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Messages - damon

Random Topics / MOVED: Thanksgiving
November 22, 2017, 07:02:55 PM
This topic has been moved to Archive of Old Threads.

Random Topics / Re: Is MV still alive
November 22, 2017, 05:11:24 PM
Quote from: Norm on November 20, 2017, 09:21:49 PM

I guess that Jazmunda just found out the news about MV
Quote from: starrmtn001 on November 21, 2017, 07:56:06 PM
Curtis recently became a new daddy again.  I'm pretty sure his family outranks BellGab.  Easy choice IMHO. ;)
I understand that curtis is busy with JR. Kids are a hand full. Family is more important then bellgab. :)
Where is Curtis the mudking at? Did the aliens beamed him away? Did Falkie eat him for lunch? Did he and MV ran away to get married? What happen??
Quote from: brig on November 21, 2017, 04:53:33 PM
Not if Social Security finds out aboudit.
They will because falkie will make a video about it and the IRS will know too.
Quote from: chefist on November 20, 2017, 06:10:35 PM
How is George doing? I hope well.
Well, George is a george. He has not been doing a lot of videos or live podcasts.  He has been bitching about meals on wheels.
Random Topics / Re: Is MV still alive
November 20, 2017, 06:10:13 PM
Quote from: chefist on November 20, 2017, 06:09:44 PM
It's all good, man...people take breaks to refocus...

Other video from falkie the fucktard he is talking about emp.
Random Topics / Re: Is MV still alive
November 20, 2017, 06:07:59 PM
Quote from: chefist on November 20, 2017, 06:07:05 PM
I hope he is...dear lord? what happened since the last time I was here?
Chefist, I missed you.
Quote from: Fyodor Gutman on November 20, 2017, 03:56:32 PM
The Senda bureau has learned that George is close to acquiring a large sum of dog shit from a wealthy benefactor, which will be applied in full toward the container house of his dreams.

George has told a source that next year he plans to be eating Thanksgiving TUBESTEAK with WHITE GRAVY and George does loves the dark meat too in his "courtyard," not far from his "video studio" and reflecting pool in a shape of a very big penis.

More details as they avail themselves.

Falkie does loves Tube Steak with Whit Gravy. Falkie I heard that Mr MANSON just moved out of prison and you can move it to his room George Senda.
Quote from: Fyodor Gutman on November 20, 2017, 03:56:32 PM
The Senda bureau has learned that George is close to acquiring a large sum of money from a wealthy benefactor, which will be applied in full toward the container house of his dreams.

George has told a source that next year he plans to be eating Thanksgiving turkey in his "courtyard," not far from his "video studio" and reflecting pool.

More details as they avail themselves.
so how many dinars (iraq dinars) is he getting??
Random Topics / Is MV still alive
November 20, 2017, 12:17:26 PM
Is MV still alive or did falkie put a cat suit on MV then sat on him?? ???
Does Falkie has any real human friends in the real world and not on the internet?? I think that he has no real friends and he only has his internet "friends" on bellgab and youtube. Has he meet open lines gerry, area 51 drone or any other person in person and calls them a true and a real friend? I will say NO. That is why its so easy to troll him because he really wants friends but treats them like shit. He does not knows how to be a friend back. Even cats are scared shitless of him and kathy. He says that Noory and Art Bell are his real friends But do they claim to be falkie's friend? Has Art meet Falkie yet? Where are the pictures of Falkie having beers or breaking bread with his so called friends? I have never seen pictures of Art Bell and Falkie yet?
Why has falkie not posted a video about the death of charlie manson.   is falkie really just a lazy fucktard? Yes he is a lazy fucktard who cons people out of their hard earned money and labor. For example, he cons meals on wheels by saying he is poor and broke. Falkie just wastes his money that he gets from the tax payers from the state of California. If the meals on wheels just watches some of his videos, they will understand what we mighty bellgabbers as been saying for a long time. I heard a rumor that falkie is a top researcher for Coast to Coast am?  Falkie is no researcher because he is lazy and he steals newsreports from real news places like foxnews, kcra, cnn, RT and the like. He is just doing what Alex Jones does just steals the news from people who spends the time and money getting the news. Fuck you George Senda.
Quote from: 21st Century Man on November 20, 2017, 01:22:16 AM

I don't use these words very often but....

