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Messages - Barfly

Quote from: someguy on August 10, 2015, 11:27:33 PM
anything android is garbage and I'm so sorry if you own an android tablet

Really? I mean Really?
You sir seem to be a uniformed consumer.
Quote from: SaucyRossy on August 10, 2015, 11:20:07 PM
I'm not talking products, I was talking stock price and market cap.
I understand exactly what you where saying, About 40% of my portfolio is invested in tech stock, but i wont buy Apple because i have a policy i wont buy a stock for a product i do not use, regardless of projections.
Quote from: slippingaway on August 10, 2015, 11:15:20 PM
I like Linux, and have several flavors in virtual machine (mint, Ubuntu, DSL, Mandriva, ect.). However, I'm a technician, and the world runs on Windows, so my primary is Windows. I also just upgraded my Mac OS vm a couple months ago. Most of my vms serve no purpose other than test beds.
Unfortunately i also have to use Windows for Autocad and Solidworks and it works fine, but i wouldn't surf the web with windows, and windows 10 is very suspect, I have been into programing since my old TRS 80, this latest version of windows has me very suspect, its free forever, and even if you opt out of the default that knows EVERYTHING you do including E-Mail (read the EULA) i still think they have some backdoor with the government on this release, but people like free and the populous will go for it..Not me.
Quote from: SaucyRossy on August 10, 2015, 11:02:02 PM
Google created Android.

Apple is worth more than Google AND Microsoft combined.
Lets be realistic, its because the profit margins are HUGE , because Apple has convinced people that they are superior even though the hardware they put in is sub standard, just look at the specs of the hardware, and the OS is basically BSD  is a derivative of Linux
Great marketing, Apple is the epitome of capitalism and they seem to sell to people that are against it, Apple figured out.
Worth does NOT equate to value for the consumer,I built a Hackintosh more powerful than Apples best last year for under 900 USD, and thats a desktop.
  I have nothing against Apple, and no offense, but i think people that buy their products are suckers, and i truly believe that when Apple has a board meeting they think the same thing   
Quote from: JamesMcDonald on August 10, 2015, 10:56:18 PM
I love Art but his anti-Android comments are getting tiring.  Frankly I'm surprised he prefers Apple products.

For a guy who likes technology like radios and tweaking electronics, I don't think he's actually looked closely at how the Android OS actually even works.

Apple products are high quality, but they're boring and overrated.
100% agree, i dont actually detest Apple but I'm a Android user, also i prefer Linux over Windows.
Quote from: RoseGirl on August 10, 2015, 10:53:27 PM
um.....k....it's not physically possible to swallow your tongue.

so there's that

This guy is so full of shit, nice to see you here Lasha
Quote from: Bellathor on August 10, 2015, 10:47:43 PM
These guys have a 30% chance of being correct?  Sounds to me like a bunch of bullshit guesswork, then. 

Say, I wonder if these "Remote Viewing" positions pay well?

Just the term 'remote viewing" sounds like a scam. Ed Dames is likely one of the biggest scammers ever on Arts shows.
Quote from: slippingaway on August 10, 2015, 10:38:09 PM
Indeed, there are a few programs that will do that already, but I already have VLC, and I like VLC. I don't trust stranger's code.  VLC is GPL, and GPL makes me happy.
LOL. I'm a longtime Linux user, lots of open source programs on Linux that do this.
I do Autocad and Solidworks for a living, i work at home, have 6 desktops and 4 out of 6 dual boot to Linux.
I always check code , open source is the way to go, however MANY Windoze apps are pretty good at rec podcasts at a scheduled time.
I'm not going to promote them because we want Art to get subs, 5 bucks a month is nothing to most people, especially if you are a fan.
I'm on SUSE Linux while replying to your comment and listening on VLC.
The only remote viewing i believe in is when i knew my EX wife was cheating on me.
All the remote viewing stuff seems a bit whacky to me, i will listen to the show tonight but i know its all BS, i think Art knows it as well.
Would like to hear some more Michio Kaku and other reputable people, i understand you have to get the weirdos as well as the fringe.

