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Messages - anagrammy

Quote from: Usagi on June 20, 2011, 09:16:26 PM
And what, pray tell, is wrong with MY talent?!

NOT A THING, girlfriend, that was AWESOME!  And so, so true. 

You should have seen the muu-muu older ladies taking turns posing with George.  Next time I go I am going to 1) hide my identity and, 2) take tons of pictures to post here.

Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
June 21, 2011, 04:08:13 AM
Thanks, Morgus.   When I was a little girl I wanted to marry a man just like Mr. Wizard.  Too bad it wasn't Ms. Wizard and I could have become a scientist instead...

Quote from: Jethro Capone on June 20, 2011, 11:47:35 PM
I may be in the minority here (not that I give a damn), but I enjoy most of Howe's segments. She's an educated, intelligent woman who investigates the show's subject matter in ways that Noory never has/will. I love the episodes on the Rendlesham Incident, as well as the general UFO stuff. Heck, I even dig her latest news on cattle mutilations and crop circles. As for her appearance, she's a GILF. She looks and sounds great for her age. I just wish that she would change her style of delivery, which seems like something straight out of the 1960s. The best thing about her segments is that Noory takes a nap for three hours.   

Jethro - what did you think of her taking the Rendelshem witnesses back into the forest and then when they didn't have much to say, she suggested that the object had inhabitants who were maybe time travelers?  I like it as entertainment, but have to reject it as good journalism or anything remotely scientific.

I agree that any break from Noory is a good thing.  The other day I turned on Coast and was delighted that it was Ian instead.  So it's all relative.

I wish LMH would get out there and do some real investigating that produces theories and possible explanations. Maybe write a book linking red rain and other body parts falling from the sky to the current visitors dropping carcasses back to the same spot.  I have more unanswered questions after she reports... it's irritating.

Quote from: Scully on June 21, 2011, 01:17:41 AM
Mine plays the X-Files Theme.

It used to play "Take My Breath Away" from the movie Top Gun, but people looked at me funny when it started up in the grocery store. Didn't think I looked like I'd want to ride a motorcycle with Tom Cruise, I s'pose.  ;)

I'd love to see you get a shoulder tattoo, Scully.  People would do a double take wherever you go - it would be like Margaret Thatcher having a tat!

I'm thinking of getting one just to shock my kids, and believe me it will shock them.  Something Buddhist-Biker. Ish.  Maybe not.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
June 21, 2011, 02:37:54 AM
Look, Mr. Savage,

Your entire post is insulting to fellow human beings who feel compassion for animals. 

Your mischaracterization of a very worthy endeavor, The Humane Society,  is over the top and extremely offensive and insulting to me personally.  Your remarks are uninformed by facts and intemperate, in fact, dripping with hatred for "true believers."

There is no faith involved to believe that animals are mistreated.  These are facts.  The difference between us, which is dispassionately set forth by Onan, is that you fail to differentiate between necessary and unnecessary pain.  You yourself do not care and therefore, in your world view, those who do should be belittled.

You mock the plight of circus animals by saying someone might get them a lawyer.  I am one of those people who happily donates to prevent the continuation of exploitation and cruelty to animals in circuses.   I have researched their living condition at length, joined the support group and donated time and money toward preventing their needless suffering. Most well-informed Americans know about the abuse animals endure in circuses and I have researched it in depth, plus researched the possible solutions.   I'm glad you brought it up.  You should come out some time and carry placards with us. Here are a few facts to stir into your mind:

       Every major circus that uses animals has been cited for violating the minimal standards of care set forth in the United States Animal Welfare Act (AWA).

