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Messages - Stellar

Come on guys what hanger is flight 370 sitting in on Diego Garcia.  I'm forming a merc team to sneak into the base with Freescale Cloaking wet suits and stun guns.  I don't want to hurt the those robot drone military guys who I do respect some who protect America.  Anyway you must be able to jump out of a plane and land in the ocean and swim about 3 miles to Diego Garcia.  Then a sub must wait for us so we can get the passengers back to freedom.  Just an Idea anyone want in.

onan perhaps is our hidden intellect waiting to come out, If that is a picture of him in his profile, one has to wonder if he was stoned watching CNN of flight 370, so after seeing this he just could not resist this post.
onan's quote
QuoteMarijuana can produce psychotic symptoms in some. You don't seem to have a strong grasp on reality... but I may just be a hater, or a dupe, or a goof ball. Certainly it couldn't be any irrationality on your part.

onan we are all waiting for something that makes us think on the subject of Flight 370 which you can communicate to us.  I just know you are intelligent! Am I wrong?  If I am this picture may perhaps make you sit at your computer for hours and then a light bulb will turn on.  oh no reverse onan psychology

Yes I already know that I'm on the NSA watch list, because they fear my thoughts which is inherent in the 1st amendment.  Yet the spooks don't believe in the constitution and are operating under illegal actions.

One thing I know is that Jesus is watching too, protecting me from them for if not I would still not be posting.

The other saving grace under my belt is the elite wish to know more about my slow process of decoding the Voynich.  So I guess they do value my intellect, but not my Christian beliefs.

Oh by the way the only time I'm paranoid is when my mind really opens up under the influence of marijuana.  Yorkshire I think within this total post you may have only given two responses that make me think; yet maybe your circuits have shorted out and your synapses are struggling to form anything meaningful like a number of goof balls here.  You cut and paste and when you type I think you don't use "qwerty" on your keyboard am I wrong?

York your Langley friends need me, because there masters are interested in the Voynich Manuscript so when you here a knock at the door just wonder k.
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on April 27, 2014, 01:03:37 PM
Funny how CT's try to bring credibility to their own opinion by implying something derogatory about the person who presents the news they don't want to hear..You mention his brother or that he came from money (Maybe) How is that relevant? Over here we don't give a stuff who they are as long as they can read the news. Well, I say 'we', the tabloid and gossip magazines do, but then it's vacuous nonsense and irrelevant to the story.

And of course he 'lies' because he makes the suggestion conspiracy theories are pulled out of the arse of a wackjob..Who knew?

You said it Yorkshire he reads the news ( I add this,given to him by his puppet masters just like Obama and anyone else in the government who represent the Corpotocrazy).  York you need to wake up and see this.  I think I will make you my special project if I can't then you may represent the Corpotocrazy.  view this:

However I don't think these guys near the end of the video can pull if off, but you can be educated by this vid:

Zeitgeist Addendum

Hey guys you are starting to sound very much like this is a pissing contest.  I would like a sound discussion on flight 370.  The dark personages behind this curtain of lies extends all the way to Anderson Cooper!  I would not doubt if he is a skull and bones member.  But if he can't even get a job answering phones then he probably  is not.  Cooper has drunk the Koolaid, because he believes that whatever comes out of his mouth is the pinnacle of truth.  He is the go to guy for the puppet masters of the Corpotocrazy Monetary Machine which all governments represent.

QuoteAfter Cooper graduated from Yale University, he tried to gain entry-level employment with ABC answering telephones, but was unsuccessful.

Anyway enjoy the phony media talk about aliens and references to CT people on that level.  Cooper I guess was born into money and has had some serious tragedies that he deals with regarding his brother.  I feel that's the only subject which makes me feel sad about this Cooper guy besides that he lies through his teeth.

CNN Covers Flight 370 Conspiracy Theories From UFOs To Diego Garcia To Richard Quest With The Pilot!

Voynich Manuscript Dr Bax is wrong!

Dr. Bax,

I read your Pdf.

A proposed partial decoding of the Voynich script
Stephen Bax
Professor in Applied Linguistics
University of Bedfordshire


It seems to me that your whole foundation of the partial decoding of the Voynich rests upon the Pleiades Section of Folio 68r using Taurn. Well Taurn cannot be Taurus using those 5 voynich symbols. Let me explain and I wish your site would allow for voynich fonts so it would be clearer for others. In simple terms Dr. Bax you used the incorrect voynich font at the end of that specific Voynich word that you translated as Taurus. For example look at this link it is a side by side comparison of your work to mine. Let the world decide for someday maybe I’m right or you are, but as you say you will complete the entire Voynich in 2 years from now and if you do using your methods. I will meet you someday and break my sobriety to buy us 2 Pints of Guinness (cheers hopefully LOL :).
Take a look at this for anyone interested:

Dr. Bax,

Do not stop reading this, it is important for you and all minds are at stake here. Let go of my harshness and open up to other ideas please.

