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Messages - Canned Heat

That is funny and I'm pretty sure there was a night where he could not pronounce heimlich.  Why don't they have a tablet set up in front of him on Merriam-Webster?
Noory lacks the ability to think on his own.  He has a repetitive stress injury of he brain.  He's nothing but a woozy, or Noozy if you like.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
March 07, 2013, 10:26:21 PM
Once again I'm enjoying the fine Art stream soooo much.  I don't believe we'll see him coming back sadly.  I think when Art lost Ramona the death of doing Coast was inevitably in the cards as well.  This is my opinion of course :)
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Stream!
March 07, 2013, 12:33:59 PM
I love this site and the fine art stream!

I found it and listened to most of ghost to ghost last night but fell aleep.  I love when I find people quoting from Art's old shows when I actually remember having listened to that particular show their referring to.  Bittersweet memories now.  I'll be trying to go out of body next time I listen, I know it works with GN because when I do I can still hear his blurts and utterings of meaningless inarticulate sounds.
Ex-coast listener here to say I love that Art Bell stream.  It's so bittersweet.  I can not stand GN for more than minutes at a time so I barely listen unless the guest is a great one.  And could never listen to open lines again that's for sure!   ;)
Quote from: NowhereInTime on March 06, 2013, 06:14:38 PM
Oh, no.  Not another internecine feud.  Focus, people!  The danger is out there, somewhere (probably the "city of Angels" tonight!)...
Heh heh!
Quote from: Treading Water on March 06, 2013, 06:06:11 PM
Whoa.  No offense meant.
I enjoy NoMoreNoory and was just having fun with him.  I was replying to his original comment, forgot to do the quote thing.
The "similies" thing was a while ago.  Just trying to keep it going.
Well I apologize profusely then  :)
No deaths occurred  :P
Moving on.....Noory sucks!
I can't listen tonight, I still have last nights headache.
Quote from: Treading Water on March 06, 2013, 05:22:14 PM
Ha.  I thought you were being sarcastic and I was having a chuckle.
We need some sarcasm      ~~"similies"~~       ;)
@ NMN, thank you.  I didn't want to correct you, just wanted to understand   :)

@ TW, seriously?  That's weird.  I'll reserve any further comments for the sake of all.  Only remarking, that implying sarcasm on NMN's part, implied you enjoyed he was sarcastic to ME.  Am I off base?
Quote from: NoMoreNoory on March 06, 2013, 04:49:07 PM
Great Nooryism last night.  Neil deGrasse Tyson, talking about the US losing its lead in space, says

'So there has been hubris, and coasting.....sorry to use the name of your show....'
Snort laugh from Snoory, then
'No, no, that would be apropos.'

??? ??
I think he would mean 'appropriate'? 'Apposite', possibly, but I doubt the Idiot would know what that meant!
Don't get it.  Apropos was not appropriate?  How so?  Or more appropriate, why not?  I remember that, did he say it with an 's'?

fitting; at the right time; to the purpose; opportunely.
Obsolete . by the way.

opportune; pertinent: apropos remarks.

apropos of, with reference to; in respect or regard to: apropos of the preceding statement.
1660â€"70;  < French à propos  literally, to purpose < Latin ad prōpositum.  See ad-, proposition

Can be confused: appropriate, apropos, expropriate.
Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2013.
Cite This Source | Link To apropos

"I Suck"

simple and to the major point
"A Man of Few Words but They Still Picked Me"
-"There are no coincidences."  George Noory
Quote from: Surmo on March 06, 2013, 12:22:09 PM
I hate to admit I listened to a Snoory show, but am I imagining things that in hour 3, the second hour of the interview with Josh Gates, 25+ minutes in (without commercials), that Gates said "We don't fuck around with them?" meaning the victims in his new new show?  I listened closely, and now it seems Gates softened the "k," but it still sounds like one of the dirty seven words to me.

Not to be the moral policy, or anything.

