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Messages - gnooryblows

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 13, 2015, 04:29:51 PM
Quote from: nbirnes on July 13, 2015, 04:06:52 PM
This. I lurk on Reddit every day, but have no idea how to proceed here or what to do. Can we start fresh with some directions so that the entire firepower (heh) of Bellgab can make sure the AMA goes well?

1. What are the links that we go to, and when?
2. Is there prep-work needed before? (registration, make posts now, upvote stuff?)
3. If we should tweet/FB/etc.  -- when and what do we say? Promote links from #1?
4. Can the knowledgeable folk please call in to Bella-Haven tonight and help?

I have never really warmed up to AMAs because they seem so confusing. Is it suicide for Art to attempt this with a cel phone?

i cant call into bellhaven or whatever but i am a hardcore redditor, if you have questions i am happy to try to answer them. tomorrow, around 6:30PM EST you want to go to www.reddit.com/r/iama. you want to find arts thread where he says something along the lines of 'hello reddit, i am art bell, late night radio host, ask me anything' (hopefully he will come up with a more catchy headline than that) and simply ask him anything you want.

you do need to register for a reddit account, which is absurdly easy, takes about 30 seconds, and doesnt even require an email address. its more navigating the interface and understanding the formatting systems that people have problems with on reddit.

nothing is stopping anybody form tweeting or promoting it outside of reddit but if you want to promote it from within reddit, you want to click on the little 'up-arrow' next to arts thread. this will increase his visibility on the site. if art gets enough upvotes, his thread could end up on the front page of the site, which is significant because reddit gets over 160 million unique views monthly. this may or may not happen but either way upvoting the content is going to be beneficial to him if thats what you want.

and if you hate art bell, you downvote him into oblivion.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 13, 2015, 04:13:39 PM
Quote from: Jackstar on July 13, 2015, 03:59:16 PM
I just scrollwheel'd through the last ninety minutes of your lives and I'm totally not concerned about Reddit.

you didnt even see the messages i just had to write to about 10 n00b users, every single one of them with account that said it was created '1 hour ago' trying to expalin to them that im not art bell. honestly, its not my fault if people genuinely cant use reddit but i wouldnt want someone to end up hating art and have that be on me.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 13, 2015, 03:56:25 PM
Quote from: SaucyRossy on July 13, 2015, 03:51:04 PM

This is why I said it would confuse people but it should be all good now.

yes dude, i saw all of those questions, they flooded into my inbox after the FB post was made. i immediately knew something like that had happened because i know somebody who found that post through reddit and not an outside source would know how reddit works lol.

like i said, im messaging them all, dont worry lol

also, i even put the edit up at the top of the screen in bold now, so the whole post is literally just an advertisement for the AMA now lol. i dont think its a bad thing at all lol considering its pretty high up on /r/iama's front page right now
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 13, 2015, 03:50:38 PM
Quote from: SaucyRossy on July 13, 2015, 03:48:02 PM

Nope you're right, don't delete it. I hadn't seen your edited post with you pointing to the correct place for the AMA.

What can be a huge help is tomorrow when the AMA is live you edit it to post a link to the AMA at the top of the post. I was simply trying to make things simple for all involved. I apologize.

ok dude. i will edit the post tomm again and i will even message everyone who asked a question on that thread to explain the situation to them if thats something you are worried about lol. just because i had an issue on this forum in the past and i dont want to have another one.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 13, 2015, 03:49:12 PM
Quote from: starrmtn001 on July 13, 2015, 03:45:29 PM
And you're the Reddit Guru???  Back off bubba.  You're ASSistance is not required.

i dont offer my assistance bro, i posted the request thread there because i heard he was doing an AMA in /r/paranormal and i wanted to see it in /r/iama because its a much bigger sub and i thought it would make for a more interesting read.

but that said, why people want me to take down free and effective advertising, i dont understand. but again, i will do it if saucy says i should because he at least seems to understand reddit and how it works and i dont want to be a bad guy here.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 13, 2015, 03:47:35 PM
im just saying there are literally now thousands of people clicking on that thread and seeing 'wow, art bell is going to be doing an ama here tomorrow' who otherwise would have totally missed his little, smallfont name on the side-bar.