I’m sorry, but I’m appalled by the interview video regarding the decoding of the Voynich Manuscript which your work represents, especially your references of so many languages involved. The ladies sitting in green water bath’s make sense to me, because of all the Roman bath’s which are mostly green and are still today. I have witnessed this with my eyes for I was all over Italy in 1995 while on a honeymoon.


You say you have been working only 18 to 20 months on trying to figure out the Voynich. You have to realize you can’t pretend here. What will happen is your system will cave in on itself; when basically you start mixing glyphs and then stating the glyphs represent the same letter or by intertwining several alphabets which you discuss in the video interview with out a proper cipher. Not only do you mention several languages, but you say using your methods, you can decode the Voynich in 2 years from now. Come on I know your a trooper, but I’m sorry you will get taste of reality regarding this project.

Dr. Bax what I will show you and others who visit your forum is a link to a document; which contains some of the Voynich letters used from a Italian Estate document ironically in Latin. Seriously look at this and it is from Grosseto, Italy. As I have stated at my website this is the area where the Voynich originated. I found this much later after creating my cipher in Italian which pointed towards Castle Cotone, Scansano and Tosi Italy. I feel these odd Voynich sysmbols in this document where borrowed by the coder to work out the cipher in Italian.

What I wish for is that you simply realize is that the Voynich cannot possibly be about several languages in your video except Italian. Your hours of frustrations will continue. I hope you come on board with what I have showed you at my website. I know you mentioned Italian in the video and I believe I am the person you referred to who is negative towards your work other than Nick Pelling. Remember after all I found what the Pleiades is actually understood through my cipher.

Voynich Cipher: cr et c oi ce one eot r a et
Italian: cacce eterne io te toro
English: I’ll hunt eternal bull

Cipher link here:

Thanks again for this outlet for us all in respects to your work and yes I’m happy that you have garnished further attention for the Voynich Manuscript for that will only bring in other amateurs like my self and professionals. Thanks all here for reading my frustration and venting towards Dr. Bax. Have a look at this and really focus on it. You may find only 1 or 2 mistakes, but my process should open your mind.

Sincerely yours

Thomas Edward O’Neil
Author: Voynich Manuscript The Code Unchopped Volume II

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on April 25, 2014, 03:18:38 PM
Wow.... Obvious cover up...So obvious you haven't anything..nothing to prove it. But hey, that's the MO of CT's...
Knock yourself out son..

(CIA section chief, Langley)
Well here you guys go, my famous youtube proof:

Well here you guys go, my famous youtube proof:

Malaysia Flight 370

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on April 25, 2014, 11:55:47 AM

But nothing to do with the topic is it?

The thing is, people such as yourself grab a topic such as this is, and the perception is 'there must be a cover up'...but the thing is, it isn't just you, it's millions such as you, who tell each other you're right. And that would be great IF those millions included people who were air accident investigators, pilots, ATC operators, radar and comms experts, weather experts and those who are familiar in how the whole lot works most of the time.

But unfortunately the average CT isn't an expert on anything other than trawling the net for links that tell them what they already believe to be true. I don't know why they say they question things, they don't. As we see on this thread, Jackstar's response to any counterpoint to his threads is met with abuse or an attempt at sarcasm with a YT video...is that really what being a CT is? Stick your fingers in your ears and chant "la la la la la la ka, can't hear you?"

I've asked several times for corroborated evidence that this airliner is on Diego Garcia or was shot down...so far, nothing. Not one piece of evidence. A 'freelance' journo fabricating EXIF data of a phone allegedly stuffed up a passengers arse isn't evidence, nor is the alleged reporting of Maldive islanders who said they saw this airliner at dawn on the date.

So my question is this: What is your personal threshold of what constitutes evidence? And do you disregard the opinions and factual information from real experts who disagree with your theories? If you do, why do you?

ok I will put up my youtube of the events that occurred.  It will be up in 20 minutes!
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on April 25, 2014, 04:17:27 AM
Are you for real? The z was put in the English language by Americans because some Americans struggle with English and pronunciation. It explains why they can't pronounce aluminium correctly.
Yes let's.

