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Messages - gnooryblows

Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 11:52:08 PM
Quote from: gnooryblows on January 03, 2018, 11:47:38 PM
don't worry bro, i'm not nervous or upset about anything but trust me i've been in enough shitty situations to know that a peaceful nonviolent outcome is always preferable. because when that doesn't happen, even when you win you lose in some way or another. just speaking from experience unfortunately. remember i was homeless for more than two years, saw more than my share of scrapes and problems with a variety of different people.

also if i told you guys where i worked back when i was like 20 you'd know there were a lot of problems there too. but i'm always leery of saying that on the net cuz i don't want to give myself away or anything. too much identifying info. basically it was like a nightclub though. lots of people making problems all of the time. when you're like 20 getting into a fight maybe sounds kind of cool. but after a while you really do realize that there are truly no winners. no matter who wins or who loses, here are ultimately no winners. i mean unless some girl sees you and wants to bone the shit out of you afterwards, but other than that no winners and obviously that's not what's happening here.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 11:47:38 PM
Quote from: JulianC on January 03, 2018, 11:42:09 PM
pud is shitting himself.
Laura Kinch, his wife, is changing his soiled boxers.

You just chill and be yourself.
pud is just a guest in America. This is your clay, bro, and you have guns and a sword.
He has Laura, who has ugly stretch marks and sagging tits. Even niggers and spicks in California refuse to fuck her.

don't worry bro, i'm not nervous or upset about anything but trust me i've been in enough shitty situations to know that a peaceful nonviolent outcome is always preferable. because when that doesn't happen, even when you win you lose in some way or another. just speaking from experience unfortunately. remember i was homeless for more than two years, saw more than my share of scrapes and problems with a variety of different people.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 11:42:58 PM
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on January 03, 2018, 11:40:41 PM

All of the above...The suggestion stands.. Get a lawyer who will take it to court..Make arrests. Okay?

do you really and genuinely and unironically have that much faith in the justice system pudd? you gonna tell me OJ is innocent too? you don't think that a problem that is endemic to wealthy elite might be particularly difficult to prosecute fairly?
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 11:40:11 PM
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on January 03, 2018, 11:38:20 PM
Sure...Common ground...All my neighbours, friends, the local sheriff and CHiP officers are sure you have sacrificed children, all under four years old. And sadly I have to agree with them. It was worse because you admitted to jerking off as you did it.  :-\

well here's is the difference though, you make a claim against me it doesn't set me off. i don't lose my shit, you know? i mean say whatever you want about me. it doesn't bother me one bit. i can't think of too much that people could ever say about me that i haven't said about myself just to see exasperated faces and funny reactions at some point or another.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 11:39:10 PM
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on January 03, 2018, 11:34:43 PM

Sigh: Last time okay? I don't deny child trafficking..okay? I've never said otherwise..Okay? Are you clear? I (and digest this, read it more than once if you need to)..suggested if YOU or anyone has evidence that will hold up in court about the alleged pizzagate, then get a lawyer pro bono to fight it in court for you...Okay? Is that clear? And I also told you I'd be the first to congratulate you if you won.. Got it?

well dude look here's the thing. "pizzagate" can mean a lot of things. what are we talking about? are we talking about comet ping pong? are we talking about james alafantis? or are we talking about jon podestas emails with all of the bizarre code talk and weird stuff like calling a bunch of pre-pubescent girls his "entertainment for the evening" and saying they were going to be waiting for him in the heated pool.

it's a pretty big umbrella in a lot of ways. i don't know all of the specifics, people can only speculate. but i think it's clear that there are some odd irregularities there that def need to be investigated and prob won't because there's a demonstrable history of the police and powerful people covering up these sorts of crimes.

now one last question for you. you say you don't deny the reality of child trafficking rings. ok. cool. good. obviously they are real things and they're a pretty prevalent problem. so here's my serious question. if the child slaves aren't being bought by rich elite and prominent members of society, then who is buying them? because it doesn't take a WHOLE LOT of critical thinking to realize that child sex slaves aren't CHEAP. not only are they not CHEAP, you need to find a place to HOUSE them, you need to FEED them, you need to presumably get proper paperwork for them if you're going to pretend they're your kids or something. i mean anyway you slice it, it's a major expense drain and this isn't exactly something that middle class people with above ground pools are doing. you know what i mean?
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 11:33:30 PM
Quote from: JulianC on January 03, 2018, 11:25:21 PM
Yes it is!

