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Messages - artbell_ghost

Quote from: Richard Groyper on August 26, 2019, 03:11:17 PM
starrmtn001 sexually harrassed me via pm's and i will be silent NO LONGER!


i admit it. my other avatar starrmountain001 and it shames me. some mornings i don’t take my meds and start shitposting. after two days without meds i become azzara destroyer of threads ( fear me )
Quote from: starrmtn001 on August 26, 2019, 06:28:41 AM
With you around, who could blame her.  Snark!!!
I'm sorry, brig, I couldn't help myself.  Knee-jerk reflex.  I apologize.
So.  How are we doing with the Truce??? ;) ;D

why? its not funny, original, anything really its like eating butter for breakfast. i could do it but i have to live with the shame afterward.

time to hand your account over to the next person so they can tell us the logistics of the philly sidecar
Quote from: chefist on August 25, 2019, 06:48:05 PM
Can I become a new member of the "gang of four" if I pretend to be straight? Please, Lee...please.

i was told you run a proxy server for anti heather comms. how could i join?
Quote from: VC on August 25, 2019, 06:11:39 PM
FFS, she has ONE USA Skype line and ONE International Skype line, and her Skype calls don't drop-out or clip. Her imaginary Tech Ninjas aka Tony the Grocery Store "manager" are idiots that can't fix jack shit. This is Paranoia 101 BS to generate more hate drama for her show. The fucking FBI isn't doing jack shit for HW. She's not an "on air" terrestrial radio personality with even one radio station. Not even on YT or FB. Bwahahaha! She's not Art Bell's wife losers! She's nothing but a PITA for the local sheriff for all the loser false alarm 911 mental health calls she generates. Now, admittedly two suicide attempts too? Fucking BS.

HW is an outcast to AB and his family. Like, WTF, genius! Ask her how she knows AB committed suicide next time you speak with Ankle/Toe hoe-feather crying wolf baby.

Btw, see above, why are you still posting here? Bwahahahaha! :D

i am approved for here, and, youtube.

you do good work and i am not your enemy
Quote from: VC on August 25, 2019, 06:11:39 PM
FFS, she has ONE USA Skype line and ONE International Skype line, and her Skype calls don't drop-out or clip. Her imaginary Tech Ninjas aka Tony the Grocery Store "manager" are idiots that can't fix jack shit. This is Paranoia 101 BS to generate more hate drama for her show. The fucking FBI isn't doing jack shit for HW. She's not an "on air" terrestrial radio personality with even one radio station. Not even on YT or FB. Bwahahaha! She's not Art Bell's wife losers! She's nothing but a PITA for the local sheriff for all the loser false alarm 911 mental health calls she generates. Now, admittedly two suicide attempts too? Fucking BS.

HW is an outcast to AB and his family. Like, WTF, genius! Ask her how she knows AB committed suicide next time you speak with Ankle/Toe hoe-feather crying wolf baby.

Btw, see above, why are you still posting here? Bwahahahaha! :D

i don’t understand all the techno mumbo jumbo but i did get permission to post from heathers techno code ninja so its ok. he wants to get a handle on the fake news
Quote from: chefist on August 25, 2019, 04:38:07 PM
Dear lord...she's posting creamies now? Was this from a new meltdown? Bwahahahaha

hi chefist!

how does that image make you feel?
i can report its the real deal there are three letter agencies looking into the situation out of respect for art’s past with them.

heather will confirm this soon, most likely her next show. i post this with permission as she acknowledged on the last open lines show that our fued ended with a peace accord. i have several ip lookup tables that were packect forwarded to me through a capture point one of the code ninjas set up through the live stream.

from what i understand and liberace can probably confirm that by using the packect stream and the hex code messages you are able to match up ddos sources and skype callers in a way that allows heather’s forces to firewall the trolls (their words not mine) in a way that gives heather faster bandwidth.
Quote from: AvDaBr on August 25, 2019, 01:02:45 PM
Art Bell

my most favorite moment on bellgab is this post.

don’t tell heather you haters
good luck and goodnight bellchan
so here is the funny thing. in the last hour i got threw to heather! she wouldn’t let me on the air as she recognized my voice immediately. she is am expert at this,  we talked and i made my points and she acknowledged the bad data she had and we are on ok terms again. not great but i may still be on her show. i had to agree to no longer post here, which i did. she said it was the same deal art gave her back in the day

i will keep my end of the deal as long as she does too. turns out miller has a chance too but needs to show remorse. i showed none but had facts on my side and a willingness to deal for the sake of the show. at the end of the day thats what its about.  the show, and it must go on. unlike my posts wich for now will cease until such time it is considered acceptable again in the heather cabal
Quote from: VC on August 21, 2019, 08:51:25 PM
On HW's last Screened Lines Can't Talk About Anything show she was taunting for trolls to call-in, making a farce and liar-hood about her "Open Lines Talk About Anything" shows, she only allowed one token "troll" to talk 45 seconds for the entire 4 hour show. Plus, she said she's going "to dump" any "troll" callers from now on. She said it was her "new rules" about her Open Lines UNscreened Shows.

