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Messages - CronkitesGhost

The first guest the priest who believes in demons is the chief exorcist of a Catholic church of his own invention that runs a paid exorcism business. My god how low do you have to sink to book guests like this?

So the priest told George that every time he does a show like Coast including tonight that 3 days before red blotches/rashes appear on his body, like spider bite rashes. George of course does his typical 'Gosh what was going on? what could cause this? demons you think?' lol  The priest confirmed that the rashes are the work of demons lashing out at him for exposing the forces of darkness. more lol  Of course the real cause of the rashes is stress, a very common occurrence for people to develop rashes when under a lot of stress and going on radio shows is exciting/stressful for a lot of people. George knows this, an interviewer with an ounce of respect for his audience and himself would have at least offered 'Might these rashes be a stress response to doing interviews like this one?'

Ha, and a caller just got on the air and told George and the guest that the guest is a con artist. George stammered a bit as if surprised a caller would identify a con artist as a con artist. Then he comforted the guest telling him that everybody's entitled to their opinion it doesn't mean they are right.
Quote from: expat on August 19, 2019, 12:43:36 PM
Holy moly! That prize idiot Morningstar up tonight, telling us that  the Chinese have made contact with aliens who govern the Moon.

Couldn't they find anyone who actually knows anything?

I'll take a little green men in flying saucers fantasist any time over the New Age crones and drones who now dominate Coast's guest lineup.

if anybody really wants to talk to dead people my suggestion is to attend one of his live shows or restaurant meet ups and talk to George, he's legitimately dead from the neck up, the emptiness in his head gives the emptiness of outer space a run for its money.

i should keep a count of how many guests a month are legitimate people worth listening to - it's a very low number, maybe 15-20%. Add another 10% for guests who are at least entertaining even though they are kooks or frauds. So about 25% of Coast's guests are listenable, unfortunately they are being interviewed by George.

Quote from: Tangerine on August 17, 2019, 03:56:43 PM
Maybe he has a thyroid problem.  In women, hormone problems can cause obesity even at 600 calories per day.

Would you be overweight?
Quote from: Dateline on August 16, 2019, 01:25:30 PM
One of Norry's x's, Jenni Lee, a former porn star, is homeless and living in the underground tunnels in Las Vegas.

Norry really *dated* Jenni Lee? I saw that chick on a porn webcam site, MyFreeCams, 5 years ago or so and she was living like a stray cat then, she was living in some loser's trailer who I assume was getting sex from her in return for a place to sleep, her truck was in need of repairs and she was broke.


I filed a FOIA request for the release of my Akashic records but so far nothing other than they received my request.
Jorch gives me that uncanny valley feeling. He sounds almost like a real human hosting a radio show but then the algorithm kicks in whereby he repeats the same questions and musings that programmers have coded into him causing me to get that creepy feeling.


Truly impressive guest bookings tonight Tommy. A double bill of woo woo pseudoscientists, first came a husband and wife team who claim to be PhD's, vaguely described as 'social scientists' and archaeologists but like most other Coast guests when you do a Google search on them you find nothing but links to the equivalent of 'fake news' websites. There are zero links to any published peer reviewed research papers.

The second guest said when discussing what is consciousness that it is the heart that gives instructions to the brain, the brain is merely a receiver of messages from the heart.

Ian Punnett had good guests and conversations this past weekend on Coast, Noory really has to go, it's the same shitty subject matter every night. And take the slob Tommy with him.

Quote from: AZRAA on August 07, 2019, 01:48:05 AM

i forgot the quotation marks, thanks.

the second guest started off fairly normal, a 'therapist' from Australia who counsels people who have been in contact with and/or abducted by aliens. she left normal about 15 minutes into the interview and at present is orbiting Niburu. i can't even repeat the shit she's spewing, it's Whitley Strieber level fantasy land. And Jorch as always eats it all up, nary a hint of skepticism, just a lot of the usual 'Wow' 'Incredible' 'Interesting'.

