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Messages - Zetaspeak

Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
February 04, 2017, 05:09:17 PM
Quote from: TigerLily on February 04, 2017, 05:02:23 PM
In George's case, you need to have one before you can lose it

But you can get it back with the 90 essential nutrients!
Quote from: (((The King of Kings))) on February 04, 2017, 02:43:03 PM
Never knew IDBM had a forum.

I never went there much myself except to find when new seasons of shows started.

/tv/ on 4chan has some good discussions if anyone is interested.

Make an account there and tell em The King of King's sent you from bellgab

I could just imagine their Christmas movie reviews

Scrooge: "The ultimate Trump-like alpha male Scrooge is visited by three libtard ghosts who turn him into a Christmas Cuck. minus 5 stars."   
Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 04, 2017, 03:15:02 PM
The thing is you learn a lot of trivia on the message boards.  Where else can you have a discussion about a movie like 1928's Howard Hughes film, The Racket.  Nowhere.  I agree that there are a lot of trolls on the message boards to newer films but my focus is older films and trolls are infrequent on those boards.

Exactly, it's not that important for newer films as there's other boards to talk about new releases or box office.

What I really liked from the IMDB is for older stuff and obscure TV and movies

I remember about a decade ago something jarred my memory of a short lived early 2000 Bruce Campbell TV show called "Jack of all Trades" . It was campy as heck but I thought it was amusing. I saw it being discussed on IMDB board and even a push to get it on DVD and other cool discussions. It such an obscure show that I doubt you'd find a place of like-minded fans just by random chance, having a big side like IMDB and a sub-site like it's forums was great recourse .
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
February 03, 2017, 01:27:22 PM
Quote from: norland2424 on February 03, 2017, 12:40:49 PM
ill admit i haven't really paid to much attention to pres trump before the election, but has he always been religious ?

Haha, before he ran for politics, the only church Trump would frequent would be a Church's Chicken  ;D
I didn't  mind  the second  half  of  show last night. I figure you take what they give you.The bar is pretty low so any sonewhat decent topic it gets a "At least it didn't  suck too bad "

Today's  show look pretty good on paper
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
February 01, 2017, 03:32:43 PM
Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 01, 2017, 03:19:17 PM

Complete bullshit trumped up by disgruntled Democrats who hated Reagan to the core of their beings.  I don't even remember it being spoken of at the time when the hostages were freed.

As for the filibusters, well tough titty.  Democrat Harry Reid nuked the filibuster 3 years ago when he wanted to ram through Obama judges and other appointments and he also recommended that the Senate nuke the filibuster for the Supreme Court when he thought the Senate would turn Democrat and Hillary would win the presidency.  What goes around, comes around.

I was super young back then, so didn't follow it live. I did use the word alleged as the hearings said there was no connection. But looking back at it, the timing of it all looks very suspicious and some stories connected to it is interesting. 

As for filibusters or partisan games, all I am saying is stop whining when the other guys do things that you have done yourself in the very recent past. That goes for both sides.
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
February 01, 2017, 03:05:44 PM
Quote from: Kidnostad3 on February 01, 2017, 02:48:12 PM
I may be wrong but I don't remember politics being quite the blood sport that it is today before Bill Clinton's Campaign in 92.  I remember his operatives, namely James Carvell, Rom Emanuel and John  Podesta going personal and dirty early and often.  Remember "It's the economy stupid"?    Of course as Tip O'Neal said "Politics ain't bean bag" and it wasn't before that but I don't remember it being so scorched earth prior to the 92 campaign.

I don't know about that, GHW Bush campaign vs Dukakis is pretty legendary how GHW team would attack viciously, as poor Dukakis tried to  unsuccessfully  stay above that sort of stuff, even though his team wanted him to play fire vs fire. The worst of my lifetime is the talk of Regan possibly making a deal with the Iranians to hold hostages until after the election, I don't think it's even possible to go lower than that, and that includes Trump allegedly working with Russian hackers. 

As for the SCOTUS I 've been rolling my eyes all day at Republicans talking about how "unfair" these filibusters are. These are the same clowns who didn't even hear any possible candidate from a Prez who still had 25% of his term to go. I not one to yell at the TV, but that Repub Senator got a F-OFF for me when he went on about "bipartisan tradition on the selection"  ::)
Wow it really shows the disdain he has for his listeners that he goes to the "no life/no job" line because technically going to that insult that has to mean the people who listen to his show and support him is that as well in his mind.

You bring up a good point C2C has done a tone of "Political conspiracy" shows way back to JFK to even current (including Republicans like the Bush's)  but there's nothing on Trump even though there some juicy stories with variety levels of realism (which lets be honest, it never stopped C2C before) Like you mentioned cowtown the connection between Trump & some richer Muslim countries is certainly the type of show that been talked about with other leaders. I just read that the rumored KGB agent that did the work on the Trump dossier, again that sounds like a great C2C story, again nothing.

