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Messages - Kelt

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 28, 2015, 12:26:12 PM
I'll comfort myself in not living within a 1000 miles of you; Yes, I feel better already.  ;)

I have resided in both the UK and the US.

The US is closer to a 'Police State' than the UK, though neither is particularly Police State.

Anyone who says otherwise is not speaking from experience.
Quote from: Chaim on February 28, 2015, 11:59:02 AM
he was shot from a car 4 times. what's there to powerhose? you read too many bad newspapers or watch crappy propaganda news.

I'm not sure if you're familiar with shooting, but blood tends to spray, or leak, depending upon what gets hit. 

Also, the pictures of the local authorities spraying down the blood that had sprayed, or leaked, depending upon what got hit, were online for us all to see.

No movies involved.

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 28, 2015, 11:18:28 AM

Gobshite. Do you trawl David Icke, Alex Jones and any other bollox site before copying and pasting on here? I know you can't make it all up, so who are your influences?

THat was prophetic! I was guessing when I typed the above, but I wasn't let down!

http://www.infowars.com/russia-us-backed-opposition-leader-gunned-down-in-moscow/ Verbatim!



Outstanding work, flatcapped one.

Verbatim indeed.

You're supposed to link the author when you steal their thoughts, Chaim.

It's considered polite.

Quote from: VtaGeezer on February 28, 2015, 11:06:07 AM
At least the old Soviet Union was ruled by the Party that kept its premieres from becoming another Stalin and had some predictability in foreign relations; now we seem to be dealing with a Stalin-style absolute dictator.  And unlike the old commies who were not exactly loved, latest pols show Vlad has over 80% domestic support, though the only support he needs is that of the FSB.

Right now Putin feels like he can do whatever he wants.  He invaded and annexed in all but name a portion of Georgia.  The West did nothing.

He invaded and annexed the Crimean peninsula, and the West did nothing.

The overt assassination of a troublesome political opponent in the streets of Moscow is of small significance to Putin.  He probably expected there to be as little fallout as there has been with the others he had executed.

Quote from: Chaim on February 28, 2015, 10:52:32 AM
US-backed opposition groups in Russia have so far failed utterly to produce results. Their transparent subservience to Washington coupled with their distasteful brand of politics has left a rather unpleasant taste in the mouth of most Russians. Each attempt to spread the “virus” of color revolution to Moscow, as US Senator John McCain called it, has failed â€" and each attempt has fallen progressively flatter.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has never been more popular. His ability to weather serial provocations aimed at Russia by NATO has made him a champion against the perceived growing injustice exacted against the developing world by an increasingly militaristic and exploitative West.

So when US-backed opposition groups in Russia decided to gather again this coming March 1, Sunday, many wondered just exactly what they expected to accomplish.

Clearly to match the expectations the “spring” rally was meant to have, to infuse the “virus” US Senator McCain had claimed was intended for Moscow, something drastic would have to be done to change the current calculus.

The prospect of triggering sustainable unrest aimed at the Kremlin was beyond impossible â€" that is â€" until the leader of the planned protest was shot dead, practically on the steps of the Kremlin itself in the heart of Moscow.

Boris Nemtsov, was reportedly shot four times in the back on Friday night in a drive-by shooting. His body laid conveniently for media photographers to capture the Kremlin looming in the background.

Russia immediately condemned the killing, with President Putin noting it was an act of “pure provocation.”

Nemtsov had led US-backed opposition protests for years. In 2012, he was caught literally walking into the US Embassy in Moscow to meet with then newly appointed US Ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul who had serve on the board of directors of Freedom House and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

The significance of this cannot be overstated.

That Nemtsov was meeting directly with McFaul who openly works to subvert governments to suit special interests in Washington and on Wall Street, gives some indication of just how closely tied to US meddling Nemtsov was.

