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Messages - henge0stone

Just heard the first six episodes. Really great stuff! Howard has a great voice, a great method of interviewing and to top it all off he's a Brit with a lot of UK news which this Anglophile loves 8) . It really is a shame hacks like Noory get a show every night where professionals like Howard have to do this on their spare time. He apparently did have a show once as he alluded to. Wish it would come back, in a more just world he would be the host of C2C or at least a UK version. He has a really impressive bio he certainly has the expertise to replace boory. 
Bible prophecies, so called prophets, The Quickening, Y2K and changing weather can all be summed up as 'some big change is coming!'

I think its safe to say that all these things are the sourge of Coast. The 2002-04-29 Hal Lindsey - Bible Prophecy show really was the last straw. Hal names all the 'signs' of the Apocalypse and Art jumps in saying "we have all that now! omg!"

I'm sorry but there is no famine and pestilence in 2002. yes there was war but there is usually always war. To think that famine and pestilence fits the best in 2002 is simply ridiculous. Does Hal/Art realize that all the signs of the apoclypse were much more severe in later parts of history? I think  1300s would best fit that one, you know with the plague and all.

Then Lindsay read something about how terrible the children born during the end times. For younger people it was downright insulting (the actual chapter in the bible 2 Timothy 3 wasn't talking about just kids) and ended up sounding like a bunch of old men sitting around saying "KIDS these days!" and shaking their fists. They also lamented on the times wishing they were in the 1950s. Well I'm sure if you were a black American you wouldn't be lamenting the pre-civil rights America. And who doesn't miss a good duck and cover so the bombs won't kill you! yes things were so much better than.

What causes all of these topics to resurface over and over and over again?
1 Arts pessimism
2 The news giving negative stories over and over again and Art reading them
3 Bible thumpers wanting airtime
4 false prophets wanting air time

People throughout history have historically thought the end of days was upon them due to the same prophecies. In the year 1000 people thought the world would end then again in 1666 because it was the mark of the beast. If Art bothered to read history and realize that things are not 'getting worse!' and actually studied how people lived and how brutal and cruel society was in the past (lets go see the stoning! Lets go watch criminals kill each other in the arena! ) he would realize that people have always been pretty cruel and over all your chance of dying a violent death nowadays has dropped significantly. Diseases were way worse (2/3 of Europe dead in 14th century) and being killed by another human was more frequent. yes we don't live in a utopia but to say that things are getting worse is simply ignoring historical facts.

Just had to vent there because the topic comes up A LOT on C2C
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Don Imus -- "THE MUMBLER"
June 24, 2015, 03:54:11 PM
"Nappy headed hoes!"
Quote from: albrecht on June 24, 2015, 03:19:58 PM
But those ones you mention, the crazy leftists, actually have more influence because many of them are involved with teaching children and at universities- where minds are being molded with regard to politics, mores, sexuality, ethics, etc. Or are in place in various government regulatory agencies, think-tanks, Foundations, etc moving social policy, funding oddball grants and studies, trying to hurt businesses, auditing political enemies, etc. Or they are in Hollyweird making programs and movies trying to push, political and social agendas, in addition to making money which is donated to the more radical politicians and groups.

Well that's Rush logic 101. I have a lot of problems with liberals, I think they are wrong about a lot of things but I certainly don't think its an army trying to destroy America, its one team in a political system that has become a one on one battle with no middle ground. Rush himself only facilities this and actually hurts the conservative cause with his craziness. The non crazy Republicans are seen as crazy because of Rush's show and the real crazy ones just get more indoctrinated.
Quote from: Eddie Coyle on June 24, 2015, 03:02:02 PM
  Thank goodness there's nobody on the left who thinks that way. Like anybody with a different opinion than yours clearly having "insanity".

Oh there absolutely are insane Democrats, they just don't have a popular radio show. They would be included if there was any. I am not on the 'left' or 'right' the whole thing has become a team sport and the people of America are the victims.
It's gotta be Rush, so one sided one minded "We Have to FIGHT the Leftist Army!" The fact that he is popular really explains a lot of insanity among American Republicans. He's only enforcing the 'our side is better than yours!' politics that are hurting America. Doesn't matter what is good for the people its all about whether your side wins.

