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Messages - Daggit

Quote from: brig on January 11, 2017, 05:28:30 AM
Excellent point.  I hadn't thought of that.

FREE TV FOR US !!!  Paid for by The Senda Monster.

Apparently the new version of the hack uses keystroke logging to record Falkie's passwords.

To all Dark Web users please do not abuse this privilege by changing Falkie's passwords so he can't use it. We want him using everything as normal and we'll just peruse all of his accounts.
Quote from: brig on January 11, 2017, 03:29:50 AM


So I looked up this DirecTVnow deal, and you get a free apple tv when you prepay 3mo's of DirecTV Now.  Heres the offer:


and heres the monthly base price: $35 a month (3 months prepaid would be $105)  Plus a detailed explanation of pricing and packages.


It looks like you have to pay for the streaming packages as well, because they all look like they have 7 day free trials.


Why did it take Mr IBM an hour to set up an Apple TV? My son bought me one for father's day and despite me being almost a luddite I was able to set it up within minutes.

The best thing about Falkie connecting his Apple TV to his network is that we'll all be able to see what he's watching thanks to the update to version 2 of the MV hack.
Quote from: effluenza on January 04, 2017, 03:17:38 PM
Does Falkie not realize that Emergency Rooms are designed for EMERGENCIES? You do not plan a trip to the Emergency Room. That is the exact opposite to an emergency. Go to a clinic for your fake ailments you oxygen waster.

Falkie is so narcissistic that he actually believes he's an entitled motherfucker and has the right to treat the ER as his personal doctor. Heaven forbid there's a brown person in front of him.
Quote from: bateman on January 04, 2017, 02:54:54 PM
Oh lordy. RS, do you remember the actual mayo post(s) on Redbook? I got a PM a few years ago from someone who was digging into old accounts of his & said she saw it somewhere, but never saw any screenshots to back it up. Hilarious piece of Falkie lore either way, really.

It might have originally come to light on redbook but I thought he also talked about it on one of the first gab cast episodes he appeared on.
Random Topics / The General Musings of gnooryblows
January 03, 2017, 01:37:30 AM
Because gnooryblows' father didn't finish into a dirty gym sock and because his mother didn't stick a rusty coat hanger up her cooter this thread has to exist. MV could you please merge all of his diarrhea here?
Random Topics / Re: This is my poop from this morning
January 03, 2017, 01:06:36 AM
Quote from: gnooryblows on January 03, 2017, 01:00:16 AM
i dont really wish for him to be in fatal accident but he is rotten piece of shit whom satan will judge thusly for this moment.

You're a fucking pussy. Be a man and stick to your original statement. Don't try to walk it back like when you tried to weasel out of calling Art a murderer. Pussy. Satan would be disgusted with your lack of balls.
Random Topics / Re: The General Musings of Falkie2013
December 24, 2016, 09:46:58 PM

You have giant balls on bell gab. You'd piss your diapers if you came up against one in a dark alley. Pissant.
Random Topics / Re: The General Musings of Falkie2013
December 24, 2016, 09:41:10 PM
Great. bell gabs KKK has finally infiltrated the Falkie thread. Our last sanctuary from the racists.
Random Topics / Re: The General Musings of Falkie2013
December 22, 2016, 01:54:39 PM
Quote from: whoozit on December 22, 2016, 01:51:32 PM
Even worse than the moderation was that when George replied to a post it was totally unrelated to said post.  He either answered a question that wasn't asked or just used it as a launching pad for whatever drivel he wanted to spout.

You've just described every post Falkie has ever made.
Random Topics / Re: The General Musings of Falkie2013
December 18, 2016, 07:20:31 PM
Quote from: MV® XP on December 18, 2016, 07:16:32 PM
I hope he's miserable.

You will not be getting a Christmas Card from Casa Senda this year.
Random Topics / Re: I once stole a womans poop
December 18, 2016, 07:14:37 PM
Quote from: gnooryblows on December 18, 2016, 06:37:23 PM
FWIW I was genuinely molested and sodomized in the 2nd grade by my male babysitter at the time

You loved it.
Random Topics / Re: The General Musings of Falkie2013
December 18, 2016, 07:13:52 PM
Quote from: Penis mv on December 18, 2016, 06:56:00 PM
"This one time, at Gab camp....."