Jorch once again showing off his expertise in global politics. He told the first guest 'The Iranian people love America. They love our way of life.'

of course we've heard this 100 times before, based on Jorch's relationship with ONE Iranian immigrant in LA or St. Louis, no doubt a restaurant owner Jorch mooches meals from because he's a celebrity.


Still waiting for one of Coast's emerging artists to actually emerge.


I can't even imagine Jorch interviewing a member of the Manson Family. He is so prissy, whether faked or real, that discussing the sex and drugs culture of the 60s would freak him out and he'd resort to asking his usual childlike banal questions. Not to mention he's anti-intellectual or just plain stupid and completely incapable of discussing complex social developments.

They could do nothing but replays and the regular callers wouldn't know the difference. The minimum wage board op could just click on his Jorch soundboard when they called  'How are yeeeeeeeeeeew Annie?' 'Cornelius I was worried about you. Where have yeeeeeew been?' 
Quote from: Sixteen on August 02, 2019, 05:39:29 AM
Yeah, that was awkward tonight.  But maybe he did go to the funeral??

haha no way. i'm not even sure he went to his sister's funeral. if he did I bet he was in and out of town within 36 hours.
And no surprise, George didn't attend his good friend Rosemary Ellen Guiley's funeral. Maybe she didn't have one but if she did he wouldn't have attended, no way. He talked briefly about her to the 2nd guest tonight. He patted himself on the back for discovering her for his local St. Louis show and then when he began doing Coast he convinced Lisa Lyon to have her on and the rest is history.  He told the guest about the book he co-authored with Rosemary. 'I was the impetus and did the framework, she did all the leg work'

haha shameless. oh i'm sure he was the impetus as in 'Hey Rosemary I have millions of listerners. If there was a book with my name on it as the author my audience would buy it. We should write a book together, well you write the book, we'll just put my name on the cover.' He didn't do any framework, he did nothing but lend his name.
Quote from: At the stroke of midnight on August 01, 2019, 08:28:14 PM
When Snoorge finally shuffles off the moral coil, listeners and guests need never know. Guests can be live on the phone, and back in the studio audio clips of George's pat questions and responses, and also his tired old stories, can be inserted at the appropriate spots. Then Tommy can finally have a life of his own.

Easily, a soundboard of Jorchisms is all that's needed for the show to run on auto-pilot, it already does. It doesn't matter how wildly inaccurate or batshit crazy the statement a guest makes, no matter what the subject matter, Jorch can do no better than 'Jeeeeeeeze' or 'That's right' or 'That's what I thought' or 'I'm in St. Louis' or 'Do you know Billy Gibbons from ZZ Top?'.  It's terrible radio. To host a show like Coast the host should have a pretty good handle on basic science. Jorch likes to tell people about his childhood fascination with the stars, he had to be the dumbest child to know so little as an adult.


A climate change denier who says the moon landings were a hoax/conspiracy and the Big Bang Theory is wrong. Of course he's not a climatologist or an astrophysicist. He's a civil engineer.

And he just told an untruth about Einstein, that Einstein wasn't good at math. Jorch of course bought it and chortled.

Einstein was doing calculus as a young boy. This myth that he wasn't good at math originated with a misunderstanding of German school report cards, grades were scored between 1-6, 1 was top grade, later the grading system changed to where 1 was the lowest grade and 6 the best. So it's assumed whoever started the myth had seen his 4th grade report card with 1's in math/science subjects and spread the word that Einstein was a poor student.  Here's his test for admission to the prestigious Zurich Polytechnical School, he was 2 years younger than the other students, 6's in math, physics, geometry. He wasn't admitted due to lower scores in subjects like French and zero English.


another dizzy dame psychic, to quote the Beatles 'where do they all come from'

she's telling Jorch about the development of her psychic-ness from childhood on, 'i met a guy in the woods, a Native American type guy'   now she's on a radio show hosted by an Arab type guy.