It sounds almost like Jones (who I didn't mind in the past) because he see's a conspiracy on all sides (I don't agree with him but at least he's consistent) how now seems like just a cheerleader.

Talking about the medical shows, as I said before I looked at twitter comments and see the negative reactions, which is a bit of fun. What is not fun is reading peoples desperate tweets how sick they or their family member is begging for help, Noory taking advantage of those people is as skin crawling as you can get. 
Quote from: PaulAtreides on January 31, 2017, 04:55:17 AM
And of course George didn't say that the perp is white guy far right Trump supporter and self proclaimed Christian.

It must have been really bad, as I search C2C comments on twitter I came across this. I now feel I must tune in to a repeat to see how bad it was.

<a href="https://twitter.com/ElSeldo/status/826424022451814401">

CKTB is a Canadian radio station in Niagara. It seems like their morning show starts af 5:30est and the half hour between C2C ends and morning show begins they replay the first half hour. My guess that the morning show host or producer heard the "Noory news" segment while getting ready to start their show and heard the horrible misinformation he was spewing out and had apologize for him (and I am guessing the station) after the fact. Just so damn embarrassing.

I wonder how many workers in stations (especially news departments) are ashamed they have to follow or throw to this idiot. It's one thing to have a silly C2C topic, but it's another when you are passing around misinformation on serious news.
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
January 31, 2017, 01:33:49 AM
Quote from: Lt.Uhura on January 31, 2017, 01:12:25 AM
Ha! You don't think they already have a plan in place to dump Trump? If he becomes a major thorn in their side and starts losing their money, they'll toss him out like yesterday's garbage and install the compliant Pence in his place.

I don't see the GOP standing up to Trump. Maybe after the midterms if they take a major hit, but until then there will be a lot of rolling the dice and hope it doesn't blow up at midterms
Quote from: Here We Go Again on January 31, 2017, 12:19:04 AM
George Noory, the master of fake news, just said the terrorist attack happened in the Canadian city of Montreal. I think it was Quebec, Noory. Like that matters to fools like you. Who never correct errors of news information.

George Noory declared that attack happened at Montreal, if I heard that buffoon right. Then never heard him correct his blunder -- like he cares about "fake news'?

I haven't been listening but with the exception of getting the city wrong did he actually get the rest of the story correct?

The one highlight of these medical shows is seeing the reaction on Twitter of people freaking out over another infomercial.
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
January 31, 2017, 01:02:23 AM
Quote from: Jackstar® on January 31, 2017, 12:48:23 AM
Yeah, I get that you think statistics and probability are interesting and all, but you're still pretty fuckin' far from being taken as an authoritative source on outcomes. Get back in your penalty box.

Come on dude, I know you know the difference between a poll predicting the future and statistics calculate the past.

And yes the family all having their individual  firearm is settling but dressing the same really puts it over the top watch list candidate.
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
January 30, 2017, 11:30:37 PM
Quote from: Lt.Uhura on January 30, 2017, 10:12:58 PM
Still, the person who made that chart could've bolstered their case if they'd included the high numbers of non-terrorist deaths in the US each year from opioids (30,000+), and suicide (40,000+).

The same study that had 4 to 1 chance of shooting somebody  unintentional than an intruder. You are 7 to 1 chance in using your gun in a criminal assault or homicide than defending yourself from an intruder and a 11 to 1 chance  of using it to attempt or commit suicide compared to used against a intruder.


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on January 30, 2017, 10:16:27 PM
Whether it's accurate or not, it was included on the list in order to mock the concern about Islamic terrorism.

Probably, but it does show the exaggeration that happens when dealing with the "threat from Muslims" when more people are getting shot by toddlers than being victims of Islamic terrorism.

The toddler shooting really caught my eye, who would have thought the Simpsons episode of Maggie shooting Mr. Burns that hundreds of families over the last decade thinking "Hey that happened in my house"
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
January 30, 2017, 08:34:45 PM
You know that creepy family  has a higher probability  of accidentally  shooting themselves
than any intruder

Every other week? It actually seems like it's almost weekly now...

