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Messages - punkinpie


And while I'm at it, you've gotta watch this:

Halloween Light Show 2010 HD - Thriller ( Michael Jackson )

I tried to listen this morning, but just couldn't.  I made it to the first EVP and shut it off.  I don't know why those bother me so much.  I'm sad that I missed an Art show.  :'(

Ian's Saturday show has been pretty good!
Quote from: MV on October 27, 2010, 11:14:18 AM
Quote from: ringthane on October 27, 2010, 05:15:35 AM
Generate a 1099 for anything over $600? Fuck that. I'd have to have a part-timer just for paper work.
this is not america.

i think most of the people who continue to support obama are people who produce nothing.  they have no vested interest in what happens with taxes or how the bureaucracy grows and affects people.  funny thing is, to most deadbeat obama supporters, $250K probably sounds like a HUUUUUGE sum of money.  it's not.  after sales tax, property tax, sometimes city and/or county income tax, state tax, federal tax, capital gains taxes, and a slew of other taxes i can't think of at the moment, you're not left with much.  leftists believe that the money you take home is due to the good grace of the government that "allows" you to take it.  they see the money you take home as a favor done for you by the government rather than seeing it the other way around as they SHOULD.  you can see this to be the case when you listen to democrats talk about tax cuts in terms of how much it will "cost" the government.  they assume ownership of your money until and unless their policies allow otherwise.

YES!  YES!  YES!  Well said.  I wish there were a smiley that would clap! 
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
October 26, 2010, 05:59:29 PM
EvB, I've been obsessed with those two shows!  I saw in one of the tabloids that two of Kody's wives are unhappy and thinking about leaving  (Janelle and Christine)  because it's all about him.  DUH!  The culture fascinates me.  If you like those two, there is a great book about Momonism called Secret Ceremonies by Deborah Laake.  (Her last name has two AAs)  She was married in the mainstream Mormon church and tells about the ceremonies and traditions.  It was so good that 15 years later I still remember her name.  :)

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
October 26, 2010, 05:22:53 PM
Quote from: MV on October 24, 2010, 03:52:21 AM
Quote from: analog kid on October 23, 2010, 08:59:38 PM
Quote from: b_dubb on October 23, 2010, 08:49:54 PM
i hate nice

I agree; nice people irritate me.
this reminds me... did you guys ever see the south park episode about mormons?

this is my second mention of mormons in as many days.

Have you been watching Sister Wives or something?   ;D
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Ian Punnett
October 24, 2010, 06:32:51 PM
Quote from: anomalies on October 23, 2010, 11:36:38 PM
Tonight, Ian has a tabloid journalist on.  What next?

He is just awful.

Ha ha!  Everything you guys hate I love.  I found that interview fascinating.  The National Enquirer has been a staple for me since I learned how to read.  I remember saving up my allowance to buy them.  I can kick anyone's ass on celebrity trivia.  :)

I would read that guy's book.  Who knew that it was a mob racket? 
Quote from: Peenman Enterprises on October 09, 2010, 06:31:26 PM
Quote from: ShelliesMom on October 07, 2010, 05:07:51 AM

Supposedly, they have over 3,000 members too ;D   

You know considering the audience numbers the show has and the frequency that George mentions the NHZ, I don't think 3,000 is very impressive at all.

No, it's not...at all.  2,994 signed up, saw it sucked and never went back.
I don't even care about them trying to be pro-George all the time.  It's all so robotic.  Before I found this message board I went there because of the mentions on the show.  At the time we were planning to go to Roswell, so during the show hours I went in and asked if anyone had been there, if it was worth going, etc.  I pissed off the guy posting all that was being said on the show because I was making off topic posts.  It was so stupid.

If all they're going to do is post word for word what is being said on the show, why have a forum?  Create a blog or something. 

I just don't understand why the heck anyone goes there.  Do you really want to just agree with the other three people posting there?  Why is it so great that it is mentioned on the show repeatedly?  I am missing something or they're all idiots.   :P
Random Topics / Re: Best Open Line Call You've Heard?
October 05, 2010, 08:09:19 PM
Quote from: TaoOfLuxLisbon on October 03, 2010, 09:13:13 PM
Quote from: punkinpie on October 01, 2010, 08:29:09 PM
I think I've wrote this before, but I seriously love open lines.  My favorite callers are the ones that start out sounding like a normal person with a story and then it quickly deteriorates into lunacy.  The process of them starting out on the right foot and then falling apart fascinates me.

