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Messages - MV/Liberace!

Quote from: sherry440 on February 11, 2009, 03:29:48 PM
Is there life after Noory? Can we get ARt back? Can we get Noory to stop with his stupid 20 questions and TRY to listen and stay ON topic, for once?
hi sherry.  glad to have you around and i hope you'll become a regular.

i have come to the conclusion we won't get art back.  at least not on a permanent basis.  i've had my hopes dashed so many times by art's returns and subsequent departures that i can no longer allow myself to get excited by the notion of his ousting snoory.  furthermore, i think after almost 6 years of noory's apparently acceptable mediocrity, premiere radio networks is happy with him and their ability to lead a malleable host by the hand as they please.  tahiti village commercials, anyone?

is there life after noory?  i think maybe not AFTER noory, but certainly DURING noory.  if not for the blatantly dumb luck noory experienced by falling into the position art created and worked so hard to build, we would have never come together here as a community.  maybe that's not such a big deal to some people, but i think it's pretty cool.

can you get noory to stop with his stupid questions?  haha, i think not, and for the purpose of feeding my desire to gawk at a train wreck, i hope not.

again, welcome to GNS, sherry!
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art teaches Airyn
February 11, 2009, 10:29:29 PM
by the way, fg... i have driven in your town (DC for those who don't know) multiple times.  what a pain in the ass.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art teaches Airyn
February 11, 2009, 09:53:25 PM
Quote from: Max on February 09, 2009, 05:51:40 AM
he drives truck if you dont understand that well damn, and there were places most would not considering going into without one.
while i do drive a truck, it's not why i carry a gun.  in fact, i'm not allowed to carry during work because i work for the federal government.  the govt tends to frown on the concealment of firearms on their properties.

if i were just a regular joe-schmo truck driver like you commonly see, i also would be unable to legally carry a gun, but for different reasons.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art teaches Airyn
February 10, 2009, 11:24:59 AM
Quote from: Frys Girl on February 10, 2009, 10:01:04 AM
I have a big problem with Wal Mart selling guns. My grandfather was a gun store owner and I know there are lots of gun enthusiastic who are probably in business too. I wish more people would support those shops. You get much better information I'd assume.
i don't buy guns from walmart (generally).  however, i do buy ammo there.  gun stores just charge too much money for their ammo.
Paranormal - Conspiracy - UFOs - Etc. / Re: Jaysen Rand
February 09, 2009, 08:23:30 PM
i think the problem with reading from the bible is that it simply isn't good radio.  nothing to do with interpretation or translation.

many listeners will tune out if they hear the guest start reading from the bible.  why?  the reasons are limitless.  maybe they're not christian.  maybe they are christian but find it boring.  maybe the host doesn't want to appear to be proselytizing through his show or guests. 

either way you choose to look at it, it's just bad radio.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art teacher Aryn
February 09, 2009, 02:15:56 AM
Quote from: Centurion73 on February 08, 2009, 07:43:13 PM
I think that teachers that are trained should be able to carry concealed and would have saved a lot of lives at Virginia Tech, Columbine, etc.
i think after virginia tech, the first thing the survivors thought after getting their heads clear was, "if i'd only had a gun."

and god bless that holocaust surviving professor.  imagine... you survive hitler only to be killed by some un-laid douche with a speech impediment.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art teaches Airyn
February 09, 2009, 02:12:14 AM
Quote from: Frys Girl on February 08, 2009, 05:26:38 PM
I feel the same way about drugs. ESPECIALLY pot.
amen.  christ i couldn't agree more.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art teacher Aryn
February 08, 2009, 02:05:40 PM
Quote from: EvB on February 07, 2009, 01:57:42 PM
I don't do guns.  It's not a moral issue - it's a self-knowledge issue.  Every time I imagine myself in a situation where a gun would be needed - I see myself freezing, or at least hesitating, the gun be ripped from me - and me with - a the very least - egg on my face having just provided my attacker with a weapon.
haha, well, at least you know your limitations. 

