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Messages - Unquenchable Angst

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Bumper Music
August 19, 2013, 11:00:43 PM
One thing for sure. Art has always been able to choose appropriate music for the theme the show is taking on a night and also able to choose music that was also comfortable for the hour. Some of the Music on C@C now really would not be my choice in the wee hours. Oddly for me he used to play things I have in my old LP's anyway. Probably one reason I could relax yet stay awake for his show. But part of my time I was in Hawaii and the show was on at 8PM there.
Random Topics / Re: Sell Your Stuff
August 19, 2013, 10:45:52 PM
I just received a box that was my fathers. It is full of stamps.First day covers, a lot of space stuff. some collector cards,one coin a 1936-S SanFran- Oakland bay bridge/Golden bear 50 cent piece commemorative and of all things a notebook of  things about the 'Face on Mars' stamps from Sierra Leone with Hoagland documents and letters.
I guess Dad knew Hoagland from the day's he was around Cronkite and the old Cape Canaveral Hilton day's.
Random Topics / Re: L A's hidden stairways..
August 19, 2013, 10:24:29 PM
There is Underground Atlanta.
Whatever survived Sherman of old Atlanta. Only people tell me now it had sort of become a place to be mugged in or so I'm told.
Politics / Re: Politics
August 19, 2013, 10:08:52 PM
Quote from: Unquenchable Angst on August 19, 2013, 08:40:26 PM
Yes, they don't make news people like the old days
My great grand uncle ( In the Homberg hat) served the news from Paris in WWI and London in WWII. His paper refused to let him go to Normandy but he got there   anyway. He was 65 then.He gave Cronkite a job in London in WWII. He was my Grandfather's uncle.
Politics / Re: Politics
August 19, 2013, 09:55:42 PM
NAACP is attempting to get the Lee County, Florida to take the portrait of Robert E. Lee out of their court house.
Department of Redundant Redundancies: Homeland Security has sucked up all the security, spying, CIA, FBI and all that traditionally hardly ever talk to each other.TSA..... stopping evil cripples, grannies, and exploding toddlers from keeping the rest of us suspect Amerikans from those peanuts. Treasury agents, ATF+E ( Had to add that E oh yes had to keep up with the terror of the 21st century). IRS too the amerikan gestapo. Especially now that they have Taxes and health care ENFORCEMENT. USDA( When fertilizer doesn't have diesel added. FDA  Making sure WALNUT AND CHERRY FARMERS DON'T MAKE HEALTH CLAIMS AND THAT RAW MILK IS PERSECUTED. Make damn sure those pesky milk terrorists the Amish  get their uppance.
and make sure they can all get their old Monsanto jobs back when they leave their appointments and those of the FDA get their Monsanto jobs back too. Protect their cronies from being found out from fraudulent science, ruining desent good scientists that had warned of problems, releasing deadly drugs for approval, Allowing deadly substances into the food supply.Department of Education that is shoving a new all time low in educational mediocrity with CORE Curriculums (No more classic literature, No more cursive writing) NO MORE THINKING. Department of Energy,What the Hell?
Politics / Re: Politics
August 19, 2013, 08:40:26 PM
Yes, they don't make news people like the old days
Funny, I get emails from several Liberal, 'Progressive' organizations and most seem to be prone to a movement to control human nature and outlaw  opposition  or to silence opposition to their oppressive anti-human agenda. I see only vague differences between the current 'Liberals' and the NEOcons as I feel both are just the tools and fools  of the bankster-gangster cartels some dare call the conspiracy or NWO. You Liberals get your way and in the end you will install yet another elite
. After this 'elite' takes over and they kill off those that saw through their game. They will turn and kill off you 'true believers' as you will be disillusioned by the corruption of your 'beloved' leaders. This has happened with all NWO clones from Bolshevik to NAZI.
What do you expect to do to prevent rising temperatures and rising seas? First you live on a dynamic planet in a dynamic solar system with a star that changes constantly. The Earth warms  and it cools. Earth has Ice Ages and it has thaws. Rises and falls of various life forms and cataclysmic crashes in populations of various dominant life forms. I lived on the coast of Florida from 1965 till 1997. I saw them take the two natural dune lines and level them and build condos on the beach without the natural barrier nature provided. I watched the government build a jetty so that Trident subs could enter Port Canaveral that caused the sand to stop replenishing the beach and also destroyed the Earth's largest and most productive scallop bed.
Then you have all the doom sayers and chicken littles running around either preaching doom or trying to scam people into enriching them or taxing us into the black hole of the treasury only to enrich more bankster frauds and cronies.
After the end of the last 'ice age' the sea level rose 200-300 feet as shown by recent discoveries of ancient cities off coasts of several places on Earth. Earth temperatures are rising as those are rising on Mars too. We do have a problem if the methane ices on the sea bottoms become gaseous.
It has been curious here in South Carolina this summer. Coolest summer I can remember .Have had 6 days in the 90's only. most in mid and low 80's.
Last couple days in the 70's and nights in the 60's IN AUGUST!
The Government upchucked a couple trillion and talked about infrastructure and jobs there related but then sent all the money out to bail bankster fraudulent investments and not much got done except bankster swine got big bonus checks. No infrastructure projects were done.
It is the old crises-solution scam to  suck wealth out of the people. It is the same game the Norman Knights did to people less overt robbery and ever more subtle in the violence used but basically the same old paradigm. All wrapped up in this Agenda 21 that is being implemented at a slow boil on we froggies.
The Government boohoos about money to fix roads and bridges yet every gallon of fuel we buy is taxed to provide for that. Yet they have no money for the jobs. They want more taxes. What do they do with fuel road taxes? More Government fraud .
No money for social security. The government opened SS into the general fund during Johnson admin. to pay for the Viet Nam War. Government still twits through the collection of the funds.
All of it makes me think of what the Italian people did to Mussolini at his end and where can we get reels of piano wire.
Sandy and Katrina as being some proof of something extraordinary as far as hurricanes go is really playing to applying some agenda to something that otherwise would be considered normal expectation of the arrival of a storm. Just the tragedy of those storms was compounded by ineptitude of preparations and responses of local authorities.
To me any Global Climate Change is all having to do with the Sun and periodically changes. Anything political is dubious and basically is agenda driven as a means of enriching the people pushing the agenda. You don't have seaside towns without adequate seawalls. You don't make below sea  towns safe by not repairing the seawalls and dikes.
Random Topics / Re: Old plane buffs?
July 31, 2013, 08:43:32 AM
I kind grew up around planes.
My father ended WWII as a B-29 A/C, Had been an instructor to B-24 before going to 29's. Later he was chief pilot with Ford till 1954.
Later when we had moved to NC he had a succession of Cesena's, Pipers and later an Aero Commander. In the 60's he worked for a man that was crazy about amphibians and had a PBY Catalina.
I knew Martin Caiden when I lived in Florida. At one time he had a Bf-109 he had found in South America.That was during the early 60's. Later he had a Ju-52. The one Lufthansa flys today was Caiden's plane.
Lower Left is my dad.
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
July 31, 2013, 06:48:55 AM
Quote from: Tinfoil Hat on July 27, 2013, 07:47:15 AM
This +1,000. Happens at least five times a day here. I live in an a-hole infested neighborhood.

