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Messages - Stellar

Random Topics / Re: Coronavirus 2020
January 04, 2021, 02:24:36 PM
I wonder how long this covid conspiracy will last so we can stop doing the safety dance.

Random Topics / Re: Coronavirus 2020
December 30, 2020, 12:22:39 PM
Vaccinated U.S. nurse contracts COVID-19, expert says Pfizer shot needed more time to work: ABC

- A nurse in California tested positive for COVID-19 more than a week after receiving Pfizer Inc's vaccine, an ABC News affiliate reported bit.ly/2L8iBel on Tuesday, but a medical expert said the body needs more time to build up protection.

QuoteDon't complain about your Bill Gates Mutated Proteins they make you sick its mRNA madness.

Random Topics / Re: Coronavirus 2020
December 30, 2020, 02:06:06 AM
Quote from: albrecht on December 29, 2020, 04:48:42 PM
Can anyone translate Cyrillic and symbols on the garb? Stellar?


The Cyrillic reads:

QuoteCharles Manson is Helter Skelter who drank the coolaid and loves covid we are all dead.  son of a bitch

Politics / Re: Nashville Christmas Day explosion
December 25, 2020, 06:00:59 PM
Proud Boys are terrorists:
Politics / Re: Nashville Christmas Day explosion
December 25, 2020, 05:56:53 PM
Quote from: Stellar on December 25, 2020, 04:57:48 PM
#This smells like Proud Boys eh over Trump losing and the soon inauguration.

Politics / Re: Nashville Christmas Day explosion
December 25, 2020, 04:57:48 PM
#This smells like Proud Boys eh over Trump losing and the soon inauguration.
Well I managed to make another vid from the wav file I uploaded here.  It appears that there is a message in the Fast Radio Burst 121102 and I believe it came from Alpha Centauri.  What is evident is the quote, "Negative Gady, You're not going to eliminate!".  Now if you research the mRNA Gady has something to do with the mRNA proteins nucleotides.

Quote from: Innerreach on December 23, 2020, 09:24:40 PM
I'm sorry, you must be under the impression that I'm tantalized by your remarks and that I desire to reciprocate with you further on this matter.


All in good fun lol pal
Quote from: Innerreach on December 23, 2020, 09:06:12 PM
Yes, yes I am.

So Innerreach you admit Trump sodomizes your mind daily.  You know God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah so you and Trump are now destroyed!


Wow so your in bed with God, Jesus Juice & Trump get a reach around and I hope Putin does not piss all over you!

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 23, 2020, 07:19:20 PM

Keep going, Mr. President! ;D

Ok I just realized I'm dealing with someone like who just does not give a shit endofstory

Trump issues 26 new pardons, including ones for Stone, Manafort and Charles Kushner
Washington (CNN) President Donald Trump on Wednesday evening announced 26 new pardons, including ones for longtime ally Roger Stone, former ...
16 minutes ago
Trump Gives Clemency to More Allies, Including Manafort, Stone and Charles Kushner
President Trump doled out clemency to a new group of loyalists on Wednesday, wiping away convictions and sentences as he aggressively employed his power ...
The New York Times
43 minutes ago
Trump issues 26 more pardons, including Paul Manafort, Roger Stone and Charles Kushner
WASHINGTON â€" President Donald Trump issued 26 pardons and three commutations to loyalists Wednesday evening, in the final weeks of his presidency.
8 minutes ago
Trump issues new wave of pardons, commutations
Just before heading to his private club in Palm Beach for Christmas Wednesday, President Trump issued a new wave of 26 pardons and three commutations.
Fox News
23 minutes ago
Trump pardons Paul Manafort, Roger Stone and Charles Kushner
President Trump granted full pardons to 26 more people on Wednesday night, including his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, longtime associate Roger ...
52 minutes ago

Scrolling through more about "Negative Gady, your not going to eliminate",a quote from the ominous Dr. Grey I will call him.  This is what I believe Dr. Grey is referring too.


A very dangerous bacteria which I believe Dr. Grey suggests that once the mRNA is injected with the Gram-negative (Pseudomonas aeruginosa), the repercussions are irreversible.

Quote from: Stellar on December 23, 2020, 04:31:06 PM
Remember when I posted that aliens broadcast a possible virus and I went on to theorize it was really from Alpha Centauri about 4.2 light years from our Sun which may retain a viable high tech society of aliens.  Here is the message I decoded!

"Negative Gady, you hate me, your not going to eliminate, TTDE.  Why did you kill me?  I'm just kidding!"

For some reason Google Youtube censored it and the program I was using to decoded the signal started crashing my computer around the same time when they took down the video.  My computer was infected with malware and I lost the video so if anyone downloaded the video I was hoping they would upload it to youtube and post here so we can all listen to the alien voice.

