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Messages - Dr. MD MD

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Alex Jones
October 17, 2022, 08:23:03 PM
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on October 17, 2022, 08:08:53 PMThe common denominator is drump. Rick Wilson wrote the book; "Everything Trump touches, dies". Lawyers, employees, cult, companies (TWO casinos), family. All of it. It all falls and withers. The only success he's had or can truthfully (lol) take credit for his grifting his cult for his own use. And the cupud stunts oblige!  ;D

He's the most evil man in the history of human civilization, responsible for disease and everything bad, even death.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Alex Jones
October 17, 2022, 03:43:28 PM
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
October 17, 2022, 01:18:32 PM
Walls. Really closing in now.  :-\
Politics / Re: It's The Economy, Stupid!
October 17, 2022, 12:28:55 PM
Random Topics / Re: Coronavirus 2020
October 17, 2022, 12:01:13 PM
Quote from: Walks_At_Night on October 17, 2022, 11:42:05 AMIndeed. First question is why one would dick around with something like that and the second, is if you decided to do so why isn't it done out on Wake or Howland island or some similar isolated place? Nah - lets muck with it a half mile from Fenway Park. Nothing bad will happen.

I want to start a foundation called KAG: Kill All Globalists. It would be dedicated to violently ending the lives of globalist authoritarian control freaks, for the betterment of humanity.
Random Topics / Re: Coronavirus 2020
October 17, 2022, 11:26:53 AM
Quote from: Walks_At_Night on October 17, 2022, 11:18:32 AMTransability of Omicron with a kill rate of Marburg.

JUST IN - US researchers at Boston University have developed a new lethal Covid mutant strain in a laboratory  – echoing the type of experiments many fear started the pandemic.



Someone should just drop a strategic nuke on Boston University immediately.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Alex Jones
October 17, 2022, 08:07:38 AM
Quote from: SredniVashtar on October 17, 2022, 05:34:27 AMI don't suppose you come across many rational people in the course of your 'life', so I can understand your perplexity.

You don't come across as rational. You come across like someone with their head shoved so far up the asshole of power that you can see their tonsils.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Alex Jones
October 17, 2022, 08:05:56 AM
Quote from: SredniVashtar on October 17, 2022, 05:13:07 AMAt least you admit that you're a fool. That's progress, of a kind.

If only you could. Your whole nation, really.
Politics / Re: Pedo Hitler Strikes Again!
October 16, 2022, 09:10:43 PM
Politics / Re: The Ukraine CrySis - Crimea River
October 16, 2022, 08:37:16 PM
Politics / Re: The Creeping Fascism Thread
October 16, 2022, 06:52:16 PM
Random Topics / Re: A proposal for Roswells, Art
October 16, 2022, 06:27:22 PM
Quote from: pate on October 16, 2022, 06:16:17 PMIf you say so.


She doesn't like you...I don't like you either.

Random Topics / Re: A proposal for Roswells, Art
October 16, 2022, 06:04:41 PM
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Alex Jones
October 16, 2022, 01:38:05 PM
Quote from: K_Dubb on October 16, 2022, 01:35:35 PMWhat it proves is that people with small weewees will pay good money to be lied to and told they have been right the whole time, the world is rigged against small-weewee-havers and they must Rise Up but smh they are too old and fat now  :'(

That's exactly how I'd describe you...but gay.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Alex Jones
October 16, 2022, 01:22:49 PM
Quote from: K_Dubb on October 16, 2022, 01:12:43 PMYes, that sounds exactly like the balanced, considered judgment we are used to from AJ 🤡 It doesn't matter what he said after that one day in court which you will just say he had to say that wink wink, it matters the hours of ranting he did.  How many weewee pumps can I sign you up for?

It is the same as Kraken Lady's lawsuits which were thrown out because she lacked standing, i. e. wasn't one of the ostensibly harmed parties.  She and Trumpykins knew they had nothing but it was better to say muh persecution complex see the system is rigged instead of trying to litigate their nuttery in court with a skeptical judge and hostile attorneys where they can actually lose instead of selling the case to goobers paying $45/mo to maga.

Nothing prevented Trumpykins from using the hundred million he raised to back the mother of all lawsuits that would prove once and for all he was cheated in court for all to see, but he didn't.  Curious.

At some point it will dawn on you that conspiracy talk is mostly a grift.

The real grift is that it's sold as grift by you deep state glowies when it usually turns out to be 100% true.
Politics / Re: The Left
October 16, 2022, 01:02:38 PM
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Alex Jones
October 16, 2022, 12:41:09 PM
Quote from: K_Dubb on October 16, 2022, 12:23:17 PMThat's not how it works, or has ever worked.  If you tell lies about someone (slander, libel, defamation) they can sue you for damages.  If some of those damages are inflicted by people believing your lies, you are responsible.  If lies weren't harmful, we wouldn't be so bothered by them.

Truth is always a defense against charges of defamation.  AJ could have presented evidence that his lies were true, there was a good chance he could use the power of the court to bring evidence out in support of what he'd said but he did not, he refused to cooperate with the court at all, the judge ruled that he defaulted.

He was kind of in a bind.  He had shit to go on that would hold up, exposing that in court with cross-examination by hostile lawyers instead of his usual audience of nutball fluoridophobes and guys insecure about their weewees would make him look silly.  So he clowned and cried persecution instead since you guys will eat that up and rush out and buy more weewee pumps.  It was the only way to win something.