there are a lot of people out there who really do need a lot more training with their conceal/carry weapon.  the state isn't extremely demanding in terms of the training one must undergo to get the license.   the course is about 8 hours long, and while it does require people to shoot a gun, it's just not enough in my view.

i also support background checks and waiting periods for people who want to buy hand guns.  in other words, i'm not a kook or a lieutenant in some militia in montana.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art teacher Aryn
February 08, 2009, 01:57:58 PM
Quote from: Mordred478 on February 08, 2009, 08:11:52 AM
The way he speaks about them, easily and casually, is so refreshing in this age in which a gun has been made into the boogeyman by weird people with too much time on their hands and no connection to any reality I know.
fucking EXACTLY.  i am so tired of this explicitly modern philosophy that suggests one who owns/carries/uses/admires guns must be paranoid or generally irresponsible.  complete bullshit.  i also reject ENTIRELY the notion that having a gun makes me more likely to be hurt.  tell it to bernie goetz and see what he has to say on the matter.

Of course, finding the right gal, whether through agencies that help you do so or through bumping into her as you turn the corner, comes down to dumb luck.
this also is very true.  it would be a really lengthy endeavor to list the ways in which my wife and i differ.  so why do we work so well together?  i really don't know.  haha... honestly, that's the answer.  i just don't know.  as you say, it's just luck.  i think if we were completely like minded as many prospective couples seek to be, perhaps our marriage would blow goat.
Archive of Old Threads / Re: Howdy
February 08, 2009, 07:54:56 AM
watup billy.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art teacher Aryn
February 07, 2009, 09:18:02 PM
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art teacher Aryn
February 07, 2009, 09:17:36 PM
Quote from: Centurion73 on February 07, 2009, 07:23:07 PM
but you want them to stay down just be on target with a .45 as I am sure Mr. MV knows.
haha... bigger holes are better.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art teacher Aryn
February 07, 2009, 11:34:19 AM
as someone who tends to carry a .45 everywhere i go, i always loved art's affinity for guns... and i especially love the fact he's teaching his wife to shoot.  i have the same plans with my wife once the snow melts here and the shooting range becomes accessible.
Archive of Old Threads / Re: A sad so-long to Hell
February 07, 2009, 02:01:19 AM
i didn't read the ENTIRE thing because it was just too much.  however, as for what i did read, i agree completely with his observations of the 20-30 something hipster whites.  they know who they are.  i couldn't have agreed more, actually.

what i DON'T understand is, why are they going out of business?

i will say that i participated in their advertising affiliate program for a while, and after a butt-load of clicks with NOT ONE penny in my pocket, i decided to "put the kibosh" on it.

god damn though did i ever enjoy his brilliant articulation of this hipster class and the problem with them and what they represent.  just amazing.
Archive of Old Threads / Re: Some Changes On GNS...
February 04, 2009, 04:31:42 AM
Quote from: Camazotz Automat on February 04, 2009, 02:22:39 AM
Perhaps the funniest application of text color I've ever seen on this site.

HAHA... thank you for pointing that out.
Archive of Old Threads / Re: The Curse of NOORY . . .
February 03, 2009, 01:57:59 AM
on a serious note, i find a recurring theme among ALL of the coast to coast chat snippets i've been shown.  george NEVER gives a substantive answer to a question.  NEVER!!  every response is a poorly executed attempt at wit or cuteness.  ev's question is something i'd genuinely like to see a response to, and what do we get?  some pap about putting curses on people.

fuck you, george noory.
Paranormal - Conspiracy - UFOs - Etc. / Re: Jaysen Rand
February 03, 2009, 01:44:39 AM
Quote from: EvB on February 03, 2009, 01:40:20 AM
If not, I am - (yes, I AM -- shoot me!) so if I now the date - and which hour - i can get that for you easy.