In addition to Nemtsov’s direct contact with representatives of US-backed sedition, Nemtsov’s adviser, Vladimir Kara-Murza, has attended NED forums including one in 2011 titled, “Elections in Russia: Polling and Perspectives,” and an NED forum in 2013 titled, “Russia: A Postmodern Dictatorship?” which was jointly presented by Kara-Murza’s “Institute ofModern Russia,” a joint-US Neo-Con/US-backed Russian opposition propaganda clearing house.

It was clear that Washington’s “template” needed an upgrade. What could be done, just days ahead of another attempt to trigger sustainable unrest in Moscow? What could the movement use? A martyr.

Nemtsov, A Convenient Martyr… Too Convenient

The provocative murder in the center of Moscow, in close proximity to the Kremlin itself, would lead the more gullible members of the general public to imagine President Putin himself leaning back in his office chair with a rifle sticking out the window of the Kremlin, and gunning down his rival â€" in true super villain form.

Already, before any investigation has been conducted, Western news sources are attempting to imply the Kremlin was behind his murder â€" hoping the general public believes Russia’s leadership would be careless and thoughtless enough to commit such a provocative act just two days ahead of protests.

It appears likely that rather than the Kremlin clumsily killing an opponent on their doorstep on the eve of  a major protest, he was instead killed by either members of his own opposition movement, or by his US backers themselves. The combination of economic strain brought on by US sanctions, US-backed mobs planning to take to the streets, and now a martyr conventionality delivered just 2 days before the protest he was meant to lead was to take place, has the deck stacked with the most favorable cards to deliver the West the sort of sustainable chaos and unrest it has desired to create in Russia, and has admittedly created in neighboring Ukraine, according to America’s own former Ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul.

A Message to America’s Proxies â€" Be Useful Alive, or Be Useful Dead

What must be going through the minds of Nemtsov’s colleagues who will undoubtedly repeat the West’s propaganda implying the Kremlin was behind his murder, but who know the Kremlin well enough to know that isn’t true?

They must now realize that any one of them could be next â€" that if their utility to their foreign sponsors alive is outweighed by their utility to them dead, they may be in tomorrow’s headlines for all the wrong reasons. Their options are limited â€" continuing as pawns of an increasingly violent, dangerous, and unstable collection of foreign interests or divesting from their roles as foreign-sponsored agitators, and reapproaching Russian politics in a more honest and constructive manner, even if their capacity remains in opposition to the current government â€" albeit in a diminished role lacking the resources Washington has lavished upon them.

Regarding Nemtsov’s murder, any good investigator would be tasked with the question, “to whose benefit?” Surely it would benefit the Kremlin to rid themselves of an opponents, but not in this manner. In fact, the only party that stood to benefit from his high-profile execution in the streets of Moscow were his own compatriots and his foreign backers who faced the prospect of yet another failed protest. Sympathy, they hope, will spur Russians who are on the fence politically to take to the streets, joining others who may have previously avoided protests because of Russia’s economic strength before US sanctions sank in.

The opposition, if they were not behind the murder of one of their own leaders, would not dare hold the protest this week â€" as it would be a shameless exploitation of this tragedy â€" and they would instead, for both security and respect, mourn the loss of Nemtsov thoughtfully. However, since they and their foreign backers were undoubtedly behind the murder, they will protest, shamelessly leveraging Nemtsov’s death to its fullest â€" using mourners to bolster their ranks.

When US Senator John McCain called America’s meddling abroad a “virus,” he meant it. It truly is a disease. And if Russians allow it to, it will corrupt and consume their entire nation just as it has corrupted and consumed the opposition planning to march.

Nemtsov was shot in the street, and within minutes the authorities were powerhosing any evidence from the sidewalk.

I suppose the West organised that too.
Quote from: Chaim on February 28, 2015, 12:35:51 AM
The guy was a charismatic NOBODY.
He ran a pro-US/CIA party that didn't even get a single seat in the Duma.
More likely he was assassinated by CIA goons to create some kind of (unwilling) martyr.

(turn on subtitles)

Putin even talked about this kind of tactic 2 years ago. It's typical CIA action, because they just love to kill their own people when it helps them in propaganda.