Remember when I posted that aliens broadcast a possible virus and I went on to theorize it was really from Alpha Centauri about 4.2 light years from our Sun which may retain a viable high tech society of aliens.  Here is the message I decoded!

"Negative Gady, you hate me, your not going to eliminate, TTDE.  Why did you kill me?  I'm just kidding!"

For some reason Google Youtube censored it and the program I was using to decoded the signal started crashing my computer around the same time when they took down the video.  My computer was infected with malware and I lost the video so if anyone downloaded the video I was hoping they would upload it to youtube and post here so we can all listen to the alien voice.
Quote from: Stellar on February 02, 2020, 12:44:14 PM

Scrolling through more about "Negative Gady, your not going to eliminate",a quote from the ominous Dr. Grey I will call him.  This is what I believe Dr. Grey is referring too.


A very dangerous bacteria which I believe Dr. Grey suggests that once the mRNA is injected with the Gram-negative (Pseudomonas aeruginosa), the repercussions are irreversible.


More in the FRB 121102 Dr. Grey Transmission

"Negative Gady, you hate me, your not going to eliminate, TTDE.  Why did you kill me?  I'm just kidding!"

Remember when I posted that aliens broadcast a possible virus and I went on to theorize it was really from Alpha Centauri about 4.2 light years from our Sun which may retain a viable high tech society of aliens.  Here is the message I decoded!

"Negative Gady, you hate me, your not going to eliminate, TTDE.  Why did you kill me?  I'm just kidding!"

For some reason Google Youtube censored it and the program I was using to decoded the signal started crashing my computer around the same time when they took down the video.  My computer was infected with malware and I lost the video so if anyone downloaded the video I was hoping they would upload it to youtube and post here so we can all listen to the alien voice.
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 23, 2020, 03:50:48 PM
If Trump is given a second term freedom will continue to reign. If this Biden farce is allowed to continue the crackdowns won’t be far behind. Jail shouldn’t be your primary concern. You are familiar with the Clinton body count? It’s been growing. Violent communist DNC supported goons continue to invade this nation.

How can you say that when Trump has corrupted the pardon process.  A pardon should be handed out for when there is great and enormous doubt and a legal challenge for why a person who is probably innocent is incarcerated.  Yet Trump is using the pardon process like a bribe.

I'm using this as an example for Trump is a criminal and maybe a socio path who has sought to destroy the USA because he lost the election Trump is not patriotic, he is quite the opposite being a Treasonous person to the U.S government who maybe gave the keys to the hackers behind Homeland security hack.  That is speculation, but we don't know how much clearance he has and who pockets he is in with Russia.  Putin the Oligarch probably loaned him a ton $$ so Trump could invest now that he broke, he has other big things to offer Mother Russia get the point.  Trump is so far damaging the USA I think you really Dr MD MD might wish for a revolution, because you may not live in the USA.
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 23, 2020, 03:41:28 PM
How much time for what?

till we cannot voice our minds or risk get thrown in jail for an opinion which is non violent?
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 23, 2020, 03:36:05 PM
Give it time. ;)

Are you serious, because I think you are an insider who know shit.  How much time old friend?
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 22, 2020, 04:52:39 PM


Dr. MD MD,

We do not live in NAZI Germany nor Communist China, because you could not post your opinions against these government bodies without going to Prison if you were a a citizen there.  You can in the USA so therefore your unfounded grumbling comes from a deep seated root of something else in your mind.  We all hate this New World Order flu and I do not want to have my cells mutated with covid mRNA or its proteins.

I don't believe the covid-19 statistics there is something weird going on I agree, yet I happy I'm an American citizen.  By the way you Trump guy wished to up the anti from $600.00 on socialism by offering every citizen $2000.00 What are your thoughts.
Random Topics / Re: VAXXED!!!! Who will it be?
December 22, 2020, 11:57:37 AM
Quote from: WOTR on December 21, 2020, 11:49:56 PM
Sounds about right. You either have to start taking people out of the world, or make them so destitute that they cannot afford to buy energy if global warming is your thing. Of course, in our part of the world, no energy = no heat = fewer people.

They will outright tell you that is the point of a carbon tax- to make it too expensive for you to "waste" energy (of course, a poor rich person cannot be taxed that much- and a poor person already takes public transit and vacations in the public park next to their house rather than Hawaii and does not "waste" energy...) But I get a kick out of the people cheering the tax. It is always those who are rich enough that it will not impact their lives (at least for now.) I'm not talking Bill Gates- I'm talking the mid level idiot manager whose wife is a school teacher (or other public employee) who don't feel the impact of a tax and believe that the suffering of others will make the world a better place for their children.


