his frequent protestations that he doesn't do politics and doesn't take sides -- he's only presenting "information." LOL!

As for John and Jerome, I think Donald Trump would have to stand in front of the cameras and declare allegiance to ISIS before either one of these "journalists" would say anything negative about him.

I personally been skipping the news segments for a while now, but when I did hear it. Corsi at least *tries* to come off somewhat professional on C2C. He obviously very Pro-Trump but he tries to control himself as full cheerleader (unlike his twitter feed) but Curtis is almost comical how much his lips are pressed on Trumps butt. The few times Noory actually brings up something that might be considered negative of Trump, you can literally hear Curtis hyperventilating in his defense.

I had to laugh hearing Noory ask the "Trump story of the day" and Curtis constant reply of "It's not a story!!" and Jorge quickly moving on and as Noory says goodbye he ends it with "We'll have you on soon to talk more about this situation"  ;D Only Jorge would go back to the same guest on a story to a guest who refuses to look into the story because he thinks it's not a story. It's the blind leading the dumb on C2C

Curtis might very well be one of Trumps fake call personalities on the other line  8)
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
December 08, 2017, 12:48:06 PM
Quote from: 21st Century Man on December 08, 2017, 11:59:41 AM
Second person in Roy Moore allegations proven to be a fraud

Roy Moore accuser admits she forged part of yearbook inscription

Modify message

Oh and by the way, Moore was never ever accused of rape.  That is what you might call a fantasy.

It's important to remember this woman wasn't part of the original 4 which the Washington Post did the story on. Which was referenced, cross-reference. I think the WP story is very credible and legit

Allred comes in after the fact like the media whore she is, and does her best James O'Keefe impression. Of course this will take away from the real victims in the original story.
Random Topics / Re: Winter Holiday Thread
December 08, 2017, 12:23:40 PM
Charlie Brown Christmas is my family favorite but ABC for some reason aired it on November 30 and I don't think there's any more showings for December.   >:(

TCM tonight is showing my favorite version of A Christmas Carol from 1951
Quote from: paladin1991 on December 07, 2017, 01:26:12 PM
Maybe.  Maybe not.  As men we are accountable for words and actions. that being said, his career as a comedian should not be carrying as much weight in this career as a politician. Things done for comedy's sake were for... comedy.  Over the top or in poor taste, sure, some of it.  And he should have answered for it then.   
Let's face it, if these women had made their statements then, we wouldn't have had to put up with Franken since then.

I thought the infamous Fraken photo is a classic case of faux outrage. Let's all be honest, it's an obvious gag photo by a comedian, where she was in no danger and there was soldiers all around (BTW if that was an abuse, why aren't the soldiers there being court martial for not stopping it) it might be sexist or boorish but lets not say some gag photo of a mugging guy with his fingers over a chest protector has any legit threat to it.

BTW as critical as I am of Trump, I wouldn't use anything that was said or done on air during The Apprentice, that's a TV show, anything he said during the show I view it as a TV character.

I always like tuning into Dames for a my retro Coast fix. But I always skip the "news segment" at the top the show and due to that I forgot to tune into the show all together and missed Dames  :o
Random Topics / Re: Fire Storms in Northern California
December 07, 2017, 11:36:07 AM
Is it me or do Wildfires get a lot less press/hype than other natural disasters. Yesterday there was some National coverage but compared to when a hurricane or tornado hit, or a major earthquake it doesn't have the hype the others do
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
December 07, 2017, 11:30:49 AM
Quote from: PB the Deplorable on December 06, 2017, 08:29:37 PM

No.  Not one single Jew that voted for Hilary will now vote for Trump because he moved the embassy.

I agree with you there, the people that seem most excited about this are Evangelist and End of Dayers
The Enquirer just became the Inquiry

Top gossip editor accused of sexual misconduct

The top editor for the National Enquirer, Us Weekly and other major gossip publications openly described his sexual partners in the newsroom, discussed female employees’ sex lives and forced women to watch or listen to pornographic material, former employees told The Associated Press.

