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Messages - gnooryblows

Quote from: Roswells, Art on January 02, 2018, 09:07:25 PM
XTC sucks except for 'Dear God'.

dude i never heard of this band before but im listening to the song right now and i gotta say im really fucking impressed. this song is awesome lol.
Quote from: Roswells, Art on January 02, 2018, 09:01:08 PM
You're good, just go for it.

i think we should both be his wives. i'm willing to share him. we can be a nice little harem for him. i dunno why you gotta muck it up being all uptight and stuckup and pretentious. i'll take tuesdays thursdays and saturdays, you can have the rest of the days with him.
honestly roswells i dunno why you are rejecting swishy. i think he is the man. he is like my favorite person on bellgab of all time. i dunno why women wouldn't flock to him. if there was a woman on bellgab right now acting like swishy is acting i'd be all over it. i'd be like seriously saying "ooooooooo baby i luv u, lets gett married"
Quote from: Roswells, Art on January 02, 2018, 08:55:22 PM
I think he's talking to you.

score. sorry roswells. always the bridesmaid, never the bride for you, it seems!
Quote from: Swishypants on January 02, 2018, 08:40:59 PM
Over 30 nights of submission, I can put that cherished child inside your belly and make you whole again Lover! Many styles, and much warmth! I will leave you collapsed with a trickle of semen coming out of you, and you will know the LORD GOD and be satiated!

serious question, are you talking to me or roswells?
Quote from: gnooryblows on January 02, 2018, 08:36:45 PM
swishy its just you and me now


is it wrong or gay that i unironically love the ending to this movie?
Quote from: Roswells, Art on January 02, 2018, 08:31:13 PM
Well, I'm still listening to his first video so I would have to say 'go for it'!

and so our love never was.
Politics / Re: Pizzagate
January 02, 2018, 08:30:21 PM
Quote from: JulianC on January 02, 2018, 07:17:36 PM
My reading marathon is almost done. Very disturbing stuff is going on with our British suspect. That bloke is def creepy.
His Pizzagate and Trump comments are big red flags.
Lot's of very murky posts by Yorkshire pud. The exuberant passion he invests in denying and protecting pedos and Pizzagate is very disturbing and extremely suspicious. /pol/ is looking into him and his past.
gnooryblows, don't worry about his threats towards you. /pol/ can make him worry much more.

Removing of that video,not good. Sounds like something Yorkshire pud would do by complaining to and bribing YouTube.
Remember folks, those who so eagerly deny Pizzagate might be on the inside

BTW welcome to bellgab, i see you just registered last nite. people here are very dumb, get used to it.
Politics / Re: Pizzagate
January 02, 2018, 08:28:46 PM
Quote from: JulianC on January 02, 2018, 07:17:36 PM
My reading marathon is almost done. Very disturbing stuff is going on with our British suspect. That bloke is def creepy.
His Pizzagate and Trump comments are big red flags.
Lot's of very murky posts by Yorkshire pud. The exuberant passion he invests in denying and protecting pedos and Pizzagate is very disturbing and extremely suspicious. /pol/ is looking into him and his past.
gnooryblows, don't worry about his threats towards you. /pol/ can make him worry much more.

Removing of that video,not good. Sounds like something Yorkshire pud would do by complaining to and bribing YouTube.
Remember folks, those who so eagerly deny Pizzagate might be on the inside

lol i don't want /pol/ to make him worry dude. i'm not into the whole doxxing thing. someone posted a thread on 4chan about him last night apparently. i don't think it's a cool thing. i mean do honestly think there's something weird about how he is denying this stuff so VEHEMENTLY. i agree with you on that part. but i dunno, nobody knows for sure and DOXXING just takes stuff to a whole new level. he might be a douche who i totally disagree with on politics, and he might be a really unstable person, but DOXXING is no good. on the other hand, now, he did say he was going to try to find my personal info, so obviously he doesn't feel the same way about exposing peoples personal stuff the way i do, but i dunno. i would just rather nobody get doxxed, personally. i think he's sort of a rotten person, honestly, but at this point, based on some personal messages and some stuff in the other thread, i don't think he's planning on coming after me or anything, so i would personally rather the sleeping dogs all just lie.
Quote from: gnooryblows on January 02, 2018, 08:22:00 PM
god damn, imagine if women actually talked like that. "I ALONE WILL FUCK YOU AND TAME YOU" when you're just walking down the street? lmfao that would be pretty cool.