JESUS CHRIST, this guy is a creep!  He's fucking proud of it too. Can you imagine seeing Senda hanging out at the mall checking out the young ladies?  I'm a guy and that is just well ....yuk.

I don't follow Senda as much as most on Bellgab but this just about made me throw up.
George Senda is a sick fuck just like Robert Casio. I hope that they share a cell together in prison.

I hope that this video is useful Falkie
Random Topics / Falkie and food
November 19, 2017, 06:11:09 PM
Falkie it is cheaper and healthier to cook your own meals. When you go to wally world, safeway and any other place, buy store brand and not name brands items will save you money too.
Here are some videos on how to prepare some meals.




There is a raleys near you too Falkie and have a Raley's chef menu and it website is http://raleyschefsmenu.com/ it have meals that you can cook in 15-20minutes or less.
the closest one is at
Nob Hill Foods
520 Center Avenue
Quote from: damon on November 19, 2017, 06:01:25 PM

Here are the comments from the video.
1 day ago
Hi George - Do you have to prove hardship in order to qualify for Meals on Wheels?
George Senda
George Senda
9 hours ago
+JKMCraveTV Yes, but one can pay for it but its optional. If you cannot afford it, its free. And there have been months where I could not afford it, I was that broke.

If Falkie would have not wasted his money on any crap that he orders online He WOULD HAVE THE MONEY to buy all of the food that he needs to get fatter.
Hey fat fuck Senda, why dont you go to safeway and cook your own food. here is is a youtube video that might help you.


Here are the comments from the video.
1 day ago
Hi George - Do you have to prove hardship in order to qualify for Meals on Wheels?
George Senda
George Senda
9 hours ago
+JKMCraveTV Yes, but one can pay for it but its optional. If you cannot afford it, its free. And there have been months where I could not afford it, I was that broke.

If Falkie would have not wasted his money on any crap that he orders online He WOULD HAVE THE MONEY to buy all of the food that he needs to get fatter.
Random Topics / if I had a TARDIS.
November 18, 2017, 06:06:48 PM
If i had a time machine like the TARDIS, I would remind George's parents to use birth control so they would never have a loser of a son.
Quote from: Who on November 18, 2017, 05:51:33 PM
Birth control is cheap, available everywhere and effective. Anyone too poor to support themselves who has a bunch of kids is irresponsible. Children born to idiots don't stand a chance in this world. They'll grow up poor, hungry, malnourished, abused, uneducated and probably end up as stupid and irresponsible as their parents. A never-ending cycle.
everyone should use Birth control and people who can not afford kids should not have kids. lets use falkie as the reason for why we need to use birth control. Remember what Smoky said about forest fires " only you can prevent forest fires". Im going to change his words a little. Im going to say " ONLY YOU CAN PREVENT A SENDA MONSTER IF YOU USE BIRTH CONTROL".
Quote from: Who on November 18, 2017, 03:07:15 PM


Senda, just what the hell do you want for free? You've been living off the hard work and goodwill of strangers your entire life. Everybody on this site has a story to tell. Everyone but you has been busting their ass 8 or 12 hours a day or more for years, earning their keep, supporting a family, paying taxes, contributing to society.

You? You're a professional grifter. A con artist. You play all the time and get up at noon. Then play some more. Volunteers donate food, prepare the food then personally deliver it to your fat ass and how do you show your gratitude? You take a bite and spit it their face.

The food is FREE. Eat it, be grateful and STFU.

