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Messages - steelbot

Technology / Re: 3D Monitors
March 02, 2014, 10:29:16 AM
Quote from: phrodo on February 23, 2014, 03:45:06 PM
Santa brought myself a 3D 1080p projector and 100" screen for Christmas and it's spectacular. Got a PC connected along with Blu-ray and can watch 3D discs and downloaded SBS and OU 3D movies too.
They are nice arent they - what is the projector model if you don't mind.
Technology / Re: Frikin' PC Games!
March 02, 2014, 10:27:49 AM
Quote from: General Johnson Jameson on August 13, 2013, 02:17:34 PM
Generals Zero Hour is the only one I care to play. And of course, being a C&C game, it has issues. I'm not able to log into the server lobby to even join or create a game. I haven't searched the forums for an answer yet, but I suppose there is one out there. I've bought so damn many different versions of this game for one reason or another (usually EA's fault) that who knows what I have ahead of me.

The most recent purchase of C&C of mine was the red label one, 17. It has all of the games to date, but, and it is a big but, you have to download each one via Origin and you have to be logged on to the net to be able to even play. When you buy the game at the store, ya, you get a disc, but much to my disappointment it was a motherfucking game music soundtrack. No game files. Fucked up eh?
I have all the C&C Games, and even went and repurchased some as recently as last year from EA - the Kane's return stuff, but the old games simply do not play without emulating a 95/98 enviroment.  They look for long gone winsock and communication over direct connect cable with terminators at the ends, it was such an archaic time for local networking.  Some of the newer games work, cause they suport tcp/ip connections, but still give problems based on the forced belief 33.6 or 56k would ever be the fastest internet available, and hardcoded numbers like this into the networking programming.  Then as we all know EA bought West Wood, and that was that - I hated the day they shut down Earth & Beyond.
Technology / Re: Frikin' PC Games!
March 02, 2014, 10:23:21 AM
Waiting for Titanfall to drop on 11th of March, that's gonna be a fun game for me.
Quote from: bateman on February 27, 2014, 08:38:35 PM


No damn dinosaurs please, they scare me and would def. cause havoc for us.
Quote from: Camazotz Automat on February 25, 2014, 12:30:19 AM
Excellent response. You bring up a good question. Why call it COSMOS in the first place? I assume it is to attract fans of the original, but the hardcore fans may not appreciate crammed video and CGI to nth power.

I'm hopeful nonetheless.

Worse case scenario, even if I hate it, I imagine it will still be light years ahead of  yet another "reality TV" series.

And FOX gets points for trying. Or Seth McFarlane gets points for talking FOX into it at all.

I agree, it will be strange not seeing the PBS logo. I'm also not looking forward to commercial interruptions.

I may really be getting into it and BAM!, a mattress store commercial...

So harsh to the buzz.

And yet, he will never dumb things down to the level of asking one to trust a tarot reading.

(I'm joking, Steelbot.  ;)  I appreciate the function of the tarot from a Jungian synchronistic aspect and value the represented archetypes, etc, and own several decks.)
:D Oh you never know, i bet I could get Neil to agree with me that he'd trust a tarot reading just as much as he would a "scientific" answer in regards to strange universal things that are otherwise unexplainable at least unless you've felt or been influenced by it.  But, I know you weren't taking a piss, I only meant "dumb" it down so to speak with how Sagan was really trying to sell it to the masses, and children in particular.  Neil has time and again taken up that mantle for PBS' Nova, and History's The Universe, at least in the few episodes he appears.  The show is being called Cosmos because Seth Macfarlane approached Carl Sagan's widow, Ann Druyan, and wanted to preserve the integrity of the experience Carl had dreamed of all those years ago.  Seth was able to see that a great deal of interest in bringing that style of show back to television still existed.  Neil's explained it podcast or interviews since the announcement that it isn't cosmos redone, but more of the next step in the cosmic journey Carl developed all those years ago.  I for one am looking forward to it and will enjoy it, as any other science show I love to explore, along with anything in the spiritual, alien, universe, or cosmic journey of my own!  ;D
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers, I wanted to let you all know my buddies daughter was able to enjoy a cheesetoasty and glass of milk today - first solid meal in a week.  But the better news is, the doctors have cleared her to come home possibly tomorrow.  Great news!  Again thank you all.
Quote from: Camazotz Automat on February 24, 2014, 05:43:15 PM
The reboot of COSMOS on Fox with Neil deGrasse Tyson looks like it might be good. 