Jan 30  - Alternative Health (Wallach)
Jan 18 - Alternative Health (Fuc*s)
Jan 12 -Austim & Vaccine + Chronic Pain
Jan 07 - Alternative Cancer RX (Lisa Garr Show)
Jan 03 - Alternative Health (Wallach)

5 Health shows in a month. 3 of them from CHN team of Wallach and Fuc*s! They just had the same show a week and a half ago! This is how crazy it is, Noory himself only did 6 shows between "Health infomercials "
Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
January 30, 2017, 12:39:14 AM
When I saw it would be an all Canadian  topic, I wondered if it will be all Canadian  bumper music. And of course  Knapp delivers.
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
January 28, 2017, 01:03:51 PM
Quote from: SredniVashtar on January 28, 2017, 12:49:12 PM
OK, well let's do what we like on the basis of  no evidence whatsoever then. I might decide that your head is full of tiny squirrels and try to hack your head open to try and let them out. I'm always suspicious of the folk wisdom that says 'everyone knows' something. They're usually just repeating something they heard from somewhere else. The comparison between having an investigation and having observers is invalid, because the latter is a precaution only. Anyway, you lot are always going on about fiscal prudence, how much money is it going to cost to have a thorough investigation into alleged voter fraud, based on the whim of a whiny man-baby? And if they found there was nothing in it, would the people who wanted it accept the result? No, so it's a waste of time.

All this from someone who believes Art was forced off the air by a 'stalker'? Purrrfuckinglease!!! There's nothing you won't believe.

I wonder if he would step down as President until all of this was "figured out" If there's enough holes in the system for 3 Million votes, than there is the same holes for the 77,000 votes that gave him the electoral  win.
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
January 28, 2017, 11:50:57 AM
Quote from: (((The King of Kings))) on January 28, 2017, 11:37:45 AM

If you are against the wall you are an anti-semite!

Much like the wall Trump wants to build, we paid for that wall as well. Btw now that he said the wall did such an awesome job. Does it mean we can drastically  reduce the Billions of dollars  we send there?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Dave Schrader
January 28, 2017, 01:43:13 AM
Oh wow. Yeah that would unsettle anyone.

This Hinsdale case would be a good backdrop for a Conjuring movie
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Dave Schrader
January 28, 2017, 01:20:59 AM
Agree.I can totally accept a topic like this to be added to the rolodex of C2C subjects.

I don't think I would purposely buy a house the has been reported haunted. It falls under a house i'd like to visit but not live in.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Dave Schrader
January 28, 2017, 12:50:58 AM
HAHA I feel the exact same way.

This weekend should be good, probably my two favorite hosts. Even though the first topic tomorrow I will probably skip as it sounds depressing.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Dave Schrader
January 28, 2017, 12:25:33 AM
So refreshing. The opening segment with nothing political. By gosh, it can be done. Strange story of The Oc chick.

The guest said "He heard it... with his ears". Reminds me of a great Marge Simpson quote of "He looked at me.... with his eyes"

Cool the Warren visited this house
That bumper was over the top, even for George

It's a joy to listen LMH. She is so prepared in multiple topics.
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 27, 2017, 01:08:35 AM
You can always tell when this cuck's arguments start to fail because he panics and resorts to name calling..

You can't even live by your own standards. BTW that quote is from the guest, not me.
Quote from: GravitySucks on January 27, 2017, 01:01:47 AM
When you count memoranda he held his own.


I agree with that, even though I think EO have a bit more teeth to it than the memos.

It's great to listen to Linda. Just great classic coast topics without the BS
The first caller asked for a personal  reading. Brutal radio, vague answer by guest as Norry moved her a long. "Great job" calk screener. I wonder if it's one and done for callers
sigh, Corsi says Obama signed "a lot" of executive  orders yet he signed less per year than any Prez since the late 1800s. But when Trump does it he's "working hard". Corsi as WH correspondent?

Market going to crash by valentine's  day  and a YUGE earthquake  this year.
Quote from: JesusJuice on January 26, 2017, 03:17:51 AM
The guest has been ranting in support of Trump and against the media and the globalists. He warned of the false Messiah and says to invest in gold.

The topic is hollow Earth theory.

LOL Brilliant . You can always make a drinking  game for every time  somebody praises Trump, no matter what the topic is. Reminds me of the John B Wells days when every topic turned into a anti-liberal rant.

There's a lot of attractive  women at that conscious expo. Will Jorge bring his 80s boombox to go around playing romantic  bumper music
Wow amazing story by Jorch. He was sleeping and heard the doorbell ring. He went to the door and went to the door and no one was there! HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THAT

Uh I don't know maybe I guy rang the wrong door, noticed and went next door to the correct house.

I am really glad I stayed up for this
I don't listen to open lines, what did he say.

Turned it on, woman ask how can stories on C2C site not be considered fake news. Jorch says those stories don't hurt anybody so they are okay.

The last caller before break was all over the place. Says too much focus on stories that don't  matter like JFK. But want C2C to do more stories on it (wait what?) Also profess his love for Trump.
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