You'll have to formulate your talking points to seem positive or neutral to get anymore "conversation time" and not just be cut-off and dumped. You'll know you have done really well, mission accomplished, if she also calls you "a jerk" and "a-hole" several times after the call. :D

LOL... she said she had to go to break to pay the bills. What a fucktard.

good points especially the two-faced part

the difference is part of her new act is directly taunting me since i told her i could run circles in a real debate around her. i’m the only ‘troll’ that was invited by email to call then was never allowed on the phone out of fear! i know too much so she wont let me speak. if I don’t get on air tonight, i will go to YouTube and share my knowledge and grievances

richard are you ordained in the church of groyper?  i might ask my lady friend to marry me but only if you will do us the honor

you’ll get first past on the honeymoon as according to tradition and all fees will be paid up front
Quote from: username on August 21, 2019, 04:04:44 PM

That's bullshit, after everything you've done.

you know it.  primed and ready. primed and ready mutha fuckers
I got blocked from 2 different phones last night!  im pissed. got connected to an app to spoof number for tonight
Quote from: Gunner65 on August 20, 2019, 02:56:22 PM
Heaters guest tonight Aage L. Nost (73) has an arrest record in Arizona and served 4 years in State Prison of a 5 year sentence (2010-2014). Class 2 felony for "CONSPIRACY ASSIST CRIM SYND/LEAD GANG"  and class 6 felony for "ATTEMPT TO COMMIT HARASSMENT"

Participated in a work program after attending "Functional Literacy" and "GED" programs for a total of 4 months while in prison.



rumor is he is a great cook though
i’m a fan of good true crime podcasts. this is why i dont listen to dave schrader
Random Topics / Saw Bart Ell at the soup kitchen today
August 20, 2019, 08:08:21 AM
while serving several of my court ordered community service hours today i saw none other than bart ell. he did not recognize me but was clearly bringing th woo to several homeless ladies and a toothless man.

he really shines when with his people. i noticed that he moderated the line with a firm grasp asking a short man with a stinky disheveled look to please exit the line and go to 53rd street instead

where have you seen bart ell?
How To Use BellGab / Re: How To Access Bellgab
August 19, 2019, 07:24:32 PM
Quote from: Walks_At_Night on August 19, 2019, 07:23:22 PM

Dietrich hits Bellgab hard with another crushing blow, eh?

his power levels are increasing i am told
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
August 19, 2019, 07:23:34 PM
Trump listens to the BeeGees.

change my mind...
Quote from: artbell_ghost on August 19, 2019, 07:09:40 PM
i made her what she is, or was

Quote from: username on August 19, 2019, 07:03:22 PM
Are you insinuating that Heather won't talk to you, even in the after life? I thought you two were close?


i made her what she is, or was.

i'm calling her show again tuesday and i promise you brother, the internet will love me
Quote from: brig on August 19, 2019, 12:17:23 PM
How about feet?  Are you into feet?

I hear Jason Callan is very into feet.

it is not nice to post photos of starmountan1's feet but i will allow it since you are the brig
Random Topics / Re: Sredni Vashtar (Missing in Action)
August 19, 2019, 07:04:16 PM
so wait srednu vastir is back? so he burned down ellgab and returned back here to be adored?
and now the rest of the story...

so a couple nights ago i challenged heather to a debate as to my outster in her gathering of friends and yes men/women. she said meet me saturday night at her live stream / call in number.  i agreed and was there promptly to do aural fisticuffs with her for you the listeners pleasure.  as you saw by the history of my post i was online and ready to go at the agreed upon time.  number typed into my mobile phone.

i waited for a mutal friend to tell me it was time.  they did...no one answered the other end, and the live stream was music only.  i waited and waited, even called every 10-15 minutes and left a couple voice messages.  after 2 hours i found that my account had been blocked and could no longer reach her skype.  mutal friend was very disappointed and told me to drop it and move on.

i tried to remote view to get more information but it appears i was blocked there too as all i could pick up was an unfamiliar scent and sadness.
Random Topics / Re: Bart Ell's thread
August 19, 2019, 06:54:24 PM
Quote from: brig on August 19, 2019, 01:06:36 PM
I really enjoyed your post Snipe Smack.


great post brig! this thread is my safe space

Random Topics / Re: Bart Ell's thread
August 19, 2019, 09:34:20 AM
How To Use BellGab / Re: Change of Display Name
August 19, 2019, 06:33:28 AM
request for longtime *real* bellgabber she’s valid -you are not- starmountain to have her name changed to bellgabCatLady
Random Topics / Re: Bart Ell's thread
August 19, 2019, 06:30:59 AM
i’ve read several of these starcatlady messages and due to their vapid nature i can now comfirm these are the real starcatlady.

they lack the attempts at creativity and snark (failed of course) that the other person using her handle was known for
guess who is calling in
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