yeah i agree 100%. i pretty much tend to believe that is more or less his wifes real name too. or at least her maiden name. he might be saying "nuh uh not her name" cuz she took his last name, but you know, it would still technically be "her real name".
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 11:32:08 PM
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on January 03, 2018, 11:30:27 PM

If you persist with the former, I cannot subscribe to the latter...The hint is there. Now go and get in your bin.

in all truth, here's the reality of it. in my mind i ascribe like 90% odds that you diddle children. that leaves a 10% possibility that you don't. what's that do you for you? any common ground we can work with there? does that put us in some sort of ballfield where we can have respectable disagreements?
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 11:31:00 PM
Quote from: JulianC on January 03, 2018, 11:29:11 PM
We prefer real blood. Digital blood is, meh!
Real blood is warm and sticky and has smell of death. Digital blood is just 1 and 0

in fairness dude you don't KNOW that he is really a pedo. what if he's just a typical, run of the mill hillary clinton supporter? i mean i admit his denials of child trafficking reality is really bizarre and goes beyond even what the typical demoncrat does, but you still can't be sure he's not just a genuine complete moron.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 11:29:34 PM
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on January 03, 2018, 11:27:32 PM

Shit...I never wanted your blood. Look, I can't help what you believe can I? I don't even know why I'm even addressing this now. As I said in the pm, you'd be better not being on this forum if you think everyone hates you, cos you don't seem to make things easy for yourself, whether that's intentional or not.

well i don't mind people hating me, i love it.

but cool. alrite. good. i'm glad. look i don't want your blood either. there is nobody on bellgab or anywhere else on the internet that i would ever "want their blood". that's the reality. that's just not the type of person i am. i mean sometimes in life someone decides they want to make a problem for you and they don't leave you with much choice but to fight back, but i've never been the person to go out and try to pick a fight or cause any harm to people in that manner, right? so cool. we're good bro. we're on separate pages just like we always were, but whatever. such is life.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 11:27:36 PM
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on January 03, 2018, 11:17:07 PM

LOLOLOL. Okay...A bit of news.. Okay? I'm not going to try to dox or attempt to find out how to dox you. Okay? So you can sleep peacefully in your bin tonight.

The photo that the 4chan virgin posted isn't my wife either, nor is Laurakinch her real name (surprise surprise). And lo and behold, I am not going to come and find you either. And I don't bribe MV (that one made me chuckle actually, a lot)..The evil one is too rich to bribe.

Are you feeling more able to snuggle up and get loves from your blankie and teddy bear now? Good.. What you're doing is just feeding your own paranoia. Be a lamb and make hay with Swishy, he'll be gentle with you.

oh i totally missed this post. didn't see it at all. ok well good. pud i'm glad that we're on that level. you disagree with me, i disagree with you, you like to diddle children probably, i tend to think that's a bad thing to do. but whatever. we're able to disagree with eachother like mature adults. i dig that 100%. so no hard feelings alrite bro?
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 11:22:02 PM
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on January 03, 2018, 11:21:10 PM
You read too many John le Carré books.

pud, lets work this thing out right now. you and me. what's our status? you still mad at me? you still want my blood? you still want to fight? tell me where you're at here bro. tell me if we can't put things behind us.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 11:21:17 PM
Quote from: JulianC on January 03, 2018, 11:17:30 PM
pud is old phlegmatic pussy with big mouth,that's all. If he desires for his new life in America to be fucked /pol/ will deliver!
He knows now, he was warned to watch his mouth and to stay away from you.
You can still call him a pedo or diddler.

alrite well i tried. i do appreciate the backup frankly and i appreciate you being on my side in this matter.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 11:20:15 PM
i mean if that is genuinely puds wifes name, which apparently it is, im sure i could find puds address with just a few simple google searches.  but you know, i'd rather there just be no bloodbaths based off of a few bellgab posts. either way i know the blood isn't going to be MY blood for certain because there's no way for anyone to find me. and even if they did i own guns and swords and a few other goodies and i'm a light sleeper.

you want to call that "nervous" md md? you're delusional but whatever. think what you want about me.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 11:18:31 PM
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 03, 2018, 11:15:12 PM
Sounds like someone is starting to panic. I wonder why? ???

why do you people say stupid things like that? i don't want people hunting down people off of the internet. i don't want to hunt anyone down. i don't want julien hunting pud down. and i especially don't want pud hunting me down. obviously no one is going to end up hunting anyone down anyway unless the person getting hunted is pud. cuz there's no way for anyone to get my personal info. unfortunately puds fucking wife blasted her full name out for the world to see, so that puts him at a distinct disadvantage in that situation.

