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Messages - MAX

Politics / Re: Brexit
June 25, 2016, 01:29:56 PM
Quote from: MV on June 25, 2016, 05:42:31 AM
Nah, they're too dry. I can only take so many.

Oh , I am always pounding beers with them ,never tried by themselves so never dry, wait come to think of it I never had anything without beer. It's very good on Cheerios  in the AM as well.
Politics / Re: Brexit
June 25, 2016, 05:29:08 AM
Quote from: MV on June 25, 2016, 02:11:27 AM
i'm eating cheetos.  i literally couldn't care less about what you're typing.

Don't eat those fuckin things once you start you cant stop....
Quote from: nooryisawesome on June 22, 2016, 08:54:17 AM
Better than Denny's and getting food poisoning like Art in 2014.

I guess her soup was cold. 
Quote from: WhiteCrow on June 20, 2016, 03:46:16 PM
^^^^ Yeah.. dittos or that Roswells crap.. I staked out the Haters are as crazy as Falkie shtick long ago.. I suggest Doc, that you work the mVee is batshit crazy angle for allowing this travesty to continue...

Analysis of the factors that make a text coherent or non-coherent suggests that total coherence requires cohesion not only on the textual surface but on the semantic level as well. Put another way, what the fuck are you taking about?
Quote from: Doc on June 19, 2016, 06:49:12 AM
I'm curious. What is the point of constantly berating a foolish old man who, quite obviously, is severely lacking in the IQ department?

If you find the foolish old man's opinions or lifestyle offensive, so what? Ignore him.  Karma's already giving him a beating.  He's 64 years old and lives a miserable life on welfare.  He lives in a cramped section 8 apartment, he has no car and, it would appear, no friends.  He has missing teeth and others that are failing and causing him pain.  Considering his age and morbid obesity, his life is mostly over.  He's a stroke or heart attack waiting to happen.

Why not ignore him and let him live his remaining days in peace?  Quite frankly, those who show up here every day to beat on the old guy make themselves look like losers with far too much time on their hands.  Do yourselves and the world a favor and let this miserable thread die.

I'm curious.  You been around 1 month but you seem to know quite a bit about fatso. Are you a speed reader or just another incarnation of OLG.  Do yourself and the world a favor and fuck off.

Quote from: starrmtn001 on June 19, 2016, 07:06:32 AM
Sorry dude, but ya lost me here.  I don't get it. ???

She looks like she is performing a sexual act, get it? Sorry no more clues.
Politics / Re: Breakng news. Not good.
June 17, 2016, 01:17:35 PM
Quote from: rekcuf on June 17, 2016, 10:40:01 AM
Didn't you hear?... Owning a gun is now considered: 'transphobic'.


  Baba Booey Baba Booey

PS: Howard Stern's penis

Ma ma monkey, ta ta toothy
Signed Eric Fred Norris
Quote from: Rally Squirrel on June 15, 2016, 06:19:37 PM
"Well I did say his heart was in the right place" .

What heart?
Quote from: littlechris on June 14, 2016, 02:30:48 PM
Yorkie and Shreddy. If it gets too bad, come out to California, I'll do whatever I can to help. Sponsor/vouch for you guys or whatever.

Fuck Cailfornia that's worse then England. Come to NY we hate everyone no matter who or what you are.
Quote from: MV on June 14, 2016, 02:00:28 PM
doesn't bother me at all.  the brits seem to want islamic influence over their society as part of an ongoing effort to prove just how averse they are to "racism," so fuck em.

Sounds like our President
Quote from: area51drone on June 14, 2016, 04:04:27 AM
Bellgab has reached a new low when Falkie videos are banned and Casio videos are discussed at length on the Musings thread.   Praise MV!

What's the problem? Senda doesn't need bellgab. His last video has 23 views, he is really killing it without the bellgab trolls. In comparison that fake Pittsburg Dad last video only has 223,223 views. Yeah was real good career move pisssing on MV.....

Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on June 07, 2016, 09:18:15 PM
I propose that Olga be the nickname for Open Lines Gerry, hereafter.

I prefer Old Jerkoff Gerry
Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on June 07, 2016, 05:29:10 PM
Kathy is a shitty everything, in case you haven't noticed.  She's more vile than Senda, and that's really quite a feat.

and she is fatter, although Senda has bigger tits
Quote from: Roswells, Art on June 06, 2016, 10:20:49 PM
Haha, by the way, that is Senda on your hand in the first pic.

The real Gerry and his wife, now you know why she thinks Falkie is good looking.   PS I guess OLG has some cash...
Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on June 06, 2016, 05:36:22 PM
Our thoughts and prayers should be with Kathy now as she has not been heard from in 4 days.  George has asked her local authorities to investigate and get back to him.  Hopefully there is a good reason she's been out of touch, and that she turns up soon in good health.

George is concerned for his / their beloved Boop the cat as well.

Hey Gerry George in the video says your wife finds him good looking. WTF ? You must be one ugly mother f er or she has vision problems.   Sounds like you have been kinda lazy on the home front?, bit of advise, lay off fatso and take care of Business at home.
Quote from: MV on June 05, 2016, 01:18:21 PM
Embeds of or links to George Senda's YouTube videos are no longer allowed on BellGab. Also, do not link to his forum. Thank you.