That might explain Kathy's bleeding cooter.

Random Topics / Re: I once stole a womans poop
December 18, 2016, 06:28:45 PM
Show me on the doll where the bad man touched you.

Random Topics / Re: I once stole a womans poop
December 18, 2016, 06:26:58 PM
Quote from: gnooryblows on December 18, 2016, 11:16:41 AM
Its only the poop of certain women that does it for me

How does it feel to be a black man trapped in an inferior white man's body?
Random Topics / Re: I once stole a womans poop
December 18, 2016, 01:42:41 AM
Quote from: gnooryblows on December 18, 2016, 01:14:38 AM
When I stare at a womans poop, I cannot explain the feelings I have. Sexual ones. Deep and unrestrainable urges.

She was a 20 year old cashier at the supermarket I worked at. I saw her leave her register one day after lunch and I knew exactly what she was doing. I was filled with dark lustful feelings the likes of which most men can never experience.

I took my 30 minute break and waited at the cafe area for her to leave. It was a slow day. No customers around. I thought to myself who is gonna know if I just stick my head inside the door and take a whiff? Well, a whiff quickly turned into a peek at the scene of the crime. And when I took that peek I was so pleasantly surprised. She didn't flush. No TP in the bowl so frankly I don't know what the hell happened but I didn't care. Today was my lucky day. I had scored a chance to live out my deepest desires and fantasies in a way that no man before might ever have had a chance to do.

I had to walk, extremely briskly, back to my locker and grab some plastic bags I kept in my backpack. Hurriedly I made my way back to the restroom and to my delight, the prize was still in the toilet!

I scooped it up and ran it out to my car. Kept it in the back seat.

It was a super cold winter day so by the time my shift had ended it froze solid. But once I got it home I was able to play with it, smell it, rub it on me and admire it to my hearts content.

I found that the freezing of it actually worked quite well in terms of preserving this magical turd. I didn't want it to simply fall apart, or slowly drip onto the floor and get lost over time, as it's not all the time that I get a chance to **actually score a womans poop**. So I made a regular habit of keeping it in the freezer and then taking it out to play with it whenever I felt the urge.

I'm a little overcome with shame but I would do it again.

It was awkward seeing the woman but thankfully she quit pretty soon thereafter. I always had the weirdest most paranoid sneaking suspicion that somehow she knew or suspected that I had stolen her poop. I know that's insane though

A psychiatrist would say that your lathering yourself in poop represents your deep seated desire to become a black man. You hate being white.
Quote from: gnooryblows on December 17, 2016, 02:54:12 PM
When I was a kid I took an IQ test and basically it scored off the charts. Walking through this world alone as an intellectual outlier has been lonely for me. It's isolating. Nobody around me is mentally capable of understanding my worldview or the complex political and personal issues that I choose to discuss.


Honestly people put chemicals in the water to make the population stupider. There's bad stuff in the food. Heroin. Pot. Pharmaceuticals. Endless stream of popular culture and media brainwashing. It's hopeless. The human race is zombified. We have failed and we are destined to extinction. In fact, extinction is probably the best possible outcome for us, as the other option is eternal slavery, because generationally, our species is becoming more and more deeply enslaved by our governments, technology and monetary systems.

Small animals like raccoons are better than us because they are more physically resilient. Able to live in the natural environment. Able to live without the necessary slavery to the monetary system.

Humans falsely believe they are the top of the heap in terms of superiority, but we are probably the third or fourth lowest being on the pecking order beneath ants and bees.

It's just a shame because if humanity was as smart as me then maybe people would have chances to save themselves and their futures.

Are you still claiming Art murdered his wife?

