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Messages - henge0stone

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Bumper Music
August 31, 2015, 06:18:12 PM
Quote from: Chupacabra on August 28, 2015, 04:33:48 PM
My fav


Nothing radiates in the night like the magic flutes of cusco.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: EVPs...
August 31, 2015, 02:36:40 PM
Quote from: Paper*Boy on August 31, 2015, 07:41:29 AM
In general, aren't the best con artists the ones with an ability to gain people's trust?

Generally con artists like to make money with their con though.
He was absolutely the worst guest, even when he knew he was bad, apologized for his crappy dispute that no one cared about he STILL ended up talking about it. I've never heard a UFO researcher not want to talk about UFOs this much.
Quote from: michio on August 30, 2015, 05:59:30 AM
More guest suggestions...

Charles Shults III: I never tire of hearing what he has to say as he's always an interesting guest. There isn't a whole lot of doom and gloom in his vision of the future, which is refreshing and encouraging.

Dean Kamen: Inventor of the Segway and various medical devices that help people live longer and better lives. Kamen's an advocate for science and technology. IOW, my kind of dude.

Bill Gates and/or Steve 'Woz' Wozniak: Microsoft and Apple co-founders who would have a wealth of early personal computer stories to tell. Get your geek on.

The Allagash Abduction four: I was hoping Knapp would have interviewed them by now, but no luck. Two of them were twins and the other two were friends of the twins, but they all might have been part of something extraordinary in Maine's Allagash Wilderness during a camping trip.  Maybe it's a contrived hoax as some say, maybe it's due to confabulated memories from the hypnoses they underwent, or perhaps it's a glimpse of a rare and difficult to see hidden reality that continues to enthrall us.

I agree with Allagash Abduction case, he should totally interview some of them. It was an interesting case, I've seen the unsolved mysteries episode about it many-a times. He should get one of the abductees that way there won't be any danger of a drama queen investigator like with the Rendalsham guy. We still need a good Rendalsham guest.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: EVPs...
August 29, 2015, 12:56:23 PM
Apparently a lot of people report that EVPs exist its just a matter of what they are, whether they be some loose radio signals, weird static, actual voices who knows. I think there is something there but like everything who really knows. The EVP shows are really entertaining though whatever they are. I think Barb is an honest person and wouldn't make this stuff up, that's just my read on her.

If you really want to see if they're real why not try it yourself? I'm going to try it myself some day when I get around to it.
Quote from: Paper*Boy on August 29, 2015, 12:31:05 PM
At first I read that as Jim Dildoes himself, which makes perfect sense on a Billy Meier thread, then I thought no, Hengie probably wouldn't post that...

haha, I forgot the last o. We should call him Jim Dildoes now.  ;D
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Howard Stern
August 29, 2015, 12:40:39 PM
Quote from: VoteQuimby on August 26, 2015, 09:06:07 PM
Howard Stern is still alive?

I prefer to think he died when Artie left the show. It's easier that way.

Agreed! The show is so liberal now its sickening to listen to. I have a lot of liberal ideas too but my god Howard used to think for himself. The whole show is built around his don't give a shit sense of humor, now he just has no balls or guts and is too scared to say retard. Heck a guy had a cat named retard on Art's show last night! So MITD is officially less censored than howard. 
Oh wait I found one! Guess he has met Billy. That explains how he knows the taste of his taint. Mystery solved! We can all go home now.
lol, Both are probably true. Seriously I tried to find a picture of Billy with Michael and they don't exist.
Quote from: Juan Cena on August 28, 2015, 11:48:12 PM
There's nothing wrong with the love between a man and a horse.

The Bronies have started clopping. God help us.
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on August 29, 2015, 11:00:56 AM
Sorry. I wish there was a sarcasm/ facetious bastard, smiley :). I read the book when it came out and agree with you, have at best and making a quick buck likely. I got to the end but felt it was a waste of time. Mr Horn is just deluded and/or out to promote the cult.

Well I kinda deserved it calling them 'investigators' without quotation marks. It was the most shady attempt at a investigation I have ever seen, and yet everyone who believes in the Meier hoax pretends like these guys were rocket scientists whose opinions are revelation from god (oh wait that's Meier).

I really don't think Horn ever met Billy. In the 04 interview with Art he got all nervous when Art asked why he hadn't asked Billy for the negatives. Of course he could have been nervous because he knew there were no negatives and that its all a hoax he's getting money off of.
The first episode of Dark Matter he explained everything.
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on August 29, 2015, 12:41:33 AM
What gave it away that he may not have and is basing his in depth research fanciful bollox on heresay and other like minded researchers' fuckwits' work copy and paste?

Whoa now, lets be clear I have never said Steven's or anyone ever did in depth research on the case. Windelle and the other 'investigators' were at best extremely naive and at worst Trying to make money with a documentary and falsifying information. I lean towards the latter.

The books they published afterwards made "many extraordinary claims were made with little or no evidence, no names of scientists, labs, procedures and technology involved were mentioned."

Jim Dilettos himself who claims to have analyzed the photos admitted on a debate on Coast to Coast with Art Bell that he had lied several times about PHD's that he did not possess.

The 'initial investigation' was by William H. Spaulding who said all the photos were "total Hoaxes" and immediately dismissed the them.

