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Messages - artbell_ghost

Quote from: malliard on June 10, 2019, 04:17:11 PM
Malliard isn't the Art Bell legacy...

that is where you are wrong

just because heather had more art inside her - allegedly. doesn't mean there is not a little art inside you too, or was, at some point in the relative past
Radio and Podcasts / Re: The Michael Decon Program
July 19, 2019, 06:37:48 PM
Quote from: username on July 15, 2019, 09:38:13 PM
That was a very slow response, I guess we can say you're a former shell of yourself.

its the damn rabbit.  you try keeping up with her
Politics / Re: Who Is Q ANON?
July 19, 2019, 06:35:28 PM
Quote from: starrmtn001 on July 19, 2019, 03:08:11 AM
You are the third person that has attacked me via PM, or using PM as a scam, without provocation.

that is as true as trump saying there was no collusion.  i know what you and damon are up two
after greater research i can confirm it was in fact neither of you and was probably bateman or jackstar during a trainwreck chat one year before the bellabacon posts.  gravitysucks knows
Random Topics / Re: Storm Area 51 Day
July 16, 2019, 05:03:33 PM
Quote from: Roswells, Art on July 16, 2019, 01:06:52 PM
Does she know you have it? Is it this one?

Or this one?

Fine print for small screens: May restart several times while running diagnostics, but not today.


miller created them.  i'll send a link when i get home

we might get 3 or 4 people together and rent a cessna 172 for the event
Radio and Podcasts / Re: THE HEATHER WADE BLITZ
July 16, 2019, 04:55:42 PM
Quote from: StarrMountain on July 16, 2019, 12:14:01 PM
Oh, NO!!!.  Where is she gonna get her worship fix??? :o

if only starrmointaan should be here in her mortal forms
Quote from: Norm on July 13, 2019, 01:00:25 PM
I remember listening to Art and his ham buddies chat after the show ended on ham radio. There was a brief back and forth banter about Noory but Art held strong that Noory could do the job of hosting the show.  While Art was respected among his small group it was very apparent not everybody felt Art had made the right decision.

i'm still not wrong.  look who has stayed in the chair night after night.

truth is the host isn't worse, the | topics | guests | callers | internet | is worse
Random Topics / Re: Storm Area 51 Day
July 15, 2019, 05:49:37 PM
Quote from: brig on June 30, 2019, 03:20:11 AM
Jazz and Curtis talking about when did Heather move to Pahrump LOL

when did she? i thought she was from pahrump
Quote from: Liberace! on July 15, 2019, 01:15:35 AM
I think I'd be a fantastic guest.

have not heard you're name on the list.  do ya have a diferent handle?
Quote from: Catsmile on July 15, 2019, 04:29:52 PM
# Did You Change Her Avatar To Match Also?
# Instead Of The Emma Peel Avatar Image.
# Use Some Image, Matching The Real Name.

# Bellgab, Submit Your Avatar Images For The Name Change.
# My Submission Is Below:

# Legacy!?<Legehsee>
# MoarLiekBootySee!!

morre posts by jackstar.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: The Michael Decon Program
July 15, 2019, 05:41:39 PM
Radio and Podcasts / Re: The BartCast
July 14, 2019, 05:03:36 PM
Quote from: WOTR on July 14, 2019, 02:34:16 PM
Perhaps we can combine them? "Bellgab: the third option for the fourth estate."

It does seem like this place does provide some interesting stories and links... Perhaps it should be "the first option for the fourth estate."  ;)

Radio and Podcasts / Re: The BartCast
July 14, 2019, 12:41:25 PM
Quote from: AZRAA on July 14, 2019, 11:21:30 AM
Psychic vampirism as 'honesty'...


...be with me...just a little more...

who is the guy in you're avatar? cn't figure out what movie he was in
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
July 14, 2019, 12:38:29 PM
donald trump is precedent
Radio and Podcasts / Re: The Michael Decon Program
July 14, 2019, 12:37:45 PM
will you do a show on the turtle migration conspiracyies?
Random Topics / Re: Storm Area 51 Day
July 14, 2019, 12:35:55 PM
i want to go to this.  will see if i have enough vacation days built up and can send my ol lady to the east coast for a few days.  if i don't ever post again after sept 20th its probably because i quit (i am artbell's ghost) or i'm dead again.
Random Topics / Re: Azzerae's Thread
July 14, 2019, 12:33:26 PM
Quote from: AZRAA on July 14, 2019, 10:43:49 AM
The Hateful 8 of Bellgab:

Brig aka Grub â€" The Viagara Falls shut-in’s insatiable appetite for voyuerizing the lives of others is boundless, will literally squat in the headspace of anyone on the board and suck the very life out of them through their youtubes â€" has progressed from a one trick Heather pony into a full-on indiscriminate stalker â€" “so say we all” her appeal to a consensus that can never exist â€" needy with a capital N. A fave of MV, but a discarded chew toy for Bart â€" matters not as long as her coffee pot is full and someone’s live-streaming something...somewhere...anywhere...

