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Messages - henge0stone

Quote from: MichaelHorn on July 11, 2015, 11:12:00 AM
P.S. The hysterical irony of it all is when the people here - who mistakenly think they're a match for the actual investigators and researchers - demand that it all be posted here because they're such good..."researchers" they can't find it where it's already been posted!

If they finally find it, they can't understand it.

They complain that someone actually authored the articles but cry about "peer review", when the man has no peers and the closest things to them are…the actual scientists who authenticated the case!

Whoever hired the shills here should demand their money back!

You realize that basically all of the 'experts' on your site were commenting nearly thirty years ago? Before photos like the Dean Martin show and the dinosaur were released? Some experts said the Alien autopsy was real, yet it was admitted to be a hoax so that proves that people with expert credentials can and have been wrong in the past.
I've given up trying to have a coherent argument.
Quote from: MichaelHorn on July 10, 2015, 10:52:48 PM
Oh for the millions of times I've pointed out that all the answers, documentation, etc., are available at my site and those linked from them, etc.

I, and others, have done the decades of actual work so that slackers like those here could go through it and actually…think their way through this amazing information. But slackers will be slackers...as well as armchair, online, anonymous internet junkies who salivate over the opportunity to yammer, dabble and babble.

Okay, if it's not too far beyond the intellectual capabilities on display here, feel free to do as previously suggested: Concisely formulate and send your questions to the host since, surely, not a one of you is able to make a better showing  in a direct debate. And let's remember that John Razimus IS going to have the on-air opportunity to try to do so.

Till then...

You sent us links to articles you wrote. Peer review is an important part of science. Also you say "And shouldn't we all be...nice people?" yet you have said some extremely mean-spirited things calling everyone who doesn't agree with your claims to be "intellectually bankrupt losers"

You still never answered any of my questions.

Hating on people because their anonymous on the internet is like going to Spain and being pissed that everyone there is Spanish..
Quote from: MichaelHorn on July 10, 2015, 07:41:48 PM
I suggest that when the info for the radio show is announced that you contact the host to pose your questions. I also suggest using...your real names. After all, since these are such "genius" comments and questions, I'm sure you'd want everyone to know just who you are. 

Of course the downside is that when the answers show what inept, unthinking dolts posed those already long ago answered questions - to the satisfaction of real, actual, credentialed scientific experts and aerospace professionals - then everyone gets to see how lame, cynical, illogical, inept, unqualified, mean-spirited, envious and often...degenerate the online armchair experts are.

When did you answer all the questions? Your answer was the link I used to ask more questions. You would rather call us  lame, cynical, illogical, inept, unqualified, mean-spirited and envious I guess. You have time to insult but not enough time to answer questions.
The claim that his photos could not be reproduced is clearly false since it has been done before

Michael's explanation is pretty poor,

He didn't take into account that the Dean Martin show is a show and therefore there are many frames of these singers, just because one picture you have doesn't match exactly (its identical minus the mouth position) doesn't prove anything.

Also Michael says,
"The forgeries were done so perfectly, that not even Billy noticed the adulterations over the past 23 years, since the two female look-alikes in the photos have an extremely close resemblance to Asket and Nera, right down to the last detail."

Then later in the article Michael attempts to use a photo to show the differences, despite having just stated that the photos were altered. Which is it? Were they altered or does one show an alien?

"It should also be stated that the investigators confirmed that Meier bought his first color television (a SABA) from Mr. Baer's store, in Bauma, in July 1976. Meier took the photo of Asket in 1975."

What investigators? Can you give names? Quotes? Citation?

Michael you also stated,
"Meier already back in 1976 states in his contact notes that his space-trip photos can't be trusted! In the contact notes of the 68th contact on November 12, 1976 it is mentioned that space-trip pictures have been severely tampered with, and substitutions made in some cases and the photos not returned in other cases, during the photo processing."

If his photos had been tampered with back in 1976 how can we know which are authentic? Its also suspicous hat Billy would keep tampered photos all these years. Why not throw them away?

All we have is Billy's word to go on. One mans word and photos he believes have been tampered with (if they were tampered with the once they could do it again) is not sufficient proof. Actually its no proof at all. Billy's ex wife has stated it was a hoax, so as a character witness Billy is very unreliable.