Coast is pure garbage.
from her description of the creature she saw, this is close


And I will guarantee you one thing -  George Noory did not come up with the name Beyond Belief for that show. Not a shred of creativity in his body, somebody else named the show.


I listened to 30 minutes of Connie Willis last night. She sets a whole new standard for 'awful', just in a league of her own. So bad I actually feel bad for her. How she got this weekend Coast gig is a mystery. She's a middle aged woman who's been in broadcasting her entire adult working life and in that field especially on the TV/video side middle age is a cliff for all but the top women. So she pretty obviously needed to find some niche where the bar was quite low to entry and the paranormal scene is about as low as it gets so she began to read and watch all things paranormal so she could present herself as legit, essentially following George Noory's career path. Coast idiots obviously fell for it or who knows maybe she offered Tommy and George sex for the opportunity.

So anyway I listened to a half hour before tapping out. She began with a 10 minute prostate massage of adulation about George, it was quite incredible, she called him a genius 'like even the name of his show Beyond Belief, can you believe that, it's the perfect name' and on and on about George's accomplishments. After a commercial she came back and literally took the next 15 minutes telling the EXACT SAME STORY she told the last time she hosted. WTF! But after retelling the same exact story it became apparent what she was up to. It seems she's taken quite a bit of criticism over that story. If you didn't hear it, Connie went out to do some real paranormal research on BigFoot. There's a guy named Jim who runs something called The Sasquatch Outpost, no doubt he's charging people as a BigFoot expert of some sort to camp out at some area known to be a hot spot for sasquatches. She's dumb enough to fall for it so she's out in the woods, she's in Jim's truck, gee I wonder why Connie gets to be in Jim's comfortable big truck while the others are camping in tents. And what do you know, what do you think Connie sees through the truck window, a massive thing, a creature, she's not sure what it is 'Bigfoot? Dogman?' 'his head was huuuuuuuge like really wide. and his ears, they were on the top of his head, like where the ears are on a teddy bear, his hair is tousled'.  And then he was gone, she was real shook, who wouldn't be. So she tries to sleep in the truck, then oh no Connie what the hell is happening 'the moon just went out like a switch turned it off. and then there were beams of light and these orbs of light'.  Incredible. So Connie continues her ditzy monologue and says 'gee I was expecting at least a few shows to reach out to me to talk about what I saw' but she was very disappointed that nobody did reach out. You can't be this self unaware can you? She continues on defending herself against naysayers but she doesn't mention who they are. This woman, a complete novice in a very dubious field/hobby already, goes out to do some field research and in one night not only comes face to face with BigFoot or Dogman but then just minutes later she's experiencing extra-terrestrial or intradimensional phenomena. This is like a person who's never golfed in their life making two holes-in-one in their very first round of golf. And she's stymied why people might not believe her. Nobody believes you because your story is preposterous and transparently a fraudulent one. For all I know Jim the Sasquatch guide dressed up as BigFoot and put on a light show and she really did see it - she's gullible and dumb enough to fall for that kind of scam. But more likely she made it all up thinking that would legitimize her in the paranormal world. The stories that resonate and intrigue people are those that come from people who have no preconceived knowledge or link to the paranormal scene, even with those kind of people you do question their authenticity, whether they are hoping to make money off a story or they are mentally ill and suffering from delusions or hallucinations but when somebody who's in this as a business/career is telling you of their fantastic personal experiences you can be pretty sure it's a con - a Whitley Strieber, who is either a total fraud or quite insane or both.

At least George hasn't stooped that low. Did Art ever recount any experiences of his own with paranormal phenomena?

Jimmy Church is cut from the same cloth as Connie, latecomers to the 'field' and desperate for legitimization. He tells the story of going out to that Contact in the Desert thing and going out with some people into the night and catching a dazzling display of UFOs, just incredible stuff dude.