Friday night, Snoory was letting them go on for ten minutes at a time. Maybe he ate some bad chicken parm and needed some bathroom breaks.

Ha ha!  I just listened to the show and yeah...he did.
PETA....People Eating Tasty Animals

I saw that on a shirt at Jungle Jim's in Cincy.
A dead cow would for sure scare everyone off. 
A dead crow might be a nice touch in addition to the sign.   8)
Archive of Old Threads / Don't Knock on MY Door!!!!!
October 02, 2010, 12:56:12 PM
I just posted this sign on my front door:

If politics and religion are two taboo topics, why is it that people love to knock on my door and try to change my mind?

This is MY house, bitches!
Random Topics / Re: Best Open Line Call You've Heard?
October 01, 2010, 08:29:09 PM
I think I've wrote this before, but I seriously love open lines.  My favorite callers are the ones that start out sounding like a normal person with a story and then it quickly deteriorates into lunacy.  The process of them starting out on the right foot and then falling apart fascinates me.
An oldie, but a goodie...

My two cents would be to say Guns N Roses.  The Illusion albums (showing my age with that one) left a huge imprint on my teenage years. 
Here's an article from the Washington Post.


Alien ambassador appointed by United Nations?

When the little green men show up on their space shuttle, they might have trouble finding a leader to talk to.
Despite some of the most promising science fiction reports out there, the United Nations will not be appointing an ambassador to extraterrestrials.
The Martian madness began with a report in the London Telegraph that "Mazlan Othman, a Malaysian astrophysicist, is set to be tasked with co-ordinating humanity's response if and when extraterrestrials make contact."Othman was appointed the director of the United Nations' Office for Outer Space Affairs in 1999. According to the Telegraph story, the scientist would announce her new role at a Royal Society conference in Buckinghamshire next week.The real life "Men In Black" story burned through the Internet, but the Guardian has stopped all the alien fun by actually asking Othman about her supposed appointment.
Othman sent the paper an e-mail saying, "It sounds really cool but I have to deny it." She will be attending a conference next week, but she'll be talking about how the world deals with "near-Earth objects."Though, perhaps just like the alien ambassadors in the movie "Men in Black," Othman could be keeping the job a secret. No aliens could be reached to confirm or deny this story.
By Melissa Bell  | September 27, 2010; 10:59 AM ET

So....I'm listening to the radio and they start talking about this story.  I don't know if it was mentioned on Coast last night because I haven't had a chance to listen today. 

I love it that the article says "when they arrive from outer space."

Take me to your leader!


UN Selecting Ambassador for Alien Contact
6:20 PM - September 27, 2010 - By [/b][/size]Kevin Parrish - Source : Tom's Guide US
The United Nations is gearing up for alien visitation by appointing a spokesperson.

Now here's a bit of news to would raise FBI agent Fox Mulder's "conspiracy" flags almost immediately: the UN is gearing up to elect an Earth ambassador that will with aliens when they arrive from outer space. If approved, the role will initially be filled by 58-year-old astrophysicist Mazlan Othman, the current head of the UN's  for Outer Space Affairs (Unoosa), and not the U.S. president as seen in many alien invasion movies.

"The continued search for extraterrestrial communication, by several entities, sustains the hope that some day human kind will receive signals from extraterrestrials," Othman said. "When we do, we should have in place a coordinated response that takes into account all the sensitivities related to the subject. The UN is a ready-made mechanism for such coordination."

But when aliens do arrive, would Othman be the first contact, or the first meal? A recent documentary by Professor Stephen Hawking suggests that alien visitors would arrive like nomads in massive ships, their intent not on peace and galactic harmony, but to colonize and plunder the planet's resources after depleting their own back at home.

"We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet," he said. "It would be 'too risky' to attempt to make contact with alien races. If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn’t turn out very well for the Native Americans."