       Animals in circuses spend about 11 months of the year traveling.
    During travel, animals may be caged or chained for long distances and hours, forced to stand in their own waste, in extreme temperatures.
    Standard circus industry training tools used on animals include bullhooks, whips, clubs, and electric prods.
    Animals born in circus “conservation” breeding programs have never been released into the wild.
    From 1994 to 2005, at least 31 elephants have died premature deaths in the circus. Other circus animals who have died in an untimely manner include horses and lions.
    Captive elephant and captive feline attacks on humans in the U.S. have resulted in hundreds of injuries, many resulting in death.
    In the wild, elephants live in large, sociable herds and walk up to 25 miles every day. Most other wild animals found in circus settings, including lions and tigers, are also constantly on the move in their native habitats. In the circus, animals spend most of their time in cages or chains.
    Officials from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (which enforces the AWA) have repeatedly ignored obvious physical trauma to animals, eyewitness accounts of mistreatment, and sworn testimony from former circus employees who report abuse of elephants.
    Circuses that feature only human performers are gaining in popularity and provide dazzling, humane, and truly family-friendly entertainment.
Your arrogance and contempt for those with legitimate concerns and some compassion say more about you than your degree.  There is nothing uneducated and unresearched about those who care about the needless suffering of animals to want to end it.

Your attempts to paint compassion for animals as if it were a quality belonging only to a leather-hating fringe extremist exposes your own lack of empathy- not only with animals but with humans who differ with you.

My remarks about you drinking are, OF COURSE, a joke, since we are all virtual here, so how would I know?   I would like you better if your remarks were the result of drunkposting. Oh, well, just goes to show that a degree isn't everything.

Quote from: aldousburbank on June 20, 2011, 07:18:19 PM
Interesting thing about that movie, at least for me:  Long ago when I first watched it, I was internally convinced that the "special sunglasses" which allowed one to see the alien takeover, was a metaphor for LSD.  Well, last year, I watched it again, and I noticed that the name given to the glasses was "The Hoffman Lenses."  The apparent reference to Dr. Albert Hoffman's problem child is surely only coincidental?

Nothing in a Carpenter movie is meaningless.  The over-arching theme of elites having no concern for the human race or the planet is pretty obvious.  BUt what about the eyes of the redheaded girl who was the program director for Cable 54.  I thought she was an alien immediately because of those freaky light eyes.

Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
June 20, 2011, 09:11:44 PM
OK, Laura Brannigan died and there was a guy, a musician with bumper music on AB show- Tom? Everybody here was talking about him and I want to add him to my Pandora.

Anybody know who I'm talking about?

Quote from: Marc Knight on June 20, 2011, 05:18:31 PM

It's the Coast Fan George is looking for at all these conferences....but the hag that actually is REPRESENTATIVE OF THE NEW AUDIENCE is:

(Marc take it from here with your magic- see this is why I love you.  Such talent!)

Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
June 20, 2011, 08:51:16 PM
I remember Mr. Wizard from my childhood.  He still alive?

Onan - that's a good one!  I need the proper voice....that deep-voiced guy from Coast saying, "Ringing from the High Desert"  or maybe

"You're in the right place at the right time, now answer the phone"


Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
June 20, 2011, 08:34:14 PM
Sorry about the color, folks.  I tried to fix it but alas....I use the dark screen and it doesn't always show up for me like you see it.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
June 20, 2011, 08:23:28 PM
Quote from: Jackpine Savage on June 20, 2011, 06:32:10 PMSunday night GK lets (1) some animal rights wacko from HSUS (He is their president, Wayne Pacelle)

(2) get on and preach against the use of animals for human benefit (never said that - said we should honor our professed morals for animals who are destined for food - like factory-farmed animals and so-called "hunting" where people pay to shoot a helpless animal in an enclosure.)

(3), and not once asked them about the fact they don't run a single animal shelter, (they do- they don't call them that anymore, they call them something else, Rehoming Centers, or some such)

(4) most of the donations go to fund pensions and salaries, (not true-everyone is a volunteer except the manager) and

(5) the only "animal welfare" this group engages in is a radical anti-meat agenda akin to PETA. (This is the opposite of what was said.  Pacelle specifically stated they were not anti-meat but for good treatment of animals raised for food). 

(6) GK directly asked him if HSUS is against the consumption of humanly raised meat, and the guest completely sidestepped the question with a non-answer about puppies and kitties and abused chickens. (A monumental distortion.  He said nothing about puppies or kitties but said that the real problem was no longer beef since the Humane Society has been very successful in getting improvements in slaughterhouse conditions by bringing the information to the public that the meat industry was serving up sick and dying cows (remember the clip of the cow who couldn't stand and was being shoved by a fork lift).  He said the current focus was on chickens and he described that it was SO BAD Cambell's Soup will not take the meat of the Spent Hens (egg laying chickens) so the government buys it for our children and seniors.)