if you genuinely think "i'm nervous" considering all of that then wake the fuck up you homo. but in reality i would just rather not be a part of some bizarre internet bloodbath. if anything, at this point, if someone hunted pud down and murdered him i would prob end up getting questioned by police for like an hour over nothing and that would be a hassle because i value my time more than that.

edit: had to change "i want julien hunting pud down" to "i DONT want julien hunting pud down". cuz i definitely don't want ANYONE hunting ANYONE down and that's the god damn point. for real.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 11:16:04 PM
Quote from: Swishypants on January 03, 2018, 11:14:05 PM
I just think about myself all the time and make shit up and then reply to it. I don't have a fucking clue what's happening outside my compound, which is guarded by tiny Asian men with M-1 Garande Battle Rifles. They're aliens you know; Asians.

oh yeah definitely asians definitely have non-human DNA. they're part grey aliens. and as everyone knows the grey aliens are communists. that's why CHINA is RED CHINA. and hey even russia was in asia and has a lot of asian looking folks in parts of it.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 11:14:41 PM
also julienC i mean if something happens you might just end up getting yourself in trouble too, you know? no need for something bad to happen to you either. no need for anything bad to happen to anyone IMO over a few words said on the internet.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 11:13:31 PM
all i want is the happy things, not the negative angry mean things. i don't want to fight with anyone, that's negative. i want happy things like little black slaves that go and fetch my poptarts when im hungry, and serenade me with negro spirituals. life is too short to get wrapped up in stupid fights.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 11:09:57 PM
i mean julianC, i am touched truly, but i just don't think it's gonna help anything. just gonna make him more angry and make him spaz out and lead to who knows what. that's just how i see it anyhow. he's a dumbshit he doesn't even know how to make sense of things that happen around him.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 11:07:38 PM
Quote from: JulianC on January 03, 2018, 11:05:50 PM
Don't worry bro.
/pol/ has him under control and muzzled. If he makes wrong move towards you /pol/ will EXPLODE ON HIS SORRY ASS!

lol omfg bro well i mean thanks in a lot of ways but really to be honest i think you're just aggravating the situation further you know? like i mean i'm not trying to pick a fight with you. i have nothing against you. you seem like a decent dude to me. but i think it's just aggravating the situation further personally.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 11:06:42 PM
Quote from: Swishypants on January 03, 2018, 10:58:33 PM
Doxxing is teh guey! 2008 happened; ain't none of these fucks got any money, or pride, or social standing anymor'!

i think his heart is in a nice place but you can't do something that might get an innocent person killed. not only that, even if someone is guilty, the internet is kind of a fucking "say anything" place in my view. it used to really be like that. it's become a lot LESS like that in recent year, for certain, but to me i always still have that idea about it and i still think that's what's best.

and the thing about people on 4chan and their pedo vigilantism is that if you go on there (like me) and say "age of consent should be lowered" or something because you believe that it should for a variety of pretty decent reasons, then you get labelled a pedo and whatnot. i remember there was this thread about brooke shields there, who was posing in nude mags when she was 10, and i was talking about how pedophilia used to be really normalized and accepted in our culture up until just recently. this is really the objective truth. it WAS only like a few years ago that people really started giving a fuck about pedos. pedophilia used to be glorified in a lot of music and popular culture and movies and stuff like that. i was giving examples like RP McMurphy in One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest, hailed by all as an example of "an american hero". what did he do? fucked a 15 year old.

all of the people in that thread wanted my head though. all i was saying was things that were objectively true and stuff that was relevant to the discussion. but to them i was just a POS pedo that deserved to die. so it's whatever, i dunno, it's a bunch of complicated stuff i suppose.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 10:57:45 PM
Quote from: Swishypants on January 03, 2018, 10:54:07 PM
I liked it when you told me I was a fat little girl while you punched me in the back of the head. Paradise isn't for everyone, but then again, YOU'RE NOT EVERYONE!

have you ever heard of a pink sock? that's when you're boning someone in the butt and then you punch them in the back so that their anal muscles contract, and then you pull out really fast so their anus prolapses. when it comes out it looks like a big pink sock. i'd post pictures but you know we can't post that stuff here. you could just google it or whatever though. it's also known as a "donkey punch". i was thinking that maybe you and i could try some stuff like this to spice up our sex lives, you know what i mean bro?
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 10:55:56 PM
Quote from: Swishypants on January 03, 2018, 10:51:32 PM
He knows people! People know him!