i dunno why you want me to delete it just because there was a mistake in the facebook thing.

if you want, i will personally message everyone who asked a question on that thread because of the FB message and explain the situation to them JUST to avoid being thought of as a bad guy and if you guys still really want me to take it down i actually will but you should stop and actually consider because REDDITORS know the difference between an 'ama request'and a actual ama and its not confusing for them in the least, and they are the ones who are seeing it.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 13, 2015, 03:43:11 PM
saucyrossy be real. he deleted his fb. now, if YOU PERSONALLY REEEEEEAAALY want me to delete that AMA request thread, i will. but think about it first. because right now there is just a little box on the right hand sidebar on the screen that says 'art bell' on the calendar. very discreet. doesnt grab your eye. but my thread is all voted up to the front page of /r/iama which has 8.6 million subscribers.

soooooo thats an awful lot more visibility and basically free advertizing for arts ama.

so why are you spazzing out telling me to delete it, i dunno
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 13, 2015, 03:40:36 PM
Quote from: SaucyRossy on July 13, 2015, 03:38:37 PM

Last time ill ask, because I can see that it's fruitless.

There will be THOUSANDS of Facebook people going to reddit for the FIRST time and searching for Art Bell and posting on your thread or upvoting it simply because they think your post is the official AMA, this will cause confusion and disappointment.

dude you need to chill art already deleted that facebook and made another one stating that that wasnt what was up.

what do you want me to do. its not my fault if people dont know how to use reddit.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 13, 2015, 03:39:14 PM
Quote from: starrmtn001 on July 13, 2015, 03:37:33 PM
Hey Rossy! ;D   Is that gnooryblows a dave-bot?  He kinda smells like one.

omg yeah ok fuck this place goodbye again
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 13, 2015, 03:37:49 PM
Quote from: SaucyRossy on July 13, 2015, 03:32:53 PM

No dude. It is going to hurt things. It's going too confuse way too many people. There are going to be thousands of people going to reddit from facebook for the first time who have no clue that your post isn't where they should ask their question. They will ask their question and then be upset when it never gets answered. So again, DO NOT TELL PEOPLE TO GO TO YOUR POST.
If you need upvotes, post a cat picture.

dude are you serious? i didnt 'tell anybody to go to my post'. i cant help art made a FB post about. reddit is confusing to non-redditors. but if you dont bring outsiders in from facebook then its just redditors that see the post, which is how the site is supposed to be used. and redditors know exactly what that post is and means.

so no, its not confusing or going to hurt things, go take a cool bath bro
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 13, 2015, 03:36:17 PM
Quote from: SaucyRossy on July 13, 2015, 03:28:21 PM

At this point, it'd be really helpful if you either edited that post to reflect this message or outright delete it. There's been a lot of mixed messages that has confused people and we are trying to keep things simple and streamlined.

yes it was already edited, but its not creating any confusion to any redditor that sees it other than the FB post that was made.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 13, 2015, 03:23:28 PM
yo, to anyone who is posting on that AMA request thread on reddit. thats not the AMA. its not going to do any good to post to or upvote that thread. that thread was created before it was announced art would be doing an AMA there and it was only a request i made to him / the mods / everyone that it be allowed to happen.

reddit is goddamn confusing, i understand that, THAT is not the thread you want to upvote though. tomorrow when his AMA thread goes live, THATS the thread you want to ask questions on and upvote, which will increase its visibility.

edit : i mean its not like its going to hurt him if you upvote that thread because technically getting your name out there is getting your name out there, but the important one is the one that gets created tomorrow so if you want to upvote one and ask a question, make sure its on that one.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 13, 2015, 03:13:34 AM
Quote from: SaucyRossy on July 13, 2015, 03:12:01 AM


It is still scheduled for the same day and time. Tuesday, July 14th, at 6:30 pm eastern/ 3:30 pm pacific

It will be added to the calendar on the IAMA sub soon. Thank you for your feedback and patience. It is better to have it on the official IAMA sub being that they do have 8.6 million subscribers.


yo did you see my post? i said 'its possible that saucy will hear back right after i make this post and then i will look stupid' or something like that........and thats exactly what happened. nice job anyhow.

its great to see it on the /r/iama sub thats such great exposure honestly
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 13, 2015, 03:09:31 AM
Quote from: Art Bell on July 13, 2015, 02:40:36 AM
No problem, I am not all that great on this Social Media stuff but I understand it's power so I will stumble through it. I have never been on Reddit before.