And again for the third time Michael, this is an internet forum and the internet is full of anonymous people. If you don't want to argue with anonymous people then don't come here. If you do want to then you can't hold that against the people your are arguing with. It's that simple.
Quote from: Lord Grantham on July 09, 2015, 08:56:18 PM
See, now I found the religious talk from Fr. Martin to be boring as hell. All the outrage about JPII reaching out to the Jewish community and some of his reforms is some severe eye rolling stuff. Dude would have had a full on fit about Francis' more liberal leanings.

For full on deluded I'd have to go with the "friend"of Fr. Martin who was a disgruntled catholic priest who came on after Fr. Martin died. I've never before, or since, heard someone so butthurt about Vatican II. "The mass isn't being said in Latin, so it's not legitimate and is evil". As if Latin has some magic power or something.

Kathleen Keating totally rode on the Malachi Martin's coattails, so did that priest who fought vampires  ???
I enjoyed most of Malachi Martin but I agree his complaining about the Vatican changes were dull.
How about for Malachi Martin
Legit - when speaking about religion and history and theology, since he was well educated in these topics
Deluded - when it comes to Exorcism. Who knows maybe he's right but I somehow doubt it.
Quote from: analog kid on July 03, 2015, 05:47:14 AM
Mysterious Universe used to be great for that. They have an archive of shows that are worthwhile, but the full shows are behind a paywall.

I was close to buying the first season, but once I learned the music was edited out I decided not to. The music is half of what makes the show.
I would not put Martin under Charlatan. Deluded maybe.
Quote from: Juan Cena on July 07, 2015, 02:56:12 AM

The idea of the Aryan myth predates Hitler. It also has roots in the idea of European superiority over other peoples of the world.

Your saying the entire root of Atlantis came from white superiority? It actually had its roots, with Plato telling a story. The modern work which popularized the idea of a lost civilization is Atlantis: The Antediluvian World in which the author compares different myths, architecture and the creation of civilization. Written in 1882 its not exactly 'politically correct' nowadays but to say that the book was simply written to say that Europeans are superior to all other races is a stretch. Besides in 1882 it was just a given that Europeans were superior so they hardly needed the Atlantis myth to prove it. If the idea of this book was to prove white superiority he certainly gives a lot of credit to non white cultures (linking them all together) Egypt, India, America. The idea that all these races were related to Atlanteans was actually giving other cultures a lot more credit than most other 19th century works.

Quote from: Juan Cena on July 07, 2015, 02:56:12 AM
It still comes off as saying that Egypt and the South American cultures could not have built their civilizations on their own, and depended on knowledge from a greater civilization for their achievements.

Thus, they come up as looking inferior to the Greek and Roman civilizations, whom had no help in developing the technologies needed to dominate the Mediterranean cultures of the ancient world.

Well just because it come off that way for you doesn't make it racist. Your also ignoring Georgie For President 2216's post where he mentions how Europe got their advanced technology from Africa, the middle east, Asia minor ect. Your also looking at it as if Egypt and Rome and Greece both developed at the same time which is not true.

Egypt was around thousands of years before Greece and Rome and Civilization was born in the middle east and defused out to Europe at a later time. Therefore by the time of Rome, their great civilization was nothing special since the knowledge from the past had already been diffused from the Middle East. The Romans did have the same help the Egyptians and other civilizations but only got it later through natural diffusion of civilization of the years.

Quote from: Juan Cena on July 07, 2015, 02:56:12 AM

That's just a fancy way of saying that Europeans are "purer" than other cultures because their genes aren't "tainted."

According Ancient Aliens if the Europeans weren't tainted they wouldn't be modern humans. Since aliens tampering with our genes is what made us what we are (according to AAT) that would include Europeans.

I'm staring to think your just enjoy yankin my chain.
Quote from: Juan Cena on July 05, 2015, 09:15:57 PM

The idea there was a "super-race" from which Europeans (particularly northern Europeans) are more or less directly descended from (as opposed to the darker-skinned, non-European peoples like the Egyptians) that existed in pre-history is nothing new. It been called things like "Indo-European" or the "Aryan race" (the later term popularized by Hitler and the Nazis) or things similar.