Alex Jones also comes to mind. He spews insane conspiracy theories and people think its fact because he is loud and yells (or cries) a lot

hahahaha people think this is real too!
He should interview Josh Gates from Destination Truth fame. The guy is seems like so much fun, hunting monsters and ghosts around the world.

I can't remember his name but the most controversial I think was the gay guy who had AIDs and his dead partner spoke to him from the other side. In the 90s that was really a progressive interview since gay men weren't super popular like they are today. People were emailing him saying 'get the f** off the air  :o Really shocking stuff. The callers were all pretty nice though.
Quote from: PathoJen on June 06, 2015, 04:16:21 PM
for me, nothing is scarier than the EVP episodes. While those are on I refuse to even get up to use the bathroom bc I'm so terrified.  :(

I LOVE the EVP shows. I used to listen to Ghost to Ghost on fridays but they have been replaced with the EVP shows.
Dark Matter show, listen again to him and his wives experiences in the woods.
Quote from: MichaelHorn on June 22, 2015, 04:30:01 PM

I accept your offer to be interviewed on your podcast, of course.

And of course once that's set, all the "experts" here are free to question and challenge.

BTW, people really need to stop pretending to be researchers if all they do is quote imbecile skeptics:



And, since it's implied that everyone here is smarter and more qualified than these experts, one more time…you're not:

"My colleagues and I may have made breakthroughs in our understanding of possibilities and ways for traveling faster than light from Billy Meier's accounts of his encounters with the Plejarens...If what this Meier is saying is just a hoax, he's being cued by some very knowledgeable scientists. I've only discussed this Meier case with scientists who are fairly open-minded about interstellar flight, but I'll tell you, the majority of them think it's credible and agree at least with part, or sometimes all, of the things talked about by the Plejarens."

David Froning

(Note that the topic of zero-point field energy (
http://www.integrityresearchinstitute.org/Froning-quantumvacuum.pdf), etc., is indeed one of award-winning (http://www.integrityresearchinstitute.org/COFE4Review.htm) physicist and aeronautical and aerospace engineer David Froning's specialized areas of interest and expertise.) In fact, people like Michael Malin (http://theyfly.com/Scientific_Experts.html), NASA aerospace engineer (http://prweb.com/releases/2014/05/prweb11867883.htm), Matthew Wieczkiewicz, and Kenneth Smith, the Director of Operations at Orbital Launch System Group (Ret) endorse Meier's singular authenticity.

Further, let's exercise a little logic. By yours, if one piece of Meier's evidecne is authentic then it's all authentic.

Please contact me privately re scheduling the interview. Maybe this is the opportunity for Razimus to debate me, it's up to you.

All questions and challenges accepted.

So the men in black edited them to look exactly the same? The burden of proof is on Billy to show us that this happened and all we get are bad looking UfOs and pictures clearly taken from other sources. It doesn't take an 'expert' to realize the photos are the same. And what about the dinosaur? I don't think you believe it either, Billy is probably paying you.
Quote from: MV on June 22, 2015, 03:02:02 PM

i guess my biggest problem with the meier case is that the UFOs just don't look authentic to me.  hell, here's a guy who shows you how to make the "wedding cake" UFO over the weekend in your garage:


michael, i'm watching your video here:


at about three minutes in, you're split screened with a meier video to the left, and in this video, the craft keeps disappearing and reappearing... but each time it happens, i can clearly see an edit in the film.  it's such an obvious splice.  i can't imagine how you don't see that.  in other meier videos where UFOs hover, they swing like a pendulum, as if suspended on a cable. 

here are meier's pleadians, named "asket" and "nera".

only problem is, they're actually singers from the fucking DEAN MARTIN SHOW!  FUCKING FUCK!


michael, how you don't see what i see baffles me.  how you are offended at the notion of people questioning meier's credibility i'm equally baffled by.  if even ONE piece of his evidence is demonstrated to be inauthentic, it's ALL inauthentic.  checkmate, bud.

i've read a little about meier, and i get the impression he's something of a religious figure with groupies hanging out/living on his property.  that, to me, sounds like the makings of a cult, and i hope we don't one day end up reading about you lying dead in a bed wearing fresh new sneakers awaiting a space taxi.

