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Quote from: FightTheFuture on October 24, 2013, 10:27:39 AM

I don't think there's any question that Carter ripped stories from the events of the 90' s and fabricated  entertaining TV shows around them. With the screen  chemistry, writing, and location of X-Files, CC could hardly go wrong.

Agreed. Did you ever play the X-Files card game?
Quote from: FightTheFuture on October 24, 2013, 09:28:59 AM

"Jose Chung`s From Outer Space"

One of my favorites. Third season, 20th ep., Written by Darin Morgan (Glenn Morgan`s brother). Jesse Ventura was fantastic, but Charles Nelson Reilly absolutely stole the show, IMHO.  A classic!

I remember watching this episode when it aired. The book "From Outer Space" looked just like Whitley Strieber's "Communion"

There's a behind-the-scenes feature on this episode at 2:10 into the video below:

Paranormal - Conspiracy - UFOs - Etc. / Timothy Good
October 24, 2013, 01:45:27 AM
Quote10-24-2013: Timothy will be discussing ET and UFO encounters, missing time and much more.


I'm excited to hear about UFOs and missing time.

Looks like the last time Art had him on was 2/19/2005.
Random Topics / Re: Sell Your Stuff
October 24, 2013, 01:39:18 AM
Quote from: Caruthers612 on October 24, 2013, 12:13:12 AM
        I'm about to sell my old (and I mean old) G.I. Joe collection on eBay. I've been trying to learn more about which toy or item is worth what, as it seems to be a thriving business. If anyone has any info or knows of any resources on this, I'd appreciate it.

Yojoe.com if they are 3 3/4
I can totally see them making an episode of Ancient Aliens about The Beatles. "What kind of pooower would you neeed to create something like this? The power... of an Ancient Alien civilization?"
Popple that is fucking hilarious
Quote from: littlechris on October 23, 2013, 11:28:01 PM
"Secret Door Meatloaf"  ROFLMAO!! Do i have a dirty mind or does that sound dirty??? lol

Oh it's totally wrong!
Go read the excerpt from Noory's cookbook on amazon, it's hilarious. The last recipe in the excerpt is for "savory buttered bread sticks" but the recipe gets cut off mid-sentence, ending the summary of the book with the phrase "If you are baking a loaf of Savory Butt..."

Also as if that's not enough, there's a recipe in the book called "Rum Coffee for Your Nerves"

He must need it lately.
Quote from: NoMoreNoory on October 23, 2013, 09:02:25 PM
Helpless with laughter, Popple. Brilliant. The longer you look, the funnier it gets. Thank you.

This reminds me a lot of Dumbland from the greatest director in the history of Earth, David Lynch:

Quote from: saucerlike on October 23, 2013, 08:58:50 PM
I actually like Some Velvet Morning....  Anyway, this is a great guest so far.  Interesting insight into CIA operations.

It's very striking, I've described it as "creepy as fuck" I believe, but I love it. Sonically it has such a nice warm reverb-drenched almost Phil Spector-like quality, while the harmony is something different altogether.
Random Topics / Re: Art
October 23, 2013, 08:46:47 PM
Quote from: Chine on October 23, 2013, 07:59:10 PM
Ha! Hey, some of my art and logos of mine have been printed on tshirts, umbrellas, coffee mugs! I bet if I had the Joker on tshirts, I'd be tapping into a huge market. I was asked to have a booth at a Comic Con, Ninja show. I almost considered, but didn't have time to get enough product together. I have lots of Asian art, geishas, samurai, ninja art. If I ever do get Joker in a t, I'll let you know! :)

How awesome would it be to have a series of japanese-influnced DC universe characters, like a samurai batman or a joker with ancient spirits of evil swirling around him. I think that that would be really cool.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art's back tonight!
October 23, 2013, 06:52:34 PM
Quote from: steelbot on October 23, 2013, 06:21:14 PM
What's Wrong with Art's Back tonight? ;)

Art is back tonight. Sometimes contractions make ' ¢
Random Topics / Re: Art
October 23, 2013, 06:49:36 PM
Quote from: Chine on October 23, 2013, 05:54:39 PM
Here's a hummingbird painting of mine and a quick painting of The Joker.

I want that bird on a coffee mug, and the joker on a t-shirt please, thank you  ;D
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art's back tonight!
October 23, 2013, 03:05:38 PM

An oldie but a goodie.
Archive of Old Threads / Re: 20131021 - Roger Leir
October 23, 2013, 09:53:58 AM
Quote from: Sardondi on October 23, 2013, 08:27:37 AM
But I thought Leir was not an M.D. Isn't he a "podiatrist", or foot doctor? If he is, he's a "D.P.M." and not an "M.D.", and he should be very limited in the surgery he is permitted by state law to perform and the drugs he can prescribe.