I wonder why the CIA would assassinate someone who was compiling a report on Russian involvement in Ukraine?

That would seem like a self-defeating policy.

This guy also recently spoke of his fears that Putin was going to have him killed.

Not sure why the CIA would kill one of their 'own' guys, either, when it would be more constructive to kill someone who wasn't of benefit to them. Can just as easily 'make a martyr' out of someone who is of no use to them.

Seems to be some basic flaws in your theory.
Quote from: FightTheFuture on February 27, 2015, 09:40:46 PM
Nothing to see here, folks. Just part of Dear Leader's flexibility pact with Putin.

Quote from: RealCool Daddio on February 27, 2015, 08:59:31 PM
Yep. Or as Fox News and their conservative fans call it: "real leadership".

It's kind of offensive to attach the word 'News' to anything involving the FOX network.

FOX does not disseminate news.
Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
February 27, 2015, 09:01:40 PM
Shall be firing up "I Am Spock" on the mp3 player tonight.

Apparently he was preparing to release a report on Russia/Putin's intervention in Ukraine.

Russia seems to be on track to be the place it was 30 years ago, under Vlad.

Politics / Putin has political opponent assassinated
February 27, 2015, 05:44:41 PM
Right before he's due to go on a march against Russian intervention in Ukraine, some guy 'randomly' targets him and shoots him four times in the back.

Random Topics / Re: Leonard Nimoy 'Rushed To Hospital'
February 27, 2015, 02:53:39 PM

Random Topics / Catholics...
February 25, 2015, 09:25:13 PM

Quote from: gnooryblows on February 25, 2015, 09:12:50 PM
its something people say on the internet when someone gets too close to home for them in an attempt to deflect.
learn to be a man around women and dont EVER look up to them or think they are on some equal field as you, wtf bro stop the bullshit. im only trying to help you here too, i dunno why i would bother even, but what im saying is just positive advice for you.


I only deal in the material, unfortunately.

So, let's say someone believed in wizards, or gods, or pixies, unicorns, leprechauns, or satan... their advice would be immediately suspect because they believe in the nonsensical.  Do you see?  Do you see how advice that came from someone who thinks magical spells are a real thing would, by its very nature, be bad advice?

You know what else they say on the internets?

They say 'magical spells... I has a lulz.'


Quote from: gnooryblows on February 25, 2015, 09:08:59 PM
oh that line again

So I'm not the first to notice that about you, then.

Quote from: boba FETT on February 25, 2015, 09:07:43 PM
"I don't always slam ass, but when I do it's in other galaxies"

Eleanor Roosevelt -1939

Quote from: gnooryblows on February 25, 2015, 09:04:03 PM
you truly are a lowlife.
get your shit together asshole.


Look at you raging on the internet like it's real life  ;D
See, now I make no claims to being overly smart, but I'm pretty decent when it comes to an IQ test.

I'll cheerfully admit that at least two girls I've gone out with have been easily smarter than me and way, way, WAY better human beings than me.

From an intellectual and moral point of view there's no reason to assume women can't be as smart and as humane as men.  In fact in terms of basic humanity women have men beaten without breaking a sweat. The reason women haven't invented, designed, created, or built great works of art, architecture, civil engineering or technology is because they weren't even allowed to VOTE untl a few decades ago.

Any avenue pertaining to "The Doing of Constructive Shit" was a closed road to them.

In the next century, in the West at least... because the Middle East and Africa are backwards shitholes where the only new things are diseases and ways to fuck monkeys... women WILL assume an equal footing, of that I have no doubt.

Now, when it comes to hammering a plank of wood to another plank of wood, for whatever reason, women are beyond retarded.  And when it comes to a fist fight even an average guy would knock seven colours of shite out of a well-trained woman... but that's basic genetics. men are just stronger than women, period.  Joey Buttafuoco, a fat Italian slab of shit and lard, punched Chyna into oblivion inside of a couple of rounds.  It was hilarious. Not because a man was beating a woman, but because Chyna was SO confident that she could whip him that she was talking trash before she'd even put her gloves on.  It was one of those celebrity boxing matches that were popular for a while, and highlighted the basic genetic differences between the male and the female of the species.