The behavior by Dylan Howard, currently the chief content officer of American Media Inc., occurred while he was running the company’s Los Angeles office, according to men and women who worked there. Howard’s self-proclaimed nickname was “Dildo,” a phallus-shaped sex toy, the former employees said. His conduct led to an internal inquiry in 2012 by an outside consultant, and former employees said he stopped working out of the L.A. office after the inquiry.


First off, the Enquirer has an editor? Secondly, thanks AP for describing what a dildo is lol  :-[
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
December 05, 2017, 03:13:32 PM
Quote from: Lt.Uhura on December 03, 2017, 02:55:23 AM
Trump's lies are getting more preposterous every day. What a sorry excuse for a leader.

In attempting to distance himself from Flynn, Trump Tweets that he knew about Flynn's lies to the FBI, opening himself up to potential obstruction of justice re Comey. And now, he says it was HIS LAWYER who sent the Tweet--in Trump's own voice! R i g h t! As if his lawyer would do something so incredibly stupid! LMAO!



Doesn't Trump do that a lot. From giving out a shout out to WikiLeaks as we know now around the same time his son was having "quiet contact" with them, to during the NBC interview and just blurts out he fired Comey over the "Russia thing", to even doing the handicap mocking thing when talking about that journalist.

It's like Trump got some form of Tourette, that his natural nature is to lie all the time but sometimes he blurts truth about himself.
Hoagland Morninngstar is a great wacky combo. i think hamsters can run a show better
Accidentally  tunes into this combo

Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
December 04, 2017, 02:46:42 AM
Why is PB getting attacked by both sides...... both sides

I like PB, even though I disagree with him 98% of his opinion, and he might want to lock me up for being a liberal   ;D I still like him
Quote from: albrecht on December 01, 2017, 02:36:43 PM

"“While I 100% support more transparency with respect to claims against members of Congress, I can neither confirm nor deny that settlement involved my office as the Congressional Accountability Act prohibits me from answering that question,” said Farenthold in a statement."

Well I am stunned

Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
December 01, 2017, 02:48:44 PM
I am excited that I just got one step closer to BINGO. Come on Kellyanne and the big fish Bannon

Quote from: sumthinz going on on November 30, 2017, 04:56:25 AM
thanks, i needed that lol  ;)

george hinting at having the scam docs on more often tonight. damnit to hell

He's got to be trolling everybody, it's well known everybody hates these shows. But wow what a double feature last night, I avoided it
Quote from: albrecht on November 21, 2017, 09:43:03 PM
I didn't realize it was already out! How does it compare to the various other versions? I do want to check it out simply if even to do a small part in keeping mysteries,  plot, acting,  and no CGI movies viable.

I never saw the 1974 version so I can't compare it, even though I want to. I enjoyed this version, has a lot of star power on the train but they don't do much as it focus most on the lead (Poirot). There's a little CGI but it's not too overwhelming.
Politics / Re: Net Neutrality
November 30, 2017, 06:56:48 PM
Quote from: WOTR on November 30, 2017, 03:20:56 AM

When a few corporations start making the rules I have to be concerned.  Damn, I hope the George Soros outright buys a few ISP's for fun.

What will be funny is when the large ISP's (let's face it- most are probably controlled by liberal leaning corporations) decide to slow down access to Fox news, and no longer allow access to right leaning websites or those they deem "inappropriate."

Right now, I can make a website telling the world that Vegas was a false flag.  I can claim that Trump is the best president ever, and I can (supposedly) be assured that it will have an equal chance against CNN.

Now let the Internet companies decide who can view what and pick the "winners" and "looses".  I know- you would switch providers.  The only problem is that there are so few of them. (Again, I hope Soros invests a pile in them.)  :)

Anyhow, I hope everybody enjoys Comcast showing them only what they allow... I don't know why it has to be a "free for all" or regulated to death.  There are problems- fix them.  In this case that does not mean complete deregulation and allowing a few companies completely free reign.

You know he would be blamed even if he didn't own any ISP. I swear if a Democrat suggest you not eat a shitcake, Trumpers and right wingers will say that shitcake is the best tasting cake out there and eat it every day because "Those fuckin Dems!!!"

So right-wingers who yell and scream whenever twitter or Youtube suspends or bans a video, now want ISP to determine the flow of information. Where do you even start with that logic.

