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Messages - Unquenchable Angst

Random Topics / Re: My Ears Are Addicted To Q-Tips
August 30, 2014, 10:37:23 AM
Got the ear fungus when I was on a family vacation when I was 9. Ever since when I bathe I have to swab out the ears with H202 or ethyl rubbing alcohol or I will get an earache. Sometimes used the olive oil also. I am 66 now and have used Qtip every day since  age 9. Olive oil is the ONLY kind of oil to place in your ears. I never put Isopropyl in my ears. I do keep 91% Isop. around to clean electronics. Sometimes I buy everclear and dilute it  to use that as 'rubbing alcohol to avoid denaturants.
The game is all about selling arms.  We war for 10+ years,
leave all the equipment. Requires the military to buy new equipment and or develop the next generation.
Obama ordered the A-10's to be retired. Left all the Abrams tanks in Iraq and stopped production of replacements some months ago.
It is all about the Military-Industrial Complex. Wars make money and Wars are financed by Rothschild interests for last 250 years.Same old game,nastier weapons. All to create death and destruction to feed the beast that dwells in  these Bankster Bastards. Blood sacrifice on massive scale and  the commerce of death. Mankind is the pawns in their game .
Following the scenario trying to generate the Armageddon scenario they put in the Bible  that was created to fool us 'pawns' to go along with the game. These bastards live on our fear.

Thank you WR250 for fixing that pdF thingee in my post.
I recently had a peculiar thing occur with the Vuse application picked up a nasty  and incapacitated this 'puter. made the computer when I  attempted to log in start writing a stream of WTH in the password place. I did a battery/power pull and regained control of getting the password in. When I did Trojan Killer came on buy it self and ran pulling up about a hundred(?) files as infected all with Vuse in the addresses. Afterwards I was able to run the rest of the 'fixers' I have installed and CCleaner found 5 more things all with Vuse in them. I then got rid of vuse altogether.I had Malwarebytes on the 'puter but have been unable to get it to run. I have uninstalled Malwarebytes and reloaded it several times and still am unable to get it to run at all. The many reinstalls give me error messages,Runtime Error 79:177,E06D7363 External exception 4 time during installation and then 69:252 at the end.
I do not like the pad for 'mouse' and prefer a trackball but I am unable to make the pad disable and or the trackball stay working.
I am saving up, I am going back to building another desktop. I hope to be able to figure out which Linux I want to load on a new box. I am tired of these window turds, 8.1 is shit, I have trouble with browser to my mail service.I wonder sometimes if ATT is pooching me for being reluctant to switch  from dsl to their fiber service.I had Mandrake 10.2 on a previous computer and also RedHat9. . I have no special program needs as far a Linux goes other than getting drivers for any AMD part I may use. I am thinking A-10 APU with Asus or MSI Motherboard. I had a good 10 year run on a previous MSI board. Never had the problems that I had with an Asus K53 or this Toshiba but I think my problems with them was/is windows 7/8.1. when it comes to metro all that comes to my mind is  that MS has tertiary syphilis.
I do not know if GM cars still have them but that  square-ish ring thing on the bottom side of the trunk latch that sticks up about 2 inches  above the lower lip of the trunk that sometimes you might get a bag of potting soil ,fertilizer or cement snagged on as a tyrant  I would make GM recall those.
tattoos on chicks
excess perforation of body parts.
long fingernails past or preventing function of the fingers past retrieving olives or serving smoked oysters.
59 oz. 'half-gallon cartons of fruit juice.
12 ounce 'pounds' of coffee
750 ML '5ths of whiskey.
6oz cups of yogurt rather than 8 oz
12 oz.'pints' of ice cream
Spandex ever warn as an outer garment especially on women past 124 pounds
Fat free Buttermilk.
Corn syrup used in everything
corn syrup instead of CANE sugar in sodas
MSG  and/or any misnamed substance that is MSG.
6 oz cheeses rather than 8 oz.
the use if cottonseed oil in anything 'edible'
heavy synthetic overwhelming perfumes in detergents and/or dryer strips that leave their stench set to ambush my laundry at a laundry mat
take the tax off rolling tobacco that raised the price of Drum tobacco from $10.50 to$24.50
any phone that does not have the quality and longevity  of the old Western Electric phones.
outlaw the booming bass in some peoples cars inside city limits.
release of any genetically modified organism in to 'nature'(note: if the organism is suggested in  tanks or some industrial scaled project such as  might be used in some GMO-ecoli for extraction of components for drugs or isolates in chemical processing sealed environments.NOT IN THE ENVIRONMENT< FIELDS< FORRESTS.
maritime and UTC based legal system totally abandoned and returned to 'common law'.
corporations no longer considered as legal 'persons'

Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
August 23, 2014, 10:23:07 PM
How people can get so wrapped up in dead thugs ,riot burn down neighborhoods, loot and then totally let things like the lady that got shot-up and killed by various DC law dogs get by some reaction.

Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
August 23, 2014, 10:11:14 PM
Somebody one day will realize it is not a good idea to consume GUARANA herb several times a day/ several days in a row. I can attest to that from experience of that herb 40 years ago and RedBull has that ingredient plus caffeine.
Politics / Re: Rick Perry in Trouble
August 18, 2014, 03:47:33 PM
Quote from: Paper*Boy on August 16, 2014, 03:31:27 PM

You know what?  I'm tired of the Liberal/Left bullshit tactics.  The one sided media.  The clods that eat it up.
This little essay has your back...

DUI harridan convicted, Perry veto's appropriations for the department she runs on proviso she resigns Perry will sign the appropriation. Some Democrat money bundling prosecutor drums up a grand jury to indict  Perry. One by one  Democrats  are 'taking out' possible Republican candidates. What nasty hypocritical totalitarian pricks they have become. I  don't really care for Perry but this is beyond the pale.

some if not all this essay may answer  a lot of what is going on.
Random Topics / Re: Guilty pleasure tv
August 17, 2014, 10:48:56 PM
I am looking forward to Doctor Who also. Game of Thrones, Vikings ,Falling Skies, Futurama, Ancient Aliens (If only to see things and places they are showing), The Good Wife, Craig Ferguson's show.
Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
August 12, 2014, 09:19:53 PM
Lauren Bacall was 18 when she stared with Bogart(1944)("To Have and Have Not"), She was a doll .
Things I have heard or read on ebola today:
1. CDC has a patent  on some strain of ebola.
2. They have been testing a monoclonal antibody derived from some strain of Kentucky Tobacco(burley) on monkeys infected with ebola with great success.
3. Human testing was to begin in September but the two flown to Atlanta were injected with it  already and the first one that arrived in Atlanta was able to be up this morning and take a shower.
Random Topics / Re: Fave food combos
July 28, 2014, 03:56:44 PM
Bake a chicken with a little spike seasoning, garlic. fresh pepper, Hungarian paprika , and a little olive oil .Stuff a cut up onion in the cavity. bake just before it starts to brown brush orange juice,lemon juice and lime juice over the whole bird several times before it is finished browning, sometimes a little orange blossom honey to the juices .

A cup of coffee with Irish whiskey, dollop of fresh whipped cream with a little drizzle of crème d'mint or Kahlua over the w/cream.

Excellent with a real mocha-java blend.

Hot dog  made with a Buffalo meat hotdog on a multigrain baguette with a real good mustard, sauerkraut and wasabi horseradish.
Hamburger on a Kaiser roll with mustard, horseradish, lettuce, tomato and onion.

washed down with a nice Summer Shandy.
As far as salad no dressing does what blue cheese or a Roquefort dressing will do for it, Ak-Mak crackers and enough blue cheese dressing to spread some on the cracker.

Cream cheese,cucumber,onion,and Lox on a chewy pumpernickel-onion roll.

a can of sardines, can of smoked oysters in olive oil, can of octopus or squid, a couple or 3 spring onions, a bit of cream cheese, a slice of sharp cheddar, some Ak-Mak crackers some cucumber in cider vinegar, some celery, carrot sticks, a radish or two, an avocado with lime juice, some smoked salmon or Lox. some wasabi maybe a boiled egg or devilled egg, a pickle and or a pickled green tomato laid out on a platter.A few raw mushrooms , sort of a 'knosh' platter you might scale up for a party but  you treat yourself to, anchovies, caviar, pickled okra(hot) little yellow pear tomatoes, maybe a fresh cayenne pepper, ripe olives, and other olives.  A lot of 'knosh' food but enough to support having a meal out of it. Ba-Tempte pickles and or their picked tomatos if you have not put up your own crop. The pickle that still looks like a fresh cuke.