Any thoughts, Agent : Orange? Or anyone else lurking here?

(btw, when cosmic strings were mentioned, my mind went to the Threadfalls on Pern. hahaha)
I can't wait to watch it.  I am interested only slightly in his sometimes dumb'ed down portrayal of the science, but Sagan did it too.  I'll watch and enjoy as anything with universe in the titles or having to do with it, gets my viewing.  Plus i don't mind Neil's way of selling it to people.  He's made it a very successful career.
Random Topics / Re: Best in the World
February 23, 2014, 10:28:59 AM
best or lucky ?  >:( ;D
Random Topics / Re: Tarot Reading Site recommendations
February 22, 2014, 05:38:28 PM
Well i did go to a couple of the quick sites and a couple others, I asked a few important questions, and the cards from the interpretations given were pretty on track with my life as a whole right now.  The Hermit has repeatedly come up time and again reversed or otherwise, and even in real life tarot sessions, the card has come up.  I liked the last one that gave a 6 card spread, and while yes my analytically mind often wants to play the same game too of rationalizing it, I've been recently trying to understand it all and now more than ever.  I liked another one i did that gave a nice retrospective to my astrology and warned of retrograde mercury.  I had this warning pop up early in retrograde and didn't heed it, instead i dismissed it and that is a huge mistake I must fix, I'm hoping once it settles, my thoughts wont be as clouded, and relationships, communication issues, work, any and all things important will once again become accessible.  I hate having to shelter in place and be unable to express myself sometimes, but you can't change the past or anyone elses for that matter, nor the will of the universe. 

Thanks Aldous btw for the call today, seeing the "ranchero de Raven" was nice, and good conversation about things.  I am glad we could have a break together! 

What can I say, I have a new appreciation for things and am trying to understand them better.
Random Topics / Re: Tarot Reading Site recommendations
February 22, 2014, 03:08:30 PM
Quote from: Unscreened Caller on February 22, 2014, 10:31:38 AM
I used to goof around with the Ryder Tarot deck in college, more as cheap entertainment  than anything else. But the deck itself was beautifully drawn, very handy for meditation, and so is the Sacred Circle deck on the second site.

Being a skeptic, I used the third site and had a holy crap! moment as it accurately reflected some things going on in my life at present. However, logic tells me that anyone who selected those particular cards will get the same reading, so does that mean we're all in similar circumstances? Well, no, but it was good for a few minutes entertainment.  ;)

I don't know about the divination part, but using the cards as a tool to meditate on a problem might give some insight.
Random Topics / Re: Tarot Reading Site recommendations
February 22, 2014, 03:07:30 PM
Quote from: eeieeyeoh on February 22, 2014, 10:25:02 AM
Didn't look for sites, because probably designed to look like sheep while trying to be in Little Red Riding Hood's Grandmother's bed. Besides, Major Ed Dames probably has a (tm) or copyright on that regarding predicting the future too. Also probably will open door for script kiddies.

Medicine is rather technically advanced regarding your cousin's daughter, if the Doctor treating illness began and continued medical education wanting to be good and help other people medically. Psychically it's probably better that you and those close to her be with her for talking and passing the time as much as possible till released from Hospital to go home again. Even the best Doctors aren't perfect though, but I hope good enough in that case for future adult adventures in life.

Thanks for your input, this was not for my friends daughter though from previous thread.  I was doing this for my own self.  She is doing well, still in ICU, but again that's only due to placement of surgery and being required to keep her on watch for a few days to ensure her stomach has healed shut. 

Random Topics / Tarot Reading Site recommendations
February 22, 2014, 04:20:47 AM
I've been looking to do a reading tonight and looking for some recommendations on sites that do free ones. 

I've stumbled on a few but before I take the plunge I wondered if anyone had better recommendations, or should I just try all three and compare results?? 


Thanks everyone, again not for me for them!!
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 21, 2014, 04:51:29 PM
Quote from: onan on February 21, 2014, 04:46:05 PM
nicely said man.

Hope all turns out well.
I think we're all guilty of taking things for granted, and not realising what we have until it's taken away.