Yorkshire pud â€" Precious little of the any import to share but a mouthy cock-holster for any and all  lamestream media lies of the most lunatic flavour. Rolling fat off the bounty of his host nation but little more than a blood tick for anyone’s politics but his own birth nation’s. Consummate lightweight â€" would happily and relentlessly bang the drum for Trump eating fetuses at breakfast if his lefty masters would just start that demonization ball rolling, Starkly unoriginal, bit indefatigable until Metron returns to rapidly deflate his ego diaper.

ShredniVashtar â€" Ghee-soaked supplicant to a culture not remotely his own, another mongrel of the Brittas Empire weaponized to invoke the extreme linguistic and cultural irrelevancies of a host nation staggering to its terminus under the death wave of chickens come home to roost from across the once bloody but now theme-parked empire of his tidy whitey masters’ karmic malfeasances. Wildly oblivious projectionist who hopes that by bashing Americans he can erase the Unfree Kingdom’s core fascism â€" think Saddiq Kahn with platform Elton John shoes and a leaky bunghole. Needs a congestion tax for cultural tub thumping in a apathy zone.

Kizuna AI â€" It’s the JOOS! Or surely the NIBBAS! Has distilled the political soup down to 2 key culprits and anime humps them like a crazed dog in a forest full of bipedal miscreants. Trends occasionally to expanded capacity magazines and bukkake blasts â€" earnest, angry, but ultimately improbable in a world vastly more complex than 4 constituent elements. So deeply in character that workplace cosplay is not unlikely.

Richard Groyper â€" On point for anyone else getting into major chit whilst he cheers and feeds off the animus. Disarmingly pleasant in frisking his marks, but ruthlessly short in dropping a dime on them with little provocation. Talks shit on Twitter, gets major views for it â€" seems perplexed that his efforts on BG haven’t yielded much more than Anthony’s punk-ending road trip through American meat space. Master of the veiled sneer, but ultimately more bark than bite â€" wishes you’d fear that bark but needs to huddle with a true Alpha to sustain his pack position.

Dr. MD MD - “Ricky” is no Gervais, but his obsession with “gay” screams closet queen. Politically astute, but in a conniving and dismissive manner. Will fight until the fence retracts, then loses his vinegar. Can be reduced to OCD repetitive foam by Metron or even Jackstar. Needs an occasional romp with 14/16 as his chew toy to work the frustrations out after either being put out the pet door on forum ignore again or clotheslined by Kidnostad3.  Cerberus in his mind, but a whipped puppy in aspic..

Wildcard â€" A surprise inclusion for an intermittent shitstormer â€" says precious little but never fails to insult, demean, or desecrate whichever thread his face card falls onto. Angry as a late summer hornet, but lacking the swarm to complete his mission â€" a one sting honeybee with nothing to pollinate but weeds.

paladin 1991 â€" Almost didn’t make the list after a brutal FBI outing by Dr. MD in one eponymous slugfest and diminished by his subsequent months long slink-off to Ellgab. Talks his avatar ‘s Marine smack but just can’t bring anything but some petulant yapping. May have had compound thoughts at one time, but incapable of them now. The yappy dog on the other side of MD’s fence of biforum separation. Easily triggered, but just as easily gut-kicked into whimpering retreat to the land of cat ladies. May have a marshmallow filling and prays none of you push that squishy button. Possible new avatar â€" Poppin’ Fresh the Shillsbury doughboy.

this list is worthy of the effort azzerea.  top 5 in 2019 for sure, mind if i reference for my blog
Quote from: DynamoHum on July 13, 2019, 12:58:04 PM
I’ve sent her two emails asking her to come on our show, no reply :(

she hasnt moved to promotion mode yet. if the haters are tamped down there are those amount the inner group that agree your show is worth a visit.

her opinion is to have you on her home court first to be honet.
Quote from: brig on July 13, 2019, 07:16:06 AM

I have some guest suggestions:

AldousBurbank (Time to come out of LURKING MODE)!
Bateman  (Where ARE you Bateman)?

Thats just for starters.

dynomhum is on the real list. gnoory is too
Quote from: Sugaree on July 10, 2019, 03:40:07 PM
I swear I learned the word from you.

you didn’t. senda monster comes from a finnie xaller to heather wades great show
Quote from: (Sandman) Logan-5 on July 12, 2019, 02:02:07 PM
Wait. She did plumbing and HVAC too ?    :o
Heh, heh, heh.   ;)

she does have a large amount of experience in these areas. before podcasting existed she co-hosted a local coffee shop show focused on plumbing and hvac. They focused more on the inverse of pushing air.
good news about blitzing for heather. i have been very deep in the planning process and will be contributing a smal amount of money for the facebook campaign path that is the #1 process this time. group agrees yhe billboard was dumb as art didnt even know about it until it happened. now every woo group follower on facegrab will see wade ads. epic plan by kristinai the groups leader.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: The BartCast
July 12, 2019, 06:14:13 AM
Quote from: WOTR on July 11, 2019, 08:54:43 PM
Somewhere there is a third option...

there is bellgab
Quote from: Sixteen on July 08, 2019, 04:54:37 PM
Whose your mama? 

