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Messages - henge0stone

King Arthur is one I really wished they covered. I think one guest talking about giants mentioned him and said he was like 8 feet tall. Noory was just like okay, when in fact the audience (me anyway) is sitting there wondering how he got that information since Arthur is little more than a composite of 3 or 4 people in Welsh history. Noory doesn't ask followup questions though.
He should keep the name but change the intro music. I mean ride my seesaw didn't fit with Dark matter. Something magical like loreena mckennitt or some classic Cusco songs.
He hocked all his other books constantly on the air when they came out, heck he started talking about the Quickening a whole 5 months before it was released but now I'm into 99 when the source was written and I haven't heard a peep about it. Larry King mentioned it on his interview but Art didn't say a word about it nor did he say anything about it when he talked about his upcoming Larry King interview.

It was 100 times better than the Quickening, in fact the best parts of the quickening were pasted into the source. It had a good premise, would be nice if it had some pictures but overall I thought it was way better than the coming stupid storm that never happened or the quickening that never happened.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Bumper Music
January 02, 2015, 04:43:13 PM
I bought Cusco's apurimac on a Cd a few weeks ago, man what an awesome record. I recognized 80 % of the songs from C2C. Inca Bridges was my favorite.


I always loved Cusco. Their flutes gave a wave of mystery that fits perfectly with his show and the nighttime. The intro song was always a good fit too. I almost can't believe he picked it out before he made the show about the paranormal since it sounds like music you'd hear on a ufo.

Can't forget this one

I always thought that should have been his Dark Matter theme.
I personally really enjoy all his shows. I enjoy hearing his many views about abduction and what it could be, how it could be related to other things. He is a very good storyteller too (since he's an author) and weaves a good tale.

Now is he in any way credible? No not at all. He didn't work for the military, wasn't privy to any kind knowledge a normal person might not have. I guess he could sorta be called a researcher but his bias is so obvious that can't be credible. Still he's interesting to listen to. Maybe something happen to him who knows but I only believe about 10 % could be possible.
I bought an autographed copy of the 95 Art of Talk and I didn't realize until listening to some 98 shows that the 98 version of art of talk is updated. Does he talk more about paranormal topics? Paranormal was a bigger part of Art's show and his life on 98 than in 95.
I'm still listening to the Art Bell archives. Most prediction shows with prophets ect. are just annoying because there always so confident and wrong. Y2K stuff was the biggest crap. I don't like Alper either. He's so arrogant and annoying. 'Your going to rot in the ground when you die and there is no soul' is pretty much the norm in science so I don't need to hear it yet again.
wow for being the Art Bell fan forum you guys are really hard on the poor guy. The book was actually more like a snapshot of the world in 97 than predictions for what was to come. Yeah there were some predictions but nothing too crazy.

I firmly believe Art did think something was going on. I mean he came up with the term long before writing the book.
When listening the archive of old Art Bell shows I avoid Y2K (for obvious reasons) and prophets (always wrong). I think Gary North is probably the worst since he was the number 1 guy about Y2K hype and was just as wrong as wrong could be.
hahahha for some reason I read this as Bob Lazar.
definatly paranormal since no one else really talks about it as openly as Art. Shadow People was the first topic that god me hooked. All UFO, Ghosts and ancient civilization topics are always my favorite. The other day I heard the show about the Nephilim , it was so far one of my favorite topics. The line in the bible about the giants is just so random and yet its there.
What do you guys think about the Quickening? As a topic I never really believed it. I mean the definition is very vague. The book was ok, not as doomsaying as I thought it would be but reading it years later might lessen the effect. The UFO section was good and the Earth Changes was the only part where I was actually convinced that there was big change aside from the normal increase in technology and normal changes. The book was much better than when he brings up the Quickening, still not great though.

I love Art but honestly as a student of history the idea that things are getting worse is just plain wrong. I mean take the Dark ages for example. There was viking who was called the child lover because he didn't kill babies like the rest of them. This is just one small example. If modern day news was around in the ancient times (where they fed people to lions and watched) he would come up with the same conclusion.