Quote from: gnooryblows on May 07, 2014, 11:06:37 AM
fine, she smoked, im not a self proclaimed expert on the topic, i was just pointing out the suspiciousness of it all when i got banned, on other websites ive posted the same comment about him murdering her and most people who reply just say "yeah, duh"
but whether she smoked or not or whether it was arts cigarette that did it was never part of the point (obv she knew he smoked when she started boning him). the point is that known asthmatics keep their inhalers close by, especially if they have dangerous, potentially deadly asthma. and they were in a trailer from what i remember (correct me if im wrong) when it happened, so art must have heard her in distress because camping trailers are not big

the whole thing stinks


Quote from: gnooryblows on May 07, 2014, 10:57:20 AM
Theres power, money, status and oddly suspicious circumstances abounded in this case and people are giving me shit for pointing it out that in likelihood he probably murdered his wife because he had an internet honey in the philipenes or at the very least let her die and denied her medical attention

oh and one more convenient fact

he DID leave the country nearly immediately after the death supposedly to "be with airyn", which may or may not be true, but lets not forget that he did leave the country after the suspicious murder or death

my guess (and this is just wild speculation) is that he knew he was remarrying fast and wanted to bug out before it aroused suspicion. he returned back to the states after he realized he had gotten away with the murder or ramona

Quote from: gnooryblows on May 07, 2014, 10:50:27 AM

nobody knows what their home life was like. if she even MENTIONED the word divorce, bell, who was obviously wealthy, would have stood to lose large sum of money. boom, theres one possible motive

furthermore, you do NOT remarry 3 months after the death of your wife of 15 years and you do not begin DATING within the same month of said wife of 15 years death.

Quote from: gnooryblows on May 06, 2014, 07:19:47 PM
ok, well i see where this is going, you people are still insane.
I'm just gonna lay this out there cuz the ban is obv coming again
no, its fine to refer to the suspicious circumstances that abound in a public figures life. look around the internet, there are threads all over where people have discuss the mysterious circumstances of arts wifes death.
The fact is you know there are absolutely positively NO legal implications for this and people make accusations and say things that are untrue about noory and bell here every god damn day. soooo, thats just nuts. maybe youre flexing your mod muscle, being a dick in general, or maybe you really believe what youre saying because youre truly a rabid fan, don't know.
either way, there was no issue with what i said that "deserved" (as you put it) any sort of stupid ban bs nor was i being a bother to the forum. I believe he denied his wife medical help when she died of an asthma attack (known medical condition which people who suffer from universally carry albuterol on their person in the event of an attack) from HIS cigarette smoke. He then, in no time flat (what was it, two weeks?) married a barely old enough to pee philipino from the internet he almost certainly was speaking to before ramonas passing (not suspicious?). He has also proven he sees family as disposable (point to previous marriages)
so no, mod dude mr mighty mod of the land, its not bizarre or wrong or weird or any of that bs that someone would find the circumstances extraordinarily suspicious and would say in a public forum about said radio host "oh, well obviously he murdered his wife", cuz dude, its SORT OF obvious to someone not blinded by love for old men radio hosts.

and no, theres nothing in my post that points to the fact that i thought it was wrong that happened, if thats what you were getting at. it was nuts, and i don't really care about the ban. they are rather stupidly easy to circumvent in any occasion. all i need to do is leave my modem unplugged for a few hours while i sleep and wow, bam, new IP. its not the point. but i came back here in good will if youre gonna hold shit over my head after i didn't even want to say anything to begin with and be a retard and say "oh well you deserve to be banned" then fuckin blow me you rabid fan boy

Quote from: gnooryblows on May 06, 2014, 06:42:45 PM
fine, when dark matter first premiered i found out about this website and signed up to talk to people while i listened. then one night art did a thing with his open lines where he asked people to tell him the most evil thing they ever did

so i posted, on my first night here, "the most evil thing art did? murder his wife". The next thing i know i hit the refresh button and people are accusing me of being gnoory then the next thing i know BAM, permaban

so i started trolling the forum in frustration for a while until eventually they changed the rules so that you had to have a different IP and have your account approved by members of the bell gab ruling elite before you were able to post for a few months.