Podiatry is viewed with disdain by many in the medical community, since the academic and professional standards for its study and practice are significantly lower than to study medicine. It's sort of like chiropracty in that it can provide some medical benefit (which is why its practitioners may be licensed in most states), but is looked at as requiring a lower level of skill and intelligence to practice, unlike medicine.

This has the ring of truth to it (to say the least). I have watched unedited very lengthy videos of Leir performing surgical extractions on his patients, including the "intelligent alien implant" that was supposedly moving around by itself. It looked to me like Lier was poking around and not really good at extracting the damned thing. There was an "implant" in this guys body, but it was surrounded by hardened scar tissue, and when the scalpel would reach the hardened tissue, the whole mass was moving with the "implant" being located in the center of the mass. So the implant moves, but only because he was poking at it with a scalpel. It was pretty fucking dumb actually. I hated that documentary because I thought it was about UFOs, instead I got hours of unedited meatball surgery.
Technology / Re: All time favoritre games
October 23, 2013, 09:34:53 AM
Quote from: Up All Night on October 22, 2013, 11:15:55 PM
Back in the late 1990's early 2000's, I worked as a Customer Service rep for the Original Sony Playstation.

We had 19" TV's mounted between each two stations, and, when it was not too busy, the company would unlock "the cabinet" and pass out the Playstations and the controllers, and you could play any "Sony" game.

The other 30 CSR's could be categorized in one of four main categories of gamers:

    First Person Shooters
    Sports (Mainly NFL and Golf)
    Fantasy/Role Playing
There were some serious gamers that worked there. I was a Playstation fan, but was never as accomplised as those "hard core" folks.

What we did was mainly help people troubleshoot hooking up the Playstation to their TV/VCR, or returng the console if it was under warranty. There was some help on game-playing , of a very basic nature, as there was a "pay" line that Sony had for those kind of calls.

Was this in Foster City/Redwood Shores? I got hired by Sony for QA there (this was over 10 years ago) and passed on it for a QA position at Konami.

The CS people always got the craziest phone calls and letters from irate end-users. One of the places I was at had a wall where they'd post some of the craziest shit that was mailed in. You must have got some fun calls.
Technology / Re: Gold Growing on Trees Down Under!
October 23, 2013, 01:08:58 AM
I PM'd jazmunda first so back the fuck off of my alliance.
Archive of Old Threads / Re: 20131021 - Roger Leir
October 22, 2013, 02:25:52 PM
Quote from: Crystal on October 21, 2013, 09:47:09 PM
I have champagne for spooky matter and I've changed my avatar.  I've broken out the bat pot holders and the last thing I'll do is hope for a close encounter that night.  Anything will do, a ghost an implant and I hate to just admit here but I'll even settle for an anal probe.  Now, will I be forever changed if it happens?   I don't think so, but it will sure change the way I sometimes listen to Art's guests.

Those were some very masculine hands in that post. I can't elaborate properly because I'm in a taqueria right now, but those are some man-hands, baby.
I hope she casts a banishing spell on Chunga.
Random Topics / Re: GabCon Ideas?
October 22, 2013, 09:00:54 AM
Quote from: aldousburbank on October 22, 2013, 08:35:57 AM

You aren't supposed to reveal her identity, bruh. That's hella violent, bruh.
Archive of Old Threads / Re: 20131021 - Roger Leir
October 22, 2013, 02:15:32 AM
Damn... That just reminded me of the scene from "silence of the lambs" when she first visits Lecter in the mental ward...
Archive of Old Threads / Re: 20131021 - Roger Leir
October 21, 2013, 10:39:14 PM
Quote from: Nova on October 21, 2013, 10:38:07 PM
You're horrible. Yet I laugh. So perhaps I'm the horrible one.  Anyway, here is a picture of what my nameless doggy thinks about this show.

thats cute, is that a chihuahua?
Archive of Old Threads / Re: 20131021 - Roger Leir
October 21, 2013, 10:37:04 PM
He did surgeries as a joke??!?!?! WTF
Archive of Old Threads / Re: 20131021 - Roger Leir
October 21, 2013, 10:35:45 PM
Quote from: Crystal on October 21, 2013, 10:35:11 PM
I was drinking tomato juice!

I was drinking a chunky strawberry milkshake!
Archive of Old Threads / Re: 20131021 - Roger Leir
October 21, 2013, 10:32:50 PM
this mufugga need some metamucil and prune juice so he can get his point out

Pressed another button, DAAAYUUM GINA!

Archive of Old Threads / Re: 20131021 - Roger Leir
October 21, 2013, 10:28:41 PM
Quote from: steelbot on October 21, 2013, 10:25:21 PM
His punchbag-vagface was enough for me - that stuff's just plain wacked...why is there always hair with it?

Archive of Old Threads / Re: 20131021 - Roger Leir
October 21, 2013, 10:27:33 PM
So he's about 78 or 79 years old.
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