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Messages - rob69

Quote from: ziznak on July 06, 2012, 08:06:17 PM
You wouldn't happen to be involved in some sort of bigfoot organization would you??  I'm smelling some beef here that's VERY well cooked...

No.  I guess my links weren't legitimate enough for you?  Are you a relative of Paulides?  I'm smelling an apologist who may be related to David. 
Quote from: McPhallus on July 06, 2012, 06:35:16 PM
I think the question is do you have any kind of connection to Paulides (personal contact, colleague, etc).  Full disclosure, and all that.

No I don't, never met the man.  What kind of full disclosure are you looking for?   

To further solidify my argument that he is a liar, here are a few links that I couldn't put in the Amazon review, due to site rules.

Link to the SJ Police and Fire retirement Board's vote to award Paulides a 16.5 year deferred vesting in 2011.  Does that sound like he retired with 20 years of service? 


San Jose Mercury news archive with an excerpt of the high points, the full article is available to paying members.   



Article 6 of 18, Article ID: 9612250160
Published on December 21, 1996, San Jose Mercury News (CA)
When a veteran San Jose police officer began soliciting celebrity autographs on city stationery, he wound up with more than just a friendly letter from singer Lionel Richie to hang on his wall. He also got an arrest warrant last week charging him with a misdemeanor count of falsely soliciting for charity - a crime for which he could face a year in jail. Officer David Paul Paulides, 40, aroused suspicions after he was seen using city stationery on the departments

Or another source archive.  December 21, 1996

It is possible that there was another David Paul Paulides that worked for the San Jose Police Department at the same time and these two are totally independent of each other, but really, what are the odds? 

Someone brought up the issue that no one else has questioned his background.  I beg to disagree, there are all kind of issues being brought up with Mr. Paulides.  Here is a link to a review of his "Hoopa Project".  I find it interesting that the same lack of fact checking was also found in this book as well. 


And here:


Finally, what does my perceived relationship with Paulides have to do with my review of his book?  My facts were well documented, annotated and articulated.  If it was ranting, without having read the book like some of the commenter's, then I can see a point being raised.  Everything I stated was accurate.  Paulides is a LIAR, and a CON MAN and he lost his Police job because of it.  His books facts' are cherry picked and cobbled together to make his theory fit, and the "facts" lack any serious fact checking. 


Quote from: Lovely Bones on July 05, 2012, 09:20:13 AM
[bolding mine]

I'm tempted to think ol' Robert just might have some chip on his shoulder with regard to Paulides because of some personal interaction with him.  Maybe Paulides got the promotion he wanted or the girl he wanted.  Who knows?  But until Robert can provide some credible evidence to back up his assertions, I think I'll just keep his charges on the back burner and continue to be intrigued by Paulides' stories of these disappearances.

Firstly, to clarify a point here, the only chip on my shoulder is the fact that he is selling this garbage as factual.  90% of missing people, who are found dead, are found with articles of clothing missing, especially if they were out in the elements for any duration of time.  Paulides outright refuses to acknowledge this! 

Secondly, what credible evidence do you need to back up my assertions?  Are you one to say that newspaper articles about his arrest and indictment are planted?  Are you also saying that the San Jose City Police and Fire retirement board’s minutes are also planted?     
Quote from: Sardondi on June 26, 2012, 12:04:00 PM
I think it was a fantastic show, perhaps a classic. As far as being fun, I probably would have thought of it as "fun" in a spooky campfire tale way before I knew the details. (I had heard Paulides on at least one previous show, and I see he has appeared 5 times since 2008!) But hearing Paulides' chilling stories of toddlers and kids being snatched from a few yards away, without a trace; and how the families were so devastated by the lack of expected evidence and the anomalous findings, such as clothes and artifacts at distances which no child of the particular age could have covered on foot, or across ground that child could not have covered, I viewed it as much more tragic and sad than fun.

I too found Paulides persuasive and reliable. The way he has laid it out, he has either exposed a national disgrace, or he's a despicable, lying, con man. As far as the Dept of Interior's policy of keeping no records of details of searches, that story is literally "in-credible" on its face. It's an obvious falsehood, because big searches...which these certainly were...take an enormous outlay of manpower (which means hours and money), as well as allocation of and accounting for wear and tear on equipment. These things must be accounted for. For any one of these kind of anomalous missing person case, there is a large outlay of time and effort. A lot of park rangers are involved, with airplanes and numerous vehicles used, along with fuel and oil and maintenance to keep them running. On top of that when it comes to large equipment such as vehicles and especially aircraft, very precise records much be logged as to time/mileage expended on a particular date. And surely there will be some paper to reflect that several hundred Green Berets were in the Park, armed to the teeth.

So in a big search there will certainly be records of an accounting of how many employees were involved, how much overtime paid and how charged off. And even how many volunteers, because although not paid, volunteers have to be fed and lodged and often equipped, and a record of that would exist. Then there would be aircraft and large vehicle log books of hours burned on what dates (which would probably include a reference to a search by name of the missing person, e.g. "Johnson Boy Search" if nothing more) as well as some sort of budgeting/accounting records.

Now the DoI could conceivably get by without recording all the details of a missing person case and search (maybe not even names), or the unusual and anomalous factors involved...but I don't believe it. And with the department-wide policy of Interior being to stonewall on these things, there will be no way for a citizen to make them give it up. The only way I see it happening is if the US Attorney's Office (in effect the federal D.A.) in the particular district that the Park is in, begins a grand-jury investigation. In this case it would be difficult, since the US Attorney has to have a federal investigative agency "on board" and handling the street work. Here the only agencies with jurisdiction in the case, Interior and FBI, have both shown, let us say, "a lack of candor" in the matter. IMO it would take a US Attorney who knew a family involved in one of the disappearances for an investigation to be undertaken.

You sir hit the nail on the head with Paulides.  He is a con man and a fraud.  I conducted my own fact checking on this Ass Clown and wrote a lengthy review on Amazon.  I don't see the point of re posting a 5000 word essay here, but his research and credability are less than desirable.
Archive of Old Threads / C2C mp3 show sites
January 22, 2012, 06:01:17 AM
Just in case you are not aware of these: 
Coast mp3 archive sites:  If you’re interested and don’t already know about these, the anomaly site is back up and rebuilding content and the hidden vault has mostly stuff you can get on the torrents.  Enjoy.
"Bugs" was ousted a few years back.  His real name is Ed Hale of Wellington, Texas.  He is the owner of Plains Radio.  A rather astute individual came across a You tube ranting of his which sounded eerily similar to the Art Bell Bugs'.  He also noticed that he (Ed) had a photo bucket account under the name “bugshale”.  When Ed was confronted about this he semi confessed on his show, buy said the story was true.  Google Ed hale Bigfoot and quite a bit comes up, including the disposition of the bodies.  You be the judge. 
Back in the middle to late 90's Art made an ancillary comment to a caller, that he had a Ouija board that was torn up and thrown in the trash and deposited in a can outside of his house.  The next morning he woke up and the "thing" was back inside reassembled.  That was the only mention I can remember of him making about his experience.  If I had a similar experience, I don’t think I’d want to talk about it either. 
Quote from: Michael Vandeven on September 10, 2011, 12:55:34 AM
Have you tried demonoid.me? That's where I'd start. I'd be happy to give u an invitation code if u need one. That goes for anyone else, too.

Sent from my DROIDX

MV I would appreciate an invite code.  I am finalizing my collection you helped me with a while back.  Many thanks, Robert
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