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Messages - henge0stone

guests you liked the first time but got repetitive.

Brad Steiger is what made me think of this. I loved his first couple of interviews but he just told that same ghost story about being thrown 100 times.
Radio and Podcasts / Mysteries Abound
May 30, 2015, 08:26:25 AM
No sure if this was mentioned yet but its a really good podcast. It has great atmospheric music too. It's bascially another aussie reading unusual often paranormal stories. They are all published stories and he gives the websites he got them from. Its a fun podcast.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Howard Stern
May 30, 2015, 08:22:49 AM
Quote from: Eddie Coyle on March 18, 2011, 08:58:06 PM
The Stern show of 1992-1995 is my favorite program of all-time,largely due to the genius of Billy West. But he left on 11/1/95, and 1996-97 was "Hollywood Howie" constantly talking up his motion picture. The show never recovered from Jackie Martling leaving on 3/2/01, IMO.

Gotta disagree. I think 2001-05 was the best. Artie was way funnier than Jackie who just bitched about how he wasn't getting paid enough and didn't add much to the conversations. Artie had awesome one liners all over the place. Also Sal and Richard's insanity were way funnier than Stuttering John who never did anything funny on the show. The shows alright but not as good. George takei is the best part of it, he should do it full time because without Artie there's a void.
Quote from: Evil Twin Of Zen on May 28, 2015, 02:55:59 PM
it really wouldn't be that big of a deal if there were such structures found. there are many temples, cities and pyramids in central and south america. these kind of structures are found all over the world. mexico has the largest known pyramid in the world.  8)

Agreed espiecally if you see how close that area is to mainland central America. Still the idea of structures down that far is interesting. I can't believe everyone just gave up on it without going down there. Well I guess I can believe it since we haven't sent anything else to Europa despite it being the only planet that has water other than Earth.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Cusco
May 30, 2015, 07:58:00 AM
Quote from: The General on May 28, 2015, 02:04:41 PM
At the risk of being roundly mocked and ridiculed, I humbly submit to you...
Cusco, The Fox and the Lady...


I love the Fox and the Lady so your not alone. Never saw the video though. They are domesticating foxes now so maybe there will be more foxes and lady's.
It's not on the archive so I have no idea where he got it from.

1. Graham Hancock, especially after the whole Zahi walking out of his lecture recently.

2. Linda Moulton Howe

3. Open Lines and or Ghost to Ghost

4. Anyone who knows anything about Mars 1 mission

5. someone from NIDS
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Cusco
May 28, 2015, 01:56:40 PM
How about everyone post your favorite Cusco music!
Sounds like they just gave up on it without looking further. It would be nice if someone followed up and actually went down there.
The 9/11  show Art said something about how Remote viewers don't see the future which is why he didn't see the disaster. Dames agreed. For someone who can't see the future he made an awful lot of predictions.
Instead of coming up with a whole new show name, why not take dreamland back> Its not like Whitely is really doing anything with it.
Radio and Podcasts / Cusco
May 26, 2015, 02:01:48 PM
Cusco was by far the best bumper music in C2C it gave the show such a unique feel. Sadly from late 98 to 99 Art stopped using it (at least in the archive shows. I have). In 2000 and 2001 he brought it back but didn't play it nearly as much as he did before. Who here wants Art to lay HEAVY on the Cusco like he did in the olden days?

This was one of my all time favorite ones he used.  All of Apurimac was excellent though.

And who could forget


One last one for good measure

Does anyone know what happened to this story? It surfaced around 2001 and LMH talked to a lot of Cubans about pyramid structures off cuba, NOT the Bimini road btw something different. Has it been debunked? They said National Geographic was looking into it but with C2C  who knows.
Quote from: Schlyder7 on March 15, 2015, 04:55:31 PM
My interest in the details of the collapse of the towers is solely a professional one, being a welder.
Structural integrity is a pretty important aspect of my trade.
When I first saw the towers collapse, my reaction was "Something is not right here. Those building should not have collapsed like they did."
So out of professional curiosity I did some research and came to my personal conclusion.
That's about all I have to say on the matter.

Have you built skyscrapers? And if you have are you familiar with the way they are designed? Just being a welder doesn't mean you know how a building is affected when a plane full of fuel runs into it. The explanation is perfectly logical and what about the video where you see planes hitting the buildings?

'truthers' give blanket statements like there is no way that the steel could melt but what are they basing that on? What facts are there of what happens when a plane full of fuel hits a building. Honestly the towers didn't look that sturdy and were much thinner than the empire state building so it seems logical to me.

All of the 'truthers' so called facts are taken from either misinformation given during the event, there was a lot of false information in the confusion of 9/11 that's the nature of live reporting.

No matter how many times you show them the planes hitting the buildings and the real facts they will not believe it. Its a weird religion of not trusting reality.
With James Templar about UFOs


it just showed up out of nowhere.
SO if the earth is concave than whats underground??
Oh yeah Hale-Bopp
Quote from: WhiteCrow on April 13, 2015, 01:45:24 AM

Dames was never held accountable for his scam that preys on the gullible for monetary gain. Like his remote viewing of Iron Butterfly bassist, Philip "Taylor" Kramer's mysterious disappearance. Dames, was asked to "view" Kramer's case, by Kramer's sister. On Art's show he claimed Kramer had been murdered by known persons. Driven by "known persons" hundreds of miles away and his body was dumped.

4 years later Kramers skeletal remains were found inside the wreckage of his minivan that had plunged down a 450-foot ravine outside of Malibu, California. Less than 20 miles from his home. No evidence of any foul play.

