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Topics - Zoo

Random Topics / Perfect English Is For Royalty!!1
January 31, 2016, 03:49:52 AM
DeAr FuCkTraDes i Hope thIs drIves yOu to Suicide U woRd NaZies. EveRy Time I use Their,there or anything else I hope U Choke on This sMall thIn dIck.:anD When U feeL Like you Need To cOrect Me Know This UR doIng a great Jusitce in the world. i rely mEan It!!1
Random Topics / Gray Jedi Code!!1
December 11, 2015, 06:25:34 AM
Their is no good.
Their is no bad!!1

Random Topics / Christianity is Dying!!1
June 29, 2015, 11:46:51 PM
I have noticed that Christianity is slowly dying and could not be happier. I never did like organised religion. Something about a man telling me to give him/church money to prove am a good little christian never made sense to me. I also always hated how they talked about what Jesus said and how to live and treat others but they always did the total opposite. I am just glad to see churches closing, gays getting married and the Pope saying Atheist can now go to heaven. Think it was about time for the smoke screen of Christianity is final being blown away!!1

Politics / Too Bad Your Vote Does Not Count!!1
June 14, 2015, 01:32:25 AM
How sad are we as a country where we think are vote still counts?
End the end your vote means nothing.....
But do not take my word for it....
Just keep watching TV sheep!!1
Random Topics / Gives me hope!!1
January 29, 2015, 06:47:30 PM
I am for automated everything especial construction. The less people have to endanger their life for some stupid paycheck the better. Maybe one day things will all be all automated and people will be able to evolve from chasing money to chasing dreams. This gives me hope!!1

Random Topics / LOVE!!1
December 24, 2014, 03:39:14 AM
I just want to say no matter what you think about me I have nothing but love for you and yours.... I wish nothing but good fortune for you and yours... This is what I truly wish for us all!!1
Random Topics / Hows the Farm working for you?
December 22, 2014, 05:22:29 AM
I know what most of you are going to say but as the old saying goes "Wolves care not what sheep think"!!1

Random Topics / Why are you on this site?
October 18, 2014, 03:13:47 AM
I was introduced through a really good friend/family of mine. I started posting on this forum because I enjoy a good debate from time to time. When I first joined I was taught that facts matter on this site and you better have at least two or more references from a credible sources. Which was really cool I must say. It made me learn things that were different from my view which is a good thing. So after awhile that is what I did and put a lot of work into it. Then I started to notice others replying only minutes after I posted and I knew their is know way they were reading the martial or watching the video. What a waste of time I thought. Doing all that research and hardly nobody looking at it so what was the point? Now I do understand that  we each have an opinion that really can not be back by facts and that is fine from time to time. Like this post for example. As for me though I think I am going to start putting in as many facts with reliable references as I can. That way when people who really want to understand/learn something they can. As for those who just like to talk crap(I have done it too) I will do my best to ignore it. I look forward learning new and wonderful things from everyone. So really why I joined this site was to support a friend/brother of mine. I also did it to learn new things as well!!1   
Random Topics / MV Hates me.......
October 04, 2014, 01:50:41 AM
I tried to call MV but he did not answer It is because I am drunk!!1
Random Topics / Is it time to start over!!1
September 20, 2014, 01:40:24 AM
I am really starting to think we as a human race no longer deserve to live anymore as a species. Fact I am more for watching it go down hill then help anymore. I am so hoping for WWIII or for Ebola virus to wipe us out. Hell why not both. Only if ISIS would get their shit together and go world wide. So I would not have to hear the drum beat of the American war party. I only hope is that I get to have a front row set on top of a hill with a bottle of crown and a case of coke. Oh do not to forget a ounce of some sticky as nugs and a pack of Bic lighters to light up my weed and Marlboro Black 100's. Oh what a site it would be to see everyone running and fleeing but with no place to hide.  So I say Cheers to the end my sick little friends and see you on top of the hill!!1 
Random Topics / MV did not come to my BBQ!!1
August 06, 2014, 02:52:58 PM
I am a nice person and try not to be mad at people for no reason. I was raised to be a man of your word. This means if you tell someone you are going to do something you do it.... I invited MV to a BBQ I was having and gave him plenty of notice. He said he would be their. I was really excited I called a bunch of my friends to let them that he was coming. Well the day of the BBQ came and low and behold he never showed up or even called. Way not cool MV! So everyone is whispering saying that I made the whole thing up just to get people their which is not true. So I would like to take this time to thank MV for making me look like a fool. I am so disappointed in you MV, I truly am!!1
Random Topics / How big is space!!1
August 03, 2014, 11:24:55 AM
After I saw this it made me think that we really have know clue what is out their and how big space truly is. We really can not even comprehend the size of the Universe. Funny thing as much as we think we know, it shows really how much we do not!!1
Random Topics / Why be Mean!!1
August 01, 2014, 12:07:17 AM
I understand that people are flawed in many ways and none of us are perfect. So why are we so mean to each other? Does hurting others make one feel better about oneself? Does being a word gangster make us feel better? Simply because you found another human make a spelling mistake? I do my best to look at all sides and try not to hurt anyone with what I say/write. Have I said anything rude and off the cuff against my fellow bellgabers? So if you find something that I wrote in hatred to one of my fellow bellgabers please bring it to my attention. If it is something hateful I will apologize for my actions. I have nothing but love for you all!!1
Random Topics / White Hole from Black Hole!!1
July 23, 2014, 01:11:28 AM
In this article they take what Stephen Hawking theorised and blow it to hell. So whos right? Does all information in the Universe some day become lost or is it a cycle? I personally think we have no clue and just make up crap as we go. How can we have something from nothing? In the same thought how can nothing make something!!1