JulienC seems like an OK guy and pretty cool and i think he's from 4chan which makes him even cooler, but i dunno, he shouldn't be trying to doxx the dude if that's what he's trying to do IMO. not only that, even though i would call pud a pedo, and he's all pissed off that im calling him a pedo, it is the reality that nobody really knows. like is it really suspicious the way he vehemently denies the reality of child trafficking rings? yes. very very very odd. does he act like a pedo in other ways? have the markers of them? sure. but you don't know, you know? i know enough to call him a pedo on the internet forum but not enough to try to actually make him "pay for his crimes" or whatever, you know? not enough to actually do something that might potentially make a real problem for someone. even if i did know someone was a pedo off of the internet i dunno what i would do. i guess you might have to report them to the FBI or something at that point or else more children might get hurt, but my instinct is just to let people do what they do.

anyway he's just a dude on the internet. he could just be a really weird, rabid hillary clinton supporter or something who doesn't want his candidate being exposed for the freako that she is. who fuckin' knows man. nobody knows what his real deal is.

i'd have more sympathy if pud wasn't apparently trying to dox me too, but at this point pud won't even try to talk to me to work things out. so who knows if he's still on his quest to ruin me or whatever. either way i personally just wish all of the doxxing would end.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 10:52:35 PM
you know what else i was thinking? how come WOTR doesn't post in my threads anymore. he just decided he wasn't gonna engage with me anymore huh? he used to come into every thread i had and just be an autistic douche. now that he doesn't talk to me i sort of miss him vaguely in a weird kind of way. i guess he didn't like me ragging on his disabilities and telling him that he was lower than an animal. but if you don't want to hear mean things you shouldn't disagree with someone. isn't that like one of the big social rules of the world?
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 10:50:29 PM
Quote from: Swishypants on January 03, 2018, 10:49:33 PM
I still have your Jockstrap on my hope-chest!

baby i've pulled a monica lewinsky with every piece of clothing i own that you cummed on. i'm NEVER washing that shit!
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 10:49:55 PM
i really wanna know where julianC got that picture and i really wanna know if its legit lol. that' is god damn nasty lmfao.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 10:45:27 PM
except i won't be like that bitch and just let go. i'll keep my word and i really won't let go swishy.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 10:44:56 PM
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 10:41:49 PM
Quote from: Gd5150 on January 03, 2018, 10:02:52 PM

in a lot of ways this is how i feel going through life. but then on the other hand i know that deep down i wouldn't want any friends and wouldn't want to deal with people on any consistent or emotionally meaningful level.
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 10:38:53 PM
also where the fuck did you even get that picture? jesus christ is that something that she posted on here? i didn't even know that there was a user on this site named laurakinsch but i just looked it up and sure enough it's there. so i guess people didn't DOXX her after all, she just made her own name public on this forum. fucking whatever. makes me wonder now why the faggot pudd was so fucking angry at me then.

i was thinking to myself "well it's sort of understandable he would be angry if someone posted his wifes name on 4chan" but if his wife is running around with her real name right in her handle then what the fuck was he even throwing that fit for??
Random Topics / Re: i despise you all
January 03, 2018, 10:35:59 PM
Quote from: JulianC on January 03, 2018, 10:00:26 PM
Laurakinch has wet pussy for you.
Yorkshire pud is old fat smelly sweaty Brit with bad teeth and dysfunctional pecker.
She would love to be pounded by 10/10 32 years young hunk lol. 
But WARNING, Laurakinch is only 3/10 has saggy tits dry vagina and ugly stretch marks.

jesus christ.

Pud is a POS but i dunno dude. if you're the one trying to doxx him and his wife i dunno. i would say just let it go bro. i mean he is a rotten human for certain but you know, the internet is the internet. as i'm typing this, i'm well aware of the fact that he apparently tried to doxx me too so it's hard for me to feel TOO much sympathy for him and whatever might happen to him if his personal info gets revealed by you or whoever else was doing that. even as im sitting here writing this it's turning my stomach to think about the fact that he might be still actively trying to do the same thing to me and here i am like "oooooooo no don't do it". i can't get that irony out of my head, but i dunno dude, i just wouldn't do it, personally. like it's just the internet. people are tards on the internet. i always think people should be allowed to say whatever they need to and want to without fear of reprisal. words are just words after all. but i guess i'm prob not going to be able to stop you from doing whatever it is you've decided to try to do to him. just my two cents though bro.
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