i've had girls talk to me this way but i don't think it's that common. like its not what they do on a regular basis the way guys do.
god damn, imagine if women actually talked like that. "I ALONE WILL FUCK YOU AND TAME YOU" when you're just walking down the street? lmfao that would be pretty cool.
Quote from: gnooryblows on January 02, 2018, 08:19:31 PM
damn swishy, i was proposing to roswells but now it seems you might have made me a better offer. i think i'm buying what you're selling here.

srsly roswells do you have any counter offer to swishy's offer here? i mean he's offering to FUCK ME and TAME ME and it sounds pretty rad and tempting to me.
Quote from: Swishypants on January 02, 2018, 08:16:29 PM
I alone will FUCK YOU! I alone will TAME YOU! You will be happy!

damn swishy, i was proposing to roswells but now it seems you might have made me a better offer. i think i'm buying what you're selling here.
Quote from: gnooryblows on January 02, 2018, 08:16:11 PM
for that, i'll bring home the bags of money. i'll at least feign emotional support while you tell me about your day and other women that you don't get along with and people that you don't like.

expect to hear a lot of "uh huh. sure babe. i hear you. fuck that bitch" without me really knowing what you're even talking about though, just keeping it real. cuz i'm not into the false advertising you know?
ok roswells art, here's my proposal to you. i want 5 rounds of children. not 5 children, 5 rounds at least. so if there's a double or a triple in there, they only count as one. i expect you to cut off contact with all of your friends and any family i don't approve of, which will likely be all of them. i'm not emotionally needy but i want cooking and i want backmassages on demand. i promise i won't abuse this privilege but i lift a lot of trash furniture for my job and that means i get sore sometimes. and i'm getting DNA tests for these kids!

for that, i'll bring home the bags of money. i'll at least feign emotional support while you tell me about your day and other women that you don't get along with and people that you don't like.

also you'll have the added perk of knowing that your children will probably have a 50% chance of being born with gnooryblows superpowers, which include but are not limited to 1) being able to survive for years on end in the wild without so much as a penny to your name and 2) being able to eat out of the trash and being able to eat raw, still living animals without dying of some form of intestinal parasites.

i think it's a pretty good deal for you, i dunno. but don't expect any diamonds or anything, ok? we're not going overboard here. we're still living the simple life.
Quote from: Roswells, Art on January 02, 2018, 07:27:46 PM
That dude with a bowtie? Get him to give us a bag of popcorn.

yeah the one with the bowtie, but he stopped wearing that in like 2006 or something. he BTFO'd like six libshits it was pretty rad. damn how old are you if you remember him with the bowtie?
Quote from: Roswells, Art on January 02, 2018, 07:15:00 PM
That's nice. Are you bringing home the money and emotional support I'm going to need? I mean that's the only way it would make sense if we were all hetero.

yeah of course duh but hang on, i'm watching tucker carlson right now. we'll figure out the particulars of our arrangement in like 45 minutes when he's done BTFOing the libshits.
Quote from: Roswells, Art on January 02, 2018, 06:47:52 PM
I do like to cook, are you bringing home bags of money?

YUP YOU KNOW YOUR PLACE. it's ok. you are a good woman. you got the gnooryblows seal of approval even though you stupidly say im only a 6 out of 10 and you know that's untrue. i don't bring home bags of money unless you've got babies in you though and you're planning to put MORE in there once the ones you've already got in there come out. AND THEY'VE GOT TO BE MINE. I AINT GETTIN CUCKED, RAISING ANOTHER MANS CHILDREN, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN? THIS HAS GOTTA BE AN EMOTIONALLY ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP WHERE YOU HAVE NO FRIENDS AND AREN'T ALLOWED TO GO ANYWHERE UNLESS I AM THERE CUZ I AM A JEALOUS LOVER! I AM A MOUNTAIN OF PASSION AND LUST!!
Quote from: Swishypants on January 02, 2018, 06:44:18 PM