I have a neighbor that has a ride to work at 12:30AM that blows their horn usually in my spare parking spot in front of my apartment.
Another thing is those damn remote car locks that blow the horn when you lock the car. The person that came up with that should be sterilized for the sake of the gene pool.
Technology / Re: ubuntu vs windows ?
July 28, 2013, 01:27:36 PM
I recently bought a new Toshiba laptop with 8 on it . I can't stand 8. Too much crap seems to be for a touch screen. Had to avoid getting the curser anywhere near the metro crap.
I bought a copy of 7 and installed it. Now it seems that none of the Ethernet port, usb ports operating software seem to be there at all. Even had an ATT tech guide me through getting online and he determined that nothing is on the computer that allows the Ethernet nor the usb ports to be recognized.
I have a couple Mandrake Linux power packs here (8.2 and 10.0) but I can't get them to load.. I would like the Toshiba to work.
I have another (W7 Asus) Laptop. I have one of those transfer cables . I am also supposing that the Mandrake may be too old for a 2013 model computer as I bought those about 2003-6 and ran them on a Athlon thoroughbred 'puter  I build way back when.
I have been thinking of  Mint, Ubuntu, Suse or Fedora. Mandrake was nice(Now Mandriva) but they have done no Power Pack since 2011 and don't support 2011 anymore.
I have used the Mandrake, RedHat 9 before some class I took drove me to WXP .
Quote from: ItsOver on July 28, 2013, 10:52:59 AM
Is there anything better than a good cup of joe?  My current favorite is home brewed Farmer Brothers.  If I'm out and about, I favor the old school coffee, like that served at a Waffle House.  Can't stand the burned, bitter Starbucks stuff.  That stuff seems better suited for stripping paint.

