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Messages - yumyumtree

Random Topics / Re: Anyone Else Here A Writer?
March 26, 2015, 02:58:50 PM
Used to be.  Then I realized that I didn't really have much talent, there was too much crap being published already and didn't want to further contribute to it.

Also the real work of writing is re-writing, and re-writing is a bitch.
OMG, Herbert W. Armstrong and Garner Ted Armstrong, that's a blast from the past! The Wonderful World Tomorrow used to run on the western Montana blowtorch KOFI when I was a kid in the late sixties and early seventies.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
March 24, 2015, 08:48:51 PM
Quote from: albrecht on March 23, 2015, 08:45:46 PM
I haven't looked there in a while but I was thinking during the show how several times he mentioned "not to buy his books on Amazon but from his website or publishers website", supposedly because of the high prices, but, maybe it could've been due to some of the reviews there?

I like him as a guest with Knapp and they can draw out a good tale and unlike other guests he hasn't come right out with a zany explanation ("its UFOs" "its Bigfeet" etc) but leaves it open to guessing (and likely more books and shows.) I don't listen to C2C for an education anyway but for good radio and when Knapp is on it usually is, with Dave not-so-much except for laughs and guffaws.

Yes, I think so.  I have a tendency to zero in on 1 star reviews on amazon, because they are more entertaining, I will admit that. I just skimmed because I was kind of in a hurry but there was one user who had a long, long, long 1 star review of one of Paulides books--he clearly hates his guts.

And I think if theres a money issue it's because Paulides thinks he can get more money out of people selling directly.  I haven't looked for his books on eBay, but they may be going for even less there.
People Will Talk 1951
Scarlet Street 1945
Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
March 23, 2015, 08:39:45 PM
Quote from: Cwn Annwn on March 23, 2015, 07:53:04 PM
Hey guys. I've been a long time forum lurker and decided to finally start typing things instead of just reading.

Like some of you I've also been quite captivated by Knapp's interviews of Paulides. For those of you who find Paulides' work suspect, I'm curious about why. Is there solid information out there that casts doubt upon it? (I've poked around and haven't found anything damning, so I figured I'd ask you intelligent folks.)

See amazon.com for starters.  He has some real enemies on there.

But welcome.  I lurked for about 6 months before joining.  Now it's my favorite board.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
March 23, 2015, 08:38:47 PM
Quote from: Juan Cena on March 22, 2015, 11:41:13 PM
My main complaint with Paulides is that he seems clueless to the fact the US National Parks isn't set up to handle missing persons cases CSI style in the way he wants it to. It doesn't have the resources to do so either, thanks to a Congress that would rather sell off our national parks to the Koch Brothers.

I think that he may have a distorted notion about how widespread these occurences are.  Just think, how many people use national parks, national forests, wilderness areas like the Bob Marshal, etc. every year. Some of these parks are loved to death by people all over the world, so it's not surprising that things happen, people go missing and so on.  I realize that's no consolation if its one of your loved ones, but it's kind of like plane crashes.  Because they're so horrible when they happen, we imagine them happening much more than they do.  But most people know that statistically, cars are much less safe.
I can kind of see putting it in politics, but the ironic thing is that things like this shouldn't be about politics.  They should be about right and wrong and what really happened.  But of course by the time the media and the agendized get done with it, it's politics.
"Ryan, a boy who believes he was once a powerful Hollywood agent"...that sounds like a sitcom concept if ever there was one.  It looks like I'll be getting some beauty sleep tonight.
Why is this thread in "pollitics"?  I don't think I put it there originally.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
March 22, 2015, 05:05:24 PM
I like Paulides, because I like the subject matter he deals with. I know he has his opinions, and may try to spin things in the direction that supports them.  It's hard to write true crime without forming an opinion. I've read different books on the same cases by different authors, and a lot times you end up with quite different conclusions, especially controversial or unsolved cases like Constance Kent or the Ramsey case.
Well, I suppose I would rather hear about polyamory on coast than on KLEAN radio, but generally I'm happy not to have sex topics.   It might be a way to get rid of Noory, though, since he's such a prude.

I would like more debunkers, maybe even debate type- formats between debunkers and say, alternative medicine people..  I don't know if Stephen Barrett, the quackwatch guy, does radio, but he's be a good guest. I'd like to hear Al Carroll, the guy from New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans, too.  I don't know if he does radio either, but it wouldn't hurt to ask.

I like hidden or forgotten histories.  They used to do more of these when Ian was on.  For example, there was an article in the Everett Herald a few days ago about "balloon bombs".  That might make a good one hour segment.

I love the true crime stuff.  I would like to hear Edna Buchanan, a former(or maybe still) crime reporter for the Miami Herald.  She  is especially good on the Amy Billig case.
Politics / Re: Vote or die
March 21, 2015, 02:22:13 PM
Quote from: VtaGeezer on March 20, 2015, 06:28:50 PM
I knew a few WWII vets who bragged that they never voted "because politicians are all alike".  This was usually followed by a complaint about how lousy the govt was run.