(7) And GK completely failed to follow through and call him on it. WTF Knapp?? (There was nothing to call him on, pinhead.)

(8)HSUS is NOT your local animal shelter. (The only true thing in this post.  The Humane Society, thank goodness, is now one of several choices for unwanted pets in most communities.)

(9) If you want to help actual animals, and not some wacko's pension fund, donate to your local shelter, NOT to the militant vegans at HSUS. (Wayne Pacelle stated he was NOT A VEGAN. He's a vegetarian.  And the only militancy involved at the Humane Society is the filming of where your food comes from.)
I am going to assume you didn't actually listen to the show, did you? ???   Because if you were, best lay off the bottle before posting next time.  There's a lot of abuse and corruption to be concerned about in today's world.  The Humane Society is not one of them.  How many non-profits have actually had a benefit for you personally by making sure that weeping beef tumors are not part of that McDonalds Big Mac sitting on your coffee table there in your bachelor pad.  Or when your manboobs reach a "C" cup due to the hormones in your KFC.But then again, you probably are as concerned about the quality of what goes into your mouth as you are about what comes out of it.  So nevermind.Anagrammy

Quote from: Eddie Coyle on June 20, 2011, 04:35:07 PM
    Thanks,Ana and the fact that a hermit crab like me would join is a testament of how I(well dare I say,basically all of us) feel about our dearly departing C2C. It pisses me off to no end what Premiere has done.

It started out that way, but now I'm here because I like the people, the topics and the management. You don't always get a homerun on all three...we have a nice slash of diversity here.  BTW - if you have netflix, check out John Carpenter's "They Live." 

Just watched it- Thanks, Aldous, John Carpenter rocks!

Quote from: Eddie Coyle on June 20, 2011, 03:37:57 PM

     Facebook indirectly lead to downfall of Fort Rock...so it's got that going for them.

     Never member of MySpace or Facebook. Not much of a joiner here...

Glad you are here with us, Eddie!

What a couple of weeks.  First Weiner ruins the name of hot dogs everywhere and then Newt Gingrich actually has MY RING TONE.  I cannot use Dancing Queen now and risk the damage to my liberal reputation....

Ideas?  What are you using? 

Quote from: EvB on June 20, 2011, 02:30:00 PM
Love it Ana - I'm find there are a lot of FB parodies out there - this one has been my go-to:


That was HILARIOUS - long and I enjoyed it 100%, Thanks EvB!
Random Topics / Re: fuck open lines
June 20, 2011, 01:33:53 PM
They also cut the bumper music time down to 15 seconds, if that.  Gotta save time for more ageless males buying gold ads.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Ian Punnett
June 20, 2011, 01:31:41 PM
Quote from: Marc Knight on June 20, 2011, 07:11:41 AM

The host has to have his hands on the wheel. 

Like him or not, Rush has his primary studio in his house in West Palm Beach.  There is a need for personal ownership that keeps integrity in a program, something which the Nooron has long since abandoned.  Nooron has become the "just add water" type of insta-host.  He has no personal ownership of the show, and he is exactly what the suits were looking for after dealing with a strong-willed Art Bell.  He is the Anti-Art.

That's what we need --a poll.  Is Noory the Anti-Art?  Even though not from the Caucasus?

Radio and Podcasts / Re: This Really Bothers Me
June 20, 2011, 01:28:33 PM
Quote from: Marc Knight on June 20, 2011, 12:55:05 PM

Erosion?  That presumes the existence of quality to be eroded.  The program took a direct methane-gamma ray burst when Noory first flatulated himself into the broadcast chair.

Ah, that's why I missed Marc --glad to see you back, man!

