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Messages - scentless

don't talk about the matrix on OSOM. it mad RCH mad at me. me hung up and at made me feel bad. then i think he yelled at hid producer and or wife or lady friend and i spent the next day feeling terrible about myself. sorta.
i heard no board cut or pot  ...heather isn't running a board. when the music comes, she exits. i feel sorry for keith rowland. he has to put up with this crap every night and engineer this thing. no wonder he doesn't care. he had a chance to make a dime and art bailed and he still has to stay up to make a living.

no one should rail on keith in my humble opinion, putting up with this.
jealous. omaha has no chinatown. just a mexico town. with knives. we do, however, have a thriving XXXXXX lives matter movement. they pretty much shoot each other and wonder why. every. fucking. day.

i need to move to a nicer place like Ghana.
Quote from: TinCupChalice on April 09, 2016, 12:15:06 AM
She's at her worst when she's blazed. Might help others, but it brings her from lame to unbearable.

yeah i'm totally new here, the forum and MV's gabcast. heather appears to say oh yeah been there, done that. i saw a ghost once. OBE once, yadda, but never on gabcast podcasts. she's full of crap.

i find myself falling in line with that lesbian girl who hosts with MV once in a while. if she can't cut it, cut the show. i don't get this. it's not art, bottom line. can this thing.
Quote from: Designx on April 09, 2016, 12:14:52 AM
Such a taste for the cheesy things in life. I knew a chick once long ago in school that loved tattoos and practiced wicca but she was 16 years old.

16..go on....why don't you have a seat right here....

Quote from: norland2424 on April 09, 2016, 12:12:47 AM
this is why people shouldn't do drugs

host or guest?
last time i was in vancouver i saw a tegan and sara show. being a dude, i know i have not shot with sara, but i still tried.
she has a tat of a battleship on a butt. on her butt.
just a note...we're on page 1337.
wiccans rule. they love earth and water and chewing on valerian root to help sleep.

i like slamming a 6 pack of heineken, take the last few pills left from that last nasty dentists visit and maybe doing some rails off of a BARELY 18 year old stripper's ass.

call me traditional art bell.
independent ufo researcher... oh good. what's next. Rods? God i can't stand these people.
i am growing weary. i feel action is needed.
Quote from: norland2424 on April 08, 2016, 01:19:14 AM
it means if you use the same number as last night he wont answer your call

Quote from: norland2424 on April 08, 2016, 01:17:04 AM
he already blacklisted your number/skype name

how would that stop one...
if the guest isn't coming i could call in and entertain him again, perhaps.
Countdown to name drop....I'm going with 2:08:42 AM Central.
is this ghost adventures with zack bilbo baggins?
he doesn't seem to want to pick up on me again.
Called him a nice guy and said have a good evening. Of sorts.
yeah he dumped me. someone's got a delay.
ha he just picked up my call.
damn Kieth, where do I subscribe again? Keep this nozzle on the air, I'm in. He's punishing the caller now!!!! Is this Heather Hoagland?
omg how do i contact hoagland? i want to fuck this guy's night up. 10 pizzas to his house and a few craigslist whores.
It's official. I'm calling it. Richard C. Hoagland is the biggest douche in the universe. All 11 of them.
This is great. Hoagland... I can hear him arguing with his wife or whoever.

Art has only kicked off one guest that I can recall. 5 mins in he realized the guest was a stutterer. He asked if he had a cold and dismissed him and went to open lines. But this is hilarious. Hoagland is such a stupid pile.
ooh RCH is kicking his guest off!
so...now richard is for trans issues and demanding evidence from a guy in regards to the matrix. if i ever meet hoagland i will never stop punching him in the face.
he's gonna leave for shoutcast!

did he really just ask his guest for evidence?
where's the annoucement...
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