It's all so similar to born again Christianity television evangelism, hucksters.

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

this is the best yet. he's so unprofessional. the dog ate Richard's show prep basically.

QuoteLast night during the power outage, Richard took a fall down the spiral staircase. Regrettably, he will not be able to go down to his office to do the show tonight. He is recuperating.

I love listening to old Coast broadcasts because it's uncanny how literally nothing a guest on Coast has ever predicted has come to pass, not that I've heard. Listening to an old Art Bell show on KLBJ now, the guest is talking about Alzheimers Disease and how it is an epidemic, he is claiming it's not just older people though he does say that 70% of seniors do have AD but teenagers and 20 somethings are also developing Alzheimers and the likely culprit is 'losing minerals'. 


Now that I thought of The Carpenters what a killer number that Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft would be for George and his live show. It would rival William Shatner's Rocket Man performance.


What's with their obsession with that Phaedra is my name song, sounds like LSD takin' music to me. I bet Jorch owns no CD/albums, the last one he bought was probably the Carpenters or the Ray Conniff singers in 1972.

He's a Twilight Zone episode, The Man with No Interests.
Quote from: (Sandman) Logan-5 on July 23, 2019, 06:28:27 PM
Heh, heh, heh.

To continue, we're not the only ones that think GNS...

4 pages with some pretty good comments  -  and some Dave shills too.

This is a good one; 3 pages. On page two pioneerbasketball gets paged and answers w/ a list of banned guests, and the reasons why they were banned.


In one post there's a copy n paste from I think Wikipedia which states that at its peak Coast with Art had 15 million listeners a week. By 2014 it was down to 2.5 million. Good job Georgie you've lost 85% of the audience. Of course radio is dying so it's not all on him but his contribution is significant.
Grampa Jorch can't even read a commercial correctly. The product Life Lock I'm sure is overpriced piece of crap security software.  Jorch gets to the word 'malware' which would seem to be a simple word to pronounce correctly but not for ol' Jorchie, he says it MAUL-ware.

malice, malignant, malevolent, maladjusted, malcontent, malinger - and he goes off the board and shits out MAUL

i listen to these Hoagie roundtables with his wacky friends in the background as I work so I'm only half paying attention unless something grabs my attention. well .......

this might be the nuttiest moment i've heard, Hoagie's talking and one of his 'guests' interrupts to tell him that he's been contacted by astronaut Edgar Mitchell, yes the deceased Edgar Mitchell, Mitchell wanted to correct some biographical information Hoagie gave out about him.  Richard, who's nuts as well, but obviously this is  too nutty even for him, very delicately responds with a long 'hokaaaaaaaaaaay'.   ;D
what he claims to be able to clearly see in photos of the moon is insane, glass structures/cathedrals, prisms, he's harmless but he absolutely suffers from a delusional disorder. i don't think he's a fraud, he believes the shit he claims as do most of the guests on Coast. it's a blinding ambition/need to be more than you really are and Art Bell created a launch pad for them.

good lord, he claims he's seen a video, on YouTube no doubt, of the moon taken by a telescope that captures an object shooting out of a crater at tens of thousands of miles an hour. of course it's a spaceship from some vastly superior race of beings.


Tip for any of you in Coast2Coast death pools. Peter Davenport. Last night George introduced him and asked him how he was, Peter replied 'I'm exhausted' WTF who appears on a radio show and answers a perfunctory 'how are you?' question with 'I'm exhausted'? George responds chortling 'Well hang in there you'll get through it' So Peter goes into his usual recounting of thoroughly boring UFO reports and he does sound kind of bad, though to be honest he never sounds really good.

He makes it through his bit and then George does the send off and I'm not sure if I heard right but it sure sounded like Peter called George 'John'.


at this point the definition of a good priest is any priest who isn't sticking his dick in another human being under his influence or protecting those who do.
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