I am glad the quickening doesn't have anything about Y2K. I wasn't going to listen to the Y2K show since it was all BS but I was at work and was slightly intrigued. Someone should really slap Gray North because he was 100 % wrong and he was arrogant to everyone who said he was just being paranoid. Did he ever come on after 2000? I somehow doubt it.
I recently heard the debate between Hoagland and the other guy. Honestly Hoagland's insane conspiracies didn't help his argument but he still easily won. The other guy was reduced to saying 'the lander didn't have room for the rover'  ??? Really?

There is so much proof out there for us to not have gone to the move an entire huge department of the government must be fake which just makes no sense. The main thing to look for in possible conspiracies are if people on the inside come forward. Roswell has many people who came forward over the years who admitted it was not a weather balloon. No one from NASA has ever come forward and said we never went to the moon. Never, no one. What does that tell you? That plus the countless pictures. People who think we never went need to stop wasting their time.
Paranormal - Conspiracy - UFOs - Etc. / "Victor"
October 28, 2014, 02:20:29 PM
I just finished hearing the "Victor" show about the alien interview. Gotta admit it was pretty good. Any thoughts on who Victor was? I think it was Whitley personally, even Art whose a huge fan of whitely admitted it sounded like him. 
Quote from: Juan Cena on October 23, 2014, 02:47:42 AM
Stonehenge is the exception that proves the rule.

It also is a bit of an outliner, as it and the ancient inhabitants of the British Isles were seen as being seperate from the "Classical" Greek and Roman civilizations, which have traditionally been ignored by the Ancient Alien spanks.

They have been ignored because there is a lot of documentation from that era about who built things like the Colosseum and the aqueducts. The great wall of china is an ancient marvel built by non Europeans but since it is well documented it (like the Roman structures) is not included in the theory. The theory is not about who built these things but when and if mankind had the technology at that time. Since there aren't as many very ancient buildings in Europe (and the ones that are, like Stonehenge, are included in the theory) there just happens to be not that much discussion of Europe in ancient alien theory

On a side note I heard someone on Noory actually try and say that the Roman structures must have been built by aliens. I laughed out loud because there is way too much documentation in that era to try and suggest such a thing.
Quote from: Juan Cena on August 01, 2014, 08:56:44 PM
Oh it's racism. alright.

The whole "Ancient Aliens" meme is loaded with racism, because it denies the possibility that non-white, non-European civilizations could have built their great architectural triumphs without some kind of help from space aliens.

First of all Graham Hancock doesn't even mention Aliens, he talks about a lost civilization that built ancient structures like the pyramids in Egypt and central America. This advanced civilization was multicultural and had at least some e Africans hence the Olmecs

Second Ancient Aliens theory is NOT racist. Stonehenge and other ancient sites in Europe are also theorized to have been built by aliens so the theory is not "only non Europeans needed alien help."
I actually didn't hate Ed Dames at first. The fact that remote viewing is basically confirmed by the government to have existed made me think maybe there's something to it.
Once I got to his future predictions I realized he is a fake. Anyone can claim 100 % accuracy when no one follows up on the facts.
Seriously Art kept saying in 97 that his future prediction that an asteroid would fall in Africa in 1998 and cause a plague that would wipe out all the food and we would have to live underground eating alege for years was too much for me. Art kept saying "he's sticking his neck out pretty far!" Art should have never had him on again since none of his things came even close. What good is having your neck out there if no one is allowed to chop it off?   
I agree that he was a good story teller and I find it interesting that so many people have experiences like this BUT that being said I think Jim is just riding coattails of other people. Listen to his Dark Matter interview and how he sidesteps the question about a lie detector test.