I guess the same logic that said "fuck those multi-nationalist" last year to oooh these poor company need all the profits they can have in a span of a months

Politics / Re: Random Political Thoughts
November 23, 2017, 12:54:28 PM
Quote from: 21st Century Man on November 22, 2017, 11:45:37 PM
Some things I never want to see and this guy's nude photo is one of them.


I unfortunately did see it. The one positive I had of it is it reminded me to put the turkey in the oven.

I liked his statement emphasizing it involved a "MATURE adults woman". THAT is where our standards are now lol. In other words it's okay being a prev, but not a Roy Moore perv. We have standards here in Texas  ;D

If he leaves congress it shouldn't be a morality reason should be because he too dumb to serve. He literally sat through the Anthony Weiner ordeal
How many JFK shows are we having this week  ;D There was one on Saturday, they touched a bit on it yesterday. LMH talking about it tonight and a JFK special tomrrow
Politics / Re: Sports Kneelers
November 21, 2017, 10:10:54 PM
Quote from: Gd5150 on November 07, 2017, 06:26:39 PM
Well considering it’s where Kaepernick kicked off the left’s hate America protests it kinda seems like a logical place to start. Sorry I kno logic is a confusing thing, look it up.

As for reading what a dumbfuck lemming has to say about stocks and the market that’s kind of a huge laugher.

So you cute off my entire end of my sentence which was pretty much making fun of SF culture so you can yell and act like I am attacking you and pretend to be a victim?

Or did you ADD/Autism kicked in after just reading 6 words?

Well if you think Stock prices weren't a big deal for Papa Johns they send out 3 tweets trying to have damage control (which I don't think the statement really hit any mark

The statements made on our earnings call were describing the factors that impact our business and we sincerely apologize to anyone that thought they were divisive. That definitely was not our intention. (1/3) We believe in the right to protest inequality and support the players’ movement to create a new platform for change.  We also believe together, as Americans, we should honor our anthem. There is a way to do both. (2/3) We will work with the players and league to find a positive way forward. Open to ideas from all. Except neo-Nazi (middle finger emoticon) those guys. (3/3)

Tweet statement Nov 14 Stockprice 59.28. Tonight it closed at 57.58

Quote from: TigerLily on November 20, 2017, 11:14:36 PM
That was a stupid idea. Of course you bet on Seattle. Sorry willy

I don't know what to make out of Seattle, they seem to play down to their opponents some time. Losing to the Redskins, winning only by 3 with the Texans and the freakin 49ers.

Watched Murder on the Orient Express film that just came out a week ago. I always liked a good mystery flick.
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
November 15, 2017, 04:49:17 PM
Quote from: ACE of CLUBS on November 15, 2017, 04:33:34 PM
Little hands ..... poor fighting stance.
Left, right, flop ...

He literally holds his bottle like a baby  ;D

It's a health infomercial on C2C so I listen  to this. The guest was promoted to talk about Mandela Effect (Roy Horne) but it turned into a bible show
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
November 08, 2017, 05:37:01 PM

After all the Governors wins in Virginia and New Jersey , and Virginia house seats wins by Dems a story that gone under the radar was Maine having a Ballot Measure in Maine to Expand Medicaid. It passed by 59%

Maine (crazy) Governor LePage who has vetoed this 5 times says he not going to implement it. Not sure how the laws say about a vote from the public. LePage is not running for re-election.

An interesting side story is that this certainly not going to help Susan Collins change her vote from no to yes when he state is backing a more liberal plan.

BTW is Maine the strangest political state out there, they have a cool independent like Angus King, a moderate Republican in Collins and a total right wing nutter like LePage all representing them at the same time

Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
November 08, 2017, 04:41:51 PM
What a great pitcher Roy was. Total no nonsense all substance. It's too bad he never won a World Series or will be around the day he undeniably goes to the Hall of Fame. Really, really sad
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
November 08, 2017, 12:22:19 PM
Quote from: PaulAtreides on November 08, 2017, 10:38:54 AM
Even a tranny beat a repug.