'twould be nice.  anybody got the air date?
Quote from: PhantasticSanShiSan on January 27, 2009, 12:29:40 AM
Try to get more specific.  What kind of bad shit?  Describe the couple/actors etc.
it's hard to say after 5 years and lots of pot.  i DO recall a particular scene where somebody was working under a car and i think the car falls on the guy working under it.  i don't remember if one of the characters caused the car to fall or not.

i remember the husband got a simple job at what i think was a gas station.  maybe a shoe store.  no... i think it was a gas station.  haha... this is frustrating.
by the way... want to hear it?  click here:
haha, yes, i also recall this interview with the stuttering, stammering, twitching guest.  it did sound like tourette's to me, too.

it was august 26, 2006.
Paranormal - Conspiracy - UFOs - Etc. / Re: Jaysen Rand
February 02, 2009, 11:34:12 PM
sociald... are you a streamlink member?  if so, could you provide us with a copy of the hour in question?  you can use YouSendIt.com to do so.  simply send the file to your own email address, and then copy/paste the direct download link on this thread.  i believe it allows 100 downloads for 7 days, which ever happens first.  i would LOVE to hear this.

george is the epitome of mediocrity.  art NEVER read questions submitted by the guest.  i recall one time he actually did read a guest-submitted question, and he made a point of mentioning that he never uses guest-submitted questions but that he was going to use that one particular question because it was such a good question.  my point:  art so rarely used a guest's question that the one or two times he actually DID do so, he made a point of mentioning it to his audience because his professional conscience wouldn't allow him to omit that fact.  he just HAD to maintain his professional integrity.  george's success is symptomatic of everything that's wrong with us as a culture.  we've just been so dumbed down as a population... as a culture... as a country.
Archive of Old Threads / Re: extraordinary email...meh
February 02, 2009, 09:39:20 PM
Quote from: jsharbour on February 02, 2009, 10:48:18 AM
And you know what? Listening to C2C is what helped all of you to wake up to the fact that brainwashing is going on...
that's quite a leap to take.

by the way, i never stated in the email that this message board sucks.  if i believed that, i'd close it down immediately.  in the interest of eliminating misinformation, what i said in the email can be found here:

i love this message board very much.  i'm proud of what our members have contributed.  i talk about it all the time with my wife who has been driven nuts by my incessant prattling over the whole thing. 

i started GNS because i have a visceral hatred of message boards.  i have yet to find one where people can say whatever they want to say without worrying about the opinions and egos of loser administrators or moderators who get aroused in even the most moderate position of authority. 

i also love the people who have chosen to contribute to this message board.  GNS tends to attract creative, intelligent people who enjoy the freedom they are afforded here.  they represent precisely the demographic any message board would be thrilled to have as members.  GNS has been fortunate enough to actually GET them.

we've only been around for 10 months, and with MINIMAL promotion.  i'm very proud of what GNS has become in such a short time. 

if you wish to suggest that there is no reason to visit this site, i submit to you the above rebuttal.
Archive of Old Threads / Re: Some Changes On GNS...
February 02, 2009, 09:29:19 PM
Quote from: Pirate King Atomsk on February 02, 2009, 08:41:04 PM
I think those other people who left would have made good contributions had they stayed and all, but I still think they're intellectual pussies.
i agree.  i have no time for somebody who wants to condescendingly lecture others on "how things should be" only to storm off when they are challenged.  when those people left because they were pissed over this or that political opinion, i was happy to see them go.  they couldn't have found the door quickly enough and i'm content to see them remain gone.  good riddance.

my concern is the future and those who come here to be a part of it.  i want people to know what they're getting involved with from the moment they come here.

i see it this way:  a chinese restaurant shouldn't sell tires.  for the last few months, we have been selling tires and general tso's chicken.
Archive of Old Threads / Re: Some Changes On GNS...
February 02, 2009, 05:20:43 PM
Quote from: EvB on February 02, 2009, 11:03:23 AM
You gotta admit though - for good or ill the politics thread was hopping during the presidential race  :o
this is very true.  the problem i found was that our political conversations caused a number of people to leave the site who otherwise would have been fabulous in the context of "george noory sucks"... and because of it, those people are probably gone for good.  a shame, really, because they could have made some fantastic contributions in terms of snoory's stench.  maybe with some of the changes these people will choose to return.

summation:  almost every significant problem i have experienced in growing this community has been related, either directly or indirectly, to politics.  i'm not saying there should be NO political discussion on the site.  i'm merely saying it's probably best we don't have an actual board where it's encouraged.
Archive of Old Threads / Some Changes On GNS...
February 02, 2009, 04:03:57 AM
I hope everybody will agree that I've made EXACTLY the right move here and that there will be absolutely no complaints whatsoever (yeah, right).

