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Messages - astroguy

Okay, I understand what the guest is actually talking about.  I sincerely doubt that the other 10 listeners do, unless they had an undergraduate degree in physics or a very close field.  This guy seems to generally know what he's talking about and has only ventured into crazy a bit, but he's being so technical that I doubt anyone can really tell anyway, it tends to sound like technobabble, I suspect.
Quote from: CronkitesGhost on March 03, 2018, 11:42:24 PM
Do you think there's any chance if given a 12th grade Calculus exam Hoagie would get anything right?
Nope, not likely.
I can picture Richard doing that promo for himself:

Producer:  "We need to do another take, you had odd pauses and cleared your throat."

RCH:  "Don't you know who I am?! I'm Richard C. Hoagland, former science advisor to Walter Cronkite, good friend to Gene Roddenberry and Arthur C. Clark.  I don't do second takes!"
He clears his throat during a pre-recorded ad for himself.  ::)
During a live show, he's advertising that this is the free first hour and to listen to the live show to get the full three hours?  Ugh.
Quote from: crankshaft on March 03, 2018, 11:13:23 PM
He's got a lot of high frequency interference and ringing bullshit going on.
He also seems like he has a speech impediment which is convolved with the poor audio to make this sound like he's talking through a kazoo.
Wow, the guest's audio is absolutely horrible.  How come RCH isn't bitching about it "overmodulating" or whatever audio terms he misuses to make it seem like he knows what he's talking about?
Quote from: crankshaft on March 03, 2018, 08:41:36 PM
Pop Quiz

RCH will:

A.) make it onto the air tonight

B.) continue his decline, growing weaker and weaker by degrees until he recedes entirely from the internet and fades away

C.) continue his decline, growing weaker and weaker by degrees until he recedes entirely from the internet only to become an even greater icon, half-alive--half-dead--half-god, yet somehow still manage his vast empire of paying internet fans without the inconvenient requirement that he maintain a corporeal presence in the real life world, much like a Philip K. Dick novel

D.) all of the above
A and B are not mutually exclusive.  Picking one of them, I choose B, but that doesn't mean I don't think A will happen.
Quote from: Theadora on March 02, 2018, 08:20:40 PM
It makes sense that water could dampen energy, though, don't you think?
Doesn't work with sound energy (or any other compression waves).
Quote from: zeebo on February 27, 2018, 06:46:18 PM
Maybe Hoagie is being hacked - his message intentionally thwarted by inopportune chair squeaks, skype update crashes, and mysterious errors on his circa-1995 website.
In fairness (whomever thought I'd be defending Richard?), Skype version 8 is horrid.  It's removed many features, and really, the act of just trying to add someone to a call is arduous.  With that said, also in fairness, Micro$oft still has "Skype Classic" on their website, version 7, which you can use and doesn't have those issues.
Quote from: Theadora on February 26, 2018, 02:12:37 PM
The problem with Wikipedia is that anyone can edit it.  You probably were the one who created that page in the first place.  Even NASA doesn't vouch for you.
Why would NASA vouch for me? I am not a NASA employee.  What does "vouch" even mean in this case?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Jimmy Church
February 26, 2018, 10:42:47 AM
Quote from: HereKittyKitty on February 26, 2018, 07:31:51 AM
Does anyone notice how jimmy the tool church always is relating to everyone in experiences? I’m 30, and this guy has what? 20, 15 years on me? And my god, never in my life have I been able to relate and or /outdo someone as much as Jimmy. Maybe this says more about me being the ultimate failure and being nowhere near as well rounded and pure amazing ness as jimmy.

A caller or guest could literally call in, and say, I ate my dogs, dog shit. Jimmy: right right right. Me too. Caller/guest: it made me hallucinate for 1hr. Jimmy: I ATE MY CAT AND DOGS SHIT AND I HALLUCINATED FOR 5hrs. I mean, this guy can’t just chill out and listen to other people’s experiences or supposed experiences, without trying to one-up. His insecurities really show through, too much.

He does have a good taste in music, though.
Jimmy seems, to me, to be just like the main host of C2C, but he pays a bit more attention.  The main host of C2C will say platitudes like, "Exactly," "That's right," and "Of course" to try to feign interest and try to convince you he's paying attention, despite those phrases coming right after something idiotic, asinine, or easily shown to be false.  Jimmy just takes it further.  He reminds me of that guy who's trying to be everyone's friend by doing what they do, agreeing with what they say, and making up stories about himself to appear relatable to the person at-hand.  Whether or not he actually did all those things is not even relevant.
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on February 24, 2018, 11:45:50 PM
OK, now they're starting to sound more full of shit.  :D
Hyperdimensional satanic sadists?
Quote from: zeebo on February 24, 2018, 10:59:11 PM
2/13/02 .. (I think maybe around the 2.5 hr. mark) .. Also humorous was Hoagie admonishing the guest for not properly labeling this better face on his website.
Is it free to listen to?  I miss my downloads of SIT.  That said, I appear to have this episode in my archive, it was a SIT from April 14, 2012.
Quote from: zeebo on February 24, 2018, 10:52:53 PM
Listening to Somewhere in Time tonite, when Art had a guy on with some supposed Mars face picture.  Classic moment when Hoagie called in to one-up the guest by first discrediting his find (as lacking in expected geometry), then pointing out his own discovery in the picture: a different, better face which was also more significant as that one tied into his Cydonia model.
Do you know the original airdate?
For your pre-show amusement, here's a comment that I'm not approving on my blog.  Amazing how some people think, though this is at least more coherent than most rantings.  It's also amazing that the commenter didn't bother to look into who I am.  Interestingly, the claim that I have misquoted Richard and others has stepped up lately, which is odd, considering I quote them verbatim, it's just that the person accusing me of this has listened to a DIFFERENT interview so says that I misquoted.

