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Messages - CoastCanuck

Quote from: Morgus on December 15, 2011, 01:52:17 AM
Longtime frequent and annoying caller Bill from West Hartford, Conn got on again in the first hour tonight.
The call screeners should have a rule as to the frequency of ANY caller.  Some people have tried for years to get on without success, while others are selfish and get on too much.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Alex Jones
December 14, 2011, 04:24:36 PM
The Tuesday, Dec 13 Alex Jones show featured a wonderful interview with Ron Paul.  If I was voting in your election, he would get my vote. 
Quote from: slipstream on December 09, 2011, 05:19:45 AM
Callers that ask the host how he or she is doing.
Yes, I agree these callers are annoying.  Takes up too much valuable air time.  Before people call in, they should have some notes in front of them of exactly they want to say.  They should get to the point quickly as a courtesy to other callers waiting and to the audience.  And the host should limit their air time.  I hope John Welles is reading this.  He needs to control some of these runaway callers.
In general, any caller who says he's going to keep it short, then proceeds to ramble and take up lots of air time, giving their philosophy along the way. 
Radio and Podcasts / Re: John B. Wells
December 04, 2011, 05:35:19 PM
Quote from: shannonbcaldwell on December 04, 2011, 05:26:46 PM
John B. Wells will be better than  Ian P. and def better than Noory. Also wish knapp would host more.
These are my feelings also.  I wish Ian the best as he faces his health challenge, but I stopped listening on Saturday nights for the last year because I didn't enjoy Ian's hosting.  I'm looking forward to John B. Wells taking over on Saturday nights.
In 2008, while recovering from surgery, I woke up in pain.  After medicating myself, I couldn't sleep so I turned on the radio.  C2C was on. George Noory was talking to Phil Berg (I think his name was) about how he felt Obama didn't qualify to run for president.  When I returned to my day job, I subscribed to Streamlink.  Being a C2C newbie, I didn't have a chance to listen to the Art Bell years, I think he was only on a handful of times since I started. 
Random Topics / Re: Reading Minds: The CoastGab Book Club
December 03, 2011, 12:45:41 PM
Family of Secrets by Russ Baker.
My condolences to George on the death of his father.  Hearing his opening statements brought back a flood of sad emotions for me as I lost my dearly beloved father last year.  If doing the show last night brought George strength, then that was the thing for him to do.  When you are in that situation, you do what you feel is right. 
Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
December 01, 2011, 08:21:52 PM

Here is one in a series about the housing crisis in Vegas where George admits his issue.

I don't hate the guy, I just think he calls too often and gets on too much.  Cornelius from Louisiana.  He always starts with something like 'God bless your call screener, Gina'.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
November 30, 2011, 04:36:58 PM
Random Topics / Re: Your Predicitions for 2012...
November 28, 2011, 06:22:46 PM
Quote from: b_dubb on November 27, 2011, 11:43:22 PM
Ian leaves Coast.  John B Welles replaces him
Ian said he will have an announcement this Saturday night.  Maybe your prediction is his news. 
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Ian Punnett
November 27, 2011, 01:30:50 PM
I only listened to the first few minutes of hour 1 last night.  Ian said he will be on Coast Insider this week where he will give a clue as to an upcoming annoucement he will make next week. 
Radio and Podcasts / Re: John B. Wells
November 26, 2011, 06:18:18 PM
I enjoyed John's show again last night.  Everytime he is on, he does a good job.   He plays some interesting bumper music, too.  He still needs to work on the timing of the breaks, though.  Must drive the local stations crazy with his deviation from the norm.   It's time to add a write up on him under the 'Hosts' category of the C2C website.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: John B Wells' guest
November 26, 2011, 02:27:35 PM
Quote from: patricia24 on November 26, 2011, 01:47:44 PM

That being said - I like George Knapp best.  He is most even handed and he is handsome. (Doesn't hurt!)