Quote from: gnooryblows on January 02, 2018, 06:42:53 PM
cuz she's a good conservative girl with a decent head on her shoulders. and you're a degenerate pervert who uses whips and chains on women and has them use whips and chains on you lmfao. you bizarre weirdo. that's why you're oil and vinegar. i mean, she's saying dumb shit to me like i'm 6/10 but she's no where near on your level of insanity lol.

i mean whatever, i'm not gonna judge her, i know my super sexy looks make some women uncomfortable and feeling inadequate. it's alrite. it's natural. i won't judge her for it.

i bet roswells art knows her place more or less
Quote from: 21st Century Man on January 02, 2018, 06:38:18 PM
How about the whole last comment.  Nevermind.  Have a good life.  I sincerely mean that even if you don't believe it or care less.  I guess we're simply like oil and vinegar.  Never the twain will meet. Like I said, I tried.

cuz she's a good conservative girl with a decent head on her shoulders. and you're a degenerate pervert who uses whips and chains on women and has them use whips and chains on you lmfao. you bizarre weirdo. that's why you're oil and vinegar. i mean, she's saying dumb shit to me like i'm 6/10 but she's no where near on your level of insanity lol.

i mean whatever, i'm not gonna judge her, i know my super sexy looks make some women uncomfortable and feeling inadequate. it's alrite. it's natural. i won't judge her for it.
Quote from: Roswells, Art on January 02, 2018, 06:35:07 PM
I'm going to need to see you acting this Han Solo character out before I make a decision.

yeah right i'm not posting anymore pictures of myself lmfao. did you see what this thread is about? people want gnooryblows dead. i am a hunted man. but you now what? the picture you saw was in profile, in fairness, so i'll give you that. but there was definitely a look of han solo there even in profile, and you're totally lying if you're just saying "hur durrrr looks like an average college kid". you don't fool me, ok? i know what it is. a man as gorgeous and beautiful as me makes you uncomfortable. makes you feel a little bit insecure and stuff. like maybe you aren't good enough. so you try to play down my attractiveness in your own mind. try to say "hur durrrr, he's not that sexy" or whatever. and maybe it works to some degree and you feel a little bit more secure. and that's fine. i applaud that. good for you. i hope that strategy works out well for you in life, you know? no hard feelings there kiddo.
Quote from: Roswells, Art on January 02, 2018, 06:32:00 PM
Just curious, what part of my comment made you so mad that you had to be so rude?

Also, being 'a lady' is just an open door for abuse.

just stick your fingers up his butt bro, he'll do / say / believe whatever you want him to. he is looking for a woman like you to dominate him lmfao.
Quote from: Jojo on January 02, 2018, 06:31:03 PM
Heght doesn't matter in a man.  My current bf is not short, but all my prior ones were.  Short women find short men to be a better match at the hips.  A woman wants to see a face over her, not a chest!

that's because you're fucked up though dude. height maters a lot, apparently. i didn't realize how important it was until much later on in life, but apparently now that i have access to the internet i realize its something pretty important to women. never like in my life before the internet was it ever even a thought in my mind, but i won't deny that i would be happy to add an inch or 2 to my height and be 6 foot. at 5'10"-5'11" it's not really an issue but i still think it'd be better to be a little taller and i think it's a bigger deal to girls now that it's become a meme and an idea more embedded in culture and in our cultural consciousness.
Quote from: Roswells, Art on January 02, 2018, 06:30:14 PM
You look nothing like Han, even a young Han. Maybe you do now but I can't see it happening. You look like some average college student hanging out at the park.

i was on top of a mountain not at the park, but yeah there was a park bench up there. you're such a liar lol. you are just bitter about something. just chill. we all have our issues. i haven't banged on of your kind in over 5 years now lol. so whatever you're bitter about just chill i'm prob twice as bitter. but if you were gonna be honest you'd admit i am a spitting image of han solo or i suppose also indiana jones since its the same guy (but han was a bit younger i think so i say han).
if she was gonna be honest she would at least admit the resemblance between me and han solo.
Quote from: gnooryblows on January 02, 2018, 06:27:03 PM
honestly if i asked you, you would tell the truth, right? do i or do i not look almost exactly like harrison ford as han solo? i don't even like that movie but there's no doubt han solo was a dashing rogue just like myself and we look like we were almost 100% facial and body match. i must be secretly related or something, and my hairstyle was pretty similar too.

but harrison ford is part jewish so i would reject him as a family member i found out we were.
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