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Messages - teknoslag

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 19, 2018, 12:10:58 PM
Quote from: chefist on May 19, 2018, 12:05:11 PM
Myke said he got the guy to make the statement...so, for what it's worth...makes sense..."no phones"...come one. ha  ;D

Then Vara tells everyone yesterday Heater would be on his show last night, then they'd open up the phone lines...just a lie to get listeners...no Heater.

Or they realized at the last minute how it would look telling listeners that Heather was going to call in to explain how she has no phone lines and quickly cancelled the appearance.  ;D
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 19, 2018, 01:49:04 AM
Quote from: chefist on May 18, 2018, 11:52:26 PM
Dave...I'll be down in Tombstone for that as well (I'm in Tucson)..let's meet up for a beer. I promise not to be creepy or clingy as you may expect.

You too? My condolences.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 18, 2018, 09:28:06 PM
Quote from: Sharonnkat on May 18, 2018, 08:31:33 PM
With all this drama about personal lives, I am curious about one thing. Where are art’s kids in all of this?  The older 3?

If you ever want to hold on to a 100% positive image of Art, never ask that question.  ;D ;D
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 18, 2018, 08:22:39 PM
Quote from: 69CheckMate on May 18, 2018, 08:05:50 PM

They must be extremely offended because the gullible is strong in her comments section.  ;D
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 18, 2018, 07:56:13 PM
So how many more delays and false starts is it going to take before the mindless Wade FB minions realize they're getting played yet again by Heather and Vara?

Any bets?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 18, 2018, 05:23:59 PM
Quote from: Roswells, Art on May 18, 2018, 04:59:19 PM
I think Marshall Applewhite, the leader of Heaven's Gate believed the shit he was spewing. If anyone is interested in hearing about cults, there is a podcast I listen to called 'Cults' heh. Here is a link.


It's pretty good, though I disagree on some of the hosts assessments.

P.S. Ours isn't in it, Bellnwhistle.

P.P.S. Parcast has other podcasts that I bet some of you might like, serial killers and other stuff.

I agree. I've always thought that was the one thing that set him apart from people like Manson, Jim Jones, and Koresh.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 18, 2018, 04:38:43 PM
Quote from: WhiteCrow on May 18, 2018, 03:43:35 PM

Are you sure the Area 51 venture isn't still on? It took some work to reserve a floor of suites at the Vegas Palazzo, I'd hate to cancel if there is still a chance.

I'm going to guess the answer is no. She originally said it would happen sometime in June and hasn't said a word about it since. It's almost June. "Producer Michelle" was handling the e-mails to organize it, but "Producer Michelle" still works at the real MITD, and hasn't sent out any e-mails about it.

There's been absolutely no follow through on it, except for the occasional vague "um yeah, of course" answer to people asking whether or not it's still happening.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 18, 2018, 01:46:36 PM
Quote from: ge30542 on May 18, 2018, 01:44:16 PM
You were asked by Art's family to keep quiet! VULTURE!


Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 18, 2018, 01:30:41 PM
Quote from: ponyboysunset on May 18, 2018, 12:39:02 PM
There are no updates anywhere I have looked regarding a live show or not. Interesting.

The show is dead. They're keeping quiet so they can drag out the mystery and drama for as long as possible, in order to make it look as if Heather isn't the one responsible for tanking it. From the moment she announced the Area 51 venture that we all knew was never going to happen, she's repeatedly torpedoed MITD for the sake of wallowing in the attention she's been receiving from her mindless FB followers. It's been nothing but one giant pity party, and you're seeing it at its apex now.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 18, 2018, 01:29:52 AM
Quote from: sydtron on May 18, 2018, 01:27:33 AM
That was a double feature I saw as a kid at our local Drive -In. First was Naked Gun. Then Star Trek V.  I liked the premise of V. It made you think. Isn't that the one that Shattner Directed?

That's the one.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 18, 2018, 01:24:14 AM
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 18, 2018, 01:20:13 AM
I think it's underrated, for sure. It's slower paced, more contemplative nature cursed it with bad reviews. I even though 5 was kind of interesting too...and that's probably the most hated TOS movie.