But it may be too late. If the UN is considering the position for an Earth ambassador, an alien may well be on its way, possibly ticked off over the noise generated by humans shooting radio transmissions into space.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
September 26, 2010, 04:55:46 PM
I love Art, don't get me wrong.  Isn't it strange that he retired once to deal with the molestation of his kid, yet posts pictures of his daughter all the time?  It seems just a little odd to me. 
Archive of Old Threads / Re: What town do you live in?
September 26, 2010, 09:59:51 AM
DeKalb, IL
Quote from: MV on September 23, 2010, 08:33:05 PM
Quote from: robey1129 on September 23, 2010, 08:17:15 PM
HIPPA was signed into action in the 80's by the federal government and it guarantees a right to privacy to anyone receiving medical treatment or rehabilitation. Its' original purpose, one of which, was to provide anonymity to alcoholics and drug addicts to receive treatment without facing the stigma that society places upon it. This came after the medical community agreed that addiction was a disease and not a moral affliction. So, the bottom line is, a doctor or drug counselor cannot verify that a specific person is currently or has received treatment unless that person specifically gives them written permission to do so (and it has to be specific...like a son signing off for his mother). This is known as a "release of information". Violation of HIPPA usually results in a fine and/or loss of employment.
i designed a website for a woman who is a medical coder.  well, let's say, i didn't really "design" a site (i'm not that skilled), but i installed a content management system for her and customized it to her liking.  anyway, she's totally governed by HIPPA in everything she does.  she wanted to be able to send/receive patient documents via email, and she thinks that because i installed an SSL certificate on her domain that "it's now secure."  she didn't seem to understand the vast sea of difference between being "secure enough" and being HIPPA compliant.  i kept telling her again and again that i would not trust my HIPPA compliance and my company's reputation/future to anything other than an accredited, certifiably HIPPA compliant medical records transfer company.  she doesn't want to spend the $50 per month to set that up.  finally, i went ahead and sent her an email explicitly advising her not to use email for the purpose of medical record transmission, just so i could document that i in fact DID make it clear to her.  you never know.  she could make a wrong move in the future and blame/sue me for her ignorance and frugality.  HIPPA is serious shit.  some people just don't get it, and are willing to risk an entire company in the course of halfheartedly complying with it.  not good.  trust your medical records to nobody.  she's a great example of what can happen.

The heart of my issue was that I didn't feel that they had a right to ask.  It's also illegal to steal someone's identity.  I don't KNOW the people working behind the desk or who will be working there five or ten years from now.  Just because it's illegal isn't enough of a deterrent to an identity thief.  I'm not interested in leaving tons of personal information with a business that I may or may not work with.  I don't think it was unreasonable to want to know what they charge before I give them everything. 
Quote from: TaoOfLuxLisbon on September 25, 2010, 05:00:27 PM
Last night.....

"Hi. I don't have many friends. I'm always worried. I've never had a boyfriend. I'm always nervous. Am I going to be okay?"

"I'm sorry, I don't address such personal questions. Do you have a supernatural related question?"

"When my mother was two, she saw a Bigfoot standing over her bed."

Wow. Just wow.

Tao! Ha ha!  I was listening this morning.  I had the same reaction....WTF? 
Archive of Old Threads / Re: Coastgab is my facebook
September 24, 2010, 08:36:37 PM
Go away and enjoy your Federal Tax Credit!  Dude, you are my hero!
Archive of Old Threads / Re: Coastgab is my facebook
September 24, 2010, 08:08:06 PM
Quote from: MV on September 24, 2010, 07:41:11 PM
Quote from: general jamison johnson on September 24, 2010, 02:52:51 PM
I deleted my facebook account a while back and I'm sure glad I did!  It was getting to be such a colossal waste   of time, with such trivial stupid shit getting posted there   incessantly.  I don't know why I ever signed up for a social networking   site in the first place anyway, I'm anti-social and I don't want to do   any networking.  The most annoying thing about facebook was the hoards of people that I didn't want to re-connect with that found me and want to re-connect.  People like old high school acquaintances,   ex girlfriends, people you learned to avoid years ago, etc... and they   want to share pictures of their fat kids with you and talk about trivial   stupid shit with you and they want to come visit you with all their fat   kids next time they come to your town.  Jeeezus, no thanks.  So I deleted my account.  Gotta keep a low profile.
  Coastgab is so much more enjoyable.  I would MUCH rather talk to strangers in relative anonymity about things that interest me than talk to acquaintances about things that don't.
  Anybody else abandon facebook?
i dumped my facebook account a long time ago.  i have a fan page for the podcast, but that's it... and even when i DO go there, the place feels like syberia. 

i, too, had the issue with people from my past looking me up and wanting to "reconnect."  they don't seem to get the fact that there was a REASON we fell out of communication.  some of it was because i was an asshole, and some of it was because they were.  either way, the people i maintain communication with today have been selectively retained in my life after years of maturing and learning what truly warrants calling someone a friend.  none of these people really deserved that designation, in retrospect.  why would they now?  oh, and general jamison... you are TOTALLY RIGHT about the people with their fat kids.  holy shit.  i just desperately wanted to inform them, "hey, rube... your kid is not special.  fat, yes, but not special."  watching these people post messages along the lines of "my little girl is the most special little girl in the world!" was just about enough to push me toward seppuku.  facebook is only as interesting as the people who are using it.  unfortunately, most people are not interesting.  at all.

