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Messages - littlechris

Quote from: MichaelHorn on March 10, 2017, 01:14:37 PM
Michael Horn, four events, March 10 -12, www.5devents.com.

A chance for the courageous to pose questions and challenges and, quite possibly, learn things of great importance should they be willing and able.

[attachment id=2 msg=1022374]

Hey good buddy,

Long time no see.  Hope all is well.

Quote from: jaz on March 09, 2017, 07:41:30 PM
Does the Pope shit in the woods?

George has requested to make an "on air statement" at the start of the show and "then give several email quotes and no interruptions please".

themudking and jaz have no idea what the audience will hear. This will truly be George Senda Unchained. Sewergabbers and Legionnaires beware.

Sounds like he may be exposing people and once again declaring war on his enemies.

Very very nice.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
March 08, 2017, 03:20:50 PM
Quote from: ItsOver on March 08, 2017, 01:45:30 PM
Art used to be the poster child for little green men and woo.  Now he's just a poster child for quitters and Manziers.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
March 08, 2017, 09:26:00 AM
Quote from: ShayP on March 07, 2017, 08:59:03 PM
Did I miss something regarding the Bell v. Savage soap opera?  I heard what Savage said but he mentioned no names. "You say UFOs, you wind up in the PHILIPPINES with a 10-year-old hooker and you are off the radio after a number of years.  You can’t do UFOs. That’s an in-joke, by the way, for people who understand the business."  How could Art file a lawsuit based on implication and/or assumption?  I guess you can.   Obviously the fans would make the connection.  Now I see it was settled.  Hmmm.  If I was Savage I wouldn't have settled a damn thing.  I thought talk-radio hosts were thick skinned.  But at any rate...this means Art is coming back, right?  :D

Savage is a Fucken idiot for saying that whether you like Art Bell or not. Good for Art for going after Savage.  Maybe people will think twice before talking shit. You go after wealthy people and they'll have a team of lawyers on you in no time.  Very nice.
Quote from: SredniVashtar on March 07, 2017, 05:20:42 PM
Hmm, but if he brings a 'plus one' then things might get awkward. I don't think we're quite advanced enough to get both Senda and Kathy off the ground at the same time. Unless we feed them Indian food and they provide their own vertical thrust at take-off.

That would be great if the fleshy mutant Kathy went as well!! What a party!!
Quote from: White Crow 🌔🌓🌒🌚 on March 07, 2017, 03:39:17 PM
Could be boy.. I wanted to ask you ..  would you consider hosting a call in podcast for my Solar Eclipse gathering in Souhern Illinois.. If you have  the equipment for a remote live podcast that would be out of sight.

Summer of the Crow.. I need a theme song!

Will you be flying George Senda out to the event?
Quote from: jaz on March 06, 2017, 02:06:51 AM
Seraphim - you need to call into The George Senda Experience this Friday 10pm ET/7pm PT paranormalchat.com http://paranormal.chat

Can you move the show to 8pm pacific time? 7pm on a friday night is just way too early for us west coasters.
Quote from: jaz on March 06, 2017, 02:19:56 AM
George is a grown man, I think, and as such he is more than capable of arranging guests to appear on the show. Curtis and I are just facilitating George getting his own show if he deems them worthy. Ultimately it is up to him whether the show is a success or not.

You don't see how arranging interviews for him would benefit the podcast??
Quote from: brigâ,,¢☮☘ on March 05, 2017, 09:49:49 AM
George is asking for discussion topic suggestions....

The possibilities are endless...


Here you go George.

Many Many haunted locations in the Bay Area that you can film on location and feature in your YouTube videos.


Have Muddy or Jaz call these places and arrange interviews for you.


Quote from: brigâ,,¢ on March 01, 2017, 05:19:50 PM
I get it jaz. If you don't do what the little baby wants, he'll throw a temper tantrum, and there will be no more show.

The other side of the coin is, do what the little baby wants, and the show will be boring and predictable.

Its a lose/lose I'm afraid.

But I still have hope that you and Muddy can help the big guy grow up.

