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Messages - steelbot

Sounds like a fake call!
Loving The Willie :P

Did I hear Art snicker a Bleeve!
Congrats Redacted on the Job! - Always nice to see some fresh ideas, hope your talents provide you with greater opportunities, and help Art in this digital world!

kinda cool actually how much influence this board has given in Arts new found travels.  Gotta love it!! keep on rocking everyone.
TOked, Stoked, headphones on in - bed - just wanted to say hey to all you vaguely loveables! :))
well going to get in the bed here - still enjoying the show - but gone from the board - enjoy the show tonight folks!
Quote from: GravitySucks on July 29, 2015, 11:15:25 PM
iPhone LTE cellular link.  Using the TuneIn app.
try tunemark if you can find it and input the address manually...
maybe just search for "shoutcast" on app store, and even try the winamp / shoutcast player and type in the address...just did and it's working no problems on my phone....ios 6plus LTE at&t...
Quote from: sydtron on July 29, 2015, 11:14:26 PM
Sometimes I have dreams about the town I live in. The places are familiar, but the buildings are different.   Sometimes the buildings are like from the Jetsons.
wasn't that Casio's call-in to Art!
Quote from: Jorch Einstein on July 29, 2015, 11:13:38 PM
Yeah, he said he's a level 9 operating Thetan, and has met Xenu the Galactic Warlord on one of his astral jaunts.
I KNEW IT - probably getting ready to toss Tom Cruise's lost soul in a volcano somewhere!
Quote from: GravitySucks on July 29, 2015, 11:11:15 PM
Second night in a row that TuneIn went to buffering and I lost the show.  I think it was about the same time too.

Having that dial in to listen number is a great fallback.
mobile or pc?
the m3u file link (mp3) works on my mobiles and pc's using wmplayer right now , but works on vlc/winamp/foobar  - ios apps that let you input your own addresses
Quote from: AppealPlay on July 29, 2015, 11:02:42 PM
I feel like this character smokes a ton of pot.
Don't lump us in with this guy! :'(
Quote from: Quick Karl on July 29, 2015, 11:03:58 PM
Art could interview a brick and make it sound interesting!
HE DID interview Nooray once didn't he!
Looking hot MV - you working out to fit into that new Victoria Secrets eh! :) lol
Explication? so Lazaar was a better liar lol :)

But there are many places underground for the military of course, that's like standing on Everest saying, this is the tallest mountain! NO SHIT Capt. Obvious!
aight folks i would love to stay up but i gotta get some rest - stay good bell gabbers and toke and joke and give em hell!

Congrats MV!
Good to see :P you too Spinner!
Quote from: Hautex on July 23, 2015, 11:40:13 PM
WOW, talk about timing! Art's guest is talking about the same tech I mentioned last night that involved a craft I saw at the JPL facility at Edwards AFB on rocket site mountain in 1989. Was summoned by a customer to the site so a piece of support construction equipment could be built for use there.
Similarly described to me by my brother (in 92 from Edwards AFB as well) - saw some cool things in places that barely exist in my short time in the AF (8 1/2 years)
Quote from: WOTR on July 23, 2015, 11:37:27 PM
Can you imagine what Einstein would have accomplished with a computer?!?
That would be amazing - time travel back and hand him an iphone (or android/laptop/whatever) and it has service - he would probably figure everything out and vanish right after he says...watch this - pushes button on the screen and poof...he does say inhale the poof when i leave and i'm instantly given the answers to the universe too :).....ps this is some good smoke tonight  ;D
Quote from: HumanBeing on July 23, 2015, 11:26:56 PM

Yeah but GMC trucks don't alter the chemistry of the brain.
I Don't KNOW about that one lol - i've seen some real dickheads that drive trucks! lolololol j/k lol
Quote from: jazmunda on July 23, 2015, 11:23:35 PM
hey steelbot. Been driving so could not respond til now.

Art sounds amazing through my car stereo.
Yes Sir, No worries bud, we're all busy round the world and the cosmos here  8) Just feel like a newb again and getting back to reality of  Art being back on the Air!
Quote from: (Redacted) on July 23, 2015, 11:21:14 PM
Mind blown, pushing against the structure of time and space to continually accelerate.... (do with that what you will pervs) Now, how does one set a course?  Where would you go if you had warp drive?
Earth 2.0 to really see if it's all they're hyping - RIGHT away damnit set engines for Cruizin the stars!
Quote from: Juan Cena on July 23, 2015, 11:19:38 PM
Nassim sounds like he's using a computer modulator to alter his voice.
Quote from: zeebo on July 23, 2015, 11:18:09 PM
It's a theorized event but little is known about it as data is limited.
that avatar needs to be animated zeebo lol - Heya buddy! i'm only partially -stoned :)
Quote from: (Redacted) on July 23, 2015, 11:16:37 PM
Yes.  The warp drive.  They discovered it on accident.
....on star trek? lol or interstellar? i always get them two confused ! :))
Quote from: Sean92008 on July 23, 2015, 11:13:35 PM
Absolutely, the pipeline will kill some silver-spotted bug and, with that in mind, the agriculture of California is to die off.  Food prices will soar and crop land will go bad. 

The current administration seems to spend money in the most wasteful of places.  The bank bail outs and bond market support have done nothing but create a deeper hole.  :-(
I live in illinois, and the midwest surely grows a lot more soybean and corn and needs the water just the same, and def other crops in the region.  I don't think it's bad ideas to get water where it's needed, but sending it away from currently the best crop land on the planet to a "desert" seems ridiculous is all to me.
Quote from: Sean92008 on July 23, 2015, 11:07:24 PM
Pole flip:  Stripper move where she changes her orientation 180 degrees...

People who believe in "man made global warming" need to figure out that pole shift/pole flip changes the jet streams... 

Once they do, they'll figure out that taxing our way to pollution purity is not the answer but preparing our grid and adding pipelines for water distribution nationwide is necessary.

sean in carlsbad
Sorry but giving you my water from the mississippi or great lakes -isn't happening, why should we give you water lol you've dried every other bit of it :)) lol totally j/k but it's a Pipe Dream i think that the nation will build that.
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