Indeed and thank you both.
I would just like some help in sending good energy and thoughts/or prayers whatever your beliefs toward a couple of people who are in my heart/thoughts right now,  My (cousin)room mates daughter, she had to go in for emergency surgery Wednesday night/Thursday morning for a blockage in her intestine.  This is now the second time she's had this and she is in good spirits.  Still under careful watch due to location and being a very young woman.  I hope we could get some good energies flowing again toward her and her family.  Secondly, if you have ever had/have anyone special in your life, take them into your heart and mind, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and express your feelings for them.  You both may need it more than you realize sometimes.

Thanks folks,
Random Topics / Re: Whats Wrong With This Chick?
February 07, 2014, 08:20:43 AM
Quote from: area51drone on February 07, 2014, 07:29:42 AM
Now, let me ask you, what is wrong with this chick?

She took a selfie....her breasts look paid for (and the gold necklace) which would indicate to me high maintenance, insecure about her appearance, and loves money.  No thanks.
Technology / Re: imageshack alternative
February 06, 2014, 10:56:25 PM
i use imgur.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Dark Matter
February 06, 2014, 10:27:56 PM
Quote from: jazmunda on February 06, 2014, 10:19:48 PM
Art, if you are still reading these posts I would implore you to keep engaging with your fan base during this forced hiatus. You have 5,000 friends on Facebook and  nearly 10,000 followers on there. You should continue to engage this audience and there are other ways you can grow it without violating your NC. Surely you could blog through artbell.com. Daily, Weekly, Bi-Weekly or even Monthly updates of your opinions, thoughts, musing or whatever on any topics will be lapped up by your fans. Social media can be a powerful tool and many of your fans and followers will share or retweet your thoughts thereby reaching a wider audience. Don't be a stranger. You don't want to have to start the rebuild in 2 years time. Use the time you have now. Just my 2 cents.
I would only add an additional 2 cents to make up 4 total!! Making it now!!!  :D  :D  - But do this yourself too!, take your time if you wish, or get voice to dictation software if you don't think your hands can handle the typing daily, but it needs to be YOU and YOUR thoughts not something you relay to Keith.  Bless his soul he's good, but a lot of the web stuff and lets just be honest the dark matter memorabilia was shitty quality product that fell apart on a few people.  Take the time to do some better research, don't fall into the John B. Wells problem of having server issues the first night of your show online when you do return. 
Quote from: Paper*Boy on February 06, 2014, 03:04:34 PM

Wait, are we talking about Russia or the NSA's US?
Either/Or - but actually only Russia at this time.
Random Topics / Re: Whats Wrong With This Chick?
February 06, 2014, 02:51:41 PM
Quote from: b_dubb on February 06, 2014, 02:41:45 PM
I don't care for women who wear a ton of makeup.  Besides that hang up, I like all types.  I'm more attracted to personality and wit than anything else.  All right ... I have a weakness for a girl with a hot keister.  Does that make me a jerk?
nope, you just better wear gloves or you may get burnt!  ::)
Random Topics / Re: Whats Wrong With This Chick?
February 06, 2014, 02:50:08 PM
Quote from: area51drone on February 06, 2014, 02:42:32 PM
Steelbot, you are the only one who has seen what I look like.  Did you find me repulsive?

No, I don't think looks make a relationship.  I just think it's not a big deal if women want to make themselves look better.   That article implied, if it didn't outright state, that women shouldn't wear makeup.  That series of pictures that I posted a while back was from a video of this gal who said that it's a shame that magazines change how women look.  No it isn't.  It's what people want.  What's wrong with giving people what they want and wearing some makeup or doing  your hair, or wearing sexy clothes?  Nothing.
Well, as to your own appearance I don't recall man, i've smoked a lot of herb...(unless you look like bubbles lol)  as to the point about making themselves look better.  I agree if a woman CHOOSES to do it, who am i to complain one way or the other.  But I do not feel that any journalistic publication should print images of women that they wholeheartedly know were photoshopped without posting the true image as well or a disclaimer that actual person looks nothing like what you think she does...how is that impressive?  Hell even if they wanted to show what this woman looked like pre/post MAKEUP would be different than photoshopping, that's a WHOLE different topic of how the "desired look" of a woman by "men" brings them down into this world of eating disorders and depression over their looks.  I personally don't see the point of imaging women, then completely faking their looks to appeal to the masses point and simple.
Quote from: b_dubb on February 06, 2014, 02:37:48 PM
No disrespect to any/all vets here or anywhere else ... BUT ... military IT kind of makes me think of that old joke about "military intelligence".  And having worked at an Air Force base I'm surprised we aren't all speaking Chinese or Russian.
lol no disrespect taken  :P Having worked at an Air Force base (15 by my last count   ;)) i am EQUALLY surprised, especially since i was in a place to witness it firsthand.  We got hammered all the time daily (still do) on our firewalls by every nation on earth with internet.  Why, because we do exactly the same thing to them, unannounced of course.