. I have a question related to the premises herein...

If a member state to the union has lost its suffrage in the Senate (Amend 17), then are we any longer a federation of sovereign states at all, or are we just semi autonomous regions withing a centrally consolidated power structure? Thoughts!!1
Random Topics / Is it going to be real this time!!1
July 12, 2014, 02:00:32 AM
Is it really going to be an all out war in the Middle East? Is it time for World War III? No it is going to be the same crap as always. In fact if it goes like normal it should be over soon!!1

peace process

Lausanne Conference                           1949
Camp David Accords                           1978
Madrid Conference                           1991
Oslo Accords                              1993/95
Hebron Protocol                                   1997
Wye River Memorandum                   1998
Sharm el-Sheikh Memorandum           1999
Camp David Summit (parameters)        2000
Taba Summit                                   2001
Road Map                                           2003
Agreement on Movement and Access   2005
Annapolis Conference                           2007
Random Topics / Solar Roads!!1
June 26, 2014, 03:16:46 PM
I have been studying Sustainability Energy for some time and this makes the most sense to me. Now do not get me wrong their will be issues but this is better than war in my opinion. We as a country have been fighting a war for 12 years costing us around 4 trillion dollars. I think this would be good for our country as a whole. As long as we keep it all in house the economy will once again be strong. Jobs will be plenty and we will no longer be sipping form the fossil fuel teat. Now I know people are going to pick it apart because it is new. Well they did the same thing to the internet and look at what you are doing right now. We have the science to pull this off. There will be problems but when is their not problems? Every major project has them and this will be no different. Hell just look where roads have come from trails into now days five lane highways. We solved the problems alone the way this is how we learn. I just think this is a good start. They have raised over 2.1 million to get it going and I say let get it going.  What is your thoughts!!1


Feds approve the sale of powdered alcohol
Published April 21, 2014FoxNews.comFacebook1400 Twitter171 Gplus22
A powdery new way to get buzzed.PALCOHOL.COM
Ever tried to transport a bottle of alcohol only to give up because it was too heavy or it broke?  Meet your new best beverage friend: powdered booze.

A patent for Palcohol has now been approved by the Treasury Department, reports Lehrman’s Beverage Law.

According to the product website, Palcohol is expected to launch this fall. Six versions are on tap to be released including a Vodka flavor that has been distilled four times, a plain rum powder, and four cocktail powers â€" Cosmopolitan, Mojito, Powderita (Margarita), and Lemon Drop. All you need is a little water to get the party started. The product is gluten free and has about

The site is even touting its potential as a condiment, right up there with salt, pepper, and a little Parmesan cheese. This is from their website, according to Lehrman:

"We’ve been talking about drinks so far. But we have found adding Palcohol to food is so much fun. Sprinkle Palcohol on almost any dish and give it an extra kick. Some of our favorites are the Kamikaze in guacamole, Rum on a BBQ sandwich, Cosmo on a salad and Vodka on eggs in the morning to start your day off right. Experiment. Palcohol is great on so many foods. Remember, you have to add Palcohol AFTER a dish is cooked as the alcohol will burn off if you cook with it…and that defeats the whole purpose."