Callers should be given at least 10 seconds  to say what they have to say before muddy and jazz hang up on them.
Quote from: brigâ,,¢ on March 01, 2017, 04:25:35 PM
Well, his lies can never be buried, once he has spewed them on YouTube, and on the air. He gets angry when he is faced with the truth.  It's a dead give away when he gets angry.

Just attack him back.  Make videos attacking the man and exposing him for the piece of shit that he is.  YOU have a voice!!!
Quote from: brigâ,,¢ on March 01, 2017, 03:04:21 PM
He will even make up untrue things about people, and accuse them live on the air, like he did in his first George Senda Show, claiming that I said horrible things about him in the Fishing Thread. I was very surprised that neither jaz nor Muddy gave time to respectfully defend myself, and actually hung up on me. I can understand the agreement to hang up on people at Georges request, but I would think there would be an exception, when George has told a lie, and doesn't want to be called out on it on the air. I was very grateful my esteemed colleague BJM called in to defend me.  The entire Fishing thread is not very long, only about 8 pages, where anyone can go to look for these imaginary horrible things that I am supposed to have posted.  Damon posted it some pages back, shortly after the show, but I'll post it here again for anyone to go see for themselves.


If you try to talk to him honestly, or try to help him, he will hate you forever, and spew lies about you.

He did the same to MV.

Briggsie Boo,
He did the same to me when he went on the gabcast a few years ago.  Made up a bunch of BULLSHIT and complete lies about me after I was a good friend to the man.  He's a worthless bag of rotting diarrhea.
Quote from: Seraphim27 on March 01, 2017, 10:28:24 AM
I thought I heard him say his driver's license has been revoked or suspended or something??

No biggie.  He'll only drive the vehicle when he absolutely has to,  like going to the emergency room and buying groceries.  Besides,  he drove all the way down to Santa Cruz and back without a license when he interviewed George Noory. 
Quote from: Rally Squirrel on March 01, 2017, 09:37:37 AM
Senda has said that $2000 and a car is all he needs to get rid of all his debt and be able to live a better life so that is really the bar for the social experiment.

Absolutely.  Seraphim,  if you are going to donate,  purchase him a used car through e-bay.  This will allow him to get around town and create interesting content.  If you donate cash,  he will just blow it on trinkets and junk.
Quote from: jaz on February 27, 2017, 09:05:52 PM

George has received feedback about the show from fans

Quote from: SredniVashtar on February 27, 2017, 01:49:14 PM
Don't be silly, Falkie can't get Little George to perform unless he's in Starbucks surrounded by under-age girls. However, I like to think of myself as a problem-solver, and I suggest Rosegirl should strap one on and nail Senda where the sun don't shine.

I'd love to hear Rose girl call in and talk dirty to the beast.  Not sure if he'd take the call though.  He may be at war with her as well.
Quote from: brigâ,,¢ on February 27, 2017, 08:45:07 AM
It is both amazing and amusing, just how much one big guy can get wrong, over and over and over....

It's not like he misstated something in error.  The whole story of having been burnt and spent a year in the hospital for said burns is an outright lie.
He made it all up.  I don't doubt that he was in a hospital for a year,  but it was a mental facility that he has already admitted to in the falkie leaks audio clip titled "blubber".

Brig,  this man is a habitual liar.  Don't feel sorry for him or give him the benefit of the doubt.  He's  NO GOOD!!!
Quote from: brigâ,,¢ on February 27, 2017, 07:46:57 AM
After the Show Upload Work, Flea update and MOAR!!  Excuses, Excuses..


And George having more fun than one man should have. And even More Excuses...


Bwahahahahahahahaha!! Computer expert my ass!!!!!!!!!



George, show us your burn scars that NEVER happened!!!!!

Quote from: WildCard on February 26, 2017, 11:01:09 AM
I hope you get thrown in jail, raped and killed.

Did I mention your avatar is friggin hilarious?

I hope your mother gets raped and killed in front of you. And I hope someone runs over your cats, you fucking pansy ass.
Quote from: Jason Callan on February 26, 2017, 01:22:05 AM
I can't wait for your next call. I'm glad it was cathartic for you.