Jackstar's mom, out yourself to us!  JS has many fine qualities, well, among other things  :).

Jackstar, hallowed be thy name, is also a master florist. he delivers on an expert level.
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on July 05, 2019, 09:07:41 AM
Bravo sir!! Back on the thread topic rather than having to field  sixteen's batshit crazy walls of text.

read this first
Quote from: AZRAA on July 05, 2019, 03:57:08 AM
Dynamo Hum is one of the most polished and connected stalkers out there. And she's crafted some kind of entitlement mentality to the whole shady business. I believe this is not uncommon in sociopaths, the ability to act heinously yet do so from a place of utter indifference to the results, let alone the corruption of others invited into this dark realm. And she is exceptionally talented at weaving others into her dark web and then cajoling them to stick with the program and stay on script.

Of course Little Sean is at the bridge of this operation, as too Spookcat (another total fraud) and several others in the cat lady realm. Let me bullet list the whole sordid mess herein and leave it at that:

Aquarius: Presumes herself to be above the fray yet ardently stirs the pot and spends an inordinate amount of time allegedly not on Facebook but lurking it relentlessly to keep up with the game. She plays the "good cop" in this whole stalker sideshow and is sickeningly complimentary and totally a supplicant to Bart. In two words - brilliant fraud.

Spookcat: One of the better play actresses in all this but in it right up to her cloyingly creepy cat ears and animal fantasy role playing. Likely a snitch to Bart, in fact definitely so. Attempts to get the goods on everyone's social media details, but but never actually manages to consummate the join. Information on any number of users respective handles she does obtain - are no doubt sent straight over to Bart.

Journey: A gutless, cowardly, pile-on after someone else starts a fight sycophant. Not locked in, low mental capacity, a follower always - but a nasty little sucker punch artist who will revel in sticking a knife in anyone's back if the coast is clear.

Mrs. C: Addled old clueless cat lady who trades loneliness for group interaction. Means well but is slowly being corrupted into the hate matrix by Ellgab regulars.

Angie in NJ: A trashy, mouthy, fugly hag from the South, who's taken her manipulative ways to Ellgab and yet fools no one least of all Bart who regularly bashes her just to revel in how much she needs his action and how much she'll endure to remain there.

Anniem: Shape shifter. One of the best in-character actresses, yet make no mistake a Heather hater and eager participant in all scripted attacks. Presents a kindly and humorous demeanor just often enough to throw others (even me, in the past) off a bloody scent, and with her always near the scene of the crime - plenty of blood trail to erase or obscure. Also a madly omnipresent Facebook and Twitter operative.

Little Sean: Nuff said - egomaniacal little man stalker creep deluxe - the worst of the worst, but apparently not much of a Facebook or Twitter player. As such he makes the perfect hitman/goon - no backstory to be found ... yet ...

Pizzapunch: More the traditional pack animal. Always wiling to add in some gossip or enhance what is active. By no means a player, just a mouthy audience member with delusions of significance.

Fish: Seems blissfully unaware and yet clued simultaneously = beware the inner corruption in this one. Much more than meets the eye, but not a Facebook or Twitter player and as such merely good stalker fodder for EllGab.

DynaX: Gone for a goodly while after pumping Metron for information on a particular location along with Gravity. Russian in this as well as a past life means 100% caution advised. One that truly fooled folks, with a lot of very interesting stories about her past life in the USSR. Did I mention I find Russians utterly untrustworthy - good, it bears repetition. Very clearly working for someone here, very obviously not letting a word of it slip - a consummate "professional" spy.

Gravity Sucks: All has been said and more. Revels in being Bart's forum lieutenant and bouncer. Hard to fathom given his apparently robust career in the Air Force as a "rocket scientist" for what that may or may not be worth. The first one to fingerprint any of those banned's return to Ellgab. Always suspect, always.

Damon: A slightly befuddled but utterly beta male supplicant to any and all in the bully world. The type of low wattage stooge that is easily used and just as easily discarded, but always comes back for more. In a word - needy.

Juan: A solid stand up guy who plays with this on a surficial basis. Not wholly comfortable with what EllGab is really about, keeps to himself more than he shares.

Allbrecht: A carbon copy of Juan - ought not to be there, yet still is.

thank you for teaching me about these avatars. much was learned and will be processed as i have received pm’s from some of these people and knew not the motivation of their hate
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