The U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau approved Palcohol for retail and it will be regulated the same as any other alcoholic beverage and be subject to similar licensing approval requirements.

Gawker initially reported that the brand’s website was promoting the idea of using the powder to discreetly get your alcohol fix on the cheap when attending a sports game, but the Palcohol website has taken down those references and replaced it with the following statement:

“Many media outlets copied some of that old verbiage about taking Palcohol into venues to avoid high drink prices,” the new site states. “But what they didn't include in their stories is that we mentioned on that same page, that you should check with the stadiums first to make sure they allow it.”

Palalcohol is also claiming that the labels featured on their old site are incorrect.

No word yet on pricing information but Palcohol says the product will likely be packaged in a single shot serving.

Good luck world!!1
This is the article. Virginia and North Carolina are supposed to make it illegal as well.

Have we really lost all are humanity? This is the worst thing I have seen in awhile. Dear god people! To all the so called christians out there you should be ashamed of yourselves. Your savior Jesus spent all his time with the poor!! We have so lost are way when we give away billions. The U.S. sent approximately $37,680,000,000 overseas to other countries and yet we make it illegal to be homeless. WTF is wrong with us as a country? They are not all just looking for hand out and even if they were who gives a shit!! Not when we as a country give billions to companies that in turn do not pay taxes. So what in the world are we doing? Have we been so blinded by greed we rather give money to the rich, fight wars and bribe other countries than take care of our own citizens? This hatred of the less fortunate has to stop people. Right now tonight it is estimated that some 45,000 to 50,000 recent Vet's are homeless tonight. I fucking love it when people say they support the troops/Vet's. So I ask them how and they say things like Um.. Ya great job jackass. I really do not even know what to say anymore. Everyone is going to say that they are lazy and blah fucking blah. While we give billions of dollars away to other countries. We as American Citizens we should be ashamed of ourselves turning our back on are own. Hell I am and frankly so should you!!1 



Random Topics / Town fires its police force!!1
April 03, 2014, 02:06:36 PM
This is what people can do when they work together!!1

Random Topics / Operation American Spring (OAS)!!1
March 30, 2014, 01:45:47 AM
After you read this what are your thoughts and concerns!!1

Friday May 16th 2014

OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING - Washington, D.C. in the cross-hairs - The Out-of-Control Government Leadership Must Be Stopped



(Please add the above title and some or all data from below to your FB, Twitter, Blog, Email list)

TO: Patriots (black, white, red, yellow, brown, male, female, civilian, military, truckers, bikers, militias, veterans, old, young, every American that loves freedom and liberty)

Mission: Restoration of Constitutional government, rule of law, freedom, liberty "of the people, by the people, for the people" from despotic and tyrannical federal leadership.

Millions of Americans will participate.
American veterans and patriots are energized to end the tyranny, lawlessness, and shredding of the US Constitution.
Government is not the target, it is sound; corrupt and criminal leadership must be replaced.
Those in power will not hesitate to use force against unarmed, peaceful patriots exercising their constitutional rights.
Patriots may be killed, wounded, incarcerated.
There is no hope given today's technology of secrecy for the effort nor do we want it secret.

Concept of Operations:
Phase 1 - Field millions, as many as ten million, patriots who will assemble in a peaceful, non-violent, physically unarmed (Spiritually/Constitutionally armed), display of unswerving loyalty to the US Constitution and against the incumbent government leadership in Washington D.C., with the mission to replace with law abiding leadership. Go full-bore, no looking back, steadfast in the mission.

Phase 2 - One million or more of the assembled 10 million must be prepared to stay in D.C. as long as it takes to see Obama, Biden, Reid, McConnell, Boehner, Pelosi, and Attorney General Holder removed from office.
Consistent with the US Constitution, as required, the U.S. Congress will take appropriate action, execute appropriate legislation, deal with vacancies, or U.S. States will appoint replacements for positions vacated consistent with established constitutional requirements.

Phase 3 - Those with the principles of a West, Cruz, Dr. Ben Carson, Lee, DeMint, Paul, Gov Walker, Sessions, Gowdy, Jordan, should comprise a tribunal and assume positions of authority to convene investigations, recommend appropriate charges against politicians and government employees to the new U.S. Attorney General appointed by the new President.