Yes, my mother was World War II generation and Kennedy was the last one she voted for.
Politics / Re: Vote or die
March 21, 2015, 02:18:43 PM
Have any of you heard the sentiment on talk radio that people on any kind of government entitlements shouldn't vote?  I have been haring it more and more.  Michael Savage and Ben Shapiro have both been saying it.  I don't know if they include social security.  They are mostly thinking actual public assistance--food benefits and so on.

For years people have been saying that only people who own "property"(real estate, I assume?) should vote.  I never liked that one.  A lot of people have a variety of personal reasons for not owning real estate, and I think the mortgage crisis taught us that some people are better off renting--indefinitely.

What do I think?  Mandatory voting is horrible.  I also think it's a bit too easy to vote.  I am opposed to motor-voter, for example.  Make 'em work for it a little.  We read about people in third world countries who walk or hitch-hike for miles to cast their ballots.  We need a little more of that here.  I would also not be opposed to some sort of Micky Mouse test.
Random Topics / Re: Deathrow. You're LAST meal..
March 21, 2015, 02:10:00 PM
It's never changed, after years ago, when I first thought about it. Well-done steak and oysters, any way, spinach, fudge revel ice cream for dessert.
Quote from: Borris_the_Spider on March 20, 2015, 12:32:18 AM
Does Dave play Cusco music often? I think he's trying to copy Art again, the dimwit.

OMG, only all the time!
So I ended up staying wake until 2 listening to Rebecca Roth. I could have done without that nervous giggle, but otherwise she was a good guest, at least a change from the same-old, same-old. George made a big deal of the fact that a caller recommended her to him, but I wonder if this "caller" was actually her agent or husband or something.  She's unusually aggressive in promotion of her book.  I know that writing is a business  and you have to market, but still. She claims that she's getting a lot of positive feedback from others in her former industry, but my hunch is she's made a lot of enemies, too. It occurred tome that she has actually become a truther in order to promote her book, not because she really believes in trutherism. One of the reasons I suspect this is she seemed to be tossing out the usual read meat--"illuminati" and so forth almost as if she were posing. Both she and  George did a nice job side-stepping the caller who was probably an anti-Semite, though.

Engineering and that type of stuff is way out of my wheelhouse, but I was under the impression that Popular Mechanics did a master, all-purpose debunking of all the Truther assertions a few years ago, and it pretty much stands.
Quote from: goldendeal on March 20, 2015, 12:18:43 AM
Come on Jorch, who gives a rats ass about airline safety, ask her the tough questions, is she a member of the mile high club?

Come on, Coffee, Tea or Me, just because she was a flight attendant doesn't mean she's a babe, though she probably is, but she's in her 60s, though so am I, almost.
Random Topics / Re: Austism update
March 18, 2015, 08:03:17 PM
Interesting.  That guy never quits.
So I listen to a lot of AM and they have a lot of infomercials, especially on the weekends.(KVI calls theirs "Need to Know weekends") Coast used to be on KVI, but has been on KIRO FM for several years now, and there is actually a lot of talk on commercial FM now, as you've probably noticed.

At the beginning of an infomercial there is always a disclaimer telling people that they aren't responsible for content or whatever.  But at a certain point, are they?

I'll give a few examples.  I used to like KLEAN radio, even though it's an informercial, it used to very soft sell and had interesting guests.  Then Pat O'Brien came on board.  I have to admit that I've never had a lot of use for sports journalists, and he comes across as a jerk to me. On Valentines' weekend they spent a half hour on polyamory, I kid you not.  I might as well have been listening to Tom Leykis. First I was going to snail mail or email, then decided to call them out on Twitter.  No reply, but they haven't done anything like that since. They air on KVI by the way, whose slogan is "faith, family, flag and freedom" or some such.

Then there's Dr. Jerry Mixon.  I always knew that he has an agenda, and I knew he had some skeletons in the cupboard as well(sexual contact with a patient--Google it and it will be about the fifth hit) but I still liked his show on KTTH ( and partly on KIRO FM, Noory's station)on Saturday mornings.  I was able to separate out the general information from the agendized stuff meant to sell his goods and services.  But the past couple of shows I've been really concerned about his advice on senile dementia.  I know he's trying to get people into his clinic, but I wonder if he's also giving out misinformation, for example telling people that senile dementia can be reversed in early stages, that if you think you have it you probably do, that there's no DIY at home test, etc.