The New Age memes like Ancient Aliens or a mythological culture like Atlantis that was part of a pre-historical global super culture are just offshoots of it.

Just because Hitler used the Lost civilization hypothesis to try and prove his racist theory doesn't mean the idea of a Lost Civilization itself is racist. A comparison is Darwinism. Is Darwinism racist because social Darwinism was an offshoot of it? Social Darwinism took Darwinism and used it to support a racist argument. Hitler did the same thing with Atlantis.

Like I said Graham Hancock cities the Egyptians as the closest decedents of this lost civilization. Graham Hancock also mentions the Olmec's, African looking statues in central America, as possible members of the lost civilization. In fact Europe itself gets the least attention in his books because there are so few ancient structures there. 

Also Ancient Alien theorists say nothing about a super race. The closest thing is the idea that Alien's messed with our DNA to improve the species. This would actually mean the opposite is true because, as you pointed out, the Aliens did not visit Europe as much. So if they messed with our DNA, and made a super race, it would than be the Egyptians, middle eastern people and the per-Colombian cultures in America who were a 'super race' and not the Europeans.
Quote from: Juan Cena on July 05, 2015, 05:20:41 AM
The absolute last topic I want to hear on Art's new show is more bass-ackward truther-spank talk...unless it's Art telling one of these spanks they need to get their cranial cavity out of their rectal cavity.

Seriously. Anything that even sounds like Alex Jones or any truther garbage Art should turn and run the other way.
Quote from: Juan Cena on July 05, 2015, 01:24:32 AM
Graham Hancock and RCH are both somewhat racist when it comes to their theories on ancient aliens in some way, shape, or form being responsible for constructing ancient landmarks built by non-white, non-European peoples.

We're really having this conversation again? It shows how much you know about  Hancock since he doesn't (as far as I've read) even subscribe to the ancient alien theory. How is arguing there was a lost civilization = racism anyway? If anything he said the ancient Egyptians were the decedents of this civilization, not white Europeans.   
Whitley Strieber - Deluded turned crazy, or the other way around.
Red Elk - crazy
Dames - charlatan
SDM - charlatan
LMH - Legit turned crazy
Jose Escamilla - deluded/retarded
RCH - All four depending on the time.
Bugs - legit/possible murderer
Peter Davenport - legit
Graham Hancock - legit
Sylvia Browne - charlatan
Ghostwolf - charlatan

Quote from: MichaelHorn on July 01, 2015, 11:56:58 AM
Thank you for your insightful, in-depth, well documented and thoroughly thought through response which, since it will be typical of that which is likely to follow from the anonymous, Intellectually bankrupt losers with too much time on their hands, will receive this final, automated response as well.

Have a splendid and of course frustrating day as you fail in your collective attempts to assail those who are not only far above you in understanding but actually rather pleasant, happy people.

Oh he's back! As I said before, if you don't want to argue with anonymous people don't come on to an anonymous medium like an internet forum and hold that against the people you are arguing with. Are we intellectually bankrupt because we know a fraud when we see one? If your so far above us in understand than why are your arguments reduced to calling us losers? That is really intellectual for you.

Also if Billy's evidence was taken by the Men in Black whenever it is proved to be a fraud, how can anyone even argue with you? You just use the BS 'men in black took the real photos!' whenever your wrong.
Yeah the Rods thing was a pile of stupidity. When did Art talk about Thunderbirds? I recall a lot of Bigfoot and Chupa shows but not much else.
Yeah Bigfoot got the most attention. Did Art ever talk about other cryptids, maybe some real-ish ones like the  colossal squid or other sea monsters?

I stumped across a video about it and I swear the person must have not finished grade school. The Earth doesn't look concave, the horizon looks flat. These were literally arguments he used. It's just insanity how small minded people are. Even the educated thousands of years ago knew the Earth was round.