He said he thought that maybe it was staged but wasn't sure. Not exactly a clarion call to arms. 🙄 ;D

P.S. It was totally staged.
Politics / Re: The Ukraine CrySis - Crimea River
October 16, 2022, 12:09:00 PM
Random Topics / Re: 2022 TCS New York City Marathon
October 16, 2022, 12:02:02 PM
Quote from: AC400KICK on October 16, 2022, 11:40:59 AM3 weeks to go.

Final long run in.

Try not to be too disappointed when the black wins. You should probably just let him win anyway for the sake of equity, right? RIGHT?!
Random Topics / Re: Coronavirus 2020
October 16, 2022, 11:58:40 AM
Quote from: aldousburbank on October 16, 2022, 10:49:00 AMAfter the midterms. Timing is everything.

Yeah, that seems like an accurate assessment. Get ready to ba, sheep. ;D
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Alex Jones
October 16, 2022, 11:52:04 AM
Quote from: K_Dubb on October 16, 2022, 10:48:00 AMTrump's words make you act the fool here regularly 🥳

No, I do that all on my own because I'm a free man. Only communist blame others for their or someone else's behavior.
Random Topics / Re: Coronavirus 2020
October 16, 2022, 11:49:18 AM
Quote from: K_Dubb on October 16, 2022, 10:52:38 AMDear Kord Jesus please bless sir his mother and his aunts and keep them safe from harm Amen 🙏🏿

That seemed pretty lame and insincere. Are you trying to make them die? ???
Random Topics / Re: A proposal for Roswells, Art
October 16, 2022, 09:38:45 AM
Quote from: WOTR on October 16, 2022, 12:28:56 AMNow you have reminded me that I have not told of recent events on this site yet... I will try to give the brief version.

A couple of weeks back, I was walking down the alley and a neighbour who has lived in the house for several years had his garage door open, and there were three of them enjoying beers- him and two friends. A somewhat larger lady of around 55 and her rather unkempt husband joined the thirty something resident. The owner mentioned one of my vehicles in the front driveway, and his friend left to look at it. I stayed for around an hour talking and the woman became somewhat upset that her husband was not back, and said that she was sure he would be gone the night.

I went home to bed, looked in the alley, and saw him with his phone out (my vehicle was around front and the neighbour is across the street so he should not really be in my alley.) I went out and told him I would meet him around front to look at the vehicle. He came around and said he needed to use the washroom. I got a bad feeling- but what the hell. So I waited in the hallway and a few minutes later he came out with his pants around his thighs pulling his pocket out and asking if I could help him find his "rock." I declined.

He then asked if I would like to spend 5 minutes in the dark with him. I declined. He told me that he would let me do anything I wanted. I declined. He pulled out his phone to a porn site and told me that I could pick a video and he would do anything that the woman in the video did. I declined. Then he turned around in the doorway of my washroom, bent over, touched his toes and asked if I liked the view (he was wearing womens underwear.) I informed him it did nothing for me and the he should probably leave.

He told me he just wanted to take another hit, and pulled out his beer can crack pipe. I told him to go ahead and then it was time to leave. I told him that I had a woman- I assume he noticed the lack of womens toiletries on the counter and told me he did too- but they were not here. He continued to proposition me on the way out and down the drive with his wife across the street and three doors down.

Anyhow, it ended with him telling me that he would be in my alley if I changed my mind and my taking the trigger lock off my shotgun and putting a hunting knife in a sheath beside me in bed before drifting off to sleep.

Point being, I wonder if she turns a blind eye to his midnight alley rendezvous? I mean, she suspected he was not coming home- she has to have some idea (and he is fortunate that I am not somebody who would blacken his eye and toss him down my stairs removing him from my property.)

I thank you for reminding me of one of the more surreal evenings in recent memory. And in case anybody is wondering, I have noticed his truck in my neighbours alley a couple of times since...

You should've just taken him up to show him the view from your rooftop.  ;)

Random Topics / Re: Coronavirus 2020
October 16, 2022, 09:36:12 AM
Quote from: Walks_At_Night on October 16, 2022, 08:14:32 AMInteresting what a difference a year makes. Just had my annual physical. Last year my Doc spent 5 straight minutes ragging on my ass for not taking the vaxx and this year he didn't even mention it at all. Spent last Christmas figuring that I'd be fired in January and instead my employer has spent the whole year kissing my butt - raise, retention bonus, options.

Too bad the XBB is coming and the whole mess will start agian probably.


I mean, there must be some horrifying vids coming out of China about this, no? Not this time?  ??? 🙄
Random Topics / Re: Coronavirus 2020
October 16, 2022, 08:25:25 AM
Quote from: Walks_At_Night on October 16, 2022, 08:14:32 AMInteresting what a difference a year makes. Just had my annual physical. Last year my Doc spent 5 straight minutes ragging on my ass for not taking the vaxx and this year he didn't even mention it at all. Spent last Christmas figuring that I'd be fired in January and instead my employer has spent the whole year kissing my butt - raise, retention bonus, options.

Too bad the XBB is coming and the whole mess will start agian probably.


Yeah, let's all start pushing the panic button again because that worked out so well the last time. Infinite 🙄s
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Alex Jones
October 15, 2022, 11:23:52 PM
Quote from: The General on October 15, 2022, 10:57:02 PMThe latest 124 episodes of the Fret Files Podcast can be found here.

What's your opinion on jazzboxes with floating neck pickups?

P.S. I'd wager real money that either pud or shreddie or both will find a way to make this about Trump somehow. I'm sure jazz guitars represent white supremacy or some such nonsense.
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