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Coast
June 20, 2011, 01:26:33 PM
Apparently there is quite a community of old white guys.  This fellow expat in Philippines has been married to this young girl for SEVEN years!  Couldn't be happier!  I'm sure they have lots in common...sorry for double...
Radio and Podcasts / Re: This Really Bothers Me
June 20, 2011, 10:02:45 AM
I do not remember Art ever using maimed children as an appropriate "paranormal news" item.  It is cheap sensationalism and is just another example of the quality erosion taking place in the program we used to love.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Ian Punnett
June 20, 2011, 06:33:23 AM
Quote from: Agent : Orange on June 20, 2011, 02:33:24 AM
It's obvious that hosts are no longer picking their own guests, which is, I think, one of the reasons why Knapp and Ian's momentum has dropped recently and they both apparently have less patience with callers and listeners in general.

If this is the case, why would Premiere enforce this kind of decision? It seems to me that the show is most dynamic when each of the hosts is allowed to operate and investigate "the strange" individually rather than arbitrarily imposing a mandate on all of them to unify the direction of the show as a whole.


AO - your fundamental assumption is incorrect, i.e., that the quality of the show is a primary concern.  Any illusions you may have had in that direction have to go.  The stomping out of "personality cult" in favor of a blenderized generic "paranormal host" means they won't have to go through the trauma that losing Art has cost.

It's all part of the minimizing of the individual and the elevating of the corporation.  Even if quality suffers, they don't care...they're bundled with Rush!

This is why I believe Art quit.  The show isn't fun if the host has no say.  And we see that the hosts are not having much fun, are they?

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Noory's New Look
June 20, 2011, 12:44:27 AM
Quote from: Usagi on June 17, 2011, 07:58:35 PM
Yeah, the typical Coast fan dude.

Had it been Noory's identical twin, you better believe I would have bothered to dig out a camera for that one!

(And had it been RCH's identical twin, I would have asked him over for dinner and a drink and a little somethin' somethin'.  It baffles me, but I have to the hots for RCH.  Don't ask me.)

I have to ask you. I can't control my fingers--- is it the Liberace hair?  Because to me, it looks like the helmet flare on a penis.  I've heard of women who go for that sprayed angelhair look, I just never actually met one... to me, I see that I think of Trump or a TV evangelist from Georgia.


Quote from: Agent : Orange on June 19, 2011, 11:59:30 PM
I don't know what time did to her, but she looks like a fucking goblin now

A little creeping Gandolfiness...

I woke up one morning and my Facebook page went from three friends to 43--it populated itself with a rash of people "wanting" to be my friend.  Turns out their contacts spoke to my contacts and found some mutual friends and automatically sent friend requests.  I told my damn exhusband we could **NOT** be friends.  AS IN:  Check this out--the famous FACEBOOK SONG:

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Coast
June 19, 2011, 08:26:58 PM
OMG, Aldous, that does bring back memories.  Early nineties, driving across Nevada to California at night (of course, when it's cool), nothing but the white line ahead and Art Bell to fill up the night with possibilities, impossibilities and bumper music that made you glad to be alive and riding in the night.

I especially loved the Sultans of Swing for desert driving.

Quote from: aldousburbank on June 19, 2011, 07:27:05 PM
You know Anagrammy, that is not as close to over the top as my unpopular idea of printing cute T-shirts featuring gourmet kitten-based recipes.  Sorry, I am a vegetarian, but just think this an awesome idea, but I think lots of things are funny that other people don't.

As Roger once said, "I'm a dodo, so I like duck."

OK, I've had it.  It nags me in a little girl voice to give my adult friend an imaginary chicken for her "farm" (she lives in Chicago).  It tried to force me into a "Family Feud" yesterday by insisting I give my other friend 'points' for her side.  Sigh.

Today, I open my email and I get this teenage suicide-inducing message:

What do your friends on Facebook think about you?
I don't give a rat's ass but I have a sinking feeling about my simple desire to see photos of my grandchildren morphing into an electronic 2-year old constantly wanting attention.

Get this- the other day I pruned my friend list down to people I actually know.  A person that posted on a site I used to post on said she was hurt that I unfriended her and what did she ever do to me?  This is a complete stranger.

I feel like Alice who fell down a hole into a world where the normal rules don't apply... the people I ride the bus with don't get "hurt" if I don't speak to them.  So WTF?

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