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Topics - LacyWoodrow

First, I am venting for the first time ever on Coast to Coast. Yes I miss Art, but I held my breath on the new color of hosts, so this post doesn't come lightly. I made an account here just to share since I found out there was a group of minded people who've reached this conclusion before I did. So here it goes.

I had some company over from out of town, and took vacation time, as tonite was to be special. I spoke the day before about C2C's famous G2G special, and we all made a deal of staying up, cooking some snacks, and starting up the fireplace. There was a group of adults and children so highly anticipating it, they almost got scared of what kind of spooky radio station was about to unfold.

I tuned in, and after some intro to the storm, news updates, more storm talks, I looked and saw that we were an hour in still and many countless commercial breaks later, still no Ghost storys.
My company was loosing interest fast, as was I.

My sister called in the show, as I coaxed her to do, and see if she could be reached about a great childhood ghost story that I and her both shared. So the call was screened, and she waited in the other room patiently while we listening in. The room's excitement grew because we thought we could hear her story live.
Finally the break is over! Time for Ghost story calls... no wait, another commercial break about Carnavious... Ok grab a quick snack and a cup oh hot chocolate. Kids all half way awake as some of the adults. George is back, first phone call, some crazy story comes in, not bad, but not the best. A few calls here and there, George seems to be off track, not interested in his callers, asks questions that could make even a ghost bored. The hours over. Sister's hands getting tired from holding the phone.

Second hour, my sister is still on hold, more calls, it seems lacking, but surely some great storys will come in soon. By now the kids are asleep, as are most of the adults, and sister still hanging on the phone in the other room on hold.
Final hour comes, nothing, storys lacked, and what storys might have been great George destroys by questions, comments, or odd 2-bit lines. Many Commercial breaks later, were down to the

last half of the final hour.  Our hopes are nearly add deminished. George decides to read a passage from H.G Wells novel until the remained of the show. The passage was so boring, even with Georges voice acting, I could not bare it. At that point I was just waiting for him to shut up. 
I was so red with anger. This man sure does know how to run people off. I vowed to never listen to Coast 2 Coast ever again.

Some points to be made. 1 night out of 365 for G2G, and he wasted with talk of the storm. We can hear about the storm on the news, or other radio talk. A man who's suppost to be a psychic waste the time by a prediction of floods, but still used the word "Possible" when prediction more floods next month. He failed to call the man out, almost insulting myself and other listeners I'm sure. Each time he has a guest, it's a book commercial. So the shows one giant commercial, along with 50% of the out of the box advertising.
People call in talking about their pets for the 5th or 6th time, and guests who I believe need to be in the crazy house are accepted by George as if all his listeners believe it. Well, I wouldn't have admit all of this until tonite, when now I am letting it all out. So there u have it.
He thinks his voice is great, but it's down right phoney, and lacks any interest. He's doing it for a paycheck and nothing more, so I guess I cannot blaim him for that. But the man needs to step aside and let someone who has interest in it. And why didn't he give 2 or 3 nights to do Ghost 2 Ghost? Do they need the money from book sells THAT much?

If I have anyone give me an earfull of why I'm wrong, and George is a great host, I'd like to knock some sense into them. This man is a phoney, and he turned a great traditional show into a play ground of audio wasteland. I'm done with him and the show for good. My kind sister also wanted add in this "even though this was the first time hearing it, I'd rather sit and watch a clock in silence than listen to that over again."

Thanks for letting me vent my wasted night last night, I really did want to get that off my chest.

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