*All actions in Phase 2 & 3 will be consistent with the U.S. Constitution.

Date of Operation: "OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING - Beginning Of Tyranny Housecleaning, May 16, 2014, completion to be determined

We are past the point of no return, thus must move forward with an effort to save our nation, as there is no other choice. We are asking, pleading with you, and any others that have resources, national voices, email lists, blogs, FB, Twitter, to call for a non-violent American Spring May 16 2014 in Washington D.C. We must appeal to ten million and more American patriots to come and stay in Washington, D.C. to stop the White House and Congress from total destruction of the United States. It's now or never. God help us.

.....the law of nature rules. A fluffy, cuddly lamb gets eaten by a mean old wolf is not an illegal or immoral event...the law of nature. When some greedy, self-serving occupant of the White House or Congress, or elements outside America, is threatening our existence, our freedom, our liberty, our Constitution, our life resources, our America, then we fight back to destroy the threat and there is nothing immoral or illegal about it. When the government becomes lawless, then "we the people" no longer are obligated to follow the government......there is no law when government picks and chooses for political purposes or personal agenda. At this time the government is performing as a lawless entity......

A duck cannot be turned into a fox; an elephant cannot be turned into a flea; the laws of nature will not permit.
Likewise, a nation ordained and principled by the laws of nature, sovereign, free, with liberty for all cannot naturally become a nation guided by royalty, decrees, tyranny, elitist, self-serving criminals. The former has proven desirable, the latter has proven human pain.
"We can become a nation guided by royalty IF "we the people" beguiled by the government in surrender to our lusts for that which we have not earned --for what is not natural --if we have become intoxicated by unbroken success" as Lincoln proclaimed in March 30 ,1863 call for fasting, humiliation, and prayer--we can very easily heap to ourselves leaders, and with itching ears, be turned from the Truth to become enslaved by the LIE."
The United States of America (elephant) while embracing the "LIE" is teetering on the abyss of becoming a sniveling, blood sucking, undesirable nation (flea).

OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING will be a gigantic step in removing the flea infestation that is sucking the blood out of America.

We see no reasonable, hopeful sign that indicates there are honorable, loyal, mature, critical thinking, experienced people in government that understands the chaos about to rain down on America, nor do they care....our only hope is that "we the people" call, organize, and draw a few million patriots to stay in D.C. for an "American Spring". It would be the catalyst to draw the line and bring to a conclusion a decision on the out of control government, one way or the other. America will rise up or surrender.........for me, I only go to my knees in the presence of God Almighty...........my knees will not touch the surface as a result of some piss ant occupant of the White House or a corrupt legislator, or outside element...I will fall to my death standing if necessary.




There is not much time and the only planning necessary is to select a starting date, which we have done, and then show up in Washington, D.C. on that date, and plan to stay for the duration. The goal is restoring the US Constitution as the law of the land, removing the lawless leadership. Will this be a cake-walk? No, it will be painful, and some people may die because the government will not be non-violent; some of us will end up in a cell, and some may be injured. If that's what it will take to save our nation, do we have any choice? Freedom loving Americans will say there is no choice, we must begin the second American Revolution. Not with guns, but with millions of Americans demanding a return to constitutional government and the resignation of Obama, Biden, Reid, McConnell, Boehner, Pelosi, and Holder as a start...then the constitutional restoration process can begin. An AMERICAN SPRING can be avoided only if the above mentioned officials resign.

Will our national patriot leaders step forward and declare, "send me", I'll lead? There are millions of veterans and patriots ready to follow and have said "I will go".

I urge all organizations, groups, particularly veterans and military retirees begin planning to visit Washington, D.C beginning May 16, 2014. Keep tuned to Constitutional Emergency/Patriots for America www.patriotsforamerica.ning.com for updates and guidance.

Please bathe this effort in prayer as there is no personal agenda or gain save liberty, freedom, and restoration of constitutional government for "we the people".

