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Messages - gnooryblows

Quote from: MV on May 07, 2014, 11:26:06 AM
of course, since art is a murderer (your assertion) he could be lying, but upon returning to c2c after her death, he said her lungs were hyper inflated due to overuse of her asthma medication, essentially causing them to stop working.  exactly the opposite of what you allege.
thats interesting but yes, it would make sense for him to cover his butt
also it doesnt do anything for the possibility that he waited to inform paramedics

also its important everyone understand i am not saying he DID or DIDNT do anything i am stating that i BELIEVE he did this and i do BELIEVE it, sorry
when it comes to rich fuckers and anyone in show business they do NOT get the benefit of the doubt from me
Quote from: gnoorymustdie on May 07, 2014, 11:18:42 AM
MV i am not unequivocally saying that he MURDERED his wife i am saying that I BELIEVE he murdered his wife based on the SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES and POSSIBLE MOTIVES  that surrounded the event

obv nobody is going to be able to prove whether it happened or not but there IS reasonable suspicion for anybody to believe that it happened, and i do believe that it did

my honest take is that ramona and him may have had some problem, or he may have been talking to the woman in philipenes....
ramona has a asthma attack in the trailer while theyre on vacation, she reaches for the inhaler, bell gently nudges it out of reach
waits a few minutes to call the authorities
ramona dies
the end

EDIT bells hands are legally clean in this scenario cuz theres no way to prove he knew of her attack while she was still alive
Quote from: MV on May 07, 2014, 11:15:39 AM
fuck me.  now you're adding reverse speech to the inventory of evidence against art bell as a murderer?  you really know how to package a presentation.

MV i am not unequivocally saying that he MURDERED his wife i am saying that I BELIEVE he murdered his wife based on the SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES and POSSIBLE MOTIVES  that surrounded the event

obv nobody is going to be able to prove whether it happened or not but there IS reasonable suspicion for anybody to believe that it happened, and i do believe that it did

no, you interpret that statement that way, but the point is that he denied her the medical help, whose cigarette smoke is obv not relevant cuz its not murder if someone dies by your cigarettes smoking.

really, no bs dude, not trying to fight you on this one, thats really not what i meant, just sayin and clearin the air

and at some point there was reverse speech evidence off it supposedly. granted it was years ago and the audio is no longer available. however the question remains and if anyone is able to find the audio i'd like to hear it
Quote from: McPhallus on May 07, 2014, 11:04:25 AM
Exactly.  So you are wildly speculating.

BTW, your "make amends" agenda seems to be going downhill pretty fast.

THAT is speculation, sure, I'm pointing out that in marriages financial motives for murder are often invariably born out of the financial difficulties associated with divorce

and hey i DID keep saying i didnt wanna say it but everyone kept teasing it out of me
Quote from: MV on May 07, 2014, 10:57:49 AM
what's your point?  three posts, all speculation by people who weren't there in any capacity, and 8 years old.

by the way, ramona herself was a smoker.  you conveniently left that little fact out when mentioning art's second hand smoke.  and i said you "deserved" to be banned.  not "deserve".  past tense.  changes the context a bit.

fine, she smoked, im not a self proclaimed expert on the topic, i was just pointing out the suspiciousness of it all when i got banned, on other websites ive posted the same comment about him murdering her and most people who reply just say "yeah, duh"
but whether she smoked or not or whether it was arts cigarette that did it was never part of the point (obv she knew he smoked when she started boning him). the point is that known asthmatics keep their inhalers close by, especially if they have dangerous, potentially deadly asthma. and they were in a trailer from what i remember (correct me if im wrong) when it happened, so art must have heard her in distress because camping trailers are not big

the whole thing stinks

Theres power, money, status and oddly suspicious circumstances abounded in this case and people are giving me shit for pointing it out that in likelihood he probably murdered his wife because he had an internet honey in the philipenes or at the very least let her die and denied her medical attention

oh and one more convenient fact

he DID leave the country nearly immediately after the death supposedly to "be with airyn", which may or may not be true, but lets not forget that he did leave the country after the suspicious murder or death

my guess (and this is just wild speculation) is that he knew he was remarrying fast and wanted to bug out before it aroused suspicion. he returned back to the states after he realized he had gotten away with the murder or ramona

nobody knows what their home life was like. if she even MENTIONED the word divorce, bell, who was obviously wealthy, would have stood to lose large sum of money. boom, theres one possible motive

furthermore, you do NOT remarry 3 months after the death of your wife of 15 years and you do not begin DATING within the same month of said wife of 15 years death.
Quote from: popple on May 06, 2014, 09:05:26 PM
It's Ling Ling posting on behalf of Casio. I know because we're facebook friends.

