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Messages - bateman

Quote from: Lord Grantham on December 01, 2017, 08:23:39 AM
I have a soft spot for Tomorrow Never Dies since it was the first one I saw in a theater.
In the scene where he unzips Eva Longoria's dress and it falls off some guy in the theater let out this one single super loud cough. Only time he did it in the whole movie, it was such a weird reaction that it still makes me laugh.

Hahahaha nice.

TND has my favorite car chase in the whole series - I'd put this above The Spy Who Loved Me, even.


It's creative, it's fun, and David Arnold's score is epic.
Trouble is brewing...

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on November 30, 2017, 10:46:20 PM
He definitely had the look but the movies should've been better. There are actually only a handful of good Bond flicks. The rest are pretty forgettable.

I thought Goldeneye was great except for Eric Serra’s score. Tomorrow Never Dies is very good. The other 2 are straight up trash, which is what everyone remembers.
Quote from: bateman on November 30, 2017, 10:39:03 PM
Pierce Brosnan was a very underrated James Bond.

Ok maybe not "very", but a little.
Pierce Brosnan was a very underrated James Bond.
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
November 30, 2017, 08:41:25 PM
Quote from: PB the Deplorable on November 30, 2017, 08:39:55 PM
The Libs went judge shopping and found one that said the federal government can't withhold funds due to sanctuary city status.

Of course when Obama was president the Lib judges said he had sole power to enforce or not enforce any immigration law he didn't agree with.  Specifically, the ruling in that case said the states weren't allowed to enforce immigration laws - within their own borders - when the federal government declined to do so.  Now that someone else is president apparently he's not allowed to enforce existing laws the Libs don't like.

Enforcing immigration laws is totally racist now. It didn't used to be, but it TOTALLY is now.

Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
November 30, 2017, 08:40:03 PM
An illegal alien deported 5 times kills an American citizen with a border patrol agent's gun and walks away. Unreal.
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
November 30, 2017, 08:33:31 PM
Quote from: Kidnostad3 on November 30, 2017, 08:26:26 PM
Everyone who supports sanctuary cities is responsible for Kate Steinle’s death with no exceptions.

San Fransisco has blood on its hands. Cut off federal funds to the city immediately, as well as every other sanctuary city. I don't give a shit if Trump sends tanks in at this point. Enough is enough.
Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on November 29, 2017, 02:04:35 PM


My goodness, it looks like Kathleen was watching a program called DEADLY WOMEN before The Master began filming.
Quote from: albrecht on November 28, 2017, 02:55:22 PM
"“You ever seen a slave ship? They can find a billion year old dinosaur bone but can’t find any slave ships,” -some Rapper I've never heard of who is going to now investigate whether slavery was real. (Previously he had a "go fund me" to help prove the flat-earth theory.)

The only reason this video is tolerable is Hayley Williams.

Some fun Cumulus stories. Friday looms.

QuoteThe Detailed Cumulus Bankruptcy Plan

This is the week that Mary Berner gets to do what she was hired for two years ago.

Take Cumulus through bankruptcy.

Nothing in her background showed that she could turn a company around.

At Reader's Digest, she fired many employees, cut costs, successfully emerged from bankruptcy and then got fired by the board who then eventually had to go through bankruptcy a second time.

Berner no doubt wants to make this week's bankruptcy a quick deal but former CEO and major shareholder Lew Dickey has other plans.

Here's Berner's bankruptcy plan for Cumulus:

Enter bankruptcy no later than this Friday -- That's when the current Cumulus default of $23 million in missed debt payments automatically trips a bankruptcy event. At that moment, lenders can try to reclaim the company since it is their money that propped it up. But it's a process.

Maybe even trigger bankruptcy sooner -- Like tomorrow, Tuesday or any day before Friday. This gives Cumulus a little more control by taking the initiative before the debt default automatically trips bankruptcy December 1st.

Try to get a judge to rubberstamp her 80-page pre-pack -- Right now the only thing from keeping that pre-pack in her back pocket is that Lew Dickey who in essence controls the second largest group of stock will not allow it to be put to lenders to accept or reject. By corporate agreement, Lew Dickey has that right because he plans to regain Cumulus through one or more initiatives of his own.

The bankruptcy judge becomes Mary Berner's boss -- Once Cumulus either voluntarily trips bankruptcy or waits for Friday, the deadline when $23 million in missed debt payments become due, the fate of Cumulus is in the hands of a judge with the power to arbitrarily decide anything she or he thinks is in the best interest of the shareholders and lenders. That includes layoffs although during the Citadel bankruptcy, layoffs were not a big part of the judge's orders.

Talking points are being prepared by Cumulus right now -- How to spin the bankruptcy with all its uncertainty. Points like: Cumulus will emerge stronger. It's temporary. Everyone will get paid. Revenue was building before the bankruptcy (not true, by the way) and will continue to grow.

Cumulus is reportedly not paying Nielsen -- The ratings service is one of their big creditors. Another one is Merlin which owns the two Chicago FM stations that Cumulus missed a deadline to buy (another approximately $50 million). This makes Nielsen and Merlin among others with a horse in their bankruptcy race.

Q4 is reportedly disastrous -- Fourth quarter revenues for the radio division could be off between $6-8 million. Westwood One could be slightly up again but not enough to turn around a horrible quarter.

Mary Berner's bet is that lenders will back her pre-pack -- The one Lew Dickey is blocking from a vote. But it is uncertain whether lenders are pleased with Berner's operational results. If they vote for her plan, they also get her.

Berner padded the pre-pack with more compensation for herself -- She gets 50% of all applicable executive revenue.  She gets a contract extension and the ability to flush the present board of directors with the power to appoint director's friendly to Mary Berner. This means John Dickey gets kicked out even though the Dickey family owns so much stock. Berner reportedly is seeking a revised golden parachute just in case she does not succeed.

An 'off-site' executive meeting is planned for Tuesday -- Usually these high-level meetings are held outside of New York City, but next week with bankruptcy coming fast, she will gather her top management together in the city and give them their directions.

David Field and Mary will hold a second round of Westwood talks -- Field either wants an expanded relationship to get at Westwood's NFL and NCAA sports rights for his sport-centric company. Or he could buy Westwood for bargain basement prices. Cumulus paid $260 million for it but it is likely not worth $100 million today. Or Field could pull a Mel Karmazin and run Westwood for Cumulus allowing Mary to layoff Westwood people, retain ownership and let Field run the syndicator -- something he needs to be a major competitor with iHeart.

Tuesday is the earliest Cumulus could file for bankruptcy.

Friday is certain unless they can come up with Merlin money and the missed debt payment from November 1st.

When you stop paying Nielsen, you know you're getting ready for the eventuality that Berner was totally hired for -- Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

She hopes to convince lenders and a judge that she is the best hope going forward.

You'll notice Lew Dickey has gone 'radio silent' as he continues to talk with lenders.

It turns out Dickey is Berner's worst nightmare.

He wants back. Feels he has been wronged and that Berner did not improve the company.

Dickey has the money in hand now to succeed through lenders (one of whom is also a lender in bankruptcy at Cumulus).

And if all else fails, expect a 'Farid'.

Dickey whacked Farid Suleman after he emerged from bankruptcy in a hostile takeover. Farid never saw it coming.

That's the best bet for how this six-month to one year soap opera will play out.

QuoteThat Scandalous Rumor About Cumulus Board Chair Jeff Marcus

Bankruptcy gets tripped Friday -- just two days from now.

Yet the pro and anti-Dickey forces are thought to be behind the dirtiest form of mudslinging that the radio industry has seen.

Monday, Mary Berner issued her first anti-sexual harassment warning to the company's 3,600 employees seemingly out of nowhere raising suspicion that played into the hands of the pro-Dickey forces.

And today, unproven allegations that board chairman Jeff Marcus was allegedly involved in an abuse of power with a young female employee.

In the age of Harvey Weinstein and Charlie Rose, this is powerful stuff except for one thing.

It wasn't true.

The mud against Marcus -- That Marcus allegedly conducted conversations with WPLJ morning talent Jayde at their 2 Penn Plaza New York headquarters and studios.  Marcus was alleged to have talked out of school about the upcoming bankruptcy that would require layoffs and offering this station level employee help so that she would be taken care of. No return favors were implied.

Jayde's agent immediately wrote to corporate in Atlanta -- Not about any unseemly behavior on the part of Marcus but because she was in the middle of contract negotiations with Cumulus and was concerned.  I viewed a copy of the email her agent, Paul Anderson, wrote and the letter concerned itself with the restructuring Marcus alluded to as it pertains to Jayde's contract talks.

Cumulus alleges John Dickey wanted to bring Marcus down -- That John Dickey through a third party, personal PR rep is spreading rumors about board chairman Jeff Marcus in the hopes of ensnaring him in a Harvey Weinstein type controversy that today would mean immediate dismissal.  Marcus is the force that ousted John's brother Lew who is said to be attempting a hostile takeover. 
The New York Post took a pass -- They were also made aware of this alleged impropriety but so far chose not to run the juicy story which, if it had been true, would have set up one of the biggest ironies of all.  The 'toxic culture' CEO (Berner) with a board chairman in her company using power to control a lower level female employee.  And days before bankruptcy.  With Lew Dickey lurking in the weeds.  Except, that according to Jayde's lawyer's nothing untoward ever happened.

This we know.

The fight for Cumulus is on and it's going to be filthy.
Quote from: 21st Century Man on November 29, 2017, 05:00:30 PM
True.  Rush occasionally mentions that Dan shows up every now and then on MSNBC to give his opinion on things but he has no steady gig.  Look at Brian Williams though.  He still has a job.

Barely, and only because he's still under contract until 2019. NBC managed to push his salary down though.
Quote from: 21st Century Man on November 29, 2017, 03:07:52 PM
Give it 2-3 years and most of these celebrities will be "rehabilitated'.  LOL.

Not so sure about that. Dan Rather was put out to pasture after CBS booted him how many years ago? I don't even know if he's alive.
Never had the pleasure of visiting Skid Row, but when I was 20 or so, went into this charming part of NJ to interview a band at the Tweeter Center. We rolled the station vehicle through every stop light in this post-apocalyptic hellhole and got the F out of there. Camden makes Newark look like Beverly Hills.


Random Topics / Re: Music
November 27, 2017, 06:11:06 PM
Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on November 27, 2017, 04:22:07 PM
George has been ill recently, but hopefully he'll feel well enough to return to *live* broadcasting soon.

From The Master - posted here with his express written permission:

"On Friday around 7 pm, I was given a plate of Thanksgiving day food
10 minutes after I ate it my head just about expoded
Pain in my eyesockets, cheekbones, jaw, mouth, lips and tongue with a burning sensation on my lips, tongue, eyes and mouth
My throat swelled up and I had trouble breahing all night
Last time I ever accept food from someone
I’ve been coughing up mucus ever since and just coughed up my coffee
So this is why you’re not seeing videos
Kathy tomorrow, I hope
Food allergy or tainted food or drugged food, I don’t know but couldnt go to the hospital
Horrible pain in my face too
Mouth still burns

One can only wonder if a vile SewerGabber drugged The Master's food. Perhaps the same SewerGabber who stole The Master's iPad?
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