I agree - I think he is a handsome man.  And his intelligence and personality make him attractive too!
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Ian Punnett
November 21, 2011, 03:53:41 PM
I admit I haven't listened to Ian Punnett in a long time as he's not my cup of tea.  I listened to the 3 hours of the JFK Maury Island show this past Saturday night.  The first hour was good.  But it seems to me the second hour, Ian digressed into the octopus as he is planning on reading this book over the holidays.  After that, they never seemed to get back into discussing the Maury Island story.  Then, they jumped all over to different topics.  My opinion, for what it's worth. 
I thought i heard Mish is a nickname taking the first 2 letters of each name (Michael Shedlock).  Mish would be better if he delivered his commentary calmly, without snorting.  Too bad he comes across as angry as it diminishes his credibility.
Quote from: Eddie Coyle on October 14, 2011, 02:11:09 PM

        Here's mine...all instrumentals, not in any particular order. I'd definitely rotate them.

Ian Punnett would love you... he always yaps on top of the bumper music and barely manages to stop before the commercial kicks in.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
November 07, 2011, 05:21:09 PM
I listened to Alex Jones interviewing George Noory on last Thursday's marathon Alex show.  George stated that Christmas Day is on a Sunday and that there will be a live show.  George Knapp will be doing that live show (which fits in with his last 2 Sundays of the month rotation).  Merry Christmas.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: John B. Wells
November 01, 2011, 04:53:44 PM
This is probably a minority position, but so far, I like John B. Wells.  His shows have been interesting and he's done an alright job.   He's got that night time voice and his bumper music is good.  IMO, he can improve by staying on focus and fighting the ADD he admits to.  He should stop guests,  callers and himself quicker when the rambling starts.  And, if he can keep the breaks on time, that would help.  He's still a rookie host at C2C so hopefully he'll continue to improve.
I am currently reading 'The Terror Conspiracy Revisited' by Jim Marrs. 
Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
October 29, 2011, 05:11:56 PM
Here is my theory on why George Knapp will never be the full time C2C host (although many people would like to see him do so).  He's a 'get out there and investigate' type of guy.  Sitting at a microphone full time would stiffle that.
Is it time for John B. Wells to be included on C2C website under hosts?  It seems like he's working his way in there.  He's almost on more than Knapp these days.  Maybe the Hosts topic on this website will need to include his name too.
Quote from: Morgus on October 27, 2011, 07:58:08 PM
Instead tonight we get another witch, Evelyn Paglini...  :o

Ya, her voice is hard to listen to also....
Here are 2 complaints (I'm in a whiny mood today).  Why does C2C website always list Friday guest as TBA?  Surely they would have someone booked in advance that they could advertise.  Also, I don't see why we have to wait until Friday to see the next week's lineup of shows.  Can't they do refresh the future lineup more often?   Thanks for letting me air my gripes, insignificant that they are.
This is the last Thursday of the month which they usually reserve for Linda.  However, the C2C website she is out on assignment.  Guess we won't be hearing her tonight.  shucks!
Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
October 25, 2011, 04:55:43 PM
Under latest version of Knapp's news, did anyone watch "I-Team: The final meeting of the Roadrunners"?  He's such an excellent reporter...
Random Topics / Re: Your Predicitions for 2012...
October 25, 2011, 04:50:30 PM
Strictly my gut feeling and hoping I am wrong...
1. economy will further decline.
2. discontent will increase. 
3. severe earthquakes and natural disasters with the polar shift a factor.
4. Art Bell stays in retirement.
It won't be a good year...
Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
October 24, 2011, 04:29:22 PM
Quote from: Morgus on October 24, 2011, 01:29:50 PM
Knapp wouldn't stand for that and took last Sunday night off.
Did George Knapp ever explain his last minute absence last week?   Based on last night, I wonder if it was technical difficulties.  George Knapp is too much of a professional, IMO, to miss a turn for other than legitimate reasons.  Too bad he won't be hosting again until next month, which he stated end of the show.
Quote from: noorysmoustache on October 22, 2011, 03:47:08 PM
Judy Wood was the worst kind of boring for me; not only was she incredibly drab (yet by listening to her waffle, it felt like someone was pushing forks into your ears), but she was always right. She screams low self-esteem.

Here are opinions of CoastCanuck.  Dr. Judy Wood is difficult to listen to as I feel she doesn't communicate orally that well.  I've also listened to her on Youtube and feel the same conclusion.  However, I read her book 'Where did the Towers Go?' and I found that such a compelling book, I couldn't put it down.  It was an amazing, well written book and it convinced me of my beliefs about 9-11. 
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