Don't forget the dinosaur photo!

Quote from: MichaelHorn on June 22, 2015, 02:08:45 PM
Of course you neglected to name these "experts" and to pay attention to what was CLEARLY stated:

"While it was done by an expert that part is…irrelevance because he has also provided the protocols used,  meaning that anyone can duplicate the testing in accordance with something not mentioned here: the scientific method."

Please note:
"My colleagues and I may have made breakthroughs in our understanding of possibilities and ways for traveling faster than light from Billy Meier's accounts of his encounters with the Plejarens...If what this Meier is saying is just a hoax, he's being cued by some very knowledgeable scientists. I've only discussed this Meier case with scientists who are fairly open-minded about interstellar flight, but I'll tell you, the majority of them think it's credible and agree at least with part, or sometimes all, of the things talked about by the Plejarens."

David Froning

(Note that the topic of zero-point field energy (
http://www.integrityresearchinstitute.org/Froning-quantumvacuum.pdf), etc., is indeed one of award-winning (http://www.integrityresearchinstitute.org/COFE4Review.htm) physicist and aeronautical and aerospace engineer David Froning's specialized areas of interest and expertise.) In fact, people like Michael Malin (http://theyfly.com/Scientific_Experts.html), NASA aerospace engineer (http://prweb.com/releases/2014/05/prweb11867883.htm), Matthew Wieczkiewicz, and Kenneth Smith, the Director of Operations at Orbital Launch System Group (Ret) endorse Meier's singular authenticity.

You're being "pretty sure" about othr cases is equivalent to my saying I'm pretty sure you're a thief and embezzler. Where's the evidence?

Bottom line, it's probably wise of you to remain anonymous since such embarrassingly shoddy "research" is the reason why your posting on internet forums is the extent of your "expertise". This is what I expect from skeptics and debunkers of course. And it makes one wonder why, since even this person claims to want to know the truth, etc., there's such ignorant, hateful, resentment filled idiocy in the face of what is really the best evidence.

No further statements, reeking of incompetence, unspecified "experts", lack of research, logic and basic thinking skills will be repsonded to further. As usual, this turns into a classic situation of "pearls before…"

If you wanted to debate with people who aren't anonymous why did you come to an online forum?
Quote from: MV on June 19, 2015, 03:28:15 AM

did it?

A hundred times is an exaggeration but it has changed a lot. When the Key came out he said that was his clearest extraterrestrial visit but then in Dark Matter he talks about how he and his wife and friends hung out with Aliens at their cabin.
Quote from: MichaelHorn on June 22, 2015, 12:18:34 PM
P.S. Absolutely NOTHING in the Meier case involves faith, belief, etc.

accept the belief that he isn't lying and faking photos which he has done
He's 100 % bunk in my opinion


The fact that anyone can take him seriously shows just how gullible some 'Ufologists' are.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Are you a Time Traveler?
June 21, 2015, 12:40:41 PM
While I want to, honestly I think I might wait to see if Art will actually stay for an elongated period of time and not pay five dollars for only a few months of show.
Omg Moon landing Hoax and 9/11 coverup are top two topics. These are the worst conspiracies ever.

Moon landing and 9/11 coverup are both two huge historical events where something that has never happened before happened. Never went to the moon before, never had a huge plane hit a building before. ALL the theories and hypothesis about why these events HAVE to be fake is based on previous science and assumptions of what would happen, not what actually happened. All the arguments about van alan belt, gravity on the moon, what the lander would do when it fell all of this is based on what people thought would happen. Any good scientist who knows anything about the moon, space and physics will tell you all their logic for the 'hoax' is simply just miscalculations and assumptions that were proven to be false.
When has this story been proven to be 100 % hoax? The only place I saw where they tried to debunk it was fact or faked and I gotta tell you they brushed over it pretty quick and the model they made did not move its eye as realistically as Reed's and the way they quickly debunked it was made it more suspicious. He simply said, Mr. Reed your lying then they cut to the end and said that was it. They never told us the details about WHAT he was lying about.


