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Messages - henge0stone

Last call was good, chasing yourself! freaky open line classic
Quote from: VoteQuimby on July 25, 2015, 12:18:47 AM
Listening to tonight and the first week makes you realize just how big Sirius fucked up and fucked Art over. It's ridiculous that Stern is still there.

Yeah they screwed Stern over a bunch of times and he complains about them all the time. Art was right to get out.
Oh what a night! Ed Dames doesn't even have gold for me
Quote from: MV on July 25, 2015, 12:14:09 AM
Whoa, Ed Dames called out.

lol finally! Man its been a fun show.
Cusco baby!! 8) 8) 8)
motorcycle time traveler instant classic  8)
Oh god mel :o :o
Quote from: NightsAtSea on July 24, 2015, 10:35:55 PM
I'm fascinated by Aokigahara forest, but I didn't hear if the newscaster said its name or if he only called it 'Suicide Forest.' I included it in a lecture I gave about dark tourism. Destination Truth has an episode featuring Aokigahara, if you're interested in that sort of thing.

Yeah they found a weird ghostly figure too
Next caller.....
Victor should call up and say he's anonymous (you listening whitely?)
Quote from: DanTSX on July 24, 2015, 09:24:35 PM
You fucking crybabies. 

Art should just quit again.  He can't make all the autists happy.   

>muh 3 hours not enough
>open lines cant handle such randomness
>muh first caller was fake
>zomg it rained in Pahrump and the sound cut out for 243ms.
>jazmunda called in again
>I don't like X guest, I refuse to listen ablooobloooobloooobloobloooo
>muh snowflake browser doesn't work with the download.
>much hassle is download, such 3 parts.

someone said it. I'm loving the show, enjoy it!
Ghost stories, vampires, Holes to the center of the earth, Time travelers, ghosts caught in bug traps, witches, monsters, aliens, immortals, abductees, Area 51 workers, yeah open lines is real boring.
Here we go Open Linesssss!!!!!!
Have you read Passport to Magonia? Anything linking folklore and Ufology sounds interesting
Quote from: Azzerae on July 24, 2015, 05:03:12 PM
They may be petty, Hengestone, but anyone can cancel their subscription and express why if they choose to.

Some of the points raised here are valid enough to merit dissection and consideration. Some a little over the top.

I don't expect Keith or Art to do everything we suggest but I'm interested in other perspectives on the matter.

$5 is $5, its not free, so when it comes to money folks tend to think a bit differently than they would if it were free. That's just how people are.

If the musics a downer to you, you should express that openly in my opinion, because you are a Time Traveler and that means you are contributing to the accessibility of the archive. You shouldn't have to do without the music because you are too weary of stepping on Keith or Arts toes. You deserve that music. We're the fans, without us there'd be crickets and no audience.

Perhaps 3 days is a limited time to pass judgement (in one sense), but the archive is underwhelming in a couple areas. Lets be honest with ourselves there.

I have already stated that people can do whatever they want with their money, but as you point out, this is a discussion forum and if you express that on here your going to get my opinion about it. I have also already said the music was a bit of a downer but I understand the reasons and think its too petty to complain about since I understand why they do it.
Again I do not think they are underwhelming. I have had no problems with the quality and they now give us dark matter news too which I was perfectly fine with not getting but its a nice bonus. People need to give the show more time.

You said before you had a issue with some clicking in the audio? I haven't really heard this or it starting mid sentence but I didn't listen to the whole Graham Hancock or second show yet. The Linda show sounded good.

Some people are just sensitive to clicks and pops so you might be hearing things I'm not bothered by and don't notice.

I think I asked this before but where did you get your profile pic?
Quote from: Azzerae on July 24, 2015, 04:37:37 PM
Comme de Fuckdown.