Anyway, here's that...


EDIT: If this post seemed more disjointed than normal it's because I'm multitasking between this and porn... and porn's winning.

Quote from: coaster on February 25, 2015, 08:36:02 PM
I wonder if these folks would say this kind of thing to their mothers or female family members. Pretty odd to generalize an entire group of people. I know women who are far more intelligent, far more talented and successful than many men I know.

The dumbest person I know is a woman. Smartest is a dude.

I'm not saying this is a broad enough group from which to draw conclusions, I'm just saying that when you screw 3/4" thick cabinets together you shouldn't use 6" screws.

Quote from: Avi on February 25, 2015, 08:23:46 PM
Not a real inducement to support the space program. Jus'sayin'.

You, sir, have no sense of self sacrifice.

I'd HAPPILY let even the fattest-cocked African American slam my ass to bloody paste if I could behold the wonders of Alpha Centauri cresting the alien magnificence of a distant world.

So you need a few stitches... big whoop. 

You will notice that the picture I choose to post is one of alien magnificence on a distant world, rather than me getting my ass pounded to a bloody paste.

Does Bill O Reilly still think the tides are operated by Jesusmagic?

This is the level at which the anti-science demographic is LED.

I've always thought it would be better to be gay, unfortunately jesus made me a hetero, and as such I'm a slave to the vag.

If they removed this curse we dudes could be slamming ass in another galaxy by now.

So, this week I've seen two adverts that highlighted just how hard the pharma industry pushes shit down our throats when it really isn't necessary.

First I saw an advert for 'Dry Mouth'. I didn't even know that was a medical condition, but rather something that happened when you needed to, say, drink something.  Well, now there's medicine for 'Dry Mouthâ,,¢', for when your mouth is dry. Is your mouth dry?  Hey, shit.. you might have Dry Mouthâ,,¢, take our medicine.  No, you don't want a glass of water, you want medicine... trust us. 

So I'm all, "Tha fuck?"

Then I saw Excedrin Mild Headache advertised, for those times when you don't really have a headache.  I shit you not.  Go a headache?  No?  Well take our pills anyway.. here, take them.  Don't you fucking walk away from me, take our pills you fucker!


There's no real point to this post, so I guess that's no different to any other post I make, but I think what I'm saying is something along the lines of, "Tha fuck?"

Politics / Re: XL Pipeline
February 25, 2015, 07:59:13 PM
Quote from: pate on February 25, 2015, 07:21:30 PM
Why come y'all are hatin' on Buffet?


I admit, I have been a parrot-head from time to time...

He's okay, but he's no Morrisey.

That guy's gayer than a box of Texans.

I'm not saying he's wrong in his opinions, just pointing out the reason he hates women and has a Leather Daddy moustache going on.

Politics / Re: XL Pipeline
February 25, 2015, 05:02:06 PM
I thought his veto was hilarious.

No fan of Obama myself, he's as much a shill to money as Bush was, but the fact that the Right has some kind of major, major OCD, where they have to react like hysterical bitches about every single thing he does,  as though parting his hair.. if it were the sort of hair that could be parted... on the wrong side is a betrayal of America.

I guess at this point he just doesn't give a fuck, because he knows that regardless of what he does it'll get a melodramatic negative reaction, so he just whips out his veto with a grin on his face and watches everyone on the Right piss their knickers in sheer fury.

"Veto! Haud at, ye cunts!" 


Politics / Re: They're here. American 'black sites'
February 24, 2015, 04:56:19 PM
Isn't this the kind of tougher policing that the Republicans have been demanding?

A place where libtards and Demoncrats can't treat criminals with kid gloves, and where real interrogative practices can take place away from left wing media bias?

A new bra might cheer you up.
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