We talk about A LOT of things on this site.  It's been that way since day one and will continue until GNS serves up its final page view... hundreds of years from now.  However, I think we need to streamline things a bit around here.

A rule one must follow in the pursuit of creating a successful message board is to focus focus focus the board on one niche topic or another.  GNS has slowly evolved into a murky soup of politics, technology, and even consumer complaints.  I don't mean to suggest I'm without culpability in this schizophrenic mix.  On the contrary, I'm directly and explicitly responsible for the problem. 

I've observed that this unfocused evolution has impeded our ability to grow as a community.  People have repeatedly come here expecting "George Noory sucks" and instead they get "Obama sucks" or "my computer is on the fritz."  Bullocks, I say.  There are a ZILLION other places to get that stuff.  Our job is to promote the fact that George Noory SUCKS!!  I want us to get back in the business of hammering that message home for the world to see.  When we move back in this direction, I promise you'll see an exponential growth on this website.

As such, I have decided to close the following boards:
Hawk Your Wares
Consumer Sound Off
MV's Radio Trainwreck
Computers and Technology
News and Information
The Supernatural
Space, Time, and Life Beyond Earth

I have emptied and removed the board entitled "On Tonight's Show."  The board's topics have been assigned to the remaining boards as appropriate.

Nothing has been deleted permanently.  The missing boards are merely "invisible" to everybody.  That means if you were a participant in any of these boards, your contributions are not lost.  All will remain preserved.  These boards can be brought back at any time if there is a demand for it, but it's not likely to happen.

I hope this change doesn't anger anybody because that's the last thing I am seeking to do.  I just feel like we need to do what we do best, and that is to talk about how badly George Noory SUCKS.  Politics and consumer complaints can be handled elsewhere.

Thanks to all of you who have made even one post on GNS.  Without you, we are nothing.
Archive of Old Threads / Re: God Save Me . . .
January 31, 2009, 11:19:06 AM
Quote from: Frys Girl on January 31, 2009, 10:48:35 AM
Greedy mudderpuckers.
agreed.  this is where i part ways with my "conservative" colleagues.  i appreciate government regulation of business, particularly in the food and medicine sectors.  if not for said regulation, this peanut butter debacle would be but a sliver of the dangers facing us as consumers because business proves to us again and again that it's all about the god damned bottom line... and nothing else.

whether it's your insurance company, your employer, the manufacturer of your food, or the company that made your car, big business does NOT have our best interests at heart.  i say let them take their constant complaints of government regulation straight to hell.  i prefer their discontent over salmonella or mercury, thank you very much.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
January 31, 2009, 11:10:07 AM
god bless rush limbaugh.
Archive of Old Threads / Re: Dreamcast <3
January 29, 2009, 09:02:57 AM
anybody remember the turbo grafx 16?  in a conversation about underrated gaming systems, this would have to be mentioned.  it had the best hardware for its time and was the first 16 bit gaming console.  it was destroyed by the fact that the library of games they were creating for it usually failed to take advantage of the TG16's graphics abilities, resulting in an experience that was visually only about as good as the old 8-bit nintendo or even worse.  the two games i most formidably recall owning for the TG16 were bonk's adventure and bonk's revenge.

most of the other games for the TG16 sucked balls.
Quote from: Centurion73 on January 27, 2009, 01:09:05 PM
...I just do not think it was such a great loss as most people seem to think.
agreed, both professionally and personally.
i know amazon does (or at least did) allow people to review products regardless of whether or not they've bought it from amazon using the amazon account they're posting with.  that does seem douchy to me.  however, i have to praise the amazon rating/review system because if they required us to buy the product we're reviewing, i wouldn't have been able to help pioneer the effort to slam snoory's dumb book on amazon right under his nose.

yes, i fancy myself a pioneer in the anti snoory movement.
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