Im outted.
Random Topics / Re: The General Musings of Falkie2013
December 15, 2016, 12:26:03 AM
Quote from: Damonâ,,¢Â®Â© on December 15, 2016, 12:08:01 AM
Now we need to raise cleaning supplies for falkie

Curtis is going to have to change the focus of the Falkiethong to cleaning supplies instead of cat food.

I do hope he hasn't spent any money on signage and logos.
Random Topics / Re: The General Musings of Falkie2013
December 15, 2016, 12:24:31 AM
What happened to the state sponsored slave he was going to get?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
December 13, 2016, 04:30:36 PM
Quote from: trostol on December 13, 2016, 03:18:53 PM
Art's latest post...

That's a helluva lot of burnt bridges.
Random Topics / Re: The General Musings of Falkie2013
December 13, 2016, 01:08:32 AM
Why didn't Falkie sell MV's laptop? If he's not using it then surely he could use the proceeds on his cats.
Random Topics / Re: The General Musings of Falkie2013
December 12, 2016, 10:55:41 PM
Quote from: brigâ,,¢Â©2015 on December 12, 2016, 07:56:23 PM
How CUTE!  ;D


I do wonder how soon after filming this video of him placing the wet food down and then turning off the camera did Falkie shoo the cats away and scoop up the food, place it in a ziplock bag and greedily take it back to the hovel to wolf down the contents for himself.
Random Topics / Re: The General Musings of Falkie2013
December 12, 2016, 02:40:30 PM
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 12, 2016, 09:52:43 AM
Gentlemen! Keep an eye on your better halves. Joe Cool here will take her attention...The shades! Oh man...


Did I hear correctly? Falkie actually admits in this video not to send him actual Cat Food. What a despicable cunt suckle.
Random Topics / Re: Falkie and Heather Wade?
December 12, 2016, 08:22:52 AM
Random Topics / Re: The General Musings of Falkie2013
December 12, 2016, 08:22:08 AM
I was skeptical at first but I can't bear to see those furry pussies not being fed a nice juicy meal over and over again.

I'm in for $30. It must be spent directly on cat food. Is there a way MV can link it so that he gets a referral fee? That way we get to feed the kitties plus piss Falkie off as MV gets rich off of Falkie's destitution grift.
Quote from: Damonâ,,¢ on December 08, 2016, 08:16:13 PM

Here is the news from the SENDA MONSTER.

What a piece of shit this guy is. You'd think he'd lead with the Kathy Cancer thing instead of selfishly doing his picks first.

Falkie claims there was "no hitting" when Kathy came over which means that he confirms that in the past there was hitting.

Kathy just started to play a long con on Falkie. Cancer my butt. 
Random Topics / Re: The General Musings of Falkie2013
December 07, 2016, 04:54:46 PM
Quote from: Real_Troll_60K on December 07, 2016, 04:50:00 PM
So I decide to make a snarky comment about the resemblance of Kathy to Al Molinaro ("Al" from Arnold's malt shop on Happy Days) and needed a photo prop for comparison.  I go onto Google Images and plus in Al Molinaro and I'm looking at the pictures it returned, and I shit you not, this is a screen grab of part of the results:

Which got me to thinking...suppose that Jason is Kathy's brother?

It's even more fun to suppose that Jason is Kathy.
Random Topics / Re: The General Musings of Falkie2013
December 07, 2016, 04:40:40 PM
Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on December 07, 2016, 03:09:24 PM
Wonderful news from the Master!:
Note:  I have express written permission instruction to publish this.

Kathy - publish this please
Kathy just left.
We hugged and talked and she misses me.
She brought me some canned goods and loves the kitty christmas stocking I have on my front door.
I specifically asked her if Randall Venis has been calling her and/or dating her and she said NO and the same goes for Jason Callan.
She is not dating anyone and is willing to pay me for my computer and the evil
Ratty Patty has still not taken her to storage.
So much for the lies of Randy Penishead and Jason Callan.
Kathy loves to wear that Halloween shirt.
And her eyelid droops for some reason.
It is not deliberate.


I wonder if she wore the shirt to acknowledge and honor their anniversary date, which happens to also be their favorite holiday - Halloween.