I did make a picture with a sign, does this mean I have to make another one for a seperate area?

On another subject I do understand what it means to be a public person but I also know where the limits are. All this crap was propagated by Oates a long time ago and is exactly that, crap. So for the
most part I ignore it but as I said there are limits. I am sure that because I am about to come back on the air there will be more of this sort of dirt thrown around, I told you all I knew it was coming. I will handle it one way or the other. One thing I don't do is run scared, it's just not in my DNA.

I try not to pick fights but if hit, I will hit back.


i would make an account on reddit and submit the photo yourself. or at the VERY least give the photo to saucy and have him send it in to the mods at /r/iama. reddit mods are NOTORIOUSLY fickle and hard to deal with. their own CEO literally just had to resign at least due in part (among other things) to a recent revolt on the part of the websites mods.

its extremely possible that they may not be responding back to saucy because they dont like dealing with third parties. on the other hand, its possible saucy will hear back from them right after i make this post and then i will look stupid. on yet a third hand, they may have just missed the email entirely somehow. who knows.

if your sign says '/r/paranormal' on it, you would have to make another one, but if it says just 'hello reddit' then you are ok.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 13, 2015, 01:58:14 AM
if you guys want to all go here and upvote this

from r/IAmA


it will prob make it to the top of /r/iama and might be more likely to get the attention of the mods and whatnot

they made my think of 5 questions. my questions were shitty and werent really my questions, i just had to think of something.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 13, 2015, 01:46:43 AM
Quote from: Art Bell on July 13, 2015, 01:38:12 AM
I am at this point not going to Sue anybody. If anybody wants to know Ramona's cause of death it was natural and is available from the office in Las Vegas. If anybody wants to call me a Murderer I will indeed sue.

Now as for Reddit, I don't know anything about it and agreed to do it because I am trying to do my part as I have asked other people to help so I will not sit on my ass if I see some way to help. If there is a better place to be on that site I would rather see you all work together to get to it instead of fighting. I know most everybody is well intentioned and just needs to work together. Let's not get sidetracked over small stuff.

I type on my IPhone so it may not always be perfect but I think the thoughts still come across even if every bit I type is less then perfect.


dude i dont believe you murdered anyone, i have not accused you of anything, and i have said probably 100 times on this very forum, in response to that same dude, that i dont believe you did. i did, at one point, have a discussion about that on some thread here where i said it was suspicious, but like i said i was only regurgitating something that i had read, and i think it was pretty stupid of myself now.

it must be horrible being a public figure and having to deal with folks writing stuff like that about you. if you did want to sue me, you would only get the few dollars i make picking trash anyhow.

for what its worth i wrote a AMA request on /r/iama for you in order to try to get the attention of the mods / admins. they might want to hear from you personally (with a picture of you holding a sign that says 'hello reddit' for proof that its you) but im not sure. and /r/iama = reaching 8.6 million potential viewers rather than 70k who already know you and know that you are coming back to the radio.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 13, 2015, 01:33:33 AM
Quote from: phrodo on July 13, 2015, 01:31:47 AM
OK .. so evidently you are the lesser person. Gotcha. nice. FYI - you missed a chance to make everybody forget about it. cool.

fine, im the lesser person, whatever, but deleting this shit wont matter because he will just do it again next week or the next time i decide to post.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 13, 2015, 01:27:03 AM
Quote from: phrodo on July 13, 2015, 01:12:40 AM
Looks like he has taken his down -- now do the right thing and take down your rants and all will be well.. and I will delete my posts too. Quite frankly I had forgotten all about that stuff. No need reminding anyone ... let's all just be happy Art is coming back.

im not taking it down just because he deleted his his honestly, because he will do this bullshit again. he's been doing it for over a year now. often i dont even post because i dont want to listen to his BS instigating me and trying to get a lawsuit leveled against me. its unfortunate for art that this sensitive subject needs to be brought up right now but if this dude is honestly going to try to get a lawsuit started against me for whatever reason it needs to be brought out into the open and dealt with because otherwise this guy is just going to continue to follow me around bellgab doing the same shit.