Fuckin A , nice Man!
Quote from: akwilly on June 05, 2016, 02:57:24 AM
I see a vagina

Looks like Sendas' bad tooth to me. Maybe it's a vagina tooth but I really hope there is no such thing.
Quote from: Dateline on June 05, 2016, 11:19:09 AM
You know what the (TM) in The Guy From Pittsburgh stands for don't you?  Total Madness/Maniac/Mess/ManSausage.  You may fill in the _____________ blank with the descriptor of your choosing.

Tit Man
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Steve Warner's Dark City
June 05, 2016, 10:15:28 AM
Quote from: bateman on June 04, 2016, 08:28:57 PM
I've said this privately, but fuck it, I'll put it out there. There's a part of me that wishes the show hadn't blown up because it creates all kinds of expectations. I get emails literally every single day from people asking where the show went/when the next one is. I started the show because I wanted to produce something I'd want to listen to. I'm proud of what I've done. I'm happy the response has been so positive. But there's another part of me that wants to drop off the radar and get drunk in some tropical locale for months on end sans internet connection. I don't get off on attention. I get off putting out a product I'm happy with. I know what I'm "complaining" about are issues most podcasters would love to have, but this is where I'm at.

You can always get Falkie to do it. The only cost is a new windows PC, new glasses, a pizza and optional chicken wings. Pretty sweet deal.   
Quote from: SixWeekTenure(tm) on June 04, 2016, 02:51:20 PM
The entire situation is unfortunate, to be sure, and you raise some tough questions, LadyFish. Anyone close to George can tell you that you may only offer advice, not expect it to be followed. The laptop situation has spiraled out of control and my Master is now planning to go to war with BellGab and use the bully pulpit of his YouTube channel to launch a counter attack.

Like Gerry, I will follow MV's new rule of no "THE Guy from Pittsburgh" videos posted in any of the JAFT areas of this forum.


Here is a idea, how about you both just stop posting here? Your master says bellgab sucks so listen to him and go the fuck away .
Quote from: SixWeekTenure(tm) on June 04, 2016, 02:10:55 PM

After speaking with the Master, he has chosen to be a man of his word and will send the remaining $16 in a postal money order to MV on the first of July.

BREAKING NEWS !!! Your a jerkoff. 
Quote from: EarthAlien007 on June 04, 2016, 02:10:40 PM
Great idea.
No more publicity for the begging turd.

Right on , next step is to ban his asshole friends if they post a video or ask for cash. You want to see fatso go to his channel or "blogs" .  Falkie free zone !!!

MV is da man...
Quote from: MV on June 04, 2016, 02:04:40 PM
Yeah, well, then Falkie's videos are no longer allowed on the forum. Problem solved. Please report any posts containing his videos.

NICE !!!!!!!
Quote from: MV on June 04, 2016, 02:45:12 AM
The regret began a couple weeks ago.

My old mean nasty boss used to say revenge is sweeter then regret... Just saying
Quote from: Dmitri on June 03, 2016, 05:54:15 PM
Thanks to EBT cards, one doesn't have to use one's cash to pay for food.  ;)

Yeah we are aware of that in NYC Falkie.     " As The Post reported, some New Yorkers are using their EBT cards to make cash withdrawals at ATMs inside strip clubs, liquor stores, casinos and porn shops. Although Congress passed a bill banning the use of EBT cards at such places, New York has not yet met the law’s requirement that states show they are complying."
Quote from: Rally Squirrel on June 03, 2016, 02:53:55 PM
Of course not.
In a recent video he said he was trying hard to pay off some gas cards so he can go on a trip to visit Aleinn, some other places and finally go to George Noory's house. He needs the cards paid off so he can use them for the trip and save his cash.

So to be clear. He needs to  pay off gas cards for a car that no longer exists and he has not been able to legally drive a car in quite a number of years so what exactly is he putting gas in? Ms Kathy has a car fund that she could not tap into to feed his cats but she also can not use that fund to pay her gas credit cars off so... He is still paying gas on a car or cars that have been out of commission for months so she can pay for a new car that they cant afford to put gas in? OK never-mind I just gave myself a bad headache. 
Quote from: ONeill on June 03, 2016, 04:43:28 AM
I feel sorry for the Paypal employee that had to deal with this idiocy for a full hour.

I feel a bit for MV. I would be pissed. He gave the guy the PC for near free just the cost of a new drive. In addition has given him donations, forums , solo gabcasts and the ungrateful fuck answers by shitting on him and calling him a lier and a crook. Yeah Senda is a great guy.....
Quote from: WhiteCrow on June 01, 2016, 02:08:27 PM
Wow now I have a measure of immortality.. thank you! I knew I was special, mommy always told me so..

Your welcome, glad I could help
Quote from: Roswells, Art on June 01, 2016, 11:43:03 AM
I remember. He was one of the original Falkie trolls.

Also remember one around when I joined in 2013 where he got into fight with MV accussing MV of having cliques. I believe MV told him he wiped his ass with his post. Oh but that was before he became Saint Crow.
Quote from: GravitySucks on June 01, 2016, 11:10:56 AM
Some people misunderstand the spirit of the Crow. WC is ok in my book.

It's an acquired taste.

Really, does anyone but me remember the white crow who was a mean nasty troll and was banned I believe more then once? He then came back in a new lovable persona and began his sermons on how wonderful he is and became the darling of the haven? No maybe I have him confused with another dick.
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