Holy Cow. No friggin wonder his tiny pecker can't raise the flag. Falkie probably pined for the days of prison rapey rather than hit that.
Random Topics / Re: The General Musings of Falkie2013
December 01, 2016, 10:05:42 PM
Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on October 07, 2015, 11:00:24 PM
Here you go, my friend.  Hopefully this will lay your doubts to rest.

No further word on Drone this evening.  As mentioned multiple times by way of phrases like "if that's where he's going," a visit to George's place in Martinez was based only on speculation on his wife's and my parts, and is NOT a foregone conclusion.  In addition, just because he was physically less than 5 hours away doesn't mean he was making a bee-line to go confront Falkie and Kathy!

A corroborating xray, ultrasound or MRI would go a long way to proving your story. All this photo proves is that perhaps at one time a spurned gay lover glassed you in the base of your neck during coitus.
Random Topics / Re: The General Musings of Falkie2013
November 25, 2016, 01:12:08 AM
Quote from: Evil Twin Of Zen on November 24, 2016, 11:48:22 PM
it would be worth millions to make a web series about this whole thing from the beginning. i'm talkin from page one of this thread. just what the web world needs... a web series about a very weird reality.
the problem is.... if it was done and it did make millions.... Senda would get his cut and have us all killed by the mob.  ;D

I believe the SF Redbook prequel would be quite saucy and might not even qualify for an R rating.
Quote from: KevinIsAHybrid on November 22, 2016, 05:49:47 PM


Philippine mythologies are real. I am Filipino Canadian. Art Bell's wife is Filipino.

The Reptilians who control our world are Philippine vampires, aswangs. A caller mentioned beings during Art Bell's show.


I saw who won. Both candidates serve the tyrannical global elite. The environment is being ruined. Earth has two forms, Gaia and Medea. Gaia is good to life; Medea destroys life.

Repent bellgabbers and anyone who reads this thread.

The aliens communicate with me!

I'm scared. I'm afraid of becoming known by the human race, otherwise I shall become like Hottentot Venus and Dave Chappelle and Falkie. Mocked.

Everything is Illuminati. I am free in the mind!

I will not go on forums has much as I used to. I am afraid of becoming a sheeple.

I am sick of the human race. It would be nice if the evil humans went extinct. I am in the wilderness now with my friends, the animals.

Racism is on the rise but it is foolish to be racist for all humans are equal. I am Filipino Canadian. There is a creation story in Philippine mythology that states all human races are equal.


An excerpt:

How the World Was Made

This is the ancient Filipino account of the creation.

Thousands of years ago there was no land nor sun nor moon nor stars, and the world was only a great sea of water, above which stretched the sky. The water was the kingdom of the god Maguayan, and the sky was ruled by the great god Captan.

Maguayan had a daughter called Lidagat, the sea, and Captan had a son known as Lihangin, the wind. The gods agreed to the marriage of their children, so the sea became the bride of the wind.

Three sons and a daughter were born to them. The sons were called Licalibutan, Liadlao, and Libulan; and the daughter received the name of Lisuga.

Licalibutan had a body of rock and was strong and brave; Liadlao was formed of gold and was always happy; Libulan was made of copper and was weak and timid; and the beautiful Lisuga had a body of pure silver and was sweet and gentle. Their parents were very fond of them, and nothing was wanting to make them happy.

After a time Lihangin died and left the control of the winds to his eldest son Licalibutan. The faithful wife Lidagat soon followed her husband, and the children, now grown up, were left without father or mother. However, their grandfathers, Captan and Maguayan, took care of them and guarded them from all evil.

After a time, Licalibutan, proud of his power over the winds, resolved to gain more power, and asked his brothers to join him in an attack on Captan in the sky above. At first they refused; but when Licalibutan became angry with them, the amiable Liadlao, not wishing to offend his brother, agreed to help. Then together they induced the timid Libulan to join in the plan.

When all was ready the three brothers rushed at the sky, but they could not beat down the gates of steel that guarded the entrance. Then Licalibutan let loose the strongest winds and blew the bars in every direction. The brothers rushed into the opening, but were met by the angry god Captan. So terrible did he look that they turned and ran in terror; but Captan, furious at the destruction of his gates, sent three bolts of lightning after them.