I notice that he's been in trouble with the law more recently than I realized, too, mostly with the human growth hormone stuff.  So really, I know It's buyer beware, and I know that the easy money in infomercials must be extremely tempting to these stations, but don't they have some responsibility? And that includes Noory, whose show is often one big infomercial.
Holy cow, I got home from Seattle about 11:45 last night and heard about the last 15 minutes with Dr. Joel Wallach. First of all, I think it confirms our suspicions that a lot of his questions are actually pre-submitted by the guest. And I don't think he's the only radio host who does it, but he does it the most clumsily. But Wallach was slurring his words, talking so fast that he wasn't enunciating clearly and dropping syllables in words.  It must be contagious because Noory was doing it too, it seemed. I am usually not in a hurry to suspect guests or hosts of being on alcohol or drugs, but you have to wonder.
Isn't Wallach the one who claimed to have done so many thousands of autopsies?  Since he's a veterinarian, they might have actually been necropsies--on parakeets, or something. Anyway, I calculated how many he would have had to have done per year, per day, and so forth, depending how old he is.  For calling out liars and phonies, there's nothing like old-fashioned arithmetic. Wallach has to be one of the worst of Noory's "medical' guests, and that's saying a lot.

Have any of you actually looked at Critical Health news?  How about that testimonial from the 93 year old lady who used Beyond Tangy Tangerine?  Do you think she's really 93?
Debra Saunders had a good piece on this today. I'll post it in a few days when I have more time.
Quote from: VtaGeezer on March 15, 2015, 11:58:04 AM
I saw nothing in the video that indicated they were drunk.  Looked like they were stone sober riding a bus to some event; there girls on the bus too.
I know.  I just assumed alcohol was involved, but it may not have been. But whether it was or not, people aregenerally held accountable for things they do drunk, and rightly so.

And yes, by "private institution", I meant the frat, not the school.
There is some discussion on the "Noory Sucks" thread.  You will have to dig a bit.  I have a fairly long post about it, myself.
Politics / SAE affair "Buckhorn Boys Go to College"
March 14, 2015, 02:38:28 PM
So I apologize if somebody else has started a thread on this and I missed it.  Maybe MV can merge them.

When I first heard of this deal with these SAE brothers leading a song on a bus that included a word no longer in decent use(unless you'r a rap artist, of course) and a reference to lynching, I was shocked and outraged, like most people. I found it especially curious that everybody else on the bus just went along with it.  It occurred to me it might be a hoax.  It wasn't. I thought that the college president's actions were a little rash, but thought, "well, these private institutions can handle things as they wish--people don't have to have due process as they would in a court of law." I was also concerned about the first amendment implications, but thought that since they mentioned lynching, that overrides free speech concerns.

I concluded that probably the most likely reason nobody on the bus challenged them is that they are the kinds of guys people don't challenge, and also alcohol was probably involved. Everybody went to high school with obnoxious, arrogant people like that.  Usually they outgrow it by college. A lot of times, in small towns especially, their parents are affluent and influential and able to use their influence to keep them out of major trouble, or else they're really good in sports, often both. In a town I lived in in the 80s in Montana, there was a group known as the "Buckhorn Boys" because of the brand of cheap beer they drank. I was out of high school myself by then, but these guys made the news from time to time with their hooliganism. There were allegations that they sexually assaulted a developementally disabled girl.  I don't know what became of that, probably dropped due to lack of evidence.  Law enforcement there weren't the sharpest knives in the drawer, either.  That's why I haven't mentioned the name of the town.

But now everybody's lawyered up and poking around SAE houses on other campuses, even though there evidently black SAE brothers on other campuses who claimed they hadn't seen any racism. So now, in my opinion, we're looking at a months-long witch hunt-fishing expedition, all dealing with speech, not actions and we'll be hearing about it for 20 years.

I've noticed that a lot of people on talk radio aren't touching this, either because its such a hot button issue, or more likely, they'd rather talk about Hillary or Tom Cotton.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Richard Syrett
March 14, 2015, 02:17:44 PM
Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on March 13, 2015, 11:48:07 PM
Even Syrett seems to think this guy is bonkers.

Thank you.  I was afraid it was just me.
Random Topics / Re: Sir terry pratchett
March 14, 2015, 02:14:45 PM
I know that people in my book group, some of them, really liked him.  He was just one of those authors I couldn't get into. I went to a theatre adaptation of Wyrd Sisters a few years ago in Seattle because one of the women in the group is an actress, and appeared in it. I love to go to live theatre, and like to support people I know who act when I can. Could take or leave.  This fringe theatre is called "Open Circle" and specializes in shows dealing with the occult, paranormal, gothic, science fiction, etc. I have seen some things there that I really liked.
Random Topics / Re: beer
March 14, 2015, 02:09:41 PM
That's right.  When I have more time, I'll tell a few stories.
Random Topics / Re: What kind of ad's do you get?
March 14, 2015, 02:08:06 PM

If any of you are considering joining this site, or any other dating site, I suggest you think long and carefully.
Politics / Re: Is Pasco the new Ferguson?
March 13, 2015, 04:18:20 PM
Quote from: basswood on March 12, 2015, 04:21:49 AM
Ferguson is still the new Ferguson.

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