Chefist and I have been talking about flying out to the Bay Area and confronting/meeting up with the man. All documented on video of course because George Senda is a habitual liar and would claim that I physically assaulted him. I'd like you to go if possible, and Chefist and I will pay your way. Would make for great content for your channel, Martinez Tonight, and my blog. ttys.

Quote from: Jason Callan on February 26, 2017, 12:31:06 AM
Thank you friend. I did call up twice & messed with him a little. I know you were upset with him & I don't blame you.

Hey my Legion,

It was very cathartic for me to call in tonight and let loose on him. George Senda is a coward and uses the internet to attack people. But, at the end of the day, I'm a 2 hour flight away from his shit talking ass, and like I said tonight, we can handle this in a civil manner on the show or I can fly up and document the confrontation on video. It's up to him. I'm looking forward to his next show where once again I will call in and try to get clarity on the matter.

I'm hoping Jason Callan calls into the show tonight.

Mr. Callahan, if you are reading this,  will you be calling in to George's show tonight to get to the bottom of all this mess he's saying about you on the internet?

Surely if he can drag your name through the mud all over the net, I'm sure he's man enough to explain his actions on the phone tonight if you do decide to call in.

Thanks Jason. Be well and congrats on your growing fan base.

Quote from: Jason Callan on February 24, 2017, 07:49:50 PM
I wasn't going to mention him on this thread but look what he just commented on his latest video......

George Senda3 hours ago

For the Jason Callan ass kissers out there, I am a Conservative Republican & patriot & long before there were Communists, Americans wore beards like Presidents Grant, Lincoln & Garfield. To say I look like a communist is stupid & for the record, Jason Callan started displaying the American flag AFTER I started displaying mine so as in so many things, he is copying ME * NOT * the other way around, so QUIT lying & accusing me of copying him. I never even heard of Jason Callan before the evil Six Weeks of Manure In His Mouth informed me of him & Callan has copied my hair style, clothing & videos AFTER I did mine !

He is truly delusional & nutso whacko.

This song is for you.


Greetings Good Sir,

Mr. Callahan, will you be calling in to George's show tonight to get to the bottom of all this mess he's saying about you on the internet?

Surely if he can drag your name through the mud all over the net, I'm sure he's man enough to explain his actions on the phone tonight if you do decide to call in. I'm also posting this at his thread so he gets a chance to see it. Thanks Jason. Be well and congrats on your growing fan base.

Quote from: Rally Squirrel on February 24, 2017, 03:43:06 PM
I really do hope that no one calls in asking personal questions that derail him.
It would be more fun to see him flub when trying to answer real or fake paranormal questions.

I think it would be even more hillarious if every single call was someone calling in and cussing him out.  He'd quit and hang up within a few minutes.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 24, 2017, 01:35:33 PM
Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 24, 2017, 01:29:51 PM
I agree.  I prefer debate which is something Hannity still engages in but much less so these days especially on his tv show.

Hannity is a big Fucken ASS kisser and he's always interrupting his guests. And that football thingy he does, I want to shove that football up his ASS!
Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on February 24, 2017, 12:49:35 AM
There is only one man that can come back to this thread and make everything right again.

Bart El.

Yup,  the KING of content.
Quote from: weareharbinger on February 22, 2017, 02:07:36 PM




1. Go purchase yourself a firearm with some ammo.

2. Go to the liquor store and get some candy flavored liquor. (I recommend strawberry margarita tequila mix) Tell the clerk you want something that will "fuck me up without having to drink a lot."

3. Go home and drink the liquor and get shit faced.

4. Shoot yourself.
Quote from: jigsaw on February 22, 2017, 05:09:19 PM
There has existed for a few years many companies willing to PAY for advertising via tattoos on One's body !
FALKIE is in possession of a bunch of yards of BLANK SKIN !
He should make some inquires and find out how much he could make (legitimately), the companies pay based on where you advertise!
(Imagine what he could make around his blue turd eye !
BLM, comes to mind there!)

I can see Senda getting a C2C tattoo on his chest.  To show his loyalty to Noory.  I'm sure Noory would reward him handsomely.
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