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Messages - gnooryblows

Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 04, 2018, 03:06:22 PM
Quote from: gnooryblows on January 04, 2018, 03:05:19 PM
there's a fucking blizzard so there's not much i can do today is there?

i am from the frozen north east, brotato
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 04, 2018, 03:05:19 PM
Quote from: Fyodor Gutman on January 04, 2018, 02:57:43 PM
GNooryBlows having his morning breakfast before another 16-hour day on the Internet:

there's a fucking blizzard so there's not much i can do today is there?
Quote from: gnooryblows on January 04, 2018, 02:44:22 PM
the left wingers are ALWAYS implicitly wrong because they openly believe in BIG GOVERNMENT as a matter of principle and government is ALWAYS corrupt. but policies like this one are where the right-wing doesn't uphold their stated principles though. this (along with abortion, which is also a horrible thing but shouldn't be legislated) are clear cases of the government getting involved in areas where it SHOULD NOT BE. your government is for borders and military and roads and honestly not much more. if you can't accept that and you want big papa government to come and give you free shit, and tell people who are doing things you don't like how to live their lives, then you're part of the problem of humanity and why we have endless war, endless oppression, endless genocide, endless slavery. you need to fuck off to the god damn moon or something, you nigger.

it cannot be considered as anything other than hypocrisy on this issue or the abortion issue for any right-winger who has ever stated that "government should be kept small and not control everything" (which is almost all of them, but then they hypocrite themselves on these and some other issues).

the right-wing is rightly concerned of government tyranny and wants to hold on to their guns to prevent it, but then when government tyranny happens in our society too often they are silent. too often, too often, too often.
the left wingers are ALWAYS implicitly wrong because they openly believe in BIG GOVERNMENT as a matter of principle and government is ALWAYS corrupt. but policies like this one are where the right-wing doesn't uphold their stated principles though. this (along with abortion, which is also a horrible thing but shouldn't be legislated) are clear cases of the government getting involved in areas where it SHOULD NOT BE. your government is for borders and military and roads and honestly not much more. if you can't accept that and you want big papa government to come and give you free shit, and tell people who are doing things you don't like how to live their lives, then you're part of the problem of humanity and why we have endless war, endless oppression, endless genocide, endless slavery. you need to fuck off to the god damn moon or something, you nigger.
Quote from: GravitySucks on January 04, 2018, 02:40:15 PM
He is doing exactly what needs to be done. The policy is just that. A policy that can be undone and redone with every new administration which causes chaos and uncertainty.

Just like DACA they are making Congress stand up and do their job. Enforce existing laws or change the laws... not by executive fiat.

yeah i know cucks like you just want to bend over and let the authoritarian dick of the government fuck you in the pooper huh? repressed homosexuality manifesting if you ask me :(
Quote from: gnooryblows on January 04, 2018, 02:36:13 PM
(and in poverty too, as the economic system was about to collapse when the election happened)

i know a lot of people probably don't understand this, but by virtue of how our economic system works and how reliant and dependent it is on constant growth, it was in fact right on the precipice of imploding due to stagnation when the 2016 election happened. probably the plebs don't understand how close to doom we were and how much Trump and his policies of deregulation and economic freedom (and obviously the tax cuts) saved us from that.
Homo Jeff Sessions rescinded the Obama era policy of the federal government not enforcing it's federal marijuana laws.

for those that don't know, even though there's been a spate of states legalizing and decriminalizing marijuana, and tax paying, legitimate dispenseries opening up all over them, it's still technically illegal at the federal level. Obama, in one of his attempts to fuel degeneracy and ruin out society, issued a memo that federal agencies should not interfere with state laws that legalize pot.

this is a complicated issue, but imprisoning people for owning or selling plants is simply WRONG. it's times like this when we see clearly that President Donald J Trump is truly not /ourguy/. is he a guy that doesn't openly hate and despise the USA and its people? YES. and that makes him lightyears better than anything we've seen in recent decades. is he someone that is going to genuinely craft an open and free and libertarian future for our society and humanity? NO. in fact, he is a BLATANT AUTHORITARIAN and this has always been his greatest weakness.

despite what faggot potheads will tell you, marijuana is a horrible drug. it ruins peoples souls. it destroys them in subtle ways, makes them fucking incomprehensibly stupid and emotionally bankrupt, and causes untold suffering and pain in families that use it. it's not safe to drive on pot. it does have a definite drain on the economy and our society. it DEFINITELY DOES make people complacent and stupid and submissive to all sorts of authority, and endows them with a laissez faire, nihilistic attitude that suits the globalists agenda for putting us all into slavery under their authority.

but never the less, to legislate and enforce laws against its use is a clear case of government overreach.
futhermore, despite repeatedly professing to be a strong proponent of states rights, this administration is clearly grabbing federal authority here. states rights are actually very important in ways that most plebs are too stupid to understand. they help ensure that our nation does not fall to tyranny.


if hillary (or bernie) had won we would all be living under the big government repressive thumb of left-wing tyranny and authoritarianism. i'm happy that she (nor bernie) got in we would all genuinely be fucked at this point (and in poverty too, as the economic system was about to collapse when the election happened). BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN WE HAVE TO SIT BACK AND TAKE IT AS CLEAR GOVERNMENT OVERREACH AND TYRANNY HAPPENS AT THE HANDS OF THIS ADMINISTRATION!

Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 04, 2018, 03:15:05 AM
i swear my dick is like jesus. it can cure leprosy and raise the dead.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 04, 2018, 03:14:03 AM
alrite so i gotta go to bed guys. swishy and julien, gnite guys. nice talking to you. hopefully talk to you tomorrow or the next night or something. md md, suck my dick bro, maybe it will cure you of your insanity cuz my penis is magical or something.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 04, 2018, 03:13:01 AM
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 04, 2018, 03:08:49 AM
Racist - check
Satanic - check
Possibly Russian - check

This is a Democratic circle jerk. :D

i thought you were going to bed like 3 hours ago you faggot
i have to go to bed anyway. i don't want to. i want to stay up and keep on talking but im wiped out. i feel like shit the last 3 days. not well. like run down, like im getting sick or something. i haven't been sick since 2012 so i hope i really don't up sick. i wouldn't know what to do if i had to take a pill or medication or anything. i'm just not into that scene. i think i picked a bug up when i went to the museum on new years eve. i'm not used to being around that many people for an extended period of time, so i must have gotten fucked up. you prob hope i die or something, don't you, you faggot.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 04, 2018, 03:06:02 AM
Quote from: Swishypants on January 04, 2018, 03:04:15 AM
Up to you. You should play to win though or not play at all.

in my mind, i genuinely and unironically 100% legimately believe that if i do that i will begin to get cancer or something. that's why i really don't do it. when i do it, it feels no good. that is how society rapes you, you know? society only seeks to subjugate people. because the people in society are weak, and so strength makes them nervous. if they see someone strong they can't control them, so they want to make them weak. they'll do it with manipulation and lies or brute force if they can.

in short, societies whole gameplan is to break your legs, sell you the wheelchair, and then they say "see? where would you be without me? you wouldn't have that wheelchair and you wouldn't even be able to get around". that's why i can't do it.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 04, 2018, 03:04:16 AM
all of that is a form of control. all of that is societies way of saying "hahahahaha yeah, i got you you bitch. look how you cuck out to me. look how you bend to my will". that's what it is in subtle ways.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 04, 2018, 03:03:23 AM
to this day though i still can't deal with the idea of biting my tongue and just bullshitting about things i don't really believe or think.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 04, 2018, 03:00:59 AM
i mean if i had no problem in the world just saying stupid shit to get ahead i never would have ended up homeless. never. the problem for me was after my girl died i held it together for a couple years but during that time i got more and more and more unstable and just started saying shit that was on my mind all of the time. blurting it out. i would say it to customers, bosses, business people. whoever was around. by the end i was pretty much totally unsociable and incompatible with society. and instead of digging down deep and compromising and biting my tongue somehow (which felt like it was giving me cancer when i tried to do it), i will full enough of anger and rage that i just said "fuck it, i don't need anyone anyway. you want to put me on the street, i don't give a fuck, i'll beat you all on my own terms".

people on 4chan IMO are doing something very similar. i'm sure all of them would benefit in their personal lives by just pretending to profess popular and worldly views. but they have the integrity to at least be intellectually honest with themselves and speak out for the truth on an anonymous message board. which is a lot more than someone like, say for example, fucking pud can say.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 04, 2018, 02:57:20 AM
Quote from: Swishypants on January 04, 2018, 02:54:39 AM
Maybe you're right. It's way past my time now. Maybe it changed!

well look OK all im saying is that any idiot can get up and say "RACISM IS WRONG!" and "LETS GET MORE RIGHTS FOR WOMEN AND GAYS!" and get applauded for it. have you seen justin trudeau in canada? the guy has the emotional and intellectual presence of a turnip and he is their prime minister just because that's like all he says. it's brainless. it's simple. except those ideas don't really reflect reality or any kind of genuine decency. so if you're going to reject those ideas and suffer the consequences of being a social apostate, IMO, you have some form of integrity motivating you from somewhere.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 04, 2018, 02:55:26 AM
Quote from: JulianC on January 04, 2018, 02:54:42 AM
No. lol I already vent through the mill. I saw the other ugly side of me and of the World. And I WON!
But the door is very narrow.

well good luck, hope so for you sake.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 04, 2018, 02:52:51 AM
Quote from: Swishypants on January 04, 2018, 02:51:16 AM
That's a pretty romantic view of it. It's fucking wrong, but it's romantic as hell! Come 'ere! You can pop it in for just a minute! Crazy kid ya! ;)

WHY do you think that's wrong, honestly. that's really how i think of the majority of people on 4chan.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 04, 2018, 02:52:18 AM
Quote from: JulianC on January 04, 2018, 02:47:04 AM
Maybe because his is you know.British snob
Fuck him.He is undesirable and not reasonable. Parasite.