I know its a debunk the debunker video but its the only one I could find, and it has an awesome peter gabriel song.

Yeah the story is probably fake but so are a lot of stories Art has. Mel's hole has little more than a kernel of truth, Dames is wrong all the time, Hoagland is crazy, Jim sparks won't take a lie detector, Whitley's story changed a hundred times. Now if it was conclusively proven to be fake, if Reed told them it was fake than I would agree with you. That's why physics and prophets like GMS, Dames and Morton shouldn't be allowed on because their failed predictions PROVE they are fake.

The story is probably fake because honestly why would you bring the Alien home with you? Also (like wheeber) the story got crazier as time went on. I agree he shouldn't be back on because we just heard everything, but if he has new info I wouldn't mind him returning.
Quote from: Daru on June 17, 2015, 02:28:13 PM
I don't really understand why people are so vicious about Ed Dames.  He has been correct about many things, but people don't want to listen.  You might possibly live to regret it.  The worst thing to have is a closed mind.

We sure did live alright. Made it through that 1998 fungus that wiped out the world.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Monster talk
June 15, 2015, 03:51:58 PM
Quote from: henge0stone on June 09, 2015, 07:34:21 PM
I used to like this podcast and it has some really good episodes, but lately its degenerated to a bunch of skeptics sitting around talking about how crazy all monster sightings are. I mean most people that are interested in cryptids at least want to have an open mind, unfortunately Skeptic magazine closed all their minds on the show. Its so one sided now I can't even listen.

EDIT I have actually become kinda hooked. Some shows are way to skeptical but overall its not bad. When they talk about folklore behind the monsters its much better.
Anyone remember the interview where he met a random person who went into the bathroom and came out with a glass of white liquid. Then Whitley drank it and the next thing he remembered was being in the bathroom wondering what he did :o

It was so odd, I'm like 90 % sure he was raped or calling this an alien encounter is his way of masking his first homosexual experience.
Quote from: jazmunda on June 10, 2015, 05:54:28 AM
If anyone can help me out I would be very grateful. I am looking for an EVP or the episode date that it appeared in. It's the one that says "Our Deathgate". Any help would be much appreciated.

I just heard it I think. Try 2002-02-28. That was the last one I heard I think and I remember hearing the deathgate one recently.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Howard Stern
June 09, 2015, 07:39:14 PM
Quote from: PathoJen on June 03, 2015, 10:19:40 AM
I'm on team Artie Lange, hated Jackie so much. I am a huge fan of Howard omg he's amazing. The only thing he ever did that annoyed me was when he compared Mr Bell to Riley Martin. In his defense he has never heard Art he just knows some of Art's topics are UFO related and Howard is a sceptic when it comes to life on other planets and afterlife and things such as that. He's downright curmudgeonly

Yeah Howard so skeptical that his view on those topics aren't even worth hearing. He disses religion too and yet when Robin had cancer he admitted that he preyed for her. He's a totally Hippocratic in the religion department.
Radio and Podcasts / Monster talk
June 09, 2015, 07:34:21 PM
I used to like this podcast and it has some really good episodes, but lately its degenerated to a bunch of skeptics sitting around talking about how crazy all monster sightings are. I mean most people that are interested in cryptids at least want to have an open mind, unfortunately Skeptic magazine closed all their minds on the show. Its so one sided now I can't even listen.
Really looking forward to the new show! How do I become a member anyway?
Quote from: Marc.Knight on June 08, 2015, 12:51:15 PM
Hobbit-Like Human Ancestor Found in Asia

"Scientists have found skeletons of a hobbit-like species of human that grew no larger than a three-year-old modern child (See pictures). The tiny humans, who had skulls about the size of grapefruits, lived with pygmy elephants and Komodo dragons on a remote island in Indonesia 18,000 years ago."

...maybe some of them survived...


OOOO thats fun. I love the abnormal human skeletons.
After hearing steiger's show about Giants it got me interested.


Something to get the discussion going
Sound exactly the same. Art said it in one show too. I really can't tell them apart.
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