i mean we are literally at a point now where has run to the art bell thread and said 'hey art, look what this dude said about you one time, look how he libeled you'. and basically, this is a serious threat to me because i know that art threatened to sue the guy who wrote the article that began this whole affair. not that i blame him for doing so one bit, but i dont see how i can be responsible for innocently, or admittedly perhaps ignorantly, reciting something that i read elsewhere.

so, i cant delete it, ive got to deal with it sorry and if this guy is going to run to art and tell him that im slandering or libeling him id rather be out in the open and upfront about it anyhow.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 13, 2015, 01:04:45 AM
Quote from: SciFiAuthor on July 13, 2015, 01:03:31 AM
Did a shit job of explaining it.

cool well im not a lawyer or a writer or any other articulate type of person.

i pick furniture out of the trash in the middle of the night and sell it on the internet.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 13, 2015, 01:02:21 AM
Quote from: SciFiAuthor on July 13, 2015, 01:00:54 AM
Asperger's much? Jesus man.

well, get accused of a crime, better be detailed in the explanation......sorry if its too detailed or something but thats the only way i could think to explain all of it.

i do not take somebody accusing me of a crime and literally trying to incite a lawsuit against me lightly. for all i know, art could hear his side of the story, if hes gonna start posting that shit here like he has elsewhere on the forum, and LITERALLY decide to bring a lawsuit against me
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 13, 2015, 12:59:51 AM
Quote from: chefist on July 13, 2015, 12:57:00 AM

yo, its really not something i want to bring up or discuss but if this piece of shit is going to follow me around and accuse me of libel right in front of the guy he claims im libeling i have to explain the situation. dont look at me, look at him.

i honestly have no idea why somebody would want to drag something like that on unless they are just sheer sadistic pieces of shit.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 13, 2015, 12:50:18 AM
Quote from: Daggit on July 13, 2015, 12:28:19 AM
I take it you've come back here to apologize to Art for the following libelous comments you have made about him.

I can't believe you would show your face here again you cretin.

fuck you asshole

ok, here, right here on the art bell thread.

art, if you read this, lets just clear the air right here.

i listened to you when i was a kid and couldnt sleep. i come from a hardcore religious background. you were the scary the guy who talked about 'devil things' on the radio late at night. you gave me nightmares, hundreds of them, literally. you were painted as the devil to me. i went to a catholic church. i was around 'JCish' people the whole first half of my life. you were considered the devil. an awful, evil, horrible man, sorry, thats how some christians think of you.

fast forward like 16 years or whatever and i look up your name on the internet to see what happened to you. i see that you retired, all that shit, i also see some articles on some websites saying that you killed your wife (which are now removed).

sorry. im sure thats a tough tough subject, and i would never bring it up except that this faggot with the username 'daggit' stalks me around this site and brings this up EVER _ SINGLE _ TIME _ I _ POST and claims ive libelled you. well, he doesnt care about the libel, he just cares about the trolling but its got to be dealt with at this point due to him and his actions.

anyhow, moving on, with my perception of you as the evil guy who talked about demons and demonic possessions and all of this stuff that was totally off limits to me as a child and was considered total taboo, i never thought twice and never questioned it. i also saw some posts about it another time on some other websites like www.godlikeproductions.com

heres just a random thread, maybe it was the one i saw, maybe it wasnt

anyhow, when DM started i came on the site and i made some comment about it not even thinking about it because its just what i had learned and never questioned. i got into a discussion about it at one point on this site and i had stated that i thought you killed your wife. i stated very clearly that i dont know you, dont know anything about you or what happened. that its not an accusation, that i just thought it was a weird situation and i thought that due to an article i had read elsewhere on the web. im sure you know what article im talking about because the author of said article wrote that you had threatened to sue him.

that was like almost 2 years ago now. now that ive listened to your show as an adult and took some time to actually stop and question that as an adult and recognize that you are a human being and probably not the satan spawn that the catholics made you out to be, i think its a silly thing to have said. youve got to understand its just something i heard and had read about you and never stopped to question.