Hmm because it carries your narrative?. Not because it's accurate perhaps? As for me being with the CIA? Oh I wish!!! Default CT position.
Don't believe what you think is my tip.
You see that's perception regarding criticize! enough said
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on April 25, 2014, 12:32:08 AM
I agree. To develop that analogy: Pig or CT? Giveaways.
A pig get's annoyed because it knows it can't sing.
A pig is quite intelligent.
A pig knows when it's time to commit to reality, and sees itself as bacon.
A pig has ears and eyes and isn't selective with either.

First off Yorkshire your spelling as all of us not to mention grammar has flaws, you spelled criticize wrong!

Lets get on with the CT.  Now reality does have a basis of order yet each individuals perception of any event is seen through the lens of the beholder.  My thoughts can be just as justified as yours because we are not in control of the event sitting behind a computer and speculating on said event Flight 370, just as the news agencies have their perception.  Now it is a fact that the major news outlets carry an agenda for the powers that be.  Journalist's that actually look for the complete facts and tell the truth die in various car crashes or lethal injections, that is why they tote the line for powerful corpogovernments.  For all I know you could be a desk-jockey for the CIA, set out to down play any resistance to a story that is convenient for the operatives which you maybe not privy to all the evidence.  These two videos as I'm guessing now probably carry more weight of what could have happened to flight 370 than any other seen before.

The next move on the chess board of lies will come from cell phones in the Indian Ocean.  Believe it the government with their nefarious think tanks will find a solution to put this matter to rest for the sheeple in society, but not the minds who can think for themselves.

The major issue with flight 370 are the passengers from Frescale with all their knowledge regarding cloaking and stealth technology and you Yorkshire should peel the onion off your brain as to realize its just a no no for those secrets to reach other countries defense programs.  Yet if these companies security apparatuses are so open ended for this to happen.  I feel there are no more secrets really with high tech companies knowing that bribes exist everywhere and corporate espionage is common place. Simply put spies are everywhere opening the cyber data of R&D labs downloading the plans at light speed and placing in the hands of the highest bidder.  Bribes are taken by inside corporate members and secrets are passed on.

This being said,  Perhaps Frescale was privy to something and notified the U.S. government to the actions of the employees headed for China with possible wares that could be used against the U.S. Navy.  ok enough said.


Quote from: Jackstar on April 24, 2014, 10:02:05 AM
(Emphasis added.)

I posted this from Wikipedia, as I am rather confident that about half of you mouth-breathers out there don't actually know what "evidence" means.

Welcome to the party.

Great post Jackstar, but I'm just trying to counter the corporate media news outlets with their style of not really knowing.  If I had conclusive evidence than the rabbit would be out of the bag so to speak.  My assumption is that you maybe on to something at Diego which I presumed could be the reality of events regarding Flight 370.
Quote from: Grov505th on April 24, 2014, 08:34:45 AM
Actually I think he is just trolling....talking about reeling in fish to shore.  I dont think he gives a crap about any of this.
And the same goes for Jackstar


I guess since your into one liners, about total nonsense, you must be one those who hunt a pecs at his keyboard.  Your inept style comes from a place that lacks experience with writing.  What all of us probably would like to see is if you can put a couple of paragraphs together to form a proper debate; if you could ever get out of your diapers and really argue the points I have presented.  Your sandbox style may indicate your age!  We all know this is a CT debate and why not if my position comes from a lack of evidence, but I'm perhaps closer to the actual events of what happened to 370 as confirmed by Jackstar than the corporate news media outlets.

This is the only time Grov505th that I have responded to your posts, your lack of an intellect is my guess and maybe you find it difficult to articulate the paradigm towards arguing any points at BellGab.  You could be a teenager for all I know and if you are my apologies, but perhaps you would not understand what I wrote here so until I see something from you that makes sense maybe I will be surprised.

Quote from: McPhallus on April 23, 2014, 03:20:46 PM
Many of the conspiracy fruits seem to be ego-driven; i.e., they string together stuff they read on web sites, and that makes them a genius over the rest of us sheeple since they were the first to figure it out.  They always fall into the trap of assuming that it's everyone else's responsibility to prove them wrong rather than actually prove the validity of their fringe ideas.  As a group, they're an amazingly arrogant bunch (Hoaxland, barra, etc).