Redacted, if you read this please get Michio Kaku as well as others like him, if you can, sometimes the obvious BS Bell guests for the educated are a bit to much to take.
Quote from: slippingaway on August 10, 2015, 10:12:35 PM
Gentlemen, behold!  Batch files.
I have found that you can use command line to use VLC to record an audio stream.  I wrote that into a batch file, and scheduled it out for 10800 seconds. That file dumps the mp3 stream to a file. I then used Windows task scheduler to execute the bat file at 22:59:45 (15 seconds before the show starts, enough time to get the "streamguys" header out of the way.

Want the batch file? Too bad.  I'm a time traveler, and wrote this primarily because I wanted to catch a few RCH shows before I committed $5 a month to him. I'm a "daywalker" with a regular 8am-7pm job.
Anybody that knows anything about computers knows how to write a bat file,ffs its 2015.
As far as recording a podcast at a scheduled time, plenty programs already made do that and they are all free.
But as a Art Bell fan i just pay him the 5 bucks per month, if we dont it wont last, we should all support the stream.
But personally i cant listen to hoggie anymore, he has lost his mind with the Pluto thing, actually i think he went bat shit crazy years ago.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Bella-Haven is Live
August 07, 2015, 09:52:26 AM
Not to dislike Lasha but i kinda like the way the show is going now, time will tell.
Quote from: Luxlogs on August 07, 2015, 09:17:01 AM
And those are the Good Points about Illinois.  Though 90 miles to Wally World with only a motorcycle to ride doesn't sound like a bad thing. Watch out for the Blue Hairs.  Oh and K-Mart Sucks everywhere.

I have 3 Harleys, 2 scooters and a Ford F150, i only drive my truck when it rains real hard.
I fly back to ChiTown sometimes to visit my sister, and every time i do i cant wait to get back to the island, life is SO much more laid back here.
Quote from: Luxlogs on August 07, 2015, 08:33:02 AM
Yes a daughter named Heather and a son named Hunter. Don and Roma Wade are truly missed. Smart Move to Key West, Chiraq just keeps getting worse.

Bad weather, high taxes, plenty of crime, thats Chicago, and lets face it Illinois is broke and corrupt.
Our newspaper here is 6 pages, very low crime.
Downside is we are over 90 miles from a Wall Mart, we have a K Mart but its the worse K Mart i have ever seen, poorly stocked and just a dirty store.
But i could ride my motorcycles all year round.
Funny thing is most people live on a island because they love water sports, i hate salt water!
But the fishing is great.

Redacted seems to have the same voice as Roma, maybe a coincidence?
Quote from: Luxlogs on August 04, 2015, 07:09:21 PM
Any relation to "The Late Great Don Wade"?  If yes please tell Roma we miss her in Chicago.

Actually i think they had a daughter named Heather, I left Chicago 7 years ago and now live in Key West, when i heard the news i was very sad.
The earth is flat and Art Bell is a robot, yup, I'm sticking to that theory.
Isn't Al Gore involved with TED?
I seem to remember reading he had some interest in it, if so i guess the conclusion is self explanatory.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: The Spec Sheet
July 30, 2015, 09:33:32 PM
Dammit if i missed the show i swear i will force feed MV Laxatives for 2 weeks.
I see no upload, or maybe they didn't do a show this week, if thats the case i will cut down the force feeding one week just because im a nice fella
This is a interesting question, it makes you wonder the hesitation other guests will have to do Arts show.
The plot thickens
Redacted has a great radio voice.
Not sure where she fits in but she really should consider some sort of broadcast career, i will listen.
Quote from: MV on June 18, 2015, 09:41:43 AM
From mp3 to flac? That sounds about right.

Thank you sir, bat file is done, i will attempt this next week on my antiquated 486DX machine ruining windows 3.1, all should be fine because i updated it to 4MB of ram, only issue would be if the show starts on time, many variables to consider.
Quote from: MV on June 17, 2015, 01:54:45 PM

This is to complicated for the feeble minded, i will just write a bat file to record the schedule show, set it to 64bit mp3, re encode to FLAC and then downsize to 16k AAC.
Yup, thats what the answer is, now if you excuse me i have to open up notepad.
Thanks for uploading, and it was so nice to hear Evelyn again
PS, you all suck, in a good way
So slow to upload the podcasts, its not like you are busy ..o wait, i forgot you got a kid and a wife..
get some bolt cutters and release the ball and chain and upload FFS..
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