Not just any Repug but a 13-time incumbent who proudly calls himself "chief homophobe”

Trumpers all over the country were going down quicker than a Russian hooker


Ohio mayor who left Dem Party to back Trump goes down in humiliating electoral defeat

A mayor in Ohio who left the Democratic Party last year to endorse Donald Trump for president has gone down in defeat.

Tom Coyne, who was elected as mayor of Brook Park in 2013, lost his reelection bid on Tuesday night when he was defeated by independent candidate Michael Gammella.

As the Cleveland Plain Dealer reports, Coyne lost by more than five percentage points to Gammella, a former city council president and United Auto Workers representative.

Coyne made headlines in 2016 when he ditched the Democratic Party to back Trump’s candidacy. He has so far shown no remorse for his decision this year, and he even appeared at an October fundraiser in Cleveland alongside Donald Trump Jr.

In a recent interview with the Plain Dealer, Coyne said that Trump had done a lot to transform the GOP into a party representing blue-collar white people, which he claimed were the people he was trying to represent as mayor.

“What’s happening is the Republican Party is getting transformed like the old Reagan Democrats, and that’s who I represent,” he said.

But even though Brook Park is overwhelmingly white â€" the 2010 census showed the town of 19,000 people was 92 percent white â€" Coyne only received 38 percent of the vote on Tuesday.

Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
November 08, 2017, 10:38:25 AM
Quote from: Gd5150 on November 08, 2017, 09:41:16 AM
I would like to congratulate the Demokkkrats on a great campaign winning 4 seats they were supposed to win. Only 1247 to go! 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on November 08, 2017, 09:45:28 AM
a bunch to you is 4?! How sad. I guess you take what you can get.  :D

Are you two the same person? How can two different people have read or write out the same typo. You both seem to be forgetting a one in front of the four. Or maybe it collusion, you Trumpers seem to like that.

At least 14 (edit just got switched to 15) Virginia House Delegates switched last night. Before last night Republicans had the advantage 66-34. After last night it has flipped to Democrats 49-47 with 4 too close to call.


Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
November 08, 2017, 09:46:47 AM
Quote from: 136 or 142 on November 07, 2017, 08:09:50 PM
In a Virginia House of Delegates district seat, this guy beat the Republican House Whip.

(This was the Republican mailer used against him.)

That is bad...... But it could be worse I mean you can have a Trumper lose to..... I don't know a tranny or something. Wait what happened last night?

Danica Roem of Virginia to be first openly transgender person elected, seated in a U.S. statehouse

Ummmmm she must have one on some uber liberal district ..... right RIGHT!?

It pitted a 33-year-old former journalist who began her physical gender transition four years ago against a 13-TERM INCUMBENT who called himself Virginia’s “chief homophobe” and earlier this year introduced a “bathroom bill” that died in committee



Politics / Re: Sports Kneelers
November 07, 2017, 01:58:42 PM
Quote from: Gd5150 on November 06, 2017, 02:58:34 PM

Here’s their dumpy new Levi’s stadium yesterday at the coin toss. 10% full is being generous. I think it’s priceless. You mess with the silent majority, you lose. We have the money. The NFL and ESPN are circling the drain and they’re too stupid to know it. Remember CNNSI?

Couldn't you use a better example than San Francisco. Are we sure that this liberal paradise city isn't staying away because the players didn't go far enough  :P


This Papa John story is getting kind of hilarious now. After he was critical of the NFL, the alt-right/Nazi/white-supremacist are all claiming PJ's as their official Pizza which forced Papa Johns to say "We condemn racism in all forms and any and all hate groups that support it," Collins told Courier Journal. "We do not want these individuals or groups to buy our pizza.” -- I am guessing Papa John wish he kept his mouth shut as his stocks tumble even further after his comments and even Pizza Hut is trolling him with this statement ""We're not seeing impact on any of that on our business," Greg Creed, CEO of Pizza Hut's and DiGiorno twitter account been trolling PJ's

Quick stock market recap. Papa Johns complain football protest bringing down sales
Preseason football starts price 71.72 -- Pj's owner complain Beginning of November price 68.05 (5% drop in 3 months of protest football)
Day of PJ's owner complain start price 68.05  -- Current price of stock 57.82 (15% drop in one week)
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