You guys make light of this topic and I guess you are disturbed by the content of what I said which has no ground or basis, except for Mind Flayer Monk; He alone apparently understands English.  As I stated the content of this is subjective, but what logic is true or what was the reality of what happened to Flight 370.  I think McPhallus has taken the Koolaid here and well this fish we need to reel back to shore before he gets to deep into this.  McPhallus is one of those types who reads the news and probably thinks its the Bible or something.  LMFAO what a joke McPhallus and the rest of you; what a sad lot!

You guys apparently feel that just, because I don't know what happened your side is conclusive and you all know its on the heads of the perpetrators that only know.  This experiment with CT here just shows me there maybe plants who receive a couple nickles from who cares what govenments to tote the Major Media.... You guys make me want to throw up oops I just did and there is vomit all over McPhallus name.  Anyway here is a photo for people who don't understand what suspicious, subjective is defined to be.  You guys don't even mention anything about the passengers; truly a sick lot eh?

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on April 23, 2014, 04:38:48 AM
Okay: GPS and radar and transponders are different things. Radar can only work if it has line of sight. It's why AWACS was developed so it could see far far further than from a mast mounted on the top of a ship or land based mast.
GPS will work if the satellites are over the horizon and three can be handshaked to make a triangulation with the aircraft.

Transponders are an onboard identifier to interrogate the specific aircraft from the clutter on a screen. It says hello to the ground base and then expects a reply to confirm it's been identified. Without the transponder, the aircraft will simply be a blip on a radar screen. Military aircraft have complex algorithms to identify them as friendly or potential threats, and clearly if an enemy could break that in a time of war they could use the Trojan horse principle, but clearly it's open to being counter productive if the memo didn't go to all friendly anti aircraft defences!

Submarines don't use the same frequencies as aircraft for two way comms. They can receive (we suppose because it's classified) all frequencies including air and land based if they have an antenna to pick up said frequencies..

The US (and other) navy is saying it tracked it, but isn't saying exactly how I suspect. Radar is an easy thing that people can relate to: Radio wave goes out, gets bounced back.. The best land based radar on an island will have potentially a limit due to the curvature of the earth, so unless the said airliner without the transponder came within say 250 miles of a radar it would be a blip. DG isn't a top secret base, it's used as an emergency landing airport and a stop over point for civilian light aircraft whose pilots are going across the Indian Ocean.

Specific antenna will pick up specific band widths, there isn't a one size fits all. Consequently if HAARP is being used to communicate with submarines, it won't be used to communicate with aircraft, because essentially there's no need to, there's enough land based radar and onboard ability to go pretty much where it needs to go without communicating with anyone. There's quite a bit of misinformation regarding that final point. The navigation ability of modern airliners is supremely sophisticated and accurate.   

Hmmm, but no actual evidence?

What I should have mentioned since the search was a military operation that HAARP should been employed to pick up the Black Box signal.  Remember I was speculating from my personal perception which does not include facts.  I was operating from a standpoint of a subjective reporter not much unlike the vast news carriers.  I think your points are just as vague as my ideas and perhaps even your technical mumbo jumbo are just to deflect what possibly could have happened.  Yorkshire your comments here are just a plausible as mine.  Why we were both not in the know unless your contacts are feeding you info on how to respond to keep the silence up.  And to go along with the news story well you either put on a tin foil hat or wear sheeple garments you choose.  Thanks for the education regarding radar, yet that was just a side show for the gullible.  Did you not read who were on board the plane whom possibly had thumb drives on them with cloaking and stealth technology.  Thanks Yorkshire your statements have not convinced me tho until you bring back more info from MI6 or the CIA to convince us here lol.  Have a nice day grin :)
People people we can either put on our sheeple suit or act like a ostrich with its head buried in the sand.

My condolences to the family's who lost their loved ones in this whole debacle.

First off lets really think about how CNN, Fox and MSM feed us either lies or extremely subjective news stemming from the Corporotocrazy or the monetary machine which all governments represent. It's obvious the news media deliberately regurgitated their ambiguous thoughts as if it were fact that 370 crashed over the Indian Ocean. It's all a farce, because flight 370 lost its transponder over the Gulf of Thailand and so knowing that how did the U.S. Navy track the flight all the way to the Indian Ocean if the plane's was off GPS radar. This is a complete lie and their is no evidence what so ever to substantiate the claim! What's amazing is HAARP can actually communicate with submarines at huge distances and its located in Gakona, Alaska. Wow I wonder why they have not picked up that frequency from flight 370. What perhaps can be rationally ascertained here are two plausible reasons which I have no evidence either and the way news reports now a days I guess my speculation is just as valid as the news.