I am very passionate about the Art Bell 
I edited it sorry about that. I'm more frustrated with the people (or person) who cancelled their subscription over the news that is now on the podcast. For someone who is as huge a fan of art as me (and many on this forum) these issues seem extremely petty. People who cancel after three days aren't giving the show nearly enough time. The music is a downer but its small beans compared to having the best talk show host in the world back.
Wow they guard those old shows like a mother guards her babies. You can get as many shitty Noory shows as you want but not the good stuff. Three cheers for williedee's archive!  ;)
So I was listening to the Linda show on my MP3 player and forgot it was running while I ordered food. When I put my headphones back on the first thing I heard was Linda saying
"They ran instruments up my vagina"  :o
Quote from: Azzerae on July 24, 2015, 04:09:19 PM
The intro is still cut tho

Oh come on first its the news now its the music? The music issue has been discussed a hundred times and was even discussed in the forums before the show started. If your going to record them for free why do you care anyway?
Quote from: Asadora on July 22, 2015, 03:37:58 AM
After I cancelled my Time Traveler subscription yesterday upon realising that the paranormal news isn't included in the playback - I was sent a refund of my $5 back.
Though, it still doesn't make it fair for the people that pay don't get all the show, whereas the people that don't pay do.

I'll have to hope someone swashbuckles the program so I could -then- listen to the paranormal news. I would glady pay to hear the paranormal news as well, but as Keith said, 'it's a waste of time and space'. So I don't see the paranormal news being included in the playback anytime soon.

So, at least I got a refund of which I wasn't expecting, that's a positive from this.

Guess what, Dark Matter news is now on the podcasts, Art listened to the feedback and now its there. All you have to do was wait and give him a chance but no three days was just too long for you.
I know they must limit the amount of classic Art shows you can download, otherwise I assume every coast inside would download all of the old shows the first month than cancel their subscription.
Quote from: Asadora on July 23, 2015, 05:30:31 AM

Well for all we know, Art may very well walking away from all of this by the end of 6 weeks - that is what happened last time right?

Art stopped working with Sirrus based on his principle.
I have a right to my own principle.

But having three segments to download one show, that is very old skool.
It's 2015 not 1996.


You have every right to do what you want with your money but don't expect people to agree with someone who gave Art 3 days, was mad that commercial content wasn't in the archives then decided to record the show for his personal archives for free instead of paying the small subscription fee. This is an art bell form so we aint gonna take kindly to that.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Is 3 Hours Enough?
July 23, 2015, 03:21:18 PM
I would of course like a longer show but three hours is fine. Dark Matter was much longer (MITD 2 hours without commercials, Dark Matter was 3 and a half hours) but it was also on only four days a week and required as XM sub so overall I think 3 hours for 5 days is fine.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 23, 2015, 02:22:58 PM
Quote from: MtnCrazed on July 22, 2015, 08:05:57 PM
You can become a time traveler for $5 a month to listen whenever....People here are willing to help you out with a subscription if you can't afford one.

Thanks I already am one, otherwise I'd never be able to hear the show. Great album btw
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 22, 2015, 07:42:04 PM
really sorry I'm gonna miss the show. My two day Art break is over, gotta go back to work now. Love Linda but won't be able to hear it till friday. Can't wait for Open Lines Friday!
What are we looking at?
Radio and Podcasts / Who owns Dreamland?
July 22, 2015, 03:57:07 PM
I know Whitley is the current host but does he have the rights to the old At shows? I know Premier has C2C but is Dreamland owned by them too? If it is than why aren't they in somewhere in time? If they aren't why can't they be released or sold on itunes or something?
Quote from: Echo on July 22, 2015, 02:22:34 PM
You can thank George Snoory for Art keeping guest schedule classified. Snoory has told guests they can't come on C2CAM if they been on Art show in the past few weeks. (that was back during Dark Matter radio show)

I bet will see Richard Hoagland or Linda Moulton Howe on before the end of July.

Oh yeah I forgot about that crap. Man I wish George would congratulate Art and not actively plot against him for some reason (prob because he is a crap host). Oh thats right he did welcome him back when Dark Matter came out, only to steal his guests and tell the ones who went on with Art that they could no longer be on. What a soar loser snoory is.
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