QuoteI watched Hoagland’s 2 hour program on the discoveries of China on the moon a couple of hours ago and you have quoted him miserably. He stated “we “ had until now thought our solar system was based on another form of physics but it was China who first learned, and recently disclosed to the world via it’s planned lunar exploration that it is in fact on the tetrahedron physics which he did not invent and did not know was the case. Apparently only China did.. He wondered why they had a sketch of a tetrahedron on the edge of a lunar pic they posted on the web. He found out with others as they laid out the findings they have made public. They declared one landing spot and last minute changed and did not broadcast from charge until after landing. At 19.5 degrees n.. come to find out Pluto, Jupiter, whose spot is reducing another slaughter, and Saturn proved the tetrahedron physics in our solar system. They share hexagon shapes on the tops of the planets, except Neptune whose hexagon is on the bottom. Saturn has a permanent storm above just its hexagon which rotates the opposite way the planet does so disturbances of temp and energy don’t seem a stretch in this physics. He is a physicist. I’m not. Are you? The explanation was detailed enough almost too much but it made sense to me with what science, physics, meteorology and space science I do know. The lengths he went to were thorough and convinced me in that regard and in regard to photography. Which proved we did indeed explore the moon as we said but China uncovered our free government’s lie and has demonstrated it can prove it and they alone know the further extent of their discoveries and what those revelations will bring. Hoagland knew Ken I forgot his last name from working on Apollo projects when he saved some of the pics he was told to destroy. He delivered most to his university (who doesn’t know what happened to them.. Hoagland did speculate that NASA might have suspected he might not destroy them followed him destroying them after retrieving them-he kept only a small amount he carried with him the rest of the way thru the military). That leaves the structures. He convinced me. Have you seen Secrets Hidden in Plain Sight? Not by him but about mathematical numbers, sums, angles, architectural designs repeated throughout the world and time. A lot of similarities in those things and the different theories of physics. You’re much too lacking in that type of knowledge to tear apart what he did not himself discover or come to the conclusion of the type of physics at work in our solar system and unless you’re not too bright, you don’t even pay attention to his speech on any of that. Dispel flawed theories, after proving them so, as in valid and invalid arguments in philosophy and debates. You’re discrediting yourself by not even really listening well at all and obviously hacking him because of name only. No more credible than an average conspiracy theorist.
Bah, I forgot about the show. Anyone grab it before he pulled the auto-recording?
I'm going to go use the elliptical (finally back to exercising after a too-long hiatus.  I'll be back in an hour.  I can't stand Robert AM*.
Expat was just mentioned, by proxy: "One of the skeptics that trolls us."
Quote from: crankshaft on February 17, 2018, 11:10:00 PM
Whole lotta lip smacking going on tonight.
Werther's Originals
Quote from: crankshaft on February 17, 2018, 03:07:29 PMAll available evidence appears to indicate that the gods of technology continue to frown upon RCH.
The question is whether RCH's helper monkeys can tell him, "Look over there! Something shiny!!" and keep him distracted long enough to connect that darned USB device properly before RCH turns his head and tries to figure out how to flip the vacuum tube on.
Quote from: Theadora on February 14, 2018, 01:31:58 PM
NASA to investigate 10,000-year-old mystery rock that ‘shows paintings of UFOs and aliens’?
Oh, so now you like something NASA's doing?
Quote from: Theadora on February 13, 2018, 11:08:54 PM
I pay little attention to you and NASA.
And yet you respond almost exclusively to my and expat's posts here.  Hmmmmm.
She doesn't pay attention much, either. Typical troll.
Quote from: GravitySucks on February 13, 2018, 04:53:35 PM
I see what you did there.
Yup, she completely ignored the link and all the references I put in so you DON'T have to just believe me, you can look it up and investigate it yourself.
Quote from: crankshaft on February 13, 2018, 04:41:58 PM
I have a feeling that the comma police will be here soon.

And I think they called the semi-colon squad for backup.

I'm getting TF out of here before the em-dash crew shows up.
I had that fight (em-dash) with the copyeditors of the last paper I published.   ::)
Quote from: Lunger on February 12, 2018, 10:07:10 PM
Mars has reddish sunrises and bluish sunsets.  Inbetween the sky is more on then golden side
No.  Mars has reddish skies and bluish sunset/rise.  Has to do with the way the particles and gases in the atmosphere absorb and refract light.  I've addressed that in this podcast episode.  To quote:

Quote“But, why are Martian sunsets blue?” â€"might scream a conspiracist. The reason is that the red light has been scattered out by the dust. The setting sun goes through so much more atmosphere than when the sun is high overhead, and so more and more red light is scattered around by those dust particles. This leaves primarily the blue light to come through since Rayleigh scattering plays a smaller, relative role to the dust.

You can think of this as a situation where Rayleigh scattering is going on, so the sky would appear blueish, but the dust scattering that makes things reddish is much stronger. At sunset, the dust scattering red light is so strong that it’s extracted the red light, and so the blue light scattered by Rayleigh scattering is what’s seen close to the sun at sunset.
Quote from: chefist on February 12, 2018, 09:35:18 PM
Dear lord...why do you torture yourself here? You're and astrophysicist? I don't suffer alchemists on Bellgab! LOL
Planetary geophysicist.  And some part of me thinks that someone may come across this in an internet search and wonder what the answer is.
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