What about when Bill Gates in the video says vaccines are used for population control?
Random Topics / Re: Corona Crap Stuff
December 21, 2020, 09:39:59 PM
Quote from: Jackstar on December 21, 2020, 05:47:55 PM
Let's wait for Stellar's analysis.

From the MIND FUCK CNN broadcast The Mutant Covid is 70% faster at spreading so be prepared to wear a a full diaper over your entire head and no the Wuhan wet Markets did not create Covid this flu has been blown out of proportion for new population control agenda.  The elite think all us useless eaters don't belong here only the wealthy elite do and we should have zero carbon emissions.

So wear your full diaper take your shots once a month and become a dead zombie in a year!
Random Topics / Re: VAXXED!!!! Who will it be?
December 21, 2020, 12:50:06 PM
@WOTR what do you think about Bill Gates in this video?

Random Topics / Re: VAXXED!!!! Who will it be?
December 21, 2020, 12:08:56 PM
Quote from: WOTR on December 21, 2020, 02:37:21 AM
Haha. That is a great ending statement.

Anyhow, the news has now told me that they know that the new variant of Covid is more infectious because 60% of the cases in London this month are the new strain.

Let's break that down. Thousands of cases this MONTH in a major transportation hub are the new strain. And we locked down now in an effort to contain it in London?

Fuck me. Do they honestly believe that we are that stupid? The new variant is already worldwide if there are that many cases in the span of a month. I would be interested to know how long this strain has been out there. I'm guessing at least since October. Interesting that every country and state has been experiencing climbing rates despite their draconian lockdowns the last month or so. I'm sure it is a fucking coincidence.

But yeah... Lock it down. That will help.  ::)

The new strain is from the vaccine is that possible?
Random Topics / Re: VAXXED!!!! Who will it be?
December 21, 2020, 12:07:54 PM
Quote from: ItsOver on December 21, 2020, 06:57:36 AM
Uh, oh.  What about being turned into a werewolf.  I’m pretty sure I don’t even want to be turned into Lon Chaney.

The new strain is from the vaccine is that possible?
Random Topics / Re: Masktards and Sheeple
December 15, 2020, 02:26:57 AM
Quote from: Tootsie on October 04, 2020, 02:40:59 PM

Tootsie this is the post of the year sad but true I nearly fell over laughing to death

Bill and Melinda Gates give another $70 million to COVID-19 vaccine development

Random Topics / Re: Coronavirus 2020
December 15, 2020, 01:59:25 AM
Bill Gates Admits mass murder with Vaccines
QuoteBill and Melinda Gates give another $70 million to COVID-19 vaccine development

Random Topics / Re: Coronavirus 2020
December 14, 2020, 11:17:29 PM
Bill Gates wants to control population:


They're Desperate, Pushing Vaccination

"I'll fire You Stephen Hahn, FDA Chief approve it" Trump

So this vaccine is rushed right.  Its a first to use a mRNA to overproduce protein.  I have heard its not a cure and you will need 1 or 2 additional shots.  I have read some articles where EMF can stress your cells.  Youtube is hyping the vaccine and it seems that almost every media outlet has gone on a Vaccine blitz and all this just leaves me suspicious.  Maybe all these deaths are related to a very bad flu but the statistics are fudged too.  I think its an extremely bad flu which kills like pneumonia and they call it covid.  Yet not every covid death was from covid in the hospital statistics ledger.

Now the governments of the World use to get rid of the youth and old through wars, but that destroyed their economies and so the New World Order has searched for a new depopulation mechanism.  That being 5g towers set to trigger at certain frequencies in the future after many people take the Covid-19 Vaccine.

I call this the great melt down of our cells which will have the Synthetic mRNA from Pfizer!

March 2021 will be a huge death toll on humanity guaranteed and that will be 3 months in after the vaccine.  So the government of the World excuse will be its Covid again and that's why people are dropping like flies but this will be unprecedented.  It is because of the great melt down due to 5g towers aligned with the vaccine.   Mark your calendars for March 31, 2021 and by then a very serious death toll will arise sorry to report this!

QuoteIn this study, we designed three mRNA vaccine candidates for COVID-19, and they encode various forms of antigens in vaccinated hosts (Fig. 1a). RQ3011-RBD encodes the receptor-binding domain of the S (spike) glycoprotein (residues 331â€"524) of SARS-CoV-2 with an N-terminal signal peptide and a C-terminal membrane-anchoring helix.


Random Topics / Re: Coronavirus 2020
December 12, 2020, 11:07:04 PM
Covid Vaccine u Fry with wifi mutant Proteins

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