Part V is probably one of the most misunderstood films in the entire franchise, if not science fiction in general. It has its flaws for sure, but it's unfairly derided. Often for reasons that have nothing to do with anything in the actual film, and moreso just the assumption it's "too religious." The moment I hear criticism begin with "that Star Trek movie where they meet God," I instantly tune out.  ;D  Anyone who predicates their argument against it on it being "too religious" obviously didn't actually watch it.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 18, 2018, 01:15:56 AM
Quote from: GravitySucks on May 18, 2018, 12:58:11 AM
I guess the reason I liked Enterprise was because they overused the holodeck and the alternate universe too much when they got lazy in the other series.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture is one of the greatest sci-fi films ever made.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 17, 2018, 10:57:04 PM
Quote from: chefist on May 17, 2018, 09:50:41 PM
Dr. Ira - Open Eyes Host - Today at 8:49 PM

She MAY NOT be live this evening.  They took her phones, they are messing with equipment, they have completely raked her over the coals.

She REALLY Needs the love and support of those of you who care about her.  Please be understanding with the situation.  These people are literally doing everything they can to destroy her, and she is all alone with what she is going through.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 17, 2018, 10:47:48 PM
Quote from: 21st Century Man on May 17, 2018, 10:45:59 PM
So what news did I miss on the Heather front today?

Her dump button arrived today. Miraculously, the person who gave Art his numbers managed to "steal" them back, which prevented her from doing a live, unscreened open-lines show tonight. Again.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 17, 2018, 10:40:23 PM
My guess is that this whole "stolen phone lines" BS is exactly that; bullshit. They got served with the legal paperwork and someone at LameNM Network got the bright idea in their head that they can get around it by doing a pre-recorded podcast.  ;D ;D ;D
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 17, 2018, 08:00:05 PM
Quote from: DeadDogsEye on May 17, 2018, 07:55:55 PM

She knows. She was there with Heather when it happened. Over the phone.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 17, 2018, 07:55:53 PM
*cue the slide horn*
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 17, 2018, 07:25:04 PM
Quote from: zeebo on May 17, 2018, 07:22:28 PM
HW really hitched her wagon to a sure thing there.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 17, 2018, 07:19:22 PM
Uh oh, Vara says ghost Art is watching us and is gonna bite our asses..
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 17, 2018, 07:16:47 PM
Quote from: SpookyTim on May 17, 2018, 07:15:39 PM
"felt impelled"

"She listeneded..."

I get the feeling this guy's IQ is around room temperature. In an igloo.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 17, 2018, 07:13:57 PM
Quote from: DarKPenguiN on May 17, 2018, 07:12:41 PM
Hes anything but witty or even coherent.

"*long pause*  uh excuse me, I'm trying to get up my phone..."

Bullshit. He's BellGabbing on the job.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 17, 2018, 07:11:52 PM
Quote from: Northern Nights on May 17, 2018, 07:06:22 PM
Vara talking about Keith right now on LNM stream.

He just can't resist throwing god-awful puns about KR into every news story. And thinks he's being witty while doing it.  ;D ;D ;D
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 17, 2018, 07:01:04 PM
Quote from: SpookyTim on May 17, 2018, 06:59:38 PM
Can someone post the photos of Heather's phone numbers real quick?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 17, 2018, 06:55:47 PM
Quote from: albrecht on May 17, 2018, 06:53:22 PM
You'd think a witch would be able to evade a service (not that that is a good idea or that I am offering any legal opinion.) Oh, that's right. She doesn't believe in magic anymore.....

She may not believe anymore, but who's to say Evil Keith doesn't have a few tricks up his dirty wizard sleeve?

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 17, 2018, 06:50:40 PM
Quote from: Kolchak on May 17, 2018, 06:44:50 PM
I'm guessing the legal paperwork reached its destination.

Oh no. Please not that.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 17, 2018, 06:07:36 PM
Quote from: username on May 17, 2018, 03:49:55 PM


Start at 1:31:53 mark

Heather Wade calls in.