my wife still continues to use facebook, and i fail to see what value she extracts from it.  i can do without people posting bullshit about tests they're going to take in school and videos of kittens being murdered.  i keep telling her to delete those people, but she doesn't want to be rude.  the whole thing is a trap that people can't seem to break free from.

i left facebook.  it was an easy decision.  i don't miss it.  i've not looked back.  it blows.

Ha ha!  That reminds me of a practical joke some of my husband's former coworkers played on him a couple of years ago.  There was an annoying woman that they worked with who sent emails with pictures of her fat kids to everyone on her email list.  My husband didn't ever know her well and hasn't worked with her for five years.  She still sent him this garbage.

A couple of years ago at Christmas my husband's friends got cards from this lady with pictures of her kids on them.  Of course, he has been vocal about not caring about her kids to these guys.  His friends forwarded all of the cards to our house.  We got a huge kick out of it. 
Archive of Old Threads / Re: Coastgab is my facebook
September 24, 2010, 07:31:23 PM
Yep!  I abandoned it for eight months or so.  I just signed back up this week.  I love a forum on Blog Talk Radio and they are likely scrapping the forum soon.  I've built almost real friendships there and don't want to lose track of the girls.   :D

I have a bunch of deadbeat relatives that I moved away from and haven't talked to in years find me on Facebook.  Of course I didn't accept the friend requests, but it freaked me out and I deleted my page.

You are dead on about dumb shit conversations from people that I don't care about. 
Quote from: Marc Knight on September 22, 2010, 08:57:25 PM
Quote from: punkinpie on September 22, 2010, 08:38:06 PM
Katherine Albrecht gets in my head.  Yes, she's a little paranoid, but because of her I'm more careful about giving out my personal information. 

I recently went to a Medispa about getting laser hair removal.  Before I could get a price or talk to anyone they wanted a copy of my driver's license, work history, SS number, etc.  They also wanted me to sign off on a privacy policy that wasn't attached.  The release said that I could obtain a copy from the receptionist.  I wondered what they were hiding.  The receptionist told me that because they were a medical office they had to comply with HIPPA.  Honestly, I don't know what is on a HIPPA form. 

I told them that we weren't at the point where I felt that they needed all of that crap.  If I became a patient I would give them any information that they need, but not before I choose them to do the work.  They refused to allow me to talk to anyone.  I went home and wrote a scathing letter to them about personal privacy.  I also wrote a nasty review on Yelp.

If it hadn't been for listening to Katherine Albrecht I probably would have just complied.  She makes me paranoid and a little paranoia is good for you.

Check this out.



That is truly frightening.  Privacy has such a fine line when it comes to security. 
Katherine Albrecht gets in my head.  Yes, she's a little paranoid, but because of her I'm more careful about giving out my personal information. 

I recently went to a Medispa about getting laser hair removal.  Before I could get a price or talk to anyone they wanted a copy of my driver's license, work history, SS number, etc.  They also wanted me to sign off on a privacy policy that wasn't attached.  The release said that I could obtain a copy from the receptionist.  I wondered what they were hiding.  The receptionist told me that because they were a medical office they had to comply with HIPPA.  Honestly, I don't know what is on a HIPPA form. 

I told them that we weren't at the point where I felt that they needed all of that crap.  If I became a patient I would give them any information that they need, but not before I choose them to do the work.  They refused to allow me to talk to anyone.  I went home and wrote a scathing letter to them about personal privacy.  I also wrote a nasty review on Yelp.

If it hadn't been for listening to Katherine Albrecht I probably would have just complied.  She makes me paranoid and a little paranoia is good for you.
Quote from: Marc Knight on September 21, 2010, 08:27:44 PM
Quote from: punkinpie on September 21, 2010, 08:18:00 PM
I quit my job a week ago to go to school full time.  It was a decent sales job and I worked from home but I grew to hate it.  I hope there is something good for me out there when this is over.

You will make something good happen. 

Aww..... :D   Thank you.
I quit my job a week ago to go to school full time.  It was a decent sales job and I worked from home but I grew to hate it.  I hope there is something good for me out there when this is over. 
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