There are some dreamlands and older coast to coast's mixed in as well. Not sure if this is out there anywhere but I didn't see any Art after 2003 on the collection. Some are in the collection as well kinda have to sort through them.
Radio and Podcasts / Art should write another book
September 27, 2014, 12:21:19 PM
The other day Art was talking about the tons and tons of faxes he got and I was thinking Art should compile them all and create a book from them. Maybe give some background and follow up information on the fax if he interviewed them on the air ect.
I listen to a lot of shows at work, I too am methodically going through the playlist of the definitive collection. I'm almost done with 95. The most recent highlights were the alien autopsy and the Bigfoot show, which was only bigfoot for the first hour.

edit: also listened to two of the 9/11 shows last Tuesday on the anniversary.
Quote from: b_dubb on September 20, 2014, 06:42:46 PM
You think Roger Lear is credible? Maybe more credible than Strieber but ....wow

I've only heard a few episodes with him. Anyone who has a background in aeroscience at least has good credentials to study UFOs. Just because he is credible doesn't mean I agree with any of his conclusions.

People selling stuff are really annoying too. I don't mind it if they have a book but when they mention it nonstop it gets annoying. I thought Matt Alpher was a d!ck on Dark Matter, basically insulting every caller. It's the only Dark Matter I didn't really enjoy. To the other end of the spectrum guests who say 'everything that ever was is in the bible' are annoying as well. At least when you had bad guests Art would ask the tough questions like with Alper and NDE's but Noory just sits there and twiddles his thumbs.

Hollow Earth is another fun topic. Most guests who talk about it are kinda insane though..
Topics I love
-UFOs - really interesting espcially credible people like Lear, friedman, Howe ect.
-Abductions - Some are really crazy but still interesting. Probably a lot are night terrors turn delusions but the ones with implants are more unexplainable.
-Lost Ancient history - Hancock is the best in this territory. John Rhodes and Frank Joseph were good too. Not sure how much I I believe but there is defantly some advanced civilization in the past.
- HAARP - I don't really like conspiracies but this one I find intriguing for some reason.
- Cryptozoology - Fun subject.
- Space - Anything to do with other planets and worlds fascinate me. michio kaku has a lot of intereviews about this.
- Ghosts & Shadow people - I truely believe these are real phenomenon and had an experience with a shadow person. 

Topics I hate
-Political conspiracies - Some are probably true but politics bores me.
-Philadelphia experiment - So unbelievable. Anything that involves advanced tech that the government is hiding but NOT using in war for no reason is total BS in my book.
-Immortal -  They just aren't real. Everyone who calls in and says they are immortal is just a lair.
-Time Travel - Interesting in Scifi but has almost no basis in reality. I know a lot of other topics might not either but traveling backwards in time does not seem plausible.
-physics & prophets- since I'm listening to old shows and know that all their predictions are wrong it shows how fake the people are.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art - Somewhere In Time
September 20, 2014, 01:06:23 PM
Well heres the question are radio shows like music where you should get paid a royalty percentage?
Quote from: eddie dean on September 18, 2014, 04:55:19 PM
Michael Parker Pearson (http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Parker_Pearson) has done some amazing work decoding what SH was and what the people who built it used it for. Hint: it wasn't built by aliens.


Fascinating doc about M.P.Pearson's theories:

Yeah I saw the video on it, pretty interesting. I read a book about stonehenge too but I can't really remember the conclusions. I think they argued it was more for worship than any celestial calendar. 
Graham Hancock mentioned it a few times but he didn't say much. Mel supposedly had his own Stonehenge around the hole.
Quote from: phrodo on September 08, 2014, 10:32:45 PM
I loved Dreamland .. that trippy bumper music - The Oh of Pleasure - perfectly set the mood for some incredible shows.

Yeah that bumper music was awesome, I also liked the Linda Howe reports, really made you feel like there was stuff happening out there. I wish there was a really good collection out there somewhere. I think Dreamland is what made Art the 'paranormal guy'. People on Coast would hear of Dreamland or hear it and know that Art wouldn't ridicule such stories. 
Another thing I was thinking about was the fact that we only have archived like maybe 50 % of his shows (I actually have no idea what the percent is). Since only Coast shows with guests or Ghost to Ghost were available for purchase the tons and tons of open line shows are just gone now. 
I really can't understand why he stopped doing it. Wasn't it only once a week or something? Even with a family and all that it doesn't seem like too much work. Then again he is 68 maybe he is just getting tired and doesn't feel like dealing with people anymore, that's understandable. I still wish he would come back, I really liked Dark Matter it was a pleasure to listen to up to date Art Bell.
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