i truly hope you dont threaten to sue me as mr. daggit here likes to claim you are going to do HOWEVER i honestly cant imagine that any court would hold up a decision against somebody just innocently reciting what he had already read on the internet especially when they were clear to state they had no idea what happened (thus making it not an accusation).

ive told him 100 times and there are posts in my history where i say over and over again i do not believe that such a thing happened and that i had only said it in the first place because its what i had read in some article on the internet somewhere. he goes on and on about it in the interest of creating drama.

i would submit a genuine apology to you but i would not give this faggot piece of shit 'daggit' the satisfaction considering he is the one who has been dragging this up EVERY GOD DAMN TIME I POST for the last year or so. and believe me, i have no desire to bring this up but he's pretty much left me no choice if he is here claiming i have libeled you (accusing me of a crime = actual libel) on your own thread where you will surely see it.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 13, 2015, 12:29:35 AM
Quote from: SaucyRossy on July 13, 2015, 12:26:06 AM

You're not pissing me off.

What you're doing though is typing here when you could be helping to contact the IAMA reddit mods and finding out how we set this up. I've tried, you try, one of us is bound to get a response. Either one of us does then we make it happen. Art is good to go either way.

And as I've previously stated, the paranormal mods are completely ok with us moving this to the IAMA sub, they will not be upset at all. They also are huge fans and want what's best for the show.

I want what's best for the show, let's make this happen. Help me out.

ok, i didnt want to go over your head but i was going to do that. i'll send them an email too if you think i should.
as far as stuff i havent heard TOO much of on coast and arts old shows

1) the dark net

2) timeslips and timeline switches. 'the mandella effect'

2) the notion that the universe is a giant simulation
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Bumper Music
July 13, 2015, 12:20:56 AM
couldnt think of an opening line more fitting than the one in this

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 13, 2015, 12:09:32 AM
Quote from: SaucyRossy on July 12, 2015, 11:41:09 PM

Ok, here's the low down.

I have messages out to the AMA mods asking about Art doing an AMA on their subreddit but I haven't heard anything back. I was afraid that we wouldn't hear anything back in time before the show.

So instead of people being a bit insulting. Please let's come together and help make this happen on the IAMA reddit. The mods of paranormal have already agreed that if IAMA gets back to me in time they will move the AMA over to there and not be offended.

So let's all work together on this.

dude im not trying to piss you off sorry if im rude but ama in /r/paranormal accomplishes literally nothing from a marketing standpoint.

shit, its not my show, i shouldnt even care, other than that im invested in that i want the show to rock and be successful because i want to be able to listen and enjoy it.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 12, 2015, 11:19:47 PM
Quote from: SaucyRossy on July 12, 2015, 09:44:48 PM
Here is the AMA announcement link!
from r/Paranormal


this is a major mistake. im a reddit user and /r/paranormal has about 70k subscribers. /r/iama (reddits real ama forum) has over 8 million. why in all hell wouldnt this get set up in the actual ama forum (who would gladly allow him to do so) where it will potentially reach 8 million users (more if it makes it to the front page of reddit).

everyone in /r/paranormal is already going to know about arts return.

art if you get a chance, you should remedy this because you are blowing a major chance to reach out to some potential new listeners and reddits real ama forum truly is a great forum for publicity thats why even hollywood a list actors use it.

whomever set this up is daft
Quote from: (Redacted) on February 26, 2015, 06:02:22 PM
I can post that here?

i dont care if you post it i meant to send you a PM but apparently i clicked on the mail button, its not my real personal email or anything, just one i use for dumb web forums
i didnt ASK you for anything, i OFFERED you golden showers for the right price. I am just salesman, peddling my wares. my wares happen to by my penis and urine, nothing more. if you were interested in them, i thought we could make a deal.
im not interested in money though. im thinking i will offer golden showers to anybody who will offer me blowjobs.
thats our deal, you (or anybody) gives me blowjobs, and i offer them golden showers in compensation.
Quote from: Evil Twin Of Zen on February 25, 2015, 09:59:57 PM
my new phrase to use instead of saying that i hate working with white people. thanks.  8)

i bet white people hate workin with you too
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