I hope that everyone calls meals on wheels about George the ASSHOLE.
Quote from: Rally Squirrel on November 18, 2017, 01:45:11 PM
"Meals on Wheels is a program that delivers meals to individuals at home who are unable to purchase or prepare their own meals. The name is often used generically to refer to home-delivered meals programs, not all of which are actually named "Meals on Wheels". Because they are housebound, many of the recipients are the elderly, and many of the volunteers are also elderly but able-bodied and able to drive automobiles.

Research shows that home-delivered meal programs significantly improve diet quality, increase nutrient intakes, reduce food insecurity and improve quality-of-life among the recipients.The programs also reduce government expenditures by reducing the need of recipients to use hospitals, nursing homes or other expensive community-based services."


As a hater I am not bothered that he gets free food but he is an asshole because he scams people.

In his own words he sometimes runs out of money because he gives his cash to Kathy or he uses it to buy stray cats food.

Those are not valid reasons to request help because they are avoidable.

And I am a bleeding heart that thinks he should get the basics that he gets, housing and enough cash to get by. This is America and everyone deserves that, even if they are to stupid to find a way to do it on their own.
here is the meals on wheels website for where falkie lives.
There mission statement from their website is

We support homebound elders to maintain their health and dignity, and to live independently in the comfort and security of their own homes.

We serve homebound senior citizens who have one or more chronic health conditions that prevent their preparing nutritious daily meals for themselves.

I do not think that falkie meets this.
Falkie is just faking it and with his videos that he has done in the past, just proves that he just not needs meals on wheels. Falkie is stealing food from people who really NEEDS THE FOOD. Fuck you George you fat fucking loser. I hope that everyone calls meals on wheels about George. I will be making a phone call.

This is also from their website.


Meals on Wheels clients must be 60 years of age or older, homebound and unable to purchase or prepare regular nutritious meals for themselves, and have no one else available to do so.

Meals are delivered by volunteers five days per week before noon, and frozen meals are available for weekends. Each meal exceeds one-third of the recommended dietary allowance for older adults, and is individually packaged hot or cold, depending on the menu item. Weekly deliveries of seven frozen meals may be offered as an alternative when space is unavailable on hot meals routes.

The program is funded through a variety of resources including client contributions. Each Meals on Wheels client is asked to contribute what they can afford towards the cost of their meals.

If you or someone you know qualifies for Meals on Wheels, please call the contact number for the community in which services are needed.

Here is the number to call meals on wheels about falkie.

Central County
& East County

Concord, Martinez, Pacheco, Pleasant Hill, Walnut Creek, Lafayette, Orinda, Moraga, Alamo, Danville, San Ramon, Bay Point, Pittsburg, & Antioch
Monâ€"Fri • 9am to 4pm

I hope that this info can help everyone.
Quote from: damon on November 18, 2017, 10:56:06 AM
I hope that there will not be a show that is called somewhere in time with heather wade.
Maybe Heather Wade can go back to her old job as a phone sex operator.
Heather could have George Senda on as a guest/co-host. ;D
I hope that there will not be a show that is called somewhere in time with heather wade.
Maybe Heather Wade can go back to her old job as a phone sex operator.
Random Topics / Re: falkie the dumb fuck and the EA-18G
November 18, 2017, 10:42:29 AM
Quote from: damon on November 18, 2017, 10:40:45 AM
Falkie talked about the navy pilots making a sky penis. The pilot and electronic warfare officer was flying an EA-18G.
This is from the navy times.

The Navy has grounded two lieutenants who drew an outline of a penis in the skies over Washington State in their EA-18G Growler this week, sparking a stream of social media complaints from locals.

The jet is part of Electronic Attack Squadron 130, also known as “The Zappers,” based out of Naval Air Station Whidbey Island.

Lt. Cmdr. Leslie Hubbell, a Navy spokeswoman, declined to identify the pilots, but said that how and why the skyborne penis renderings came to be is under investigation.