1) The plane was simply shot down by the U.S. to stop a hand over of cloaking and stealth technology to China by info given from Freescale. And a meeting may have occurred prior to this incident where the engineers said screw the deal and were headed to China for better pay.

2) The planes transponder was ordered off by the U.S. Navy deliberately, so they could escort all the passengers to a classified base in Diego Garcia.

What I feel went down is that some engineers had row with Freescale over pay and decided to take their technology to China which is a threat to U.S. interests. If you don't believe corporations run the world in collusion with politicians and their tool is the major news outlets, you're so naive: please don't read any further, because you can't handle the sociopaths' which run the world.

QuoteOn board Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 were employees from Freescale Semiconductor, a Texas-based technology firm.

They were based in several manufacturing sites in Kuala Lumpur and Tianjin, China; 12 of the employees were from Malaysia and eight were from China, a spokeswoman for the company confirmed.

"The general public might not hear about how far the US has really come, because it is and should remain classified," noted firearms expert Chris Sajnog, a former Navy Seal. "Other countries are still playing catch-up â€" but they're closing the gap."

Freescale Semiconductor has been developing microprocessors, sensors and other technology for the past 50 years. The technology it creates is commonly referred to as embedded processors, which according to the firm are "standalone semiconductors that perform dedicated computing functions in electronic systems".

The passengers on board were engineers and other experts working to make Freescale Semiconductor chip facilities in Tianjin and Kuala Lumpur more efficient, said Mitch Haws, vice- president, global communications and investor relations.

Here is a picture I created of Orion and Taurus which substantiates my cipher of Folio 68r.

I have to say that Stephen Bax is reading the Voynich in a phony phonetic form or at the very least he is desperate to find meaning.  Then he goes on about several languages used which I  think is preposterous.  Any code which has the majority of its glyphs or letters between 18-22 in number simply does not decode as several languages. A mere frequency count of the voynich for its glyphs substantiates my claim.  You can't assume just because plants are used through out the text that this has to be the basis of the voynich meaning.  You have to understand that the plants could be away to throw off decoding the Voynich.  When your hear Professor Bax describe his plant findings within the voynich he even confuses himself when he pronounces the words in phonetic form.

I do believe the voynich could use a couple or 3 ciphers but of the same language which as you know my finding is Italian anagrams.  Then there maybe a layered shift code in some paragraphs or words which changes the substitution form.

Many messages I believe were encoded during the time of the Renaissance; because the rulers of the day had dealings between the Vatican’s Priests, Bishops and Cardinals and bribes were on the menu, vice versa to obtain favors.  Of course codes were away for them to not upset reviling countries and other Kingdoms as to not stain the church; which the commoner need not know about.



Hello I have decided to be a nice guy and give access to my book for free, "The Code Unchopped Volume II".

Just go to my site you can view the pdf online and download it free.  My gift to the inhabitants of earth.  Yes of course I wish you would buy it; for you never know when you need a hard copy.  I have been known to delete all my stuff and take down my book from Amazon and delete my sites.


Thank you for checking it out.

Paper Back
I have written volume II of, "The Code Unchopped".
When you view the Voynich Manuscript dubbed MS-408, have you ever wondered about what is below those glyphs? In this updated version with Voynich Font Type included and Folio 1r Paragraph 1. The message is clear. You get the Cipher, New Locations and the Astrology is accurate to what the signs and houses interpretations are and many sections of Folio's decoded.

Sex, Corruption and Power and this worldly saga continues, but it was hidden in coded messages during the Renaissance.

The Netherlands Science Newspaper Credits me for unlocking the secrets of the Voynich Manuscript.



Imagine you are a young man walking around under the mid night sky 12k to 20,602 years ago in the lands of Egypt. The moon has not risen yet and this adds to your sorrow, because your father just died. Your father served the Pharaoh in matters of mathematics, religion and astronomy. He passed along 6 fractions to you and he said it represented the whole Constellation of Stars which symbolizes a journey after you die. As you look up you notice the bright Constellation of Stars in Orion. Your father was a great man who would constantly educate you on the thoughts that came from sight and he said, “the eye was holy”. Your father said, “These fractions are from the stars and God is sad for Pharaoh is not whole and is afraid of death; he must be reborn from a vision I pass to you, so tell the Pharaoh”.