robert casio? does he come on here too? i follow him on youtube, but no  im none of those people
bring on the ban once more, i suppose

to insinuate theres a legal recourse for that is so far beyond absurd....its absurd
ok, well i see where this is going, you people are still insane.
I'm just gonna lay this out there cuz the ban is obv coming again
no, its fine to refer to the suspicious circumstances that abound in a public figures life. look around the internet, there are threads all over where people have discuss the mysterious circumstances of arts wifes death.
The fact is you know there are absolutely positively NO legal implications for this and people make accusations and say things that are untrue about noory and bell here every god damn day. soooo, thats just nuts. maybe youre flexing your mod muscle, being a dick in general, or maybe you really believe what youre saying because youre truly a rabid fan, don't know.
either way, there was no issue with what i said that "deserved" (as you put it) any sort of stupid ban bs nor was i being a bother to the forum. I believe he denied his wife medical help when she died of an asthma attack (known medical condition which people who suffer from universally carry albuterol on their person in the event of an attack) from HIS cigarette smoke. He then, in no time flat (what was it, two weeks?) married a barely old enough to pee philipino from the internet he almost certainly was speaking to before ramonas passing (not suspicious?). He has also proven he sees family as disposable (point to previous marriages)
so no, mod dude mr mighty mod of the land, its not bizarre or wrong or weird or any of that bs that someone would find the circumstances extraordinarily suspicious and would say in a public forum about said radio host "oh, well obviously he murdered his wife", cuz dude, its SORT OF obvious to someone not blinded by love for old men radio hosts.

and no, theres nothing in my post that points to the fact that i thought it was wrong that happened, if thats what you were getting at. it was nuts, and i don't really care about the ban. they are rather stupidly easy to circumvent in any occasion. all i need to do is leave my modem unplugged for a few hours while i sleep and wow, bam, new IP. its not the point. but i came back here in good will if youre gonna hold shit over my head after i didn't even want to say anything to begin with and be a retard and say "oh well you deserve to be banned" then fuckin blow me you rabid fan boy
fine, when dark matter first premiered i found out about this website and signed up to talk to people while i listened. then one night art did a thing with his open lines where he asked people to tell him the most evil thing they ever did

so i posted, on my first night here, "the most evil thing art did? murder his wife". The next thing i know i hit the refresh button and people are accusing me of being gnoory then the next thing i know BAM, permaban

so i started trolling the forum in frustration for a while until eventually they changed the rules so that you had to have a different IP and have your account approved by members of the bell gab ruling elite before you were able to post for a few months.

Im outted.
Quote from: paladin1991 on May 06, 2014, 04:46:08 PM
Well, I wasn't here when you stepped on your dick. I'm the new guy around here.  Why not tell me in a PM since you want everyone else to play the name game?

lol, i insulted art bell and im not tellin what i said cuz its heresy round these parts. end it at that
Quote from: McPhallus on May 06, 2014, 03:14:01 PM
Not a good way to make amends.  You show up asking for forgiveness but won't admit who you are and what you did.  Just sayin'.

you think too much
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on May 06, 2014, 11:12:15 AM
Naa, we're not Islamic fanatics...a few Christian ones I grant you. But wanting someone dead you've not even met or has any nefarious intent on you or your family is slightly a lot pathological in some people's view.

Quote from: Jackstar on May 06, 2014, 10:41:49 AM
This account name is a serious issue. It might even be a violation of federal and/or international law. Wildly inappropriate regardless.

Also, death's too good for him.
I thought that was the whole thing here, death to gnoory, i was just trying to fit in

no i dont like him one bit tho
im not telling anyone who i am or what i did but i didn't know anyone on this site too well and i don't give a damn but it was for somethin i said about art bell one time = permaban . didnt see that comin
i updated wikipedia with some relevant info


but they took it down, still, i tried
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