doesn't he seem like the kind of guy who the boss just promoted up to middle management because he was willing to unthinkingly take all of the orders and not question anything and believe everything that the company wanted them to believe and just DO everything that the company wanted them to do? perfect little slaves, perfect little slaves.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 04, 2018, 02:49:01 AM
you can tell julien is from 4chan cuz he really cares about stuff. people on 4chan are despised and derided by all of society. they do what they do and believe what they believe because they would rather focus on what's real and have integrity and stuff like that, rather than just sell out for some cheap social currency that's conferred to them from being a perfect little progressive democrat, and believing everything that their society stupidly tells them to believe. so honestly julien, i really respect that about you. i'm that way too in a lot of ways, honestly, even though i think the difference between you and me is that i probably consciously know that i'm being a sucker and try to stop myself, often to no avail though.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 04, 2018, 02:45:39 AM
if you came on here tomorrow julien and told me that you shot up an old folks home full of old people or something like that i'd just be like "oh really? damn bro. hey you got any more of those cool music suggestions?"
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 04, 2018, 02:43:44 AM
he is cute when he comes on here and he is like "i'm gonna stop the pedophiles" and you can tell that in his mind doing the right thing and making the world a better place really matters. i'm not even lying bro i envy you in a lot of ways. i could, and actually have, watched people get murdered in the street and it just didn't even register to me to the point where i would ever even think about doing something about it. i'm just like "oh yup, there's people dying, that's what always happens in life. where's my soda?".
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 04, 2018, 02:40:47 AM
julien is so idealistic. i think much of his idealism has yet to be crushed by the weight of the world. almost an enviable position. julien hold on to that for as long as you can cuz the day will come when it leaves and you will become hollowed out broken down shells of a human like me and swishy.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 04, 2018, 02:39:20 AM
Quote from: JulianC on January 04, 2018, 02:36:33 AM
I know that you are bad ass dude,or was in the past. But you are not a monster.
You have good warm side and you are in transition,lol no homo lol, just typical transition that people go through to become better and happier.
Some tho refuse and stay full of bitterness and genuine hate till they croak.

lol thanks dude. honestly i mean being a nice dude or a good dude or whatever isn't that important to me. nice dudes and good dudes are suckers if you ask me. but thanks still that's nice of you. i know you're trying to say a nice thing to me so thank you bro, i appreciate it.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 04, 2018, 02:34:43 AM
Quote from: Swishypants on January 04, 2018, 02:33:21 AM
I wonder where Pud is? Sweating, at the Air Port. Changing his seat to be next to the small black child!

i dunno he is fuckin' gay. he won't stay and talk. he just blows in says his stupid shit then disappears. for fucks sake, you'd think if someone disagrees so vehemently and is so emotionally affected by the things you're saying that they'd want to stay and continue to dialogue or some shit. i don't understand the mentality of people who just turn away from things. i'm not like that and never have been.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 04, 2018, 02:33:26 AM
Quote from: gnooryblows on January 04, 2018, 02:29:16 AM
i mean yeah that's actually a decent sounding track in a lot of ways, but i dunno, it's still like i said before. i've given up on newer music. the last bands i liked were silversun pickups and MGMT and the killers when i was in college and still young. they were OK and had some good tracks i guess. after that i never heard anything good anymore that struck me as decent. i dunno why. i think it was our changing culture.


honestly i've like never watched the video though and watching it now all of those people look like people i'd like to hit.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 04, 2018, 02:29:50 AM
Quote from: Swishypants on January 04, 2018, 02:29:01 AM
Only Niggers Inside!

lol i don't like niggers.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 04, 2018, 02:29:16 AM
Quote from: Swishypants on January 04, 2018, 02:24:54 AM
Lets try this again.


i mean yeah that's actually a decent sounding track in a lot of ways, but i dunno, it's still like i said before. i've given up on newer music. the last bands i liked were silversun pickups and MGMT and the killers when i was in college and still young. they were OK and had some good tracks i guess. after that i never heard anything good anymore that struck me as decent. i dunno why. i think it was our changing culture.

Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 04, 2018, 02:25:50 AM
Quote from: Swishypants on January 04, 2018, 02:22:41 AM
Him's ONI though!  :-\

i'm feeling pretty stupid right now cuz i keep saying this but i don't know what you mean here either. i dunno what that is lol.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 04, 2018, 02:21:49 AM
Quote from: Swishypants on January 04, 2018, 02:17:49 AM
Pretty good! I have this on vinyl.


this one doesn't sound good to me. it has that faggyness vibe that all new music has. like it was made by someone who is vacant on the inside. that's just what it seems like to me. prob most people in the music industry are vacant on the inside though so maybe that's stupid to think.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 04, 2018, 02:19:10 AM
Quote from: JulianC on January 04, 2018, 02:16:20 AM
I like Tom Waits. But as with all music you must be in the mood that day for his very farout style.
Also, he wrote lyrics and composed music to almost all of the songs that he sings on this and on his other albums.
He plays multi instruments,very talented. He creates great ambiance. Great story storyteller.
Somehow I think you might like his eclectic style if you would give him a chance.
Here is his debut album.
Tom Waits Closing Time 1973) Debut Album Full YouTube


honestly i never even heard of the guy that is good stuff though
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