Your presentation to the Pharaoh must be convincing. You remember discussions of diagrams from your father of Pyramids, numbers and how three triangles were in that constellation. You add the 6 fractions and they are nearly a whole number. Also since its a vision from the stars you then draw an eye with fractions around it. Furthermore, when you were a child your father would illustrate the fractions as a drawing for you to learn them. You then recall a name that your father seldom spoke to you that would have been your older brother. His name was Osiris and this thought suddenly made you visualize your brother in peaces in the constellation of stars above. You came up with a story to tell Pharaoh that the fractions were holy and that Osiris would become Pharaohs dad in the afterlife. You tell Pharaoh he would be a young happy kid again after his journey here on earth. The Pharaoh’s name was Horus and so Horus became whole again and not afraid of the after life.

This young man comes back from his walk and then puts his thoughts to papyrus. He just invented a religion which not only helped Pharaoh but immortalized his brother that was never born. Subsequently, the myth of Osiris grows with the story and a great work is on the way which is the construction of Giza.



QuoteIn the Fig.1, it is shown an object from the Kha’s Tomb supposed to be the case of a balance scale
(see Fig.1), or the scale itself as reported by the corresponding label. The tool has a complex
decoration, that suggested me the case could be used as a protractor, to determine directions and
measure angles. The detail of decoration is shown in Fig.2: we see the 16-fold symmetry of a
compass rose with 16 leaves. Outside this rose there is a polygonal line with 18 corners and then 36
sides. As I noted in [1], the fraction 1/16, corresponding to one leaf of the decoration, is one of the
fractions of the Eye Of Horus, defined during the Old Kingdom to represent the number one, and
the number 36, the number of sides, corresponds to the number of Decans, the 36 groups of stars
which rise in succession from the horizon due to the earth rotation. Considering the decoration of
the case as a protractor, it had two scales, one based on Egyptian fractions, the other based on

The Boat of Re's length was 770 cubits.

770 cubits x 1/64 = 12.03125 months in a year.

30 x 12.03125 is close to what the Egyptians believed to be what a year contained in days = 360.9375 days

Re is the the Solar deity who is also Horus, this find is quite remarkable!


Quoteit has been correctly argued that tectonic movement of the earth’s plates is a major factor against theories of orientation like Spence’s or in general using precession. According to geologists and specialists in this field there are results published on this topic by NASA as well as similar tectonic movements that have been also proved by recent geophysical studies, and by recent space studies using laser and GPSs in artificial satellite observations for geodesy studies. These results would therefore imply an overall movement of about 100 m for the Gizeh Plateau at the Moqqatam Formation, and possibly some significant rotation. Giza is moving especially fast, because of its location at the contact point of the African, Arabian and Eurasian tectonic plates, a fact, which also maximises potential rotation. Another issue is the possible impact of the sea on the Gizeh Plateau. The level of the Mediterranean has raised about 2 m during the last 5000 years, a fact, which has perhaps affected the tilt of the plateau. In addition there have been several tidal waves in the broader area of the SE Mediterranean. The one that inflicted Cleopatra’s VII Alexandria was massive enough, by probably not as big as the one resulting from the volcano eruption in the island of Thera at 1500 BC.”

What we are looking at today obviously would not allow for the precision of the original blueprint.

Quote from: The General on March 20, 2014, 12:23:22 PM
Very interesting. 
I looked up your blog listed above and found it inactive.
I'd love to read more about this if you have it posted somewhere.

So, are you aware of the recent discoveries linking this manuscript to ancient Mesoamerica?
Do you dismiss these theories?

Castle Montepo or Cotone

QuoteIn 1530 the castle was the object of an architectural makeover by the Sienese military architect Baldassarre Peruzzi, who substituted the crenellations of the towers and walls with the roofs that we see today. Additional restoration followed. The final restoration done in the second half of the last century gave us back its original ancient magnificence.

Here is what I decoded from the Voynich Rosetta wheel.  What you will find that my code does not hold up through the entire MS-408.  I will however post all 12 signs from the Astrology section too from Folio 67r.

Folio 67r Astrology Voynich:

Quote from: The General on March 20, 2014, 12:23:22 PM
Very interesting. 
I looked up your blog listed above and found it inactive.
I'd love to read more about this if you have it posted somewhere.

So, are you aware of the recent discoveries linking this manuscript to ancient Mesoamerica?
Do you dismiss these theories?

I do indeed dismiss the Mesoamerica connection.  And I'm sorry about the website, I deleted it and even put my book out print named, "The Code Unchopped" from all of the negative feedback.

I believe the 2nd Castle is the art from folio 86v!

I will show you images of what this secret voynich code maybe translated as.  Also I found a document in that has voynich glyphs in latin; they are very few, but come from the area where Cotone was.

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