Harry Riley, COL, USA, Ret
Technology / TOR !!1
December 23, 2013, 05:01:15 PM
TOR or the Onion Router does anyone used it or know what it is? This is what I have found...So what is TOR and how can you use it? Basically, TOR is a network that bounces your searches and communications all over the Internet via several different computers making them hard to track. You access TOR using a special browser or an app!!1
Random Topics / Film Every Encounter With Police!!1
December 23, 2013, 10:23:07 AM
      Did you know it is ok to film the police? So why do they get so mad? If they have nothing to hide whats the big deal? I mean they tell me this all the time when they try to search my car or ask for my ID. The only problem is I have the right to film them they do not have the right to search me for my ID unless I am being detained for a crime.
      The filming of government officials engaged in their duties in a public place, including police officers performing their responsibilities, fits comfortably within these principles. Gathering information about government officials in a form that can readily be disseminated to others serves a cardinal First Amendment interest in protecting and promoting “the free discussion of governmental affairs.” Mills v. Alabama, 384 U.S. 214, 218 (1966). Moreover, as the Court has noted, “[f]reedom of expression has particular significance with respect to government because ‘t is here that the state has a special incentive to repress opposition and often wields a more effective power of suppression.’” First Nat’l Bank, 435 U.S. at 777 n.11 (alteration in original) (quoting Thomas Emerson,Toward a General Theory of the First Amendment 9 (1966)). This is particularly true of law enforcement officials, who are granted substantial discretion that may be misused to deprive individuals of their liberties. Cf. Gentile v. State Bar of Nev., 501 U.S. 1030, 1035-36 (1991) (observing that “[t]he public has an interest in [the] responsible exercise” of the discretion granted police and prosecutors). Ensuring the public’s right to gather information about their officials not only aids in the uncovering of abuses, see id. at 1034-35 (recognizing a core First Amendment interest in “the dissemination of information relating to alleged governmental misconduct”), but also may have a salutary effect on the functioning of government more generally, see Press-Enter. Co.v. Superior Court, 478 U.S. 1, 8 (1986) (noting that “many governmental processes operate best under public scrutiny”).!!1
Politics / The Two Party System is an Illusion....
November 21, 2013, 05:15:55 PM
I have been awake since I was 18 yrs old, I'm 36 now. I started speaking out against both Democrats and Republicans since then and still do to day. I get more crap from that than for being a felon( got four years in prison for one ounce of marijuana). So year after year you hear the same crap it's the Republicans fault or it's the Demarcates fault. The system now days is set up to keep American citizens fighting each other while they(both Dem & Rep) get rich from corporations. They both belong to the greed party and this party is taking everything from us while we fight like little kids of which is better Coke or Pepsi. They are both soda no matter how you look at it and soda has nor will ever be good for you. This goes for the two party system. I always vote for a true independent(not some Dem or Rep acting like one) not matter what if one is not their I write one in. We as American's are doing the same thing over and over the same way and expecting a different out come!!1 
Choose but choose wisely!!1
I was looking on Facebook and this really got to me"Why are we the only species to pay to live on Earth". I thought about this for a while and still don't know why. Who was the first person to say hay I own that part of land and if you want anything from this area you must pay? Who was the  person that said ok, sure how much? Was it religion that started this? Economics? Or have we been fooled by the elite who make the rules from thin air? So explain to me what makes it ok to own land, when we are nothing but mammals just another species on the plant? 
Random Topics / Million Mask March
November 05, 2013, 12:33:02 AM
Come and stand with your fellow citizens against greed and government corruption. Show them are strength; over 400 cities are taking part around the world. Remember we are all one!!1
Politics / Why good people do Horrible things!!1
August 08, 2013, 12:59:39 AM


Have you ever stood by and did nothing out of fear? I have and still to this day regret it and will do my best never to let it happen again!!1

Random Topics / America's Largest Street Gang!!1
August 06, 2013, 02:05:17 PM
America's Largest Street Gang (FULL) When you have some time go to you-tube and watch this video and then tell me what you think just remember you are eight times more likely to be killed by a Peace Officer than a Terrorist!!1
Politics / Your Rights Are Fading Away!!
July 11, 2013, 12:33:42 PM
We as Americans have rights and we are slowly giving them away. Now as for me I fight for my rights, as well as yours! So I'm getting a little sick of people not standing up for their rights. Not only that but people are degrading those who stand up for their rights. As low level terrorist, tea baggers, crazies, and a ton of other degrading terms which is a load of crap! So stand with your fellow citizens when they hit the streets to protect their and your rights as American citizens. Or just sit their and keep your mouth shut and watch them fade away!!1
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