The 'theory' can be debunked so easily by asking how can we circumnavigate the earth if its flat? And how is it a conspiracy that the earth is a sphere? What does anyone have to gain by lying about that for thousands of years?
I just can't take this level of stupidity, I hope no one EVER has a flat earth theorist on any show because they are so easily debunked its insulting to even have a clown like this on. 
It's either a joke or conspiracy theorists are getting so dumb that they dismiss all logic. 
Going through the archives I couldn't find too many shows on cryptos or monsters. Sure we had the Bigfoot scream, Bugs and  Coleman but there aren't too many. Anyone have another more crypto shows somewhere?
Yeah, there was another interview I forget again who it was but he was a new age/conspiracy theory guy who bashed religion saying how right he was, so arrogant, and yet nothing from Noory. That's when I was basically done with him.
The black eyed kid shows and the missing 411 were some of my favorite creepy topics. Loved the shows on them, but hearing I've heard other interviews about these topics and enjoyed them just as much, so really its the topics that I liked, noory didn't add too much...
There was a show about giants where (forget the guest) the guest said King Arthur was 9 feet tall and Noory said NOTHING. No cross examination, no 'how do you know this? Because Arthur is a semi-mythical king and there are tons of theories of who he really is, so how do you know he's 9 feet?" But Noory didn't ask the simply question.
Politics / Re: Removal of the Confederate Flag
June 30, 2015, 06:37:54 PM
Quote from: C A M on June 29, 2015, 04:02:36 PM
I wasn't going to say anything, but that's twice you've mentioned this. Read 11angeleyes11's opening post again - or for the first time, if you only scanned it.

The Eclectic Muse was not limiting its comments to flag removal over a federal structure.

I think many of us were bitching about "potential," good or bad, in the media and knee jerk reactionary group think by people and by politically correct corporations turning it into a blown out of proportion campaign.

(Though I am not convinced Walmart is suffering from knee jerk-itis. Theirs is probably a very calculated shading.)

The original post has no bearing on people here discussing that they want to buy and fly the flag now just because its banned. It's not banned, that's the simply truth. you can talk all you want about what might happen but half of the posts here seem to be misinformed and have stated that the flag is banned as if its a fact.

Even the most liberal tree hugging state still lets people fly the flag

"However, other lawmakers argued that the legislation does not violate free-speech rights because it only applies to formal actions of government officials and agencies. Moreover, the law allows for the flag to be used for historical or educational purposes and does not apply to people on state property."

This is the most extreme law to come about through this frenzy and its still basically just banning a rebel flag from government use.
Politics / Re: Removal of the Confederate Flag
June 29, 2015, 02:59:34 PM
Quote from: 21st Century Man on June 27, 2015, 02:43:14 PM
I feel the same way.  I never owned a rebel flag but you know what I bought one along with some bumper stickers when this shit hit the fan.  I also bought a US flag and a Betsy Ross flag as well.  I think I'll wait til next year to fly the Rebel Flag during Confederate Memorial Day.

You guys realize the debate is whether they should fly the flag over a federal building and has nothing to do with personal ownership right?
Politics / Re: Removal of the Confederate Flag
June 27, 2015, 02:25:10 PM
The debate is over having the flag flown in a federal building, not to make the whole flag illegal. People are blowing this way out of proportion. Honestly I don't think the flag of a now nonexistent rebel government should be flown in a federal building. If you ask me whether or not the flag should be illegal then I would say of course not, but it shouldn't be flown on an official level in a government building.
When did George first start on Coast? I assume its sometime after 01 when siegel took over. I'm onto 2002 in the archive and George is already getting mentioned a few times. When did he start and how long before he was full time? Was he ever good? I remember Art saying he was doing good. I honestly have heard good Norry shows but they were good because the guest was good and no thanks to Noory.
Name what you think is the best guest on a topic but only one.

For instance

Ghosts- GIS Barbara Brendan EVPs
UFOs- a tough one because there are so many guests. David Jacobs would have to be it.
Space - Seth Shostak (f off Hoagland)
Ancient civilization - Graham Hancock

and a few fun ones
holes in the ground - Bonnie Crystal
the bible - no one
politics - no one
Is anyone else having trouble downloading older show on itunes? Only 20 of his shows are appearing for some reason.
"Something big is coming, soon!"
-Ed Dames

20 years we have been waiting for his big global changes. Nothing yet, no killshot, no killer mushrooms.
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