Gorgeous George, of course, didn't seem to catch it.  He was prepping the next question on his cue card.
Just more evidence of how oblivious he is to all that surrounds him.  Art would have caught that.
Noory would be perfect in a soap opera.  He's already great at saying the same stupid things over and over which I believe is the number 1 skill requirement to get on one.  Granted number 2 is being comely, but they do use the occasional homely person.
I'd like to personally warn Noory of something, not because I wouldn't take great pleasure in his next incident, but because I really don't want to hear him talk about it:
Quote from: Tara on March 06, 2013, 08:14:50 AM

Off topic, but Nadya is of middle eastern ancestry, single, and lives in the LA area.  Octomom: the perfect woman for sNorge.  Dumb and Dumber.
Correctmongo!  I checked that out and Nadia is obv. Russian.  Back on point she would be perfect as his mother.
Quote from: Tara on March 06, 2013, 08:36:19 AM
I say to the materialist AND theist/creationist:  "There's more in heaven and earth than dreamt of in your philosophy."  It's premature to make definitive statements on the origin of existence.  What we will know in a few hundred years, assuming humans don't self-destruct, will make our current theories similar to a primitive's understanding of thunder, i.e., Thor is pounding on his anvil in heaven.
Perfectly put
Quote from: VtaGeezer on March 06, 2013, 10:10:24 AM
Tyson handled Noory's inane dumbness well. His role as a science apostle to the media gives him plenty of practice with airhead interviewers.[size=78%] [/size]
Yes.  Great way to put what I was thinking the entire time, which was, what does this guy think when Nimrod Noory jizzes after every sentence the guest gets out.  Is he struggling as in he needs to work harder at perhaps over talking the retard as if I was sensing this, but alas, you are correct.  He handled Nim like a 6th grader, a giggle here, a delicate 3rd grade description to Nim's question there.

'I' was the one sensing, feeling and getting annoyed for the guest!  One of the reasons I skip so many shows.  Noorys ejaculations give me a headache.
Quote from: Maxwell on March 06, 2013, 03:11:54 AM
George is having trouble keeping up with Dr. Tyson, even though there's been very little science discussed.  He keeps missing the point and bringing up completely irrelevant observations.  Tyson mentions Pan Am and Howard Johnson's in the movie 2001.  George:  "Howard Johnson's is still around.  They had great ice cream."  Tyson talks about how everyone knows the names of the early astronauts, like Buzz Aldrin.  George:  "He's 83, by the way.  He's a toughie!"
Oh my head!!!!!  There is no way Noory is understanding anything this guest is saying. 

" so what do you think is on the other side of a black hole? ". He's like an 6 yr old... How the hell does he come up with the thoughts he spurts?  I'm just going to say it, he's a retard.  No question!  Maybe it would be better to feel sorry for him.
Quote from: michio on March 06, 2013, 02:56:54 AM
sNoory ascribed Neil Armstrong's famous and immortal words of "Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed." to Buzz Aldrin. sNoory even sucks at remembering historical events.
He is an embarrassment.  I can't even finish listening with this mild headache I'm getting.  Every time he jumps in on this guy I cringe.
Quote from: Roy Hinkley on March 06, 2013, 01:29:22 AM
Nothing hurts so much to listen to as when there is such a large disparity between the intelligence of Snoory and the guest.
Hear Hear!  I hear ya!
Quote from: Doomed on March 06, 2013, 01:40:54 AM
To level the playing field, noory would have to interview my kids hamster.
Then again, that is a damn smart hamster...
whats far more depressing is hearing the guest, accept, engage him.
"Speed of light and sound right!?"

What a douchebag!  He can't STFU!  I haven't listened in so long.  He's like a George Bush but more annoying.
Arlene is precious!  Good luck to you both, and congrats on such a super cool project!
I wish fucktard would stop interrupting the guest!   :-\
How Art Bell Saved My Miserable Life
Then Nadya Suleman.  And shouldn't it be Nadia?
Quote from: Roy Hinkley on March 05, 2013, 11:57:17 PM
Switched at birth??  You decide.  Time to make the donuts!!

Quote from: Roy Hinkley on March 06, 2013, 12:14:21 AM
Oh, THAT Canned Heat..... I was just going by your avatar hoping she was the canned heat!
SHE is !!!
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