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Messages - Mystery43

the thing that bugs me when LMH is on is that it sounds like she pre-recorded her interview.. does she? Sounds like she plays a tape of herself talking ... IDK.. her voice bugs me.. but she does have some good information sometimes..
Turkey right? They talked about this on Ancient Aliens (can't remember which episode) and then LMH was just on Coast to Coast talking about it with GN... Can't really stand her voice so I wasn't paying close attention but it's one of the oldest sites they've found and also very strange that it was buried about 600 years after it was built... buried on purpose.. we still don't know anything about it though. All speculation.. but very interesting. I think there is still a lot more yet to be uncovered.
Hi Everyone! Just found this forum when I was browsing for best coast to coast interviews..  I live in CA so I listen to coast to coast at work.. yes I actually PAY to listen to GN. ha! Actually I mostly listen to the archived stuff... a lot of the new stuff makes me very sleepyyyyyy. I really like Ian Punnet and George Knapp though. Okay that's all for now! ;D
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