The first struck the copper Libulan and melted him into a ball. The second struck the golden Liadlao, and he too was melted. The third bolt struck Licalibutan, and his rocky body broke into many pieces and fell into the sea. So huge was he that parts of his body stuck out above the water and became what is known as land.

In the meantime the gentle Lisuga had missed her brothers and started to look for them. She went toward the sky, but as she approached the broken gates, Captan, blind with anger, struck her too with lightning, and her silver body broke into thousands of pieces.

Captan then came down from the sky and tore the sea apart, calling on Maguayan to come to him and accusing him of ordering the attack on the sky. Soon Maguayan appeared and answered that he knew nothing of the plot as he had been asleep far down in the sea.

After a time he succeeded in calming the angry Captan. Together they wept at the loss of their grandchildren, especially the gentle and beautiful Lisuga; but with all their power they could not restore the dead to life. However, they gave to each body a beautiful light that will shine forever.

And so it was that golden Liadlao became the sun, and copper Libulan the moon, while the thousands of pieces of silver Lisuga shine as the stars of heaven. To wicked Licalibutan the gods gave no light, but resolved to make his body support a new race of people. So Captan gave Maguayan a seed, and he planted it on the land, which, as you will remember, was part of Licalibutan's huge body.

Soon a bamboo tree grew up, and from the hollow of one of its branches a man and a woman came out. The man's name was Sicalac, and the woman was called Sicabay. They were the parents of the human race. Their first child was a son whom they called Libo; afterwards they had a daughter who was known as Saman. Pandaguan was a younger son and he had a son called Arion.

Pandaguan was very clever and invented a trap to catch fish. The very first thing he caught was a huge shark. When he brought it to land, it looked so great and fierce that he thought it was surely a god, and he at once ordered his people to worship it. Soon all gathered around and began to sing and pray to the shark. Suddenly the sky and sea opened, and the gods came out and ordered Pandaguan to throw the shark back into the sea and to worship none but them.

All were afraid except Pandaguan. He grew very bold and answered that the shark was as big as the gods, and that since he had been able to overpower it he would also be able to conquer the gods. Then Captan, hearing this, struck Pandaguan with a small thunderbolt, for he did not wish to kill him but merely to teach him a lesson. Then he and Maguayan decided to punish these people by scattering them over the earth, so they carried some to one land and some to another. Many children were afterwards born, and thus the earth became inhabited in all parts.

Pandaguan did not die. After lying on the ground for thirty days he regained his strength, but his body was blackened from the lightning, and all his descendants ever since that day have been black.

His first son, Arion, was taken north, but as he had been born before his father's punishment he did not lose his color, and all his people therefore are white.

Libo and Saman were carried south, where the hot sun scorched their bodies and caused all their descendants to be of a brown color.

A son of Saman and a daughter of Sicalac were carried east, where the land at first was so lacking in food that they were compelled to eat clay. On this account their children and their children's children have always been yellow in color.

And so the world came to be made and peopled. The sun and moon shine in the sky, and the beautiful stars light up the night. All over the land, on the body of the envious Licalibutan, the children of' Sicalac and Sicabay have grown great in numbers. May they live forever in peace and brotherly love!

I have a question. HOW DID PRE-SPANISH ERA FILIPINOS KNOW THAT WHITE PEOPLE ARE IN THE NORTH, AND BROWN PEOPLE ARE IN THE SOUTH and YELLOW people are in the east? In fact, how did they know that there are even White and Black people on this earth long before they were met by the Spanish? If they made up this story with pure native creativity, why didnt they say its Blue or Pink people?

That is really something amazing. 

cl2008 is offline   

In fact, how did they know that there are even White and Black people on this earth long before they were met by the Spanish? If they made up this story with pure native creativity, why didnt they say its Blue or Pink people?

That is really something amazing.

I will go on Bellgab only after several days because I receive sacred shamanistic knowledge!

Goodbye for now. I am going back to the wild.

You lost all credibility at the mention of Falkie.
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