Homemade pimento cheese, grated mild and sharp chedder, touch of mustard, wasabi, and a little blue cheese salad dressing to get the stuff mixed well(No Mayo)
Homemade Mayo, Olive oil, egg, lemon juice- Lemon , egg together , hand blender, slowly dribble oil in with blender running- eat on crackers.
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
July 28, 2014, 02:36:13 PM
When I get the southern primal urge to bake a corn bread and I go to the store to acquire some buttermilk and all I can find is no fat buttermilk I wonder how can that be. For my purpose I would call such a thing sour skim milk at worst and oxymoron at best.
Politics / Re: Politics
July 27, 2014, 10:12:08 PM
Your division plays into the real enemies of mankind hands and assures their victory.

none here seem to understand what is going on and all are victims of the game being played on all of you.

Random Topics / Re: Your Celebrity Stories
July 22, 2014, 11:28:03 PM
I knew most of the astronauts from Mercury, Gemini and Apollo projects. Gordon was the most personable. I knew Lovell. Most of the others were far more to themselves or down right obnoxious self interested jerks.
Steve McQueen ran a Porsche at Sebring the year Gardner spent a lot of time around my crew. McQueen was there all for the race and down to that business and was not very friendly . McQueen had a broken leg(Right) and managed to come in 2nd overall that year.
He was a hell of a driver when he raced.
Met Cronkite once when my father introduced me to him,  Cronkite got his job in WWII from my Great grand Uncle who was the Foreign correspondent for Scripps-Howard papers from 1906-1953.
I knew Curtiss LeMay and had met Morgan(Memphis Belle) As my father had served under them in WWII. I grew up a few miles away from Morgan when I grew up in NC.
I met Henry Ford II several times when I was a child as my father was his pilot for 4 years in the early 1950's.
I was the little boy in ads for Greenfield Village museum in the early 1950's,  Privilege of being the chief pilot's cute little boy.
I had a picture of me taken with Hoppilong Cassidy(William Boyd)early 1950's.

Random Topics / Re: Your Celebrity Stories
July 22, 2014, 10:54:25 PM
Back in the 1970's I was involved in research and development of some agricultural soil amendments and Eddie Albert came to go with a group of us that were going to Tallahassee to talk to the Florida Sec. of Ag. Albert flew in from Hawaii thought he was flying to 'Florida climate' but it was winter. I had just bought a nice long overcoat and I had bought it slightly larger for wearing over a suit. Fit him perfectly.  All through the week he made a point of having breakfast with me each morning. Eddie Albert was a very nice person and not 'Hollywood' at all.
When I was in college in the 60's I hung out at an MG dealer in town that had a cople of cars they ran in Daytona 24 hr. and Sebring 12 hour races.  I did this 68-69-70. One year James Garner had a couple Corvettes in the Sebring race. The week before the race he spent a lot of time with us playing cards, having a good time. The man did not act. He was the way his characters seemed. He was a real good guy and funnier than hell.
My father owned a Hilton Hotel in Cape Canaveral, Florida in the 60's into the early 70's during Apollo days. During the Apollo 13 crises Richard Gordon used to come in after a day in a simulator  working through the problems Lovell and his crew were having. He liked to have me sit and converse with him while he had something to eat at one of our restaurants. He was one of the nicest all round personalities among the astronauts, a regular sort of guy. no airs. and very funny.       
Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
July 20, 2014, 10:23:04 AM
Jim was a real good guy in person. When I was with a race team in the late 60's at Sebring. Garner had made a movie "Grand Prix" and had got the race bug but as a sponsor for two Corvettes that year. He came over to our encampment  during the week prior to the race as we had a Mini-Moke with a full race cooper engine and he was crazy about minis. He wanted to drive our Moke and he went with me to town as I needed to go grocery shopping for my team I drove in and let him drive back. He came over at night and played cards with us. He was no 'Hollywood' guy and was a real good guy and much like he was as he played in his movies and TV shows, Just a good guy. Steve McQueen was there that year and drove a Porsche to 2nd overall. McQueen was too focused on his ride, not very friendly. plus he ran with his right leg in a cast as he had broke it making "the Great Escape" which Garner was also in.If they had handicapped the race McQueen should have had 1st.  2nd with a right leg cast was good.
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