Starbucks is shit. Nasty aftertaste .Takes brushing with Listerine,
baking soda to get it off my tongue. What ever in the world do people see in it.
A local Health food store has some weigh-it-yourself bins. $9.99 a pound. I like to mix my beans  both origins and roast levels. Also there is a local roaster. Used to get Marquis dePaiva at Sams ,awfully good smooth coffee.
I lived in Hawai'i for 3 years ,opposite coast than Kona. I found that how coffee is fertilized has a lot to do with making it smooth or bitter. Never tasted a bitter Organic or Biodynamic raised coffee. Synthetic nitrogen fertilizer will make coffee bitter.
I am glad to read someone else has the same observation I have had about Starbucks.
Politics / Re: Zimmerman Riots?
July 17, 2013, 11:08:47 AM
Politics / Re: Zimmerman Riots?
July 17, 2013, 10:30:56 AM
Quote from: ItsOver on July 15, 2013, 09:59:46 PM

Wasn't one of Zimmerman's grandparents black?  Doesn't that make Zimmerman a black white hispanic?
A veritable harlequin black-white-Peruvian American.
I read somewhere that there has been over 200,000 Black on Black murders since the mid 1970's
What I fear the most that all this crap is part of the crises-solution paradigm espoused by these Alinsky-Bolshevik-bastards running the Executive branch of government.
Which brings me to the advert. that agonizes me; "It's Like  Having FLO on your Team" Seeing the word Progressive makes me think about the jar of Ascarius (round worms-parasites)that my high school biology class had it it .

Technology / Re: Commodore 64
July 17, 2013, 09:51:01 AM
Win UAE  is the Amiga emulator
Random Topics / Re: Doctor Who
July 17, 2013, 09:43:57 AM
I have been a Who fan since the 80's watching the whole (what was saved of it  from the beginning) on an Orlando PBS station and recording the lot on my ole top loader. I liked Tom Baker the best and hated the 6th Doctor  for his constant cruelty to his companion Perry.
I thought Tom Baker was excellent in Nicolas and Alexandra as Rasputin. Pertwe had a small part in A Funny Thing Happened on the way to The Forum.
I liked that they edited each story  in a continuum rather than as a serial. When I visited my mom in NC the PBS station played Who as a serial.
Politics / Re: Zimmerman Riots?
July 14, 2013, 05:26:39 PM
convenient, takes the public mind off Benghazi, Fast and Furious and the rest of the pustule rising up in the boil that is government and until the pus sucker newz vultures are drawn off to some other diversion from reporting worthy of the fourth estate.
Quote from: Sardondi on July 14, 2013, 04:57:40 PM
Yep. Dem Lite.
Country Club Republican =  Rockefeller pawns, much as Dems are David Rockefeller pawns ,all CFR/Rothschild pawns. Whether you think Ickes is a loon or not .I can get the point of saying all these bastards are lizards.Voting for them encourages them they do not need encouraging.
Quote from: lonevoice on July 14, 2013, 12:44:05 PM

I wouldn't count on it.  There's more than a passing chance that the 2016 presidential election will bring us Clinton VS Bush again.
OK meat units bearing same names or sharing genes a possibility  but the essence is that they will be puppets of some generally unseen  people that will direct the agenda. I too will (return to ) {be}voting Libertarian .I could never vote for a Bush or a Clinton.
I had not voted Democrat or Republican till2008 and 12 since the '70's and last time I voted Democrat was for McGovern.
As far as 'creepy-ass cracker' ....No I am a Crazy Ak-Mac with aged cheddar.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 13, 2013, 09:50:57 PM
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nothing  will change but the names. The puppet masters pulling the strings will still be anointing the DemoPublicrat successor to Barry. He or she will still be taking orders from the puppetmasters and still doing their nefarious best to keep the people dumbed down and dying off from  eating poisoned food, water and air. War will still be the policies as the puppet masters are still consolidating their little feudal planet. If the candidate offers hope, change, platitudes and other trivials, all you will receive is slavery and a bag of shit. Leadership? hell no the puppetmasters don't want a 'leader' They want to destroy the last vestige of productivity of the only democratic Republic that would have the capability if aroused to fury to destroy the world puppetmasters. They keep the people divided, hanging on for survival, destroying their health and vitality, Creating diversions from the problems. Creating Crises, Analysis, Solution senarios through various 'Reichstag Events'. Contolling the media. Making Truth a thought crime. We are at the crossroad of Freedom or Slavery.Our Enlightenment or our death.
Politics / Re: Edward Snowden..saint or sinner?
July 12, 2013, 09:44:38 PM
I remember Justice Dept. had Microsoft tried and convicted of monopoly practices and then nothing happened. The whole thing went away.I had a feeling then they gave the government backdoor entrance into their OS's then and Pud's BBC article confirms  to me the deal ole Bill made to keep his empire from a trust bust.
Gate's 'philanthropy' needs watching .He is heavily involved in GMO crops and his vaccination efforts in Africa are checkered. His family has a background in the Eugenics Movement.
Politics / Re: Zimmerman Riots?
July 12, 2013, 08:40:52 PM
Quote from: Sardondi on July 11, 2013, 10:05:17 AM
Have you really missed the point? An arm of the United States Department of Justice took sides in a criminal case, which had already been horrendously demagogued along racial lines. It was vital that Obama and his Department of Justice shut the fuck up, absolutely. But he wouldn't do that. Obama tipped the scales by showing which side he was on with his "my son would look like Trayvon" bullshit. And then the DOJ's Community Relations Service facilitated, as well as gave the Administration's imprimatur to, a demonstration and march treating a person all the credible evidence has shown to be a predatory criminal as a victim, and by so doing sent the subtle-as-a-sledgehammer signal that it wanted a conviction of Zimmerman. It would have been just as outrageously wrong had the same happened on behalf of George Zimmerman. But of course in the game of racial metrics at which Obama and his people are so expert, Zimmerman was only as black as Obama, while Martin was blacker. Thus, advantage to the blacker man. So it is in Obama's New America.

And by the way - last time I checked, the Department of Justice was not some independent sovereignty, but an arm of the Executive Branch, of which the President of the United States is chief, and the Attorney General is handpicked by the President and serves at his pleasure. Any time an Attorney General does something of which the President disapproves, it costs him his job. Besides, Attorney General Eric Holder is a "bunker man", an absolute to-the-last-bullet loyalist. He's a close confidante of the President and a campaign and administration strategist.

Look, Obama supporters, to avoid being bitter-enders themselves, must start turning these situations on their head by reversing the relative position of parties, so that you at least have an inkling of the essentially unjust and outrageously partisan nature of virtually everything Obama does. Because you would have been have been bleeding from the eyes had any Republican President ever come close to acting as lawlessly as Obama.
Absolutely correct !
It is sickening that the creeping rot occurring in all branches of Government, the typical DC belt corruption. I never liked any Bush  but  at least he would  work the system and work in the prerogatives of separation of power. Never trusted Cheny either but remember Cheny has had a 'change of heart'.
Obama  is a tragedy.
Technology / Re: Commodore 64
July 12, 2013, 07:26:49 PM
I had 2 Amiga 2000's, a 1000, a 600, was given 2 more 1000's.Belonged to an Amiga club near the Space Center. One of my 1000's was a souped up hacked version that Lockheed used in the unmanned space flight center. They used Amigas from 1000's,2000's,3000, to 4000 models. Had 3 -4000's and one back-up running all the unmanned launches from the Cape. Used to be able to unlock the premium cable with a little ditty a club member handed out at a meeting once. Almost every month the club would hand out tickets at the meeting and give away software or hardware. The ex-Lockheed 1000 came from that. I hug on waiting for Amiga to resuscitate till 1997. They still have a website. All they seem to be doing is offering a 'port' of Amiga Games to phones these days.Last thing I ever bought was a 68040 card with 16 meg memory for one of my 2000's about $1000.
Quote from: b_dubb on July 08, 2013, 08:50:23 PM
i know for a fact snakes can swim. i was making a joke.  that given the ridiculous nature of these giant critter movies on syfy someone would call bullshit on snakes swimming but perfectly fine with giant anaconda vs giant octopus.  or trying to make a joke

Sorry, joke went over my head . I gave up on Sci Fi went they became the Seltzer channel.

I like what Lewis Black has said of the two parties: "The two parties are a bowl of shit looking at itself in a mirror".
I really wish  there was a 'None  of These candidates' on the ballots .
The corruption runs so deep in both parties that neither will ever do anything but  either try to force feed their views or play the elites control game.
Quote from: b_dubb on July 03, 2013, 07:33:13 PM
so I turn on the SciFi channel because I want to see a giant shark battle a giant salt water crocodile. instead there's a giant octopus battling a giant anaconda. ridiculous. snakes can't swim

What gives you the thought snakes can't swim ? I have seen many snakes swimming.

Not only are you chipping yourself with your cell phones but you are holding a miniature microwave oven next to your head. Not so Smart phone.
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
June 20, 2013, 09:42:52 PM
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on June 20, 2013, 03:19:06 PM
Among the many Conspiracy theorists: The Chem trail nut jobs, who willfully stay ignorant about contrails, atmospheric conditions, all things aviation that have a bearing, pollution, and pretty much anything that proves they're blowing chem trails out of their arse.

People that can't tell a real contrail from what is  shall I say 'augmented' by something more than water vapor condensing.Those that have not been in the mountains and had those 'contrail' settle down to ground.There is more to conspiracy than theory.
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