Did they use audio from last night's show? Jesus H. Christ, she's lost her damned mind.  ;D ;D ;D

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 17, 2018, 04:17:05 PM
Quote from: DaveSchrader on May 17, 2018, 04:12:02 PM
Interesting insights. Thanks for the kind words.

The funny thing about being a disembodied voice over your speakers is that some things are list in translation.

Having done this type of programming for 12 years there is NO WAY to please everyone. When I am goofy I get hatemail, when I'm serious, I get hate mail, when I press guests I get hate mail, when I don't press the guests I get hate mail.

This type of topic isn't taken seriously as it is, so I try to show it the seriousness it deserves without being overly gullible. If I buy into a topic, I'm a shill, if I question the validity of the topic, I'm a killjoy and villain.

I've always tried to measure the temperature of the audience to appeal to the masses and remain true to who I am. I've made changes over the years and always try to adapt.

With a topic like we cover here I aim to make the topic the star, the focus, not the host. When I open up I get told to shut up, nobody wants to hear my thoughts, they want to hear the guest. If I shut up and let the guests go I get criticized that I am a shit host that cannot maintain direction of his own show.

We can't have it every way, I cannot be all to everyone. Funny thing is, as I read your posts, (meaning everyone's) people put Art on a pedestal in one post and 5 posts later call him a quitter or that he phoned it in, or was perfect or unstable.

I walked into a maelstrom of feces and I am busy working to right a sinking ship, balance change while paying honor to what came before. Not one person would be able to step in and be all that everyone needs or wants, and before I can be ME I need to get my footing, feel out my new surroundings and do what it takes to bring an audience back to MitD and not be offensive in either direction.

My goal is to be as well rounded as possible, adapt, change and keep moving forward. This show hemmoraged ten's of thousands of listeners when Art left. We are already up over 15% from where we were when Art died and that number keeps climbing.

With that said, and I mean this with total respect for everyones time. If you find me hard to listen to, I make you unhappy in anyway, don't listen. I won't be mad, life is too short to spend it doing things that don't add to your life.

To the people that elect to move on, enjoy your journey and I hope you find your next Art.

For those that love this kind of show and want to stick with me, I'm here for the long haul, long after the shitnado blows over and I will be the best version of me I can bring you to help you enjoy the show more.

I am always open to constructive criticism. Feel free to email me anytime.


Your Milly Vanilla friend,


You're doing just fine.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 17, 2018, 04:15:12 PM
Quote from: SpookyTim on May 17, 2018, 01:14:09 PM
Johnny Carson wanted David Letterman to take over "The Tonight Show," not Jay Leno. The network wanted Leno. The network had the final say.

Heather is no Letterman, but the analogy works.

The only difference being that Carson didn't pick Letterman, then die. Letterman didn't take two weeks off to "grieve" his predecessor while refusing to allow the network to let someone else guest-host, then start a juvenile spat with the network when they pointed out that talk-show reruns don't generate enough ratings and revenue to keep from running the show into the ground. Letterman didn't then get fired, go on another talk show while "grieving" to tell the whole story of what really occurred. He didn't wind up turning that appearance into a self-aggrandizing pity party, making the entire situation surrounding his predecessor's death about him, while whining that everyone was just being so unfair because all he wanted to do was "grieve" with the audience. Which he still wound up never doing more than a month later, after repeated promises of "next appearance, next appearance, next appearance..." Because he couldn't find a dump button/reliable server/[insert excuse here]. Leno wasn't then brought in to replace Letterman because the Tonight Show had been off the air for weeks, putting it on the verge of disappearing for good unless immediate changes were made.

But I do agree with you that yes, the network should and did have the final say.  ;D
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 17, 2018, 01:51:21 AM
Oi. After the shitshow tonight, they got 99 problems and a long-term show ain't one.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 17, 2018, 01:24:29 AM
Quote from: painter17 on May 17, 2018, 01:23:54 AM
Sounds like a loop of someone deflating a bicycle tire....
This is Perfect, Heather

I'd say it's the wind leaving her sails, but that ship sunk a long time ago.
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