“Those involved will be held accountable for their actions,” she said

here is falkie's video in question.

here is some info about the EA-18G


The EA-18G GROWLER® is a variant of the combat-proven F/A-18F Super Hornet Block II, and will fly the airborne electronic attack mission. The EA-18G combines the capability of the combat-proven Super Hornet with the latest AEA avionics suite evolved from the Improved Capability III (ICAP III) system. The EA-18G’s vast array of sensors and weapons provides the warfighter with a lethal and survivable weapon system to counter current and emerging threats.


Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses: The EA-18G will counter enemy air defenses using both reactive and pre-emptive jamming techniques.
Stand-off and Escort Jamming: The EA-18G will be highly effective in the traditional stand-off jamming mission, but with the speed and agility of a Super Hornet, it will also be effective in the escort role.
Non-Traditional Electronic Attack: Dramatically enhanced situational awareness and uninterrupted communications will enable the EA-18G to achieve a higher degree of integration with ground operations than has been previously achievable.
Self-protect and Time-Critical Strike Support: With its Advanced Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar, digital data links and air-to-air missiles, the EA-18G will have self-protection capability and will also be effective for target identification and prosecution.
Growth: High commonality with the F/A-18E/F, nine available weapon stations and modern avionics enable cost-effective synergistic growth for both aircraft, setting the stage for continuous capability enhancement.


Crew: Two
Length: 60 ft 1.25 in (18.31 m)
Wingspan: 44 ft 8.5 in (13.62 m) (including wingtip-mounted pods)
Height: 16 ft (4.88 m)
Wing area: 500 ft² (46.5 m²)
Empty weight: 33,094 lb (15,011 kg)
Loaded weight: 48,000 lb (21,772 kg) (recovery weight)
Max takeoff weight: 66,000 lb (29,964 kg)
Powerplant: 2× General Electric F414-GE-400 turbofans
Dry thrust: 14,000 lbf (62.3 kN) each
PACIFIC OCEAN (Nov. 3, 2014) An E/A-18G Growler from the Shadowhawks of Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 141 prepares to make an arrested landing on the flight deck of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73). George Washington and its embarked air wing, Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 5, provide a combat-ready force that protects and defends the collective maritime interests of the U.S. and its allies and partners in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Chris Cavagnaro/Released)
Photo Gallery

Program Office Description
F/A-18 and EA-18G Program Office (PMA-265) is responsible for acquiring, delivering and sustaining the F/A-18 C/D Hornet, F/A-18 E/F Super Hornet, and EA-18G GROWLER® aircraft, providing naval aviators with capabilities that enable mission success. Serving seven international customers, the program office emphasizes cooperative development and partnerships for foreign military sales to Australia, Canada, Finland, Kuwait, Malaysia, Spain and Switzerland.

Public Affairs Point of Contact
Program Executive Office for Tactical Aircraft, PEO(T)
47123 Buse Road, Bldg 2272, Rm 454
Patuxent River, MD 20670-1547
(301) 757-7171 or (301) 342-3167

For Aviation & Technical Support:
Click here to access the NAVAIR Aviation Support website

Program Manager

Random Topics / falkie the dumb fuck
November 18, 2017, 10:40:45 AM
Falkie talked about the navy pilots making a sky penis. The pilot and electronic warfare officer was flying an EA-18G.
This is from the navy times.

The Navy has grounded two lieutenants who drew an outline of a penis in the skies over Washington State in their EA-18G Growler this week, sparking a stream of social media complaints from locals.

The jet is part of Electronic Attack Squadron 130, also known as “The Zappers,” based out of Naval Air Station Whidbey Island.

Lt. Cmdr. Leslie Hubbell, a Navy spokeswoman, declined to identify the pilots, but said that how and why the skyborne penis renderings came to be is under investigation.

“Those involved will be held accountable for their actions,” she said

here is falkie's video in question.

here is some info about the EA-18G
I miss chefist.
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