This is the kind of stuff I'm talking about. I know they were good guests on his show but remember the Halley's comet debacle? He got that fraud courtney Brown on and confronted him, why not do this with anyone else who was wrong? They all hide behind the 'timelines are hard to pin down!' despite giving exact dates in their own predictions. The other night I heard a Sean David Morton 2001 show and Art said he had the most hits. I was baffled.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art's Going Back to C2C?
April 07, 2015, 02:07:46 PM
They were probabaly all negative emails saying F you George.
Quote from: Ms. C on April 04, 2015, 11:20:38 AM
Way back then and as an impressionable adult ....I loved listening to everyone's way out  visions of the future ...  I feel the same way about the rest of your post HLF -- DEFINITELY a buzzkill -  ignorance really was bliss!

I guess listening to these guys in 2015 is what makes me hate them so much since I already know they're wrong. Maybe back when it came out I would have been interested.
Quote from: albrecht on April 01, 2015, 05:38:58 PM
I consider this a subset of the "hollow earth" theory, as does wikipedia (so I am in good company.) Apparently there was some Arab mathematician, Mostafa Abdelkader, who "proved" this several decades ago (mathematically.) Read a bit about this guy Cyrus Reed Teed, who started a whole cult and city based on the idea in the early 20th century.
The "concave" earth theory is worth a show when Art comes back. Or by Knapp.

Hm interesting. I thought it was just one crazy guy who played Halo too much. It's worth a show I guess. I always thought the Hollow earth theory was interesting especially with the myths of whats down there. Concave earth is 100 % false of course but interesting.
Quote from: Lord Grantham on April 04, 2015, 07:22:21 AM
He also predicted that every human on Earth would become brain dead in 2012 due to the magnetic pole shifting. Same show he claimed to be right 90% of the time.

A nuclear attack on New York city n 1999 from a submarine. I remember that one but can't remember the show.
Quote from: MV on April 03, 2015, 01:16:39 AM
as opposed to legitimate prophets?

As opposed to people claiming to be prophets but really charlatans. Malachi never said he was a prophet and admitted he was bad with predictions.
Quote from: albrecht on April 01, 2015, 07:21:55 PM
Yes. I also wish Malachi Martin were still around for another go-round about his predictions and also commentary on the new Pope and the various goings-on these days. I hope Art does a show about him and his, maybe according to some sources, mysterious death. Art said on the other thread that he got the Fatima secret from him but promised never to reveal it. Could be good radio braggadocio or posting joke, because seems a little far-fetched, but THAT would be a killer "first show!"

That would be awesome  if he had Dames and GMS to confront them but he'll never do it. He's too nice his former guests. I don't think Malachi Martin should be counted as a prophet. He made predictions but he admitted they were wrong and even said he was a poor prophet so they were really just guesses. Also he never claimed to have any special power aside from being an exorcist.

Maybe the whole theory is just a joke on Ancient aliens and other weird theories because no intelligent human being can believe this. Do you think this guy actually believes this?
Quote from: rzr1911 on March 29, 2015, 04:03:15 PM


Mass Effect 2 Club Afterlife Song ( Saki Kaska - Callista )

Mass Effect has such great music and all of the songs have that chase feel to them.

How about uncharted worlds? It might be a little slow for an opening but it would make great bumper music.
..Who you have given air time over the years. Gordon Michael Scallion was wrong about everything. Just in the millennium show alone (12  31-99) he predicted he was 90 % sure that his map would happen by 2002. Also he said a new type of human would evolve and that by 2012 there would be no more wars. So many misses.


How can you call yourself a prophet when your hit rake is almost zero?

Denounce him and other prophets like Dames.
Dames, we did NOT end up eating allege underground by 2000. And the billions of other things he predicted.

Sean David Morton too. He sorta dropped off so its not as important.

Quote from: Danger!UFO on March 29, 2015, 09:37:55 AM
In Art's most recent post he mentioned he is still looking for an opening theme. I'm starting this thread because new show theme suggestions should probably be separated from the bumper music thread.

I thought Art still might use 'The Chase' by Giorgio Moroder. Art, have you ruled that out?

This version is so good. Check it out. I like the beginning because you may not recognize it as 'The Chase'. Then you hear the Chase theme. Fantastic!

It looks like it is available from the artist, Michael Daniels.


I'll spend a little time later today and go through his songs and see what's there.

I think this version of the Chase is perfect.

"The chase" club version from midnight express

Wonderful my vote is for the chase remix! It has the familiar tune but with a new ampted up beginning. I hope he hasn't disowned the Chase because it was an awesome intro and this one would be even better. Either this or another tech song like it with a cool beat. Ride my seesaw is a good song but didn't work too good for the opening. Loreena Mckennitt would be good too.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Bumper Music
March 28, 2015, 04:18:38 PM
Quote from: rzr1911 on March 28, 2015, 04:16:02 AM
I dislike 99% of all Beatles music. Please don't play them on your show ever again.

ok, not sure what that has to do with anything.  As much as I like the Beatles they don't really fit too well with the atmosphere of Art's show. loreena mckennitt and Cusco fit the best with the mysterious atmosphere of Art's topics and the night. Other Celtic or world music would be good too.   
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Bumper Music
March 27, 2015, 02:57:31 PM
 The only bumper music I outright dislike is Words of Love. It's so annoying YOU OUGHTTTA KNOW BY NOWW! Omg its horrible.

Get right back where we started from I used to like but he overplayed the crap out of it.

Another one I'm now am sick of is Nothing but a heartack. God its annoying, those girls just yell at the end so tired of it.

Cusco is the all time best music for the show. In 1999 he completely abandoned Cusco and kept playing 50s and 60s music. Elvis's Marie and Moody River are the two best out of that bunch. He played a few Beatles but not the really good ones. I hope he goes back to Cusco in the 2000s.
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