I tend to think that the loopholes in place for other 3 lettered agencies to pilfer through, have probably been detected/used by other technical nations such as Russia and China.
Random Topics / Re: Whats Wrong With This Chick?
February 06, 2014, 02:36:19 PM
Quote from: area51drone on February 06, 2014, 02:25:46 PM
Good.  I hope that you do look your best at all times.  There is nothing wrong with being beautiful.   There is something wrong if you think you are and you aren't.
so catching up on the thread here....so what do we do?  Do we get rid of all the people that don't meet "your" level of criteria?

I would say to me a woman wearing makeup or not, isn't a determining factor in relationships.  I personally find women wear too much makeup to attempt to hide their own shortcomings.  Women I have dated that barely ever wore makeup were already attractive, thus their makeup use, while being done to make them "more attractive" doesn't take way from their attractiveness overall.  Nor would I choose a woman based squarely by her made up look.

Do you request your woman to put on makeup when she gets out of bed before waking you, so you don't have to have your eyes burned by her disgusting looks? lol  :o
Quote from: Uncle Duke on February 06, 2014, 01:47:27 PM
Is this the guy who plugged in the thumb driver he picked up as a "gimme" at the trade show?
hrm...not exactly sure on how he came into possession of said thumb drive, i was never able to interview the guy, i only had to do the backend work to detail that it was indeed him, his terminal, what had been accessed if anything, and how far the malware propagated.  And I was woken up to the whole incident anyways (this occurred while down range btw, so it was a bigger deal being in a forward operating location than say a stateside base.)  And we had already disconnected them from the pipe, so i had to go to a terminal on their end to log onto their network at the Army "NOSC"
Quote from: onan on February 06, 2014, 12:49:50 PM
All I know is, Russia is now in my travel plans.
Don't take any or your portable electronics, and if you do please have them in a EM/RF Shielded, TEMPEST certified, case, and don't connect to any networks.  Only use as a camera or dummy pc without internet.  infact i'd remove my own harddrives too, and hide them so they couldn't get my shit when I was out of the room either.

PS...this is similar setup to what I had to lug around to test for emanations, and to ensure my own emanations weren't being detectable.

Having served as a Wing Level Security Manager in the Air Force, investigations do occur yes, but there are a lot of things that go unnoticed or are easy to cover if you have correct privileged rights in the system.  Insider threat is the biggest threat to Security of all natures, opsec, infosec, physical security, you name it. 

Funny story, in 2007 the Army's network was hit with massive virus..the SIPR net.. so the air force disconnected their pipe to the rest of the networks.  Well this was no good considering now they couldn't share information adequately.  This was then changed to no USB devices allowed.  Some dink plugged in a thumb drive and it corrupted the entire network for weeks.  We knew who did it (user log in) what terminal, and the location, hell i even knew what usb drive it was plug into lol...and this guy still escaped any punishments, because the Army's information security program wasn't as strict as the Air Forces. 

Technology / Re: Oculus Rift and other VR
February 06, 2014, 11:33:38 AM
Quote from: area51drone on February 06, 2014, 11:04:35 AM
Apparently no one gives a shit about this stuff except me, but alas, I will post this link as a bookmark for myself.


If I didn't already have a Sony HMZ, I would probably buy this.  They have the same FOV though.  The rift has a wider FOV that should make it more immersive than either device.
I posted this yesterday on my facebook

EVE: Valkyrie Announcement Trailer

EVE-VR: Oculus Rift View Demo

Oculus Rift: The Best and Funniest Oculus Rift Reactions Ever Compilation. Mejores reacciones
Random Topics / Re: The Jet Thread
February 04, 2014, 11:13:10 AM
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