If it hadn't been for Steven's trying to make a good documentary then the whole thing probably would have been long dead. And now these huckster's say Michael is lying, so even the among Billy's supporters Michel is seen as a lair.
Trash, I like the story though, not paranormal but has a paranormal flavor.
I don't think Art ever did a show on the Jersey Devil. Its basically just colonial folklore but colonial folklore  an of itself is an awesome topic. Also there were a lot of sightings of it in 1909.
I would like to bring up the fact that there are now more MITD shows than Dark Matter shows! WOOO!
Quote from: albrecht on August 27, 2015, 05:54:24 PM
Come on. Jason would be a great show! Especially considering the social progress we've had with regard to gender, race, and sexuality becoming choices and now simply "self-identifying" means you are whatever you wish. Bring on Jason.

No, just no. The whole transgender thing is wrong on so many levels, but everyone is too liberal to talk about it. They have books now about 8 year olds who are transgender, eight year olds! At least wait till you hit puberty for god sake.


Operations just make things worse. It's a mental distortion, I know people are going to say 'oh that's what they said about being gay!' but it isn't. Orientation and what you are physically are two different things entirely. I wanted to be a dog when I was eight should I have been able to have an operation to make me look like one?
A man can never really become a women and vice versa it's like mr. Garrison said from south park,
"I'm just a man with a mutilated penis!"

Didn't mean to derail this..
Quote from: ShayP on August 28, 2015, 12:55:32 AM
Yeah...ever been to a club where people wee on each other?

I'm gonna hurt you
Quote from: mahigitam on August 28, 2015, 03:11:01 AM
Regarding Michael Horn's claim which Lee Elders exposed as being not true, I received the following mail on Aug 26 from a person (name withheld according to his wish) who closely worked with Wendelle Stevens and whose name was also mentioned in Wendelle Steven's book -  Preliminary Investigation Report - published in 1982.

"Hi Mahesh,

This Michael Horn is quite a number.

I was probably one of the people who corresponded most heavily with Wendelle about Meier - both by snail mail and phone - and I never heard once mention the name Michael Horn.  Wendelle told me things off record but there was never any claim made that he personally gave film to Meier, that Meier went off and came back with photos.  That is sheer nonsense.  Wendelle would have told me if such a thing had occurred.

This guy is a fanatical liar !"


Wow so even the people who originally investigated Meier are calling Michael a liar. One wonders if Michael has even met Billy.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Howard Stern
August 26, 2015, 07:49:05 PM
He used to not give a fuck what people thought, now he's an super liberal and politically correct to the point where his show is just lame. He's so politically correct that he doesn't even call Gary the retard his name anymore, now he's Gary the conqueror despite Gary himself wanting to be called Gary the Retard. The whole thing is really lame, thought he went to XM to be uncensored but now he censors himself worse than the terrestrial stations ever did.
I honestly think sometimes Art's excitement of the topic leads people to believe that he is 'buying it' even though he usually does not. Unlike Noory he doesn't automatically accept everything but at the same time he doesn't become a debunker or someone who will grill someone to the point where they can't talk about the subject without being under attack.

Its a fine line to walk with subjects like these and I think generally Art does a good job. Again I think his fascination is sometimes mistaken for belief.
I second that James would be a good. He gets good guests, Capricorn is okay, James could use more experience as an interviewer but he certainly has good stories on ancient sites.
Quote from: MichaelFromVA on August 26, 2015, 03:13:07 PM
Oh!  Good one!  I like that idea.  Also, someone a week or two ago suggested a show about Irish folklore.  I hope that's going to happen at some point, too.

Celtic folklore would be amazing! Anything history related would be great.
Art should get someone someone on talking about sea monsters and the legend of the kraken.

Chet Van Duzer would make a good guest.

He wrote a cool booked called Sea Monsters on Medieval and Renaissance Maps, all about sea creatures people thought existed in the middle ages and put on maps.

Really disappointing that the guest had nothing of substance to say about such a fascinating topic. I like how honest with the guest Art was.
You'd think Michael would find a better UFO case to make money off of.
You don't understand Mahesh, all the answers are in the DVD, just give Michael your money and all will be answered.
Quote from: 311guy1 on August 24, 2015, 08:18:56 AM
I don't think Art has ever done a show specially about the Rendlesham incident. One of the best cases with good witnesses in my opinion.

John Rohdes telling his batshit theories about Dulce would make an entertaining show as well.

Looks like art is reading this, got an investigator on the case tonight.
Quote from: 311guy1 on August 24, 2015, 08:18:56 AM
I don't think Art has ever done a show specially about the Rendlesham incident. One of the best cases with good witnesses in my opinion.

John Rohdes telling his batshit theories about Dulce would make an entertaining show as well.

You now I never heard a show on the Rendlesham incident. Think most of the guys are alive, he should get on that. Lots of people say its as if not more credible than roswell.
"In light of the often ominous, prophetic information in the Meier case, many people ask what they can do to make a positive difference in the world, individually and collectively."

says the person who called us,
"intellectually bankrupt losers"

and people with "ZERO experience as researchers, investigators, scientists and…thinkers"

And said this about me personally for asking questions "as I said, they of course